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Informační seznam časopisů  dostupných přes ScienceDirect (Elsevier) pro areál Krč

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Ústavy areálu Krč, AV ČR

Od roku 2009 je pro všechny české instituce (členy konsorcia na přístup do ScienceDirect -Elsevier) dostupná tzv. Freedom Collection. Obsahuje převážnou část časopisecké produkce Elsevieru, archivy jsou zpravidla dostupné od r. 1995, případně 1993.

Pro uživatele  SVI FgÚ jsou navíc přes Science Direct dostupné:

Označení dostupnosti ve ScienceDirect  v seznamu titulů:
  • dostupné předplacené / plné texty (prokliknutím této ikony u časopisu zjistíte rozsah dostupnosti časopisu - roky od - do)
  • nedostupné - nepředplacené / abstrakta
Označení dostupnosti ve ScienceDirect  na úrovni obsahu (jednotlivých článků či kapitol knih) v konkrétním titulu:
  • dostupný plný text  dostupný plný text
  • dostupný pouze abstrakt  dostupný pouze abstrakt

nahoruČasopisy a knihy Elsevier  dostupné včetně roku 2009 (pokud v r. 2009 ještě vycházejí)

 viz také
Freedom Collection pro rok 2009 na webu Elsevieru

  • archivy v zásadě od r.1995, část titulů od r. 1993 - zpravidla tituly bývalého Academic Pressu , ale i některé další
  • tituly označené "forthcoming" by měly být dostupné až v průběhu roku 2009 a vydavatel si vyhrazuje právo změny - viz Forthcoming titles na webu Elsevier
Tento seznam neobsahuje:

