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Matematický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i.

Some of the past conferences organized by the Institute

CCC'06, 21st Annual IEEE Computational Complexity Conference
Prague, July 16 - 20, 2006
Contact: ccc06@math.cas.cz

NAFSA 8, Spring School on Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications 8
Prague, May 30 - June 6, 2006
Contact: nafsa8@math.cas.cz

PANM 13, Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 13
in honor of Ivo Babuška's 80th birthday
Prague, May 28 - 31, 2006
Contact: panm13@math.cas.cz

Fall school of the Logic Seminar
Pec pod Snezkou, September 11-17, 2005
Contact: Jan Krajicek

WSEAS congress - a special session in memory of late Prof. Necas
Corfu, Greece, August 20-21, 2005
Contact: Sarka Necasova <matus@math.cas.cz>

Seminar in honor of 100th birthday of late Prof. Josef Novak
Prague, April 27, 2005

The 33rd Winter School in Abstract Analysis, Section of Topology
Raspenava u Liberce, January 29 - February 5, 2005
Contact: Bohuslav Balcar <balcar@math.cas.cz>

The 25th Winter School Geometry and Physics
Srní, January 15 - 22, 2005
Contact: Jiri Vanzura

Fall school of the Logic Seminar
Pec pod Snezkou, September 12-18, 2004

EVEQ 2004, 6th International Summer School on Evolution Equations
Prague, July 12 - 16, 2004

PANM'04, 12th Seminar on Programs and Alorithms of Numerical Mathematics
Dolni Maxov, June 6 -- June 11, 2004
Contact: Tomas Vejchodsky

FSDONA 2004, Function Spaces, Differential Operators and Nonlinear Analysis
Milovy, Czech Republic, May 28 - June 2, 2004

ICDEA 2003, 8th International Conference on  Difference Equations and Applications
Brno, July 28 - August 1, 2003

Fall school of the Logic seminar
Pec pod Snezkou, September 14 - 20, 2003

Nonlinear Analysis
Paseky nad Jizerou, April 27 - May 3, 2003
Contact: paseky@karlin.mff.cuni.cz

International Colloquium in Memory of Jindrich Necas
Prague, March 28 - 29, 2003
Contact: Josef Malek <malek@karlin.mff.cuni.cz>

The 31st Winter School in Abstract Analysis, Section of Topology
Litice u Ceske Lipy, January 25 - February 1, 2003
Contact: Bohuslav Balcar <balcar@math.cas.cz

The 23rd Winter School Geometry and Physics
Srni, January 18 -25, 2003
Contact: Jiri Vanzura <vanzura@ipm.cz>

Memorial seminar on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Institute
Prague, December 12, 2002

NAFSA 7, 7th Spring School on Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications
Prague, July 17-22, 2002

MFM2, Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
Trest, July 6-11,2002

PANM'02, 11th Seminar on Programs and Alorithms of Numerical Mathematics
Dolni Maxov, June 9-14, 2002
Contact: Petr Prikryl <prikryl@math.cas.cz>

EQUADIFF 10, Czechoslovak International Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications
Prague, August 27-31, 2001

MFCS 2001, 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Marianske Lazne, August 27-31, 2001

TOPOSYM, 9th Prague Topological Symposium
Prague, August 19-25, 2001

The Institute also organizes or takes part in the organization of several series of international conferences, symposia, summer or winter schools, e.g., The Prague Topological Symposium (TOPOSYM, 5 year period, since 1961), Czechoslovak Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications (EQUADIFF, 4 year period, since 1962), Winter School of Abstract Analysis (every year since 1973), Winter School of Geometry and Physics (every year since 1981), Spring School Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications (4 year period, since 1978), School of Evolution Differential Equations (EVEQ, 4 year period, since 1984), Spring School of Functional Analysis (every year since 1972 till 1993), Function Spaces, Differential Operators and Nonlinear Analysis (every 3-4 years since 1988).

Adresa: Matematický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Žitná 25, 115 67 Praha 1
Tel.: +420-222-090-711 (ústředna) Fax: +420-222-090-701 E-mail: mathinst@math.cas.cz