V. Ionescu, J. Dion, L. Dugard, D. Ivanescu and S. Niculescu |
On Generalized Popov Theory for Delay Systems.
F. Amato |
Stability Analysis and Synthesis of Systems Subject to Norm Bounded, Bounded Rate Uncertainties.
A. Germani, C. Manes and P. Pepe |
Local Asymptotic Stability for Nonlinear State Feedback Delay Systems.
Ü. Kotta |
Input-Output Decoupling of Nonlinear Recursive Systems.
C. H. Moog, M. Velasco-Villa and L. A. Márquez-Martínez |
The Structure of Nonlinear Time Delay Systems.
A. Ferrara and L. Giacomini |
Application of a Second Order VSC to Nonlinear Systems in Multi-Input Parametric-Pure-Feedback Form.
A. Levant |
Variable Measurement Step in 2-Sliding Control.
A. J. Koshkouej and A. S. I. Zinober |
Sliding Mode Controller-Observer Design for Multivariable Linear Systems with Unmatched Uncertainty.
M. A. Demetriou, A. S. Ackleh and S. Reich |
Detection and Accommodation of Second Order Distributed Parameter Systems with Abrupt Changes in Input Term: Existence and Approximation.
E. Barbieri, S. Drakunov and J. F. Figueroa |
Further Results on Sliding Manifold Design and Observation for a Heat Equation.