
Ing. Michal Heřman


Ing. (1991, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni,
obor počítačová grafika)


pracovník oddělení informačních technologií
vedoucí oddělení IT
Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Tel.: +420 387775654
Fax: +420 385310249

Současné zaměření

údžba počítačových sítí, PC, WWW, administrace poštovního serveru (CentOS)
počítačová grafika, programování v C++ a PHP

Dřívější výsledky

1992-2005 pracovník oddělení dálkového průzkumu Země a geoinformačních systémů

Řešené projekty:
  • 2005 FW6 Integrated Project 0100036-2; SEAMLESS: System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society; Sub-priority: 6.3 - Global Change and Ecosystem
  • 2004-2006 Czech Science Foundation (GACR); Sedláček (Univ. South Bohemia), Zemek (ISBE); Subdivision in small mammals population by natural and anthropogenic landscape barriers
  • 1999-2001 Extreme hydrological Phenomenons in Landscape; Grant agency of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator - FS CVUT Prague
  • 1999-2001 Integrated risk assessment and new pest management technology in ecosystems affected by forest decline and bark beetle outbreaks; EC, co-ordinator of the czech part - ILE CAS.
  • 1998 The reasons of decrease of water-management role of the forest in Landscape - care of Landscape; Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator AOPK
  • 1995-1997 Sustainable development strategies and carrying capacity and revenue mechanisms for Šumava Biosphere reserve; grant GA ČR, koordinátor - ÚEK AV ČR
  • 1995-1997 Future of Šumava region from the point of view of methods of Landscape use; Grant agency of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator - ILE CAS.
  • 1994-1996 Map and evaluation of topical state of vegetation on forest soil found on territory of national park and protected Landscape area Šumava; Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator - Šumava National Park and Protected Area Administration
  • 1993-1997 Emission Abatement Strategies and the Environment; EC, co-ordinator of the czech part - ILE CAS.
