Oddělení biologické dynamiky

Podřízená oddělení
Pracovní skupina matematické biologieLaboratoř fyziologie a ekologie
Laboratoř buněčné biologie
Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Nedbal, DrSc.
Tel.: +420 386361231
Fax: +420 386361231
Zámek 136, 37333 Nové Hrady, Czech Republic
Current Research Projects:
- 2007-2012 European Science Foundation (ESF) Research Networking Programme „Functional dynamics in Complex Chemical and Biological Systems“ funcdyn.org/ (Nedbal)
- 2007-2009, GAČR (Komárek, 40/3917)
- 2007-2012, FP6-2005-Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health / Specific Targeted Research Project (Nedbal, ): AUTOSCREEN for cell based high-throughput and high-contentgene function analysis and drug discovery screens.
- 2006- , NPVII (Soukupová, 30/4010)
- 2005- , výzkumný záměr ÚSBE AV0Z60870520
- 2005- , výzkumný záměr ÚFB JcU MSM6007665808
References 2005-2008
Ladislav Nedbal, Martin Trtílek, Jan Červený, Ondřej Komárek and Himadri Pakrasi (2008) A photobioreactor system for precision cultivation of photoautotrophic microorganisms and for high-content analysis of suspension dynamics. Biotechnology & Bioengineering. Accepted
Julie Soukupová, Ladislav Csefalvay, Otmar Urban, Martina Košvancová, Michal Marek, Uwe Rascher and Ladislav Nedbal (2008) Annual variation of the steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence emission of evergreen plants in temperate zone. Functional Plant Biology: 35, 1–14
Ladislav Nedbal, Jan Červený, Uwe Rascher, and Henning Schmidt (2007) E-photosynthesis: A modeling approach to understand chlorophyll fluorescence transients and complex dynamic features of photosynthesis in fluctuating light. Photosynth.Res. 93: 223-234
Aleš Holoubek, Jaroslav Večeř, Karel Sigler (2007) Monitoring of the Proton Electrochemical Gradient in Reconstituted Vesicles: Quantitative Measurements of Both Transmembrane Potential and Intravesicular pH by Ratiometric Fluorescent Probes. J Fluorescence. 17 (2): 201-213
Vácha, F., V. Sarafis, Z. Benediktyová, L. Bumba, J. Valenta, M. Vácha, Ch.-R. Sheue and L.Nedbal (2007) Identification of Photosystem I and Photosystem II enriched regions of thylakoid membrane by optical microimaging of cryo-fluorescence emission spectra and of variable fluorescence. Micron 38: 170-175.
Kumud Mishra and Ram Gopal (2007) Detection of nickel - induced stress using laser-induced fluorescence signatures from leaves of wheat seedlings. Internatl. J Remote Sens. Accepted.
Susanne Berger, Zuzana Benediktyová, Karel Matouš, Katharina Bonfig, Martin J. Mueller, Ladislav Nedbal, Thomas Roitsch (2006) Visualization of dynamics of plant-pathogen interaction by novel combination of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and statistical analysis: Differential effects of virulent and avirulent strains of P. syringae and of oxylipins on A. thaliana (2007) J.Exp.Botany. 58 (4): 797-806.
Uwe Rascher and Ladislav Nedbal (2006) Dynamics of plant photosynthesis in fluctuating light. Curr.Opinion Plant Biol. 9: 671-678.
Karel Matous; Zuzana Benediktyova; Susanne Berger; Thomas Roitsch; Ladislav Nedbal (2006) Case study of combinatorial imaging: What protocol and what chlorophyll fluorescence image to use when visualizing infection of Arabidopsis thaliana by Pseudomonas syringae? Photosynth. Res. 90 (3): 243-253
Nedbal L. and Koblížek M. (2006) Chlorophyll fluorescence as a reporter on in vivo electron transport and regulation in plants. In: “Biochemistry and Biophysics of Chlorophylls” (Eds: B. Grimm, R. Porra, W. Rüdiger, H. Scheer), pp.507-519, Springer. ISBN 1-4020-4515-8.
Žabka, M., Drastichová, K., Jegorov, A., Soukupová, J. and Nedbal, L. (2006) Direct evidence of plant-pathogenic activity of fungal metabolites of Trichothecium roseum on apple. Mycopathologia 162 (1) 65-68.
Adamec, F., Kaftan, D. and Nedbal, L. (2005) Stress-induced filament fragmentation of Calothrix elenkinii (CYANOPHYCEAE) is facilitated by death of high-fluorescence cells. J.Phycology 41 (4): 835-839
Nedbal,L., Březina,V, Červený, J. and Trtílek, M. (2005) Photosynthesis in dynamic light: Systems biology of unconventional chlorophyll fluorescence transients in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Photosynth.Res. 84: 99–106
Nedbal, L., Marek, M. and Trtilek, M. (2005) Remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence can yield estimates of sunlight absorbed inside a complex canopy and sense the on/off status of the photosynthetic machinery. In: Remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence (Ed. Fletcher, K.) European Space Agency Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands. ISSN 1022-6656
Department seminars (spring 2007)
- Feb.14 2007, 14:00: Josef Lazar (Columbia University, NYC): A Genetically Encoded Optical Sensor of Membrane Voltage.
