Working Group of Photonics and Paramagnetic Phenomena
Head: Jan Pilař, DSc (phone +420-296 809 395, e-mail
Activities of the Group cover studies of structure and dynamic
properties of polymer systems using common experimental
techniques available in the Institute (dynamic light scattering,
pulse NMR) and in particular the electron spin resonance (ESR)
spin label technique. The group is equipped with Bruker ELEXSYS
E-540 spectrometer with ESR imaging (ESRI) accessories.
Detailed analysis of ESR spectra of suitable paramagnetic
compounds (such as sterically hindered nitroxides) chemically
attached to polymers as spin labels makes it possible to obtain
information on segmental dynamics of polymers. The systems
studied comprise dilute and concentrated polymer solutions and
polymer gels and, also solid polymers near or above the glass
transition temperature.
ESR imaging enables the determination of space distribution of
paramagnetic compounds in the sample. By analyzing the time
dependence of concentration profiles of paramagnetic tracers
(low-molecular-weight, oligomers and polymers), macroscopic
translational diffusion coefficients of these tracers in polymer
gels and in concentrated solutions can be determined, depending
on molecular mass of the tracer, gel structure and polymer
By measuring and analyzing concentration profiles of
paramagnetic intermediates in transformation of hindered amine
stabilizers (HAS), which are generated in photo- and
thermodegradation in stabilized solid polymers, we try to
contribute to more detailed description of polymer degradation
processes and to elucidation of mechanisms of various
stabilization systems.

Spectral - space distribution of paramagnetic nitroxides
formed as transformation intermediates from HAS stabilizer
Tinuvin 770 after long-term weathering of polypropylene and
polystyrene sheets in an Atlas Xenon Ci3000+ weatherometer
measured with a Bruker ELEXSYS E-540 ESRI spectrometer
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