Mgr. Mirka Šprtová, PhD.
PhD. (2004, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, obor Biofyzika)
Mgr. (1994, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, obor Biofyzika)
zástupce vedoucího Laboratoře ekologické fyziologie rostlin
vedoucí pracovní skupiny disimilace uhlíku

Poříčí 3b, 603 00 Brno
Tel.: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543211560
Současné zaměření
Ekofyziologie, fotosyntetická asimilace
Rámcové programy EU
- Urban O., Šprtová M., Košvancová M., Tomášková I., Lichtenthaler H.K., Marek M.V. (2008) Comparison of photosynthetic induction and transient limitations during the induction phase in young and mature leaves from three poplar clones. In: Tree Physiology. Vol 28, pp. 1189-1197.
- Šprtová, M., Marek, M.V., Urban, O.,Kalina, J., Špunda, V. (2008) Differences in the photosynthetic UV-B response between European beech (Fagus sylvatioca L.) and Norway spruce (Pice abies (l.) Karst.) saplings. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 27 (2), pp. 130-142.
- Urban O., Janouš D., Acosta M., Czerný R., Marková I., Navrátil M., Pavelka M., Pokorný R., Šprtová M., Zhang R., Špunda V., Grace J., Marek M.V. (2007) Ecophysiological controls over the net ecosystem exchange of mountain spruce stand. Comparison of the response in direct vs. diffuse solar radiation. In: Global Change Biology. Vol 13 (1), pp. 157-168.
- Urban O., Ač A., Kalina J., Priwitzer T., Šprtová M., Špunda V.and Marek MV. (2007) Temperature dependences of carbon assimilation processes in four dominant species from mountain grassland ecosystem. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 45 (3), pp. 392-399.
- Špunda V., Kalina J., Urban O., Luis D.V., Gonzáles I.S., Puertolas J., Šprtová M. and Marek M.V. (2005) Diurnal dynamics of photosynthetic parameters of Norway spruce trees cultivated under ambient and elevated CO2. The reasons of midday depression in CO2 assimilation. In: Plant Science. Vol 168 (5), pp. 1371-1381.
- Šprtová, M., Špunda, V.,Kalina, J., Marek, M.V.,(2003) (2003) Photosynthetic UV-B response of the young forest tree saplings. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 41 (4), pp. 533-543.
- Marek, M.V., Urban,O., Šprtová, M., Pokorný, R., Rosová, Z., Kulhavý J. (2002) Photosynthetic assimilation of sun versus shade needles under long-term impact of elevated CO2. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 40, pp. 259-267.
- O. Urban, D. Janouš, R. Pokorný, I. Marková, M. Pavelka, Z. Fojtík, M. Šprtová, J. Kalina, M.V. Marek (2001) Glass domes with adjustable windows: A novel technique for exposing juvenile forest stands to elevated CO2 concentration. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 395-401.
- Marek, M.V., Šprtová, M., Urban, O., Špunda V. (2001) Chlorophyll a fluorescence response of Norway spruce needles to the long-term effect of elevated CO2 is determined by their position within the canopy. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 427-435.
- Marek, M.V., Šprtová, M., DeAngelis, P., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G. (2001) Spatial distribution of photosynthetic response to long-term influence of elevated CO2 in a mediterranean Macchia mini-ecosystem. In: Plant Science. Vol 160, pp. 1125-1136.
- Šprtová, M., Marek, M.V. and Nedbal, L. (2000) Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in Norway spruce needles. In: Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol 156, pp. 234-241.
- Šprtová, M., Marek, M.V., Janouš, D. (2000) Enhanced UV-B radiation: a possible harmful environmenatl factor of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) photosynthesis. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 19, pp. 35-47.
- Šprtová, M., Marek, M.V. (2000) Response of photosynthesis to radiation and intercellular CO2 concentration in sun and shade shoots of Norway spruce. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 37, pp. 442-444.