Department of Multilayer Structures   [Cesky]


European Academies:
AVČR - The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Library - on-line journals (only from domain
SAV - Slovak Academy of Sciences  
BA - The British Academy Nature
FAS - French Academy of Sciences Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 
MTA - Hungarien Academy of Sciences Physical Review A, B, C, D, E, ST AB, Lett.
PAN - Polish Academy of Sciences Physica A, B, C, D, E
ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences Physics Letters A, B
RAN - Russian Academy of Sciences The European Physical Journal A, B, C, D, E
SANW - Swiss Academy of Sciences Europhysics Letters
UNION - Union of German Academies of Sciences
ALLEA - All European Academies
Conferences in 2004 Web Elements - periodic table of elements
Conferences in 2003 Fundamental Physical Constants - from
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Maintained by
Jiri Olejnicek (
Last update: 03.09.2004