- Feb.16 2007, 13:00: Zuzana Benedikty (UFB JcU, NH): Live-Cell Imaging of Cyanothece sp. Report on results obtained during 1 month visit to Wash.University, St.Louis.
- March 2, 2007, 10:00: Karel Matouš and Anamika Mishra (UFB JcU, NH): Plant Species Discrimination.
- March 2, 2007, 10:30: Ladislav Cséfalvay (UFB JcU, NH): Early detection of Plasmopara viticola (Down midley) by kinetic imaging fluorometry.
March 2, 2007, 11:00: Radek Tesař (UFB JcU, NH): Computer vision - Reconstruction
Department seminars (fall 2007)
- 21/08/2007; 10 AM - Radek Tesař - An introduction to 3D- reconstruction of plant Chl-fluorescence.
- 04/09/2007; 10 AM – Anamika Mishra - Towards discrimination of plant species by machine vision: advance statistical analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence transients.
- 18/09/2007; 10 AM – Ladislav Cséfalvay - Early detection of Plasmopara viticola (Downy mildew) by kinetic imaging fluorometry.
- 02/10/2007; 10 AM- Kumud B Mishra - Heterogeneity in Plants Reflectance Indices, PRI
- 16/10/2007; 10 AM - Karel Matouš - Dimensionality-dependency of required amount of data on the number of classes and measured features
- Zuzana Benediktyova - Visualization of plant - pathogen interaction by fluorescence imaging - 30/10/2007; 10 AM - Julie Soukupová - Titanium effect on the Chl fluorescence of spinach plants
- 13/11/2007; 10 AM - Ondřej Komárek - New information from Synechocystis WT and rpaC mutant data interpretation.
- 27/11/2007; 10 AM - Ali Reshak - Enhancing the resolution of two-photon laser scanning microscopy
- Josef Lazar - Novel sensors of membrane protein activity - 11/12/2007; 10 AM - Ladislav Nedbal – On the perspectives of photosynthetic production of biofuels”
- 15/01/2008; 10 AM - Alexey Bondar - Microscopy of fluorescent proteins: highlights and perspectives.
- 29/01/2008; 10 AM - Radek Tesař - 3D reconstruction plant in the computer.
- 12/02/2008; 10 AM - Anamika Mishra - Title pending
- 26/02/2008; 10 AM - Ladislav Cséfalvay- Title pending
- 11/03/2008; 10 AM - Kumud B Mishra -Title pending
- 25/03/2008; 10 AM - Karel Matouš - Autofocus algorithms
- 08/04/2008; 10 AM - Zuzana Benediktyova-Title pending
- 22/04/2008; 10 AM - Julie Soukupová - Title pending
- 06/05/2008; 10 AM - Ondřej Komárek - Title pending
- 20/05/2008; 10 AM - Ali Reshak - Title pending
- 03/06/2008; 10 AM - Josef Lazar - Title pending
- 17/06/2008; 10 AM - Ladislav Nedbal - Title pending
Journal clubs:
- 28/8/2007; 10 AM - Benedikty, Zuzana - Biophotons generated spontaneously by plants infected by pathogen.
- 11/9/2007; 10 AM - Csefalvay, Laco - Regulation of drought stress in plants.
- 25/9/2007; 10 AM - Cerveny, Jan - Identification and Monitoring of Cyanobacteria Circadian Features
- 09/10/2007; 10 AM - Komarek, Ondrj - Title pending
- 23/10/2007; 10 AM - Lazer, Josef - Title pending
- 06/11/2007; 10 AM - Matous, Karel - The Kautsky Curve Is a Built-in Barcode
- 20/11/2007; 10 AM - Mishra, Anamika - Title pending
- 04/12/2007; 10 AM - Mishra, Kumud - Title pending
- 18/12/2007; 10 AM - Nedbal, Lada - Title pending
- 08/1/2008; 10 AM - Radek, Tesar - A stereo imaging system for measuring structural parameters of plant canopies
- 22/1/2008; 10 AM - Reshak, Ali H. - Title pending
- 05/2/2008; 10 AM - Soukupova, Julie- Title pending
- 04/3/2008; 10 AM - Csefalvay, Laco - Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of photosynthetic activity in sun and shade leaves of trees.
- 18/3/2008; 10 AM - Cerveny, Jan - Advances in understanding the cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating-mechanism (CCM)
Training courses (spring 2007):
- April 6, 2007: Collective: Basic laboratory techniques I
- April 20, 2007: Collective: Basic laboratory techniques II
- May 4, 2007: Ladislav Cséfalvay (UFB JcU, NH): Pigments and spectroscopy
- May 18, 2007: Radek Tesař (UFB JcU, NH): Avantes
- June 1, 2007: Ali Reshak (UFB JcU, NH): Spectrofluorometer
- June 15, 2007: Ladislav Nedbal (UFB JcU, NH): Fluorometer
- June 29, 2007: Julie Soukupova (UFB JcU, NH): Fluorcam
- July 13, 2007: Zuzana Benedikty (UFB JcU, NH): Olympus
- July 27, 2007: Zuzana Benedikty (UFB JcU, NH): Imac II
Mathematical modeling of biological dynamics.