Mgr. Otmar Urban, PhD.
PhD. (2002, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzita Palackého , Olomouc)
Mgr. (1996, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzita Palackého , Olomouc)

Poříčí 3b, CZ-60300 Brno
Tel.: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543211560
Současné zaměření
- ekofyziologie rostlin se zaměřením na ekofyziologii fotosyntézy
- vliv zvýšené koncentrace CO2 a UV-B radiace na proces fotosyntézy, zejména změny aktivity enzymu Rubisco,
- vliv dynamického světelného režimu na asimilaci uhlíku, zejména procesy aktivace/ deaktivace v řádu sekund až minut,
- interpretace toků uhlíku mezi různými typy ekosystémů a atmosférou,
- Soukupová J., Csefalvay L., Urban O., Košvancová M., Marek M., Rascher U., Nedbal L. (2008) Annual variation of the steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence emission of evergreen plants in temperate zone. In: Functional Plant Biology. Vol 35, pp. 63-76.
- Urban O., Šprtová M., Košvancová M., Tomášková I., Lichtenthaler H.K., Marek M.V. (2008) Comparison of photosynthetic induction and transient limitations during the induction phase in young and mature leaves from three poplar clones. In: Tree Physiology. Vol 28, pp. 1189-1197.
- Šprtová, M., Marek, M.V., Urban, O.,Kalina, J., Špunda, V. (2008) Differences in the photosynthetic UV-B response between European beech (Fagus sylvatioca L.) and Norway spruce (Pice abies (l.) Karst.) saplings. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 27 (2), pp. 130-142.
- Janssens IA; Rey A; de Angelis P; Le Dantec V; Barton CVM; Broadmeadow M; Chigwerewe KS; Crookshanks M; Dufrene E; Jach EM; Kelloäk S; Laitat E; Laureysens I; Liozon E; Marek M; Medlyn B; Pajari B; Pokorny R; Saugier B; Scarascia-Mugnozza G; Temperton VM; (2008) Effects of elevated CO2 on roots, ectomycorrhizae and soil carbon fluxes: a summary of results from the ECOCRAFT network. In: New Phytologist. (in press)
- Urban O., Vrchotová N., Tříska J., Marek M.V. (2008) Enhanced UV-B radiation may lead to the decrease of specific phenolic compounds in Norway spruce needles. In: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. Vol 17 (5), pp. 564-567.
- Hrstka M., Zachová L., Urban O., Košvancová M. (2008) Seasonal changes of Rubisco activity and its content in Norway spruce exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 concentration. In: Chemické Listy. Vol 102 (15 sp.iss.), pp. 657-659.
- Lichtenthaler HK., Ač A., Marek MV. Kalina J., and Urban O. (2007) Differences in pigment composition, photosynthetic rates and chlorophyll fluorescence images of sun and shade leaves of four tree species. In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol 45 (8), pp. 577-588.
- Hrstka M., Urban O., Petrů E., Babák L. (2007) Diurnal regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and its content in Norway spruce needles. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 45 (3), pp. 334-339.
- Urban O., Janouš D., Acosta M., Czerný R., Marková I., Navrátil M., Pavelka M., Pokorný R., Šprtová M., Zhang R., Špunda V., Grace J., Marek M.V. (2007) Ecophysiological controls over the net ecosystem exchange of mountain spruce stand. Comparison of the response in direct vs. diffuse solar radiation. In: Global Change Biology. Vol 13 (1), pp. 157-168.
- Urban, O., Košvancová, M., Marek, M. V., Lichtenthaler, H. K. (2007) Induction of photosynthesis and importance of limitations during the induction phase in sun and shade leaves of five ecologically contrasting tree species from the temperate zone. In: Tree Physiol.. Vol 27 (8), pp. 1207-1215.
- Urban O., Ač A., Kalina J., Priwitzer T., Šprtová M., Špunda V.and Marek MV. (2007) Temperature dependences of carbon assimilation processes in four dominant species from mountain grassland ecosystem. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 45 (3), pp. 392-399.
- Urban, O., Tůma, I., Holub, P., Marek, M.V. (2006) Photosynthesis and growth response of Calamagrostis arundinacea and C. villosa to enhanced UV-B radiation. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 44, pp. 215-220.