  1. ACC Current Journal Review    *    Discontinued    *    Title no longer available in electronic format as of 2006
  2. Accident Analysis & Prevention    *    Active    *    
  3. Accident and Emergency Nursing    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Emergency Nursing
  4. Accounting Forum    *    Active    *    
  5. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Information and Organization
  6. Accounting, Organizations and Society    *    Active    *    
  7. Acta Agronomica Sinica    *    Active    *    
  8. Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica    *    Forthcoming    *    
  9. Acta Astronautica    *    Active    *    
  10. Acta Automatica Sinica    *    Active    *    
  11. Acta Biomaterialia    *    Active    *    
  12. Acta Ecologica Sinica    *    Active    *    
  13. Acta Genetica Sinica    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Genetics and Genomics
  14. Acta Histochemica    *    Active    *    
  15. Acta Materialia    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Acta Metallurgica et Materialia; Incorporating Nanostructured Materials
  16. Acta Mathematica Scientia    *    Active    *    
  17. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica    *    Forthcoming    *    
  18. Acta Metallurgica et Materialia    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Acta Metallurgica; Continued as Acta Materialia
  19. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)    *    Active    *    
  20. Acta Oecologica    *    Active    *    
  21. Acta Psychologica    *    Active    *    
  22. Acta Tropica    *    Active    *    
  23. Actualités Pharmaceutiques    *    Forthcoming    *    
  24. Actualités Pharmaceutiques Hospitalières    *    Forthcoming    *    
  25. Acute Pain    *    Active    *    
  26. Ad Hoc Networks    *    Active    *    
  27. Addictive Behaviors    *    Active    *    
  28. Additives for Polymers    *    Active    *    
  29. Advanced Cement Based Materials    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Cement and Concrete Research
  30. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews    *    Active    *    
  31. Advanced Engineering Informatics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
  32. Advanced Powder Technology    *    Active    *    
  33. Advances in Accounting    *    Active    *    Incorporating Advances in International Accounting
  34. Advances in Applied Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  35. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science    *    Active    *    
  36. Advances in Engineering Software    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations; Incorporating Computing Systems in Engineering
  37. Advances in Environmental Research    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Journal of Environmental Management
  38. Advances in Enzyme Regulation    *    Active    *    
  39. Advances in International Accounting    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Advances in Accounting
  40. Advances in Life Course Research    *    Forthcoming    *    
  41. Advances in Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  42. Advances in Neuroimmunology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Journal of Neuroimmunology
  43. Advances in Space Research    *    Active    *    
  44. Advances in Water Resources    *    Active    *    
  45. Aeolian Research    *    Forthcoming    *    
  46. Aerospace Science and Technology    *    Active    *    
  47. Aesthetic Surgery Journal    *    Active    *    
  48. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications    *    Active    *    
  49. Ageing Research Reviews    *    Active    *    
  50. Aggression and Violent Behavior    *    Active    *    
  51. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Agricultural Meteorology
  52. Agricultural Economics (-2004)     *    1987-2004
  53. Agricultural Sciences in China    *    Active    *    
  54. Agricultural Systems    *    Active    *    
  55. Agricultural Water Management    *    Active    *    
  56. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment    *    Active    *    Incorporating Agriculture and Environment and Agro-Ecosystems
  57. Air & Space Europe    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  58. Air Medical Journal    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Air Medical Transport
  59. Aircraft Design    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  60. Alcohol    *    Active    *    
  61. Alpha Omegan    *    Active    *    
  62. ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap    *    Active    *    
  63. Alzheimer's & Dementia    *    Active    *    
  64. American Heart Journal    *    Active    *    
  65. The American Journal of Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  66. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine    *    Active    *    
  67. The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy    *    Active    *    
  68. American Journal of Infection Control    *    Active    *   
  69. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology     *    1995-2003 
  70. American Journal of Ophthalmology    *    Active    *    
  71. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as American Journal of Orthodontics
  72. American Journal of Otolaryngology    *    Active    *    
  73. American Journal of Preventive Medicine    *    Active    *    
  74. The American Journal of Surgery    *    Active    *    
  75. Anaerobe    *    Active    *    
  76. Analytica Chimica Acta    *    Active    *    
  77. Analytical Biochemistry    *    Active    *    
  78. Animal Behaviour    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The British Journal of Animal Behaviour
  79. Animal Feed Science and Technology    *    Active    *    
  80. Animal Reproduction Science    *    Active    *    
  81. Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angéiologie    *    Active    *    
  82. Annales de Chirurgie    *    Active    *    Incorporating Chirurgie
  83. Annales de Chirurgie de la Main    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur
  84. Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique    *    Active    *    
  85. Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation    *    Active    *    
  86. Annales de Génétique    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as European Journal of Medical Genetics
  87. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis    *    Active    *    
  88. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Actualités    *    Discontinued    *    Journal published as Book Series as of 2003. Journal coverage ends with Volume 12
  89. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique    *    Active    *    
  90. Annales de Paléontologie    *    Active    *    
  91. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  92. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique    *    Active    *    Will be continued as Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
  93. Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2001
  94. Annales d'Urologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2008
  95. Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger    *    Active    *    
