Volume 43 (2007)

  • Volume 42

  • (2006)

Contents of volume 42, no. 1
J. Á. Víšek The Least Trimmed Squares. Part I: Consistency
N. M. van Dijk and K. Sladký Monotonicity and Comparison Results for Non-negative Dynamic Systems. Part I: Discrete-Time Case
A. Henclová Notes on Free Lunch in the Limit and Pricing by Conjugate Duality Theory
D. Hlubinka Extremes of Spheroid Shape Factor Based on Two Dimensional Pro-files
V. Veselý Robust Controller Design for Linear Polytopic Systems
A. Bartoszewicz and A. Nowacka Reaching Phase Elimination in Variable Structure Control of the Third Order System with State Constraints

Reviews in volume 42, no. 1
R. Branzei, S. Tijs and D. Dimitrov: Models in Cooperative Game Theory, Crisp, Fuzzy and Multi-Choice Games   Reviewed by: M. Mareš

Volume 41 (2005)