Logo Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v. v. i.

On visit to IMC

People who are about to travel to Prague and to visit the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, especially for the first time, ask often many practical questions. Whereas the issues connected closely with visiting the Prague Meetings on Macromolecules remain in that section, general questions have been moved into this document.

Before travelling to Prague

Is Prague a safe city?

We regret that we cannot consider Prague an entirely safe city. It happens every year that belongings of a participant of the microsymposium or conference are stolen. Nevertheless, you need not fear for your health or life. In order to minimize the risk, please follow these rules:

  • Be careful if you decide to use taxi. Some phone numbers for ordering taxi are listed on Prague's official pages.
  • Avoid crowded places. Pick-pocketting occurs mostly at places of tourist's interest (Charles Bridge, Old Town), in Metro in the city (line A between Muzeum and Dejvická, line B between Florenc and Smíchovské nádraží, line C between Nádraží Holešovice and Vyšehrad) and in trams at some well known places in the city (line 9 between Anděl and Hlavní nádraží, lines 22 and 23 between Malovanka and Náměstí Míru, line 18 between Karlovo náměstí and Malostranská). Do not try to get in crowded trams, wait for the next one.
  • Keep your baggage closed. In the street, remove or hide your name badge. Do not have a great amount of money on you. Do not make stealing your money or documents easy.
  • Do not leave valuables or anything visible in your cars. Park your cars at places easy to survey.

Where can I find official information for visitors to the Czech Republic?

What accommodation is available when I want to visit your Institute

For accommodation during Prague Meetings on Macromolecules, you can order an accommodation with EKU agency, which can help you also during the year. In the immediate vicinity of the Institute, Obora Hotel is available. During the university holidays, comparatively cheap accomodation in 1 km distant Větrník a Hvězda student dormitories is available. The guests of the Institute use often 3 km distant and with both public transport and own car well available Chaloupka pension. Good experience is reported from Kern pension in Smíchov (approx. 5 km).

Technical questions

I want to use my electrical appliances in Prague (computer, shaver). What power system is used?

As in most European countries, the voltage is 220 V and frequency 50 Hz. The sockets are of the same kind as e.g. in France; one is shown in the picture below. If you are coming from the country with different socket types, you are advised to take an appropriate reduction with you.


What is where

Verbal explanation is accompanied by a commented photo of Petřiny taken from the Institute building and a map of its nearest (1 km) area showing the described facilities.

Where can I find the nearest cash machine?

The nearest automated teller machine (ATM) is about 400 m eastwards from the Institute, at the entrance to the Billa supermarket. Another ATM is at the "Česká spořitelna" bank in Křenova Street No 7 (opposite the first machine). Both accept Cirrus/Maestro/MasterCard and VISA cards (see the pictures and map). Further ATM is located in Komerční banka in Křenova No 19.

Where can I find the nearest exchange point?

The nearest exchange office is Komerční banka in Křenova Street No 19. Opening time: Mo,We 8:30-12 and 13-17:30, Tu,Th 8:30-12, 13-16, Fr 8:30-12, 13-16:30.

Post Office

  • The post office (Praha 616) is located at the next bus stop "Větrník" (opening hours: Monday - Friday 8-18; see the picture and map).
  • Nearest post offices with the Saturday service: Airport - Post Praha 68 (8-13) [17 min by bus 179], Dejvice, Kafkova Str. - Post Praha 6 (8-13) [10 min by tram 1,18 to Prašný Most, then 4 min walk left downhill], Prague Castle - Post Praha 012 (10-19) [10 min by tram 1, 18 to Prašný Most, then 10 min walk right uphill], Letenské náměstí - Post Praha 7 (8-13) [15 min by tram 1].
  • Post offices with Sunday and night service: Prague Castle - Post Praha 012 (10-19), Jindřišská (2-24)

Where can I buy a phonecard?

Generally, phonecards are sold at post offices, newspaper stalls and shops labelled with the "O2" logo . Near the Institute, they are sold at the post office (the next bus stop in the direction of "Větrník")

Where can I buy a bus ticket?

Tickets for public transport are sold at special counters in some Metro stations, in some shops labelled with the "Předprodej jízdenek" logo, in slot machines, etc. For details, see the page of Prague Public Transit Co. Inc, texts Fares and Tickets Sales .

In the time of PMM meetings, basic types of tickets are available in the Registration Office. Other possibilities:

  • slot machine at the tram terminus

I want to send a postcard. Where is the nearest mail box?

An orange mail box is located 50 m back from the tram terminus on the left-hand side of the main street. Collected on working days at 16:00, on Saturdays at 12:00 (see a picture). Several more pillar boxes are shown in the map. The box in front of the post office is collected daily.

Where can I have my lunch?

With the exception of the PMM weeks, it is possible to buy a lunch consisting of soup, main course (3 choices available), tea and desert or fruit for ca. 70-90 CZK in the Institute refectory. The lunch has to be purchased/ordered the day before, only a limited number is available on the same day. Lunches are served from 11.30 till 14.00. During PMM events in July, the refectory is not in standard operation.

It is also possible to buy some food in the canteen from 6:30 till 14.


  • Basic foods can be bought in the canteen in the Institute
  • The Billa supermarket about 600 m from the Institute (see the picture). You can pay with payment cards as well as with Euro.

Photo of Petriny with important objects

View of Petřiny from the Institute


Map of Petriny with important objects

Legend to map of Petriny

Map of Petřiny with some important objects

Police station

The nearest police station is in Ve Střešovičkách Street No. 1990/55 (approx. 3 km from the Institute), outside the map above.

For your comfort, we offer also our guides with maps and pictures

21.04.2009 Josef Jůza

Site map English version Czech versionISO WIN ASC
Generated on 19.5.2009 from the source modified on 21.4.2009.