  96. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology    *    Active    *    
  97. Annals of Emergency Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians
  98. Annals of Epidemiology    *    Active    *    
  99. Annals of the ICRP    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication
  100. Annals of Nuclear Energy    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering
  101. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine    *    Forthcoming    *    Will be successor of Annales de Réadaptation et de Médicine Physique
  102. Annals of Physics    *    Active    *    
  103. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annals of Mathematical Logic
  104. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, The     *    1995-2003
  105. Annals of Tourism Research    *    Active    *    
  106. L'Année Biologique    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2001
  107. Annual Review of Fish Diseases    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Aquaculture
  108. Annual Reviews in Control    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annual Review in Automatic Programming
  109. L'Anthropologie    *    Active    *    
  110. Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter    *    Discontinued    *    Incorporating Antimicrobic Newsletter and Infectious Diseases Newsletter; Title discontinued as of 2003
  111. Antiviral Research    *    Active    *    
  112. Appetite    *    Active    *    
  113. Applied Acoustics    *    Active    *    
  114. Applied Animal Behaviour Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Applied Animal Ethology
  115. Applied Behavioral Science Review    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2000
  116. Applied Catalysis A: General    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Applied Catalysis
  117. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Applied Catalysis
  118. Applied Clay Science    *    Active    *    
  119. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis    *    Active    *    
  120. Applied Energy    *    Active    *    
  121. Applied Ergonomics    *    Active    *    
  122. Applied Geochemistry    *    Active    *    
  123. Applied Geography    *    Active    *    
  124. Applied Mathematical Modelling    *    Active    *    
  125. Applied Mathematics and Computation    *    Active    *    
  126. Applied Mathematics Letters    *    Active    *    
  127. Applied Numerical Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  128. Applied Nursing Research    *    Active    *    
  129. Applied Ocean Research    *    Active    *    
  130. Applied and Preventive Psychology    *    Active    *    
  131. Applied Radiation and Isotopes    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A. Applied Radiation and Isotopes
  132. Applied Soft Computing    *    Active    *    
  133. Applied Soil Ecology    *    Active    *    
  134. Applied Superconductivity    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2000
  135. Applied Surface Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Applications of Surface Science
  136. Applied Thermal Engineering    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Heat Recovery Systems and CHP
  137. Aquacultural Engineering    *    Active    *    
  138. Aquaculture    *    Active    *    Incorporating Annual Review of Fish Diseases
  139. Aquatic Botany    *    Active    *    
  140. Aquatic Toxicology    *    Active    *    
  141. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia    *    Active    *    
  142. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics    *    Active    *    
  143. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases    *    Active    *    
  144. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics    *    Active    *    
  145. Archives of Medical Research    *    Active    *    
  146. Archives of Oral Biology    *    Active    *    
  147. Archives de Pédiatrie    *    Active    *    
  148. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing    *    Active    *    
  149. Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition)    *    Active    *    
  150. Artery Research    *    Active    *    
  151. Arthropod Structure & Development    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology
  152. Artificial Intelligence    *    Active    *    
  153. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Advanced Engineering Informatics
  154. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine    *    Active    *    
  155. The Arts in Psychotherapy    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Art Psychotherapy
  156. The Asia Pacific Heart Journal    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery; Continued as Heart, Lung and Circulation
  157. The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as The Australasian Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery; Continued as The Asia Pacific Heart Journal
  158. Asian Journal of Psychiatry    *    Active    *    
  159. Asian Journal of Surgery    *    Active    *    
  160. Asian Nursing Research    *    Forthcoming    *    
  161. Assessing Writing    *    Active    *    
  162. Asthma Magazine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  163. Atmospheric Science Letters     *    2000-2003, od 2004 Wiley
  164. Astroparticle Physics    *    Active    *    
  165. Atherosclerosis    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Atherosclerosis Research
  166. Atherosclerosis Supplements    *    Active    *    
  167. Atmospheric Environment    *    Active    *    Incorporating Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics and Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere
  168. Atmospheric Research    *    Active    *    
  169. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables    *    Active    *    
  170. Auris Nasus Larynx    *    Active    *    
  171. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Australian Emergency Nursing Journal
  172. Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Journal    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as The Australian Journal of Midwifery
  173. Australian Critical Care    *    Active    *    
  174. Australian Emergency Nursing Journal    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal
  175. The Australian Journal of Midwifery    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Journal; Continued as Australian Midwifery
  176. Australian Midwifery    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as The Australian Journal of Midwifery; Continued as Women and Birth
  177. Autoimmunity Reviews    *    Active    *    
  178. Automatica    *    Active    *    
  179. Automation in Construction    *    Active    *    
  180. Autonomic Neuroscience    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System
  181. Baillière's Clinical Anaesthesiology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology
  182. Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism; Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
  183. Baillière's Clinical Gastroenterology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology
  184. Baillière's Clinical Haematology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology
