Dr. Libor Pechar
Doctor of Natural Sciences (RNDr), Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague 1982
PhD (CSc), Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague 1988
Associated Scientist

Dukelská 145, CZ-37901 Třeboň
Phone: +420 384706183
Fax: +420 384706183
Current projects
Fields of interest
Limnology and hydrochemistry, ecology and ecophysiology of phytoplankton and cyanobacterial water blooms, impact of fishery management on fishpond ecosystems, impact of landscape management on water quality and ecological functioning of wetlands
- Mašín, M., Nedoma, J., Pechar, L. and Koblížek, M. (2008) Distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in temperate freshwater systems. In: Environmental Microbiology. Vol 10 (8), pp. 1988-1999.
- Potužák, J, Hůda, J. and Pechar, L. (2007) Changes in fish production effectivity in eutrophic fishponds – impact of zooplankton structure. In: Aquaculture Internat. Vol 15, pp. 201-210.
- Pithart, D.; Pichlová, R.; Bílý, M.; Hrbáček, J.; Novotná, K.; Pechar, L (2007) Spatial and temporal diversity of small shallow waters in river Lužnice floodplain. In: Hydrobiologia. Vol 584, pp. 265-275.
- Procházka, J., Včelák, V., Wotavová, K., Štíchová, J., Pechar, L. (2006) Holistic concept of landscape assessment: case study of three small catchment in the Šumava mountains. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 25 (3), pp. 5-17.
- Hellebrandová, K., Bodlák, L., Štíchová, J., Pechar, L. (2006) Land use and water quality in the upper Stropnice river catchment. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 25 (3), pp. 27-40.
- Masojídek,J., Pechar,L., Koblížek,M., Adamec,L., Komenda,J. (2001) Affinity of surface phytoplankton populations to high irradiance in hypertrophic fish ponds: implications of the competition between chlorococcal algae and cyanobacteria. In: Nova Hedwigia. Vol 123, pp. 255-273.
- Šantrůčková,H., Picek,T., Šimek,M., Bauer,V., Kopecký,J., Pechar,L., Lukavská,J., Čížková,H. (2001) Decomposition processes in soil of a healthy and a declining Phragmites australis stand. In: Aquat. Bot.. Vol 69, pp. 217-234.
- Čížková, H., Pechar, L., Husák, Š., Květ, J., Bauer, V., Radová, J., Edwards, K. (2001) Chemical characteristics of soils and pore waters of three wetland sites dominated by Phragmites australis: relation to vegetation composition and reed performance.. In: Aquatic Botany. Vol 69, pp. 235-249.
- Masojídek J., Grobbelaar J. U., Pechar L., Koblížek M. (2001) Photosystem II electron transport rate and oxygen production in natural waterblooms of freshwater cyanobacteria during a diel cycle. In: J. Plankton Res.. Vol 23, pp. 57-66.
- Koblížek,M., Komenda,J., Masojídek,J. and Pechar,L. (2000) Cell aggregation of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus: Role of electron transport chain. In: J. Phycol.. Vol 36, pp. 662-668.
- Pechar,L. (2000) Impacts of long-term changes in fishery management on the trophic level and water quality in Czech fish ponds. In: Fisheries Management and Ecology (Blackwell Sci.). Vol 7 (1-2), pp. 23-32.
- Picek,T., Lusby,F., Čížková,H., Šantrůčková,H., Šimek,M., Květ,J. and Pechar,L. (2000) Microbial activities in soils of a healthy and a declining reed stands. In: Hydrobiologia. Vol 418, pp. 45-55.