P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Fatigue mechanisms in ultrafine-grained copper. Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 47 (2009), 1-9.
Majer Z., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Knésl Z. The influence of loading direction on micro-crack behaviour in polymer composite, Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 285-290, 2008
Klusák, J., Profant, T., Kotoul, M.: A comparison of two direct methods of generalized stress intensity factor calculations of bi-material notches, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 385-387 (2008) pp 409-412
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Buksa, M.: Fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained materials. (in Czech). PhD thesis, 2008.
Mintách, R.: Fatigue properties of Ni base superalloys at high mean stress. (in Czech). PhD thesis, 2008.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., MINTÁCH, R.: Effect of Vibrations on Lifetime of Ni Base Single Crystals Subjected to Tensile Stress. MSMF-5 (106/05/2112). Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2008) 293-296.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., MINTÁCH, R., KONEČNÁ, R.: High-Cycle Fatigue of IN 713LC. Proceedings of ECF17 Brno 2008, CD, 945-951.
XU, Ch., WANG, Q., ZHENG, M., LI, J., HUANG, M., JIA, Q., ZHU, J., KUNZ, L., BUKSA, M.: Fatigue Behavior and Damage Characteristics of Ultra-Fine Grain Low-Purity Copper Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). Mater. Sci. Eng. A475 (2008) 249-256.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., KONEČNÁ, R.: Fatigue Properties of Superalloy IN 713LC and Relation to Microstructure. Materials Science 14 (2008) 3, 221-225.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., BOKŮVKA, O.: Fatgiue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. Materiálové inžinierstvo 15 (2008) 4, 1-5.
KONEČNÁ, R., KUNZ, L.: Largest Extreme Value Distribution Analysis of Casting Defects in Superalloy in713LC. Materiálové inžinierstvo 15 (2008) 4, 6-10.
Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., Transverse cracking of layered structures: evaluation of fatigue crack propagation, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 567-568, pp. 221-224, 2008
Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P., Estimation of the crack propagation direction of a crack touching the interface between two elastic materials, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 567-568, pp. 225-228, 2008
Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P. Numerical Investigation of Stress Singularities in Cracked Bimaterial Body. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 385-387 pp. 125-128, 2008
Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Klusák, J. Crack initiation kriteria for singular stress concentrators. Part III: An aplication to a crack touching a bimaterial interface. Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 99-114, 2008
Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P. Crack propagation in the vicinity of the interface between two elastic materials. Sborník The first African InterQuadrennial ICF (International conference on Fracture) conference, Alger, Alžírsko, 2008.
Náhlík, L. Šestáková, L., Hutař, P. Estimation of apparent fracture toughness of ceramic laminates based on generalized strain energy density factor. European Conference on Fracture (ECF-17), p. 1522-1529, Brno, 2008.
Seitl, S., Knésl, Z. Two Parameter Fracture Mechanics: Fatigue Crack Behavior under Mixed Mode Conditions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 75, Issues 3-4, 857-865, 2008
LUKÁŠ, P., KUNZ, L., SVOBODA, M.: Overview of Fatigue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Severe Plastic deformation. Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2008) 9-16.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda, M. Buksa, Q. Wang: Mechanisms of cyclic plastic deformation in ultrafine-grain copper produced by severe plastic deformation. In: Plasticity, Failure and Fatigue in Structural Materials
– from Macro to Nano, Publication of TMS, Warrendale 2008, pp. 161-166.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Fatigue of ultrafine-grained copper. Plenary lecture at LCF6, Berlin,8-12 September 2008. Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue, eds. P.D. Portella, T.Beck, M. Okazaki, DVM Berlin, 2008, pp. 295- 305.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Od fyzikálních základů studia struktury pevných látek k monokrystalům superslitin pro plynové turbíny. Čs. Čas. Fyz. 58 (2008), 81-83.
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z. The effect of the singularity induced by the free surface on fatigue crack growth in thin structures. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 385-387 pp. 317-320, 2008
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Seitl, S. The influence of vertex singularities on fatigue crack shape. European Conference on Fracture (ECF-17), p. 1060-1066, Brno, 2008.
Hutař P., Náhlík L., Fatigue crack shape prediction based on vertex singularity, Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 2, No.1, 45-52, 2008