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5 Mar 09 - 11 Dec 09
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Buksa, M.: Fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained materials. (in Czech). PhD thesis, 2008.
Mintách, R.: Fatigue properties of Ni base superalloys at high mean stress. (in Czech). PhD thesis, 2008.
Seitl, S., Knésl, Z. Two Parameter Fracture Mechanics: Fatigue Crack Behavior under Mixed Mode Conditions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 75, Issues 3-4, 857-865, 2008
Majer, Z., Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Influence of particle-matrix interphase on stress distribution in particulate composite with polymer matrix, Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol.1, 143-148, 2007
Šestáková, L., Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., Fracture mechanics parameters of multilayer pipes, Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, 299-306, 2007
Klusák, J., Knésl, Z.: Determination of crack initiation direction from a bi-material notch based on the strain energy density concept, Computational Materials Science (2007), Volume 39, issue 1, pp. 214-218.
Klusák, J., Knésl, Z., Náhlík, L. Crack initiation criteria for singular stress concentrations, Part II: Stability of sharp and bi-material notches, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 409-422, 2007
Knésl, Z., Klusák, J., Náhlík, L. Crack initiation criteria for singular stress concentrations, Part I: A universal assessment of singular stress concentrations, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 399-408, 2007
Knésl, Z., Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Nezbedová, E., Vlach, B., Role of particle size and filler matrix on stress state in thermoplastic composites, Computational modeling and experiment of composite materials, Liptovský Mikuláš, 2007
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Buksa, M., Wang, Q., Zheng, M.: Microstructural Response of Ultrafine-Grained Copper to Fatigue Loading. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13 (2007) 512-518.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P.: Deformation Behaviour and Fracture of Ni-Based Single Crystals at Simultaneous Action of High-Cycle Fatigue and Creep. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (2/2007) 15-20
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Z. Zúberová: Únava ultrajemnozrnných materiálů. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (3/2007) 8 – 12.
Zúberová, Z., Kunz, L., Lamark, T. T., Estrin, Y., Janeček, M.: Fatigue and Tensile Behaviour of Cast, Hot Holled and Severely Plastically Deformed AZ31 Magnesium Alloy. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1934-1940.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Mintách, R.: Effect of Vibrations on Lifetime of Ni Base Single Crystals Subjected to Tensile Stress. MSMF-5 Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2007) 293-296.
Wang, Q., Xu, Ch., Zheng, M., Zhu, J., Buksa, M., Kunz, L.: Fatigue Property of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by ECAP. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 43 (2007) 498-502.
Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., The influence of loading ratio on fatigue crack propagation through a bi-material interface, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 348-349, 317-320, 2007
Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., Transverse cracking of layered structures: evaluation of fatigue crack propagation, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 565-568, pp. 221-224, 2007
Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P., Estimation of the crack propagation direction of a crack touching the interface between two elastic materials, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 565-568, pp. 225-228, 2007
Seitl S., Hutař, P.: Fatigue crack propagation near threshold region in framework two-parameter fracture mechanics, Journal Materials and Technology, 2007, 41(3), 135-138
Seitl, S., Klusák, J., Keršner, Z.: The influence of a notch width on a crack growth for various configurations of three-point bending specimens, Materials Engineering Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 213-219, 2007
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Effect of Low Temperature on Fatigue Life and Cyclic Stress-Strai.n Response of UFG Copper. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1910-1915.
LUKÁŠ, P., KUNZ, L., SVOBODA, M.: Overview of Fatigue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Severe Plastic deformation. Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2007) 9-16.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue Behavior of Ultrafine-grained Copper in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. In: Proc. of Fourth Int. Conf. On Very High Cycle Fatigue, TMS Publication, J.E. Allison et al., eds., TMS (2007), 265-270.
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Numerical investigations of corner singularities in cracked bodies, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 348-349, 377-380, 2007
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Kunz, L., Matušek, P., Model analysis of fatigue crack growth during EN 13262 wheel standard testing, 15 International Wheelset Congress, Praha, 2007
Last update
20. 03. 2008