Topic | Supervisor |
Biodegradable polymer composites | Jiří Kotek |
Polymer nanocomposites with controlled molecular architecture | Libor Matějka |
Novel polyurethane systems: Preparation and multidisciplinary characterization | Milena Špírková |
Organic-inorganic polymers - synthesis and characterization of hybrid polymers and nanocomposites | Adam Strachota |
Simulation of the phase structure evolution in flow of immiscible polymer blends | Ivan Fortelný |
Study of the phase structure evolution in polymer blends by methods of electron microscopy | Ivan Fortelný |
Using of the phase structure control in polymer blends at development of new materials for application in medicine | Ivan Fortelný |
Study of changes in the phase structure during annealing and cooling of immiscible polymer blends | Ivan Fortelný |
Optimizing structure and properties of nanocomposites with multiphase polymer matrix | Ivan Kelnar |
Study of charge and energy transfer in hybrid organic-inorganic systems | Miroslav Menšík |
Polymer nanostructures for solar cells | Jiří Pfleger |
Photoactive polymer composites with plasmonic nanoparticles | Jiří Pfleger |
State diagrams hydrophilic polymers at low temperature | Antonín Sikora |
Novel types of polymer composites with Ti-NT nanoparticles | Miroslav Šlouf |
Sandwich nanocomposites: preparation, nucleation effects, photovoltaic applications | Miroslav Šlouf |
Precession electron diffraction: atomic structure and nanostructure of polymer crystals | Miroslav Šlouf |
UHMWPE: radiation-induced modification of structure and properties | Miroslav Šlouf |
Search of materials suitable for new molecular electronic devices | Petr Toman |
Modified polymers for tissue engineering | Jiří Michálek |
New biomimetic hydrogels | Jiří Michálek |
Hyperbranched polymer carriers for drug targeting | Tomáš Etrych |
Stimuli responsive hybrid macromolecular systems based on hydrophilic polymers and peptides | Michal Pechar |
Polymer Materials for Photovoltaic Cells | Věra Cimrová |
Magnetic carriers for IMAC | Daniel Horák |
Polymer biomaterials for tissue engineering and regeneration | František Rypáček |
Syntheses of monomers and conjugated polymers for photonics and their application | Drahomír Výprachtický |
Affinity biosensors for medical diagnostics | Eduard Brynda |
Antifouling polymer films as carriers of affinity bioreceptors | Eduard Brynda |
Artificial biomolecular assemblies capable of controlling growth of cells on polymer scaffoldes applied in tissue engineering | Eduard Brynda |
Effect of inclusion complexation on aqueous-solution behavior of associative polymers | Jiří Horský |
Seeking polymer gels exhibiting requested transport and physical properties | Jan Pilař |
Optimization of polymer stabilization based on the understanding heterogeneity of polymer degradation processes | Jan Pilař |
Materials combining conducting polymers and noble metals | Jaroslav Stejskal |
Nanoparticles sensitive to external stimuli | Petr Štěpánek |
Novel thermoresponsive polymers, copolymers and nanoparticles for biological applications | Petr Štěpánek |
Study of molecular properties of new active pharmaceutical polymer materials | Jiří Brus |
Study of the micellization and gelation mechanism in thermosesitive polymer by the methods of Raman and infrared spectroscopy | Jiří Dybal |
Interactions in solutions and gels of stimuli-responsive polymer systems investigated by NMR spectroscopy | Jiří Spěváček |
The molecular structure of various forms of conducting polymers studied by Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies | Miroslava Trchová |