Dlouhý, I., Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z.: Tensile Properties of Open Cell Cermaic Foams; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 168-175.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, Il, Gürbüz, S., Dericioglu, A.F., Kozák, V.: Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 252-259 (gr. výzk. zám.,3651, 1511)
Černý, M., Chlup, Z., Sucharda, Z., Glogar, P.: Fracture properties of basalt fibre composites with cured of pyrolysed matrix; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 326-329.
Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Boccaccini, A. R.: Changes in Fracture Micromechanism with Increasing Reinforcement Volume Fraction in Glass Matrix Composite; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 369-372 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Řehořek, L., Dlouhý, I.: Quantification of fracture surfaces using confocal laser microscopy and selected quantitative parameters, 2008, IC London, seminar lecture –nepublik. přednáška.
Dlouhý, I., Strnadel, B.: The effect of crack propagation mechanism on the fractal dimension of fracture surfaces in steel; Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75, 2008, 3-4, 726-738
Dlouhý, I., Jurášek L., Holzmann, M.: The effect of Lüders’ flow on brittle fracture initiation in pearlitic steel; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 413-416 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Dlouhý, I., Kotoul, M., Vysloužil, T., Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A. R.: Crack resistance curve in glass matrix composite reinforced by long SiC fibres; Journal of Materials Science 43, No. 12, pp. 4022–4030, DOI 10.1007/s10853-007-2317-z.
Boccaccini, D. N., Cannio, M., Volkov-Husoviæ, T. D., Kamseu, E., Romagnoli, M., Veronesi, P., Leonelli, C., Dlouhý, I., Boccaccini, A. R.: Service life prediction for refractory materials; Journal of Materials Science 43, No. 12 (2008), pp. 4079–4090, DOI 10.1007/s10853-007-2315-1.
Kotoul, M., Vysloužil, T., Boccaccini, A. R., Dlouhý, I.: Crack growth in glass matrix composite reinforced by long SiC fibres; Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 49, No. 2, 2008, pp. 158-170 doi:10.1016/j.tafmec.2007.11.001.
Dlouhý, I., Hadraba, H., Chlup. Kozák, V, M. Holzmann: Současné koncepce hodnocení křehkolomových charakteristik ocelí (významné pro hodnocení lomové odolnosti svaru); konf. Zvariteľnosť a degradačné mechanizmy vlastností TOO zvarových spojov, pozvaná přednáška od IBOK a.s. (pořádané ve spolupráci se Slovenskou zváračskou spoločnosťou).
Brumek, J., Strnadel, B., Dlouhý, I.: Inentification of Elastic Plastic Isotropic Parameters Using Inverse Analysis of Instrumented Indentation Technique; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 359-364.
Strnadel, B., Dlouhý, I.: Fractalanisotropy and Heterogeneity of Fracture Surfaces in Steel; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 365-372.
Iino, Y., Švejcar, J., Dlouhý, I., Forejt, M.: Effect of Strain Rate 10-4 to 103 s-1 on Room Temperature Tensile Properties and Notched Plastic Zone of Type 304 stainless Steel; 17th Eutopean conference on Fracture, Brno, 2008, pp. 773-779.
Dlouhý, I.: Lomová houževnatost křehkých materiálů; teze přednášky k profesorskému jmenovacímu řízení v oboru materiálové inženýrství, Brno, 2008, str. 1-26.
Dlouhý, I.; Chlup, Z., Kozák, V.: Micromechanisms and Micomechanics of Fracture of TiAl Intermetalics; Meždunarodnaja konferencija „Sovremennyje problemy fiziki metallov“; 7-9.10.2008, Kyjev, Ukrajina
Dlouhý, I., Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z.: Tensile properties of open cell ceramic foams; Tensile properties of open cell ceramic foams; Fractography of Advanced Ceramics III, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, 2008.
I. Dlouhý, H. Hadraba, T. Šmída, J. Babjak: Predikce teplotní závislosti lomové houževnatosti z parametrů tahových zkoušek (Prediction of Fracture Toughness Temperature Diagram from Tensile Test Parmaeters); 22nd International conference on Heat Treatment, Brno, 2008, s. 11-20.
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Hadraba, H., Kozák, V.: Fracture behaviour of TiAl intermetalics; 1ST AFRICAN INTERQUADRENNIAL ICF CONFERENCE, DAMAGE AND FRACTURE MECHANICS;FAILURE ANALYSIS OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. JUNE 1 – 5 JUIN 2008, AIC International Conference of Fracture, Algiers, 2008, Proc. on CD ROM (bude v Springer Book)
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Hadraba, H., Kozák, V.: Fracture Toughness and Fracture Mechanisms in TiAl Based Intermetalics; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 235-243.
Kotoul, M.; Pokluda, J.; Šandera, P. Dlouhý, I.; Chlup, Z.; Boccaccini, A.R.: Toughening effects quantification in glass matrix composite reinforced by alumina platelets. Acta Materialia. 2008. 56(12). p. 2908-2918.
Hadraba, H., Maca, K., Chlup, Z.: Alumina and Zirconia Based Layered Composites: Part 1 Preparation, EPD2008, AWAJI, Japonsko.
Hadraba, H., Němec, O., Dlouhý, I.: Conversion of transgranular to intergranular fracture in NiCr steels; Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75 (2008) 12, pp. 3677-3691, DOI 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2007.08.006.
Hadraba, H., Dlouhý, I.: Fracture Behaviour of RAFM stee Eurofer´97 after Thermal Ageing; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 225-233.
Hadraba, H., Dlouhý, I.: Fracture Behavior of EUROFER´97 Steel After Thermal Ageing; 17th Eutopean conference on Fracture, Brno, 2008, pp. 1389-1396.
Hadraba, H., Dlouhý, I.: Zkřehnutí oceli EUROFER´97 v důsledku tepelné expozice (Embrittlement of EUROFER´97 steel due to thermal exposition); 22nd International conference on Heat Treatment, Brno, 2008, s. 65-72.
Zdenek Chlup, Hynek Hadraba: Alumina and Zirconia Based Layered Composites: Part 2 Fracture Response, EPD2008, AWAJI, Japonsko.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Gürbüz, S., Dericioglu, A.F., Kozák, V.: Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre, Fractography of Advanced Ceramics III, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, 2008.
Chlup, Z., Harrer, W., Kozák, V., Řehořek, L.: Cone Crack Development during Ball on the Three Balls Test, 17th European conference on Fracture, Brno, ISBN 978-80-214-3692-3, 2008, pp. 2192-2199.
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Kotoji, A., Dlouhý, I.: Fracture behaviour of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramics after crack healing treatment; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 ,2008, 1073-1077
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Dlouhý, I.: Response of Inherently Brittle Materials on Higher Loading Rates; 17th Eutopean conference on Fracture, Brno, 2008, pp. 659-666.
Řehořek, L.: Tensile strehgth of ceramic cellular materrials; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 245-251.
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z.: Cohesive zone model and GTN model collation for ductile crack growth; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 145-148 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I.: A Crack Growth Modelling in Materials with Heterogeneous Microstructure; 17th Eutopean conference on Fracture, Brno, 2008, pp. 350-357.
Dlouhý A., Dočekalová K., Bartak T., Dlouhý I., Zemčík L.: Refractory crucible melting and related mechanical properties of Nb-Containing TiAl Alloys; Structural Aluminides for Elevated Temperatures, TMS Meeting 2008; pp. 9-14.