- Špunda V., Kalina J., Urban O., Luis D.V., Gonzáles I.S., Puertolas J., Šprtová M. and Marek M.V. (2005) Diurnal dynamics of photosynthetic parameters of Norway spruce trees cultivated under ambient and elevated CO2. The reasons of midday depression in CO2 assimilation. In: Plant Science. Vol 168 (5), pp. 1371-1381.
- Hrstka M., Urban O. and Marek MV (2005) Long-term effect of elevated CO2 on spatial differentiation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase activity in Norway spruce canopy. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 43 (2), pp. 211-216.
- Singh MK, Juházs A, Csintalan Z, Kaligaric M, Urban, O., Marek, MV and Tuba Z. (2005) Preliminary estimation of bryophyte biomass and carbon pool from three constraining different vegetation types. In: Cereal Research Communications. Vol 33 (1), pp. 267-270.
- Kalina, J., Špunda, V., Urban, O., Marek, M.V., Gonzáles, I.S. (2004) Diurnal dynamics of photosynthetic parameters of Norway spruce (Picea abies) cultivated under elevated CO2. - II. Photosystem II efficiency and the xanthophyll cycle activity during summer day. In: Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. Vol 25 (3), pp. 107-107.
- Pokorný, R., Urban, O., Marek, M.V. (2004) Effect of Norway spruce planting density on shoot morphological parameters. In: Biologia Plantarum. Vol 48, pp. 137-139.
- Vrchotová,N., Tříska,J., Urban,O., Pěknic,L. (2004) Variability of catechin and 4-hydroxyacetophenone distribution in Norway spruce needles in relation to their position, age, and growing conditions. In: Environmental Pollution. Vol 131, pp. 55-59.
- Urban, O., Pokorný, R., Kalina, J., Marek, M.V. (2003) Control mechanisms of photosynthetic capacity under elevated CO2 concentration: evidence from three experiments with Norway spruce trees. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 41, pp. 69-75.
- Urban, O. (2003) Physiological impacts of elevated CO2 concentration ranging from molecular to whole plant responses. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 41 (1), pp. 9-20.
- Kurasová, I., Kalina, J., Štroch, M., Urban, O., Špunda, V. (2003) Response of photosynthetic apparatus of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to combined effect of elevated CO2 concentration and different growth irradiances. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 41 (2), pp. 209-219.
- Kurasová, I., Čajánek, M., Kalina, J., Urban, O., Špunda, V. (2002) Characterization of acclimation of Hordeum vulgare to high irradiation based on different responses of photosynthetic activity and pigment composition. In: Photosynthesis Research. Vol 72, pp. 71-83.
- Marek, M.V., Urban,O., Šprtová, M., Pokorný, R., Rosová, Z., Kulhavý J. (2002) Photosynthetic assimilation of sun versus shade needles under long-term impact of elevated CO2. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 40, pp. 259-267.
- Hrstka, M., Urban, O., Nečesaná, P. (2002) The impact of elevated CO2 concentration on the Rubisco activity. In: Chemické listy. Vol 96, pp. 121-123.
- O. Urban, D. Janouš, R. Pokorný, I. Marková, M. Pavelka, Z. Fojtík, M. Šprtová, J. Kalina, M.V. Marek (2001) Glass domes with adjustable windows: A novel technique for exposing juvenile forest stands to elevated CO2 concentration. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 395-401.
- Marek, M.V., Šprtová, M., Urban, O., Špunda V. (2001) Chlorophyll a fluorescence response of Norway spruce needles to the long-term effect of elevated CO2 is determined by their position within the canopy. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 427-435.
- Kalina, J., Urban, O., Čajánek, M., Kurasová, I., Špunda, V., Marek., M.V. (2001) The different response of Norway spruce needles from shaded and exposed crown layers to the prolonged exposure to elevated CO2 studied using various chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 369-376.
- Urban, O., Marek, M.V., Janouš, D. (2000) Long-term influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration is responsible for down-regulation of Norway spruce photosynthesis. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 19 (1), pp. 24-34.