Mgr. Lenka Polačiková
Pozice: doktorand
Oddělení: Oddělení ekologie ptáků
Telefon: +420 543 422 550
E-mail: polacikova
2008M. HONZA, L. POLAČIKOVÁ: Experimental reduction of ultraviolet wavelengths reflected from parasitic eggs affects rejection behaviour in the blackcap Sylvia atricapilla, Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (2008) 2519-2523.
L. POLAČIKOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. I. CHERRY, M. HONZA: Choosing suitable hosts: common cuckoos Cuculus canorus parasitize great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus of high quality, Evolutionary Ecology (2008) .
2007M. HONZA, L. POLAČIKOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA: Ultraviolet and green parts of the colour spectrum affect egg rejection in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 92 (2007) 269-276.
L. POLAČIKOVÁ, M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, J. TOPERCER, B. G. STOKKE: Colour characteristics of the blunt egg pole: cues for recognition of parasitic eggs as revealed by reflectance spectrophotometry, Animal Behaviour 74 (2007) 419-427.