Working Group of Transport and Separation Processes
Head: Jiří
Horský, PhD (phone +420-296 809 296, e-mail horsky
Members of the group have a strong
background in the characterization of polymers by physicochemical
methods utilized for investigation of interactions in complex
liquid polymer systems. The principal methods used are rheometry
and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with multiple detection,
frequently used in combination with various light scattering
techniques. The characterization potential was greatly enhanced
by recent acquisition of a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer Biflex III
(see the photograph). The topics under study include:
- the effect of thickeners on flow properties of acrylate
- electrorheology of polyaniline suspensions
- improvement in the methodology of SEC with multiple
detection (refractive index, UV absorption, light
scattering, viscosity, solute content) for determination
of molecular weight distribution and branching of
- formation of complexes between polymers and
low-molecular-weight compounds (e.g., inclusion complexes
of cyclodextrins, interactions of polysaccharides with
- phase behavior of polymer solutions.
Although of basic research character, the projects of the
group are related to application areas such as water-borne
coatings or drug delivery.

GPC analysis of two samples (red and blue curves) of epoxy
resins with molecular weight around 10 000: full line -
dependence of refractometer signal (proportional to
concentration) on elution volume, points - dependence of
molecular weight from light scattering detector on elution volume
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Last update: 22.04.2004