  185. Baillière's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  186. Baillière's Clinical Rheumatology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology
  187. Basic and Applied Ecology    *    Active    *    
  188. Behavior Therapy    *    Active    *    
  189. Behaviour Research and Therapy    *    Active    *   
  190. Behavioral and Neural Biology     *    1993-1994 
  191. Behavioural Brain Research    *    Active    *    
  192. Behavioural Processes    *    Active    *    
  193. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Anaesthesiology
  194. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
  195. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Gastroenterology
  196. Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Haematology
  197. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  198. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Rheumatology
  199. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications    *    Active    *    
  200. Biochemical Engineering Journal    *    Active    *    Formerly part of The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal
  201. Biochemical and Molecular Medicine    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology; Continued as Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
  202. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology     *    1993-1994
  203. Biochemical Pharmacology    *    Active    *    
  204. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology    *    Active    *    
  205. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis; Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Bioenergetics
  206. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Biomembranes
  207. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression
  208. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis; Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
  209. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  210. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects; Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
  211. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
  212. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease    *    Active    *    
  213. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research    *    Active    *    
  214. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology    *    Changed Name    *    Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics
  215. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
  216. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Biomembranes    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes
  217. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer    *    Active    *    
  218. Biochimie    *    Active    *    
  219. Bioelectrochemistry    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
  220. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Bioelectrochemistry
  221. Biological Conservation    *    Active    *    
  222. Biological Control    *    Active    *    
  223. Biological Psychiatry    *    Active    *    
  224. Biological Psychology    *    Active    *    
  225. Biologicals    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Biological Standardization
  226. Biomass and Bioenergy    *    Active    *    
  227. Biomaterials    *    Active    *    Incorporating Clinical Materials
  228. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences    *    Active    *    
  229. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control    *    Active    *    
  230. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy    *    Active    *    
  231. Biometric Technology Today    *    Active    *    
  232. Biomolecular Engineering    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering; Continued as New Biotechnology
  233. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  234. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters    *    Active    *    
  235. Bioorganic Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  236. Biophysical Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  237. Bioresource Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biological Wastes; Incorporating Energy in Agriculture and Biomass
  238. Bioscience Hypotheses    *    Active    *    
  239. Biosensors and Bioelectronics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biosensors
  240. BIOSILICO    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICO
  241. Biosystems    *    Active    *    
  242. Biosystems Engineering    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
  243. Biotechnology Advances    *    Active    *    
  244. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases    *    Active    *    
  245. Blood Reviews    *    Active    *    
  246. Body Image    *    Active    *    
  247. Bone    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research; Incorporating Bone and Mineral
  248. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity    *    Active    *    
  249. Brain and Cognition    *    Active    *    
  250. Brain and Development    *    Active    *    
  251. Brain and Language    *    Active    *    
  252. Brain Research    *    Active    *    Incorporating Molecular Brain Research, Developmental Brain Research, Cognitive Brain Research and Brain Research Protocols
  253. Brain Research Bulletin    *    Active    *    
  254. Brain Research Protocols    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Brain Research
  255. Brain Research Reviews    *    Active    *    
  256. Brain Stimulation    *    Active    *    
  257. The Breast    *    Active    *    
  258. The British Accounting Review    *    Active    *    
  259. British Homeopathic Journal    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Homeopathy
  260. The British Journal of Chiropractic    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Clinical Chiropractic
  261. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery    *    Active    *    Formerly known as British Journal of Oral Surgery
  262. British Journal of Plastic Surgery    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
  263. British Veterinary Journal    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as The Veterinary Journal
  264. Building and Environment    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Building Science
  265. Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Microbes and Infection
  266. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques    *    Active    *    
  267. Burns    *    Active    *    
  268. Business Horizons    *    Active    *    
  269. Calphad    *    Active    *    
  270. Cancer Detection and Prevention    *    Active    *    
  271. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics    *    Active    *    
  272. Cancer Letters    *    Active    *    
  273. Cancer/Radiothérapie    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Bulletin du Cancer/Radiothérapie
  274. Cancer Treatment Reviews    *    Active    *    Incorporating Evidence-based Oncology
  275. Carbohydrate Polymers    *    Active    *    
  276. Carbohydrate Research    *    Active    *    
  277. Carbon    *    Active    *    
  278. Card Technology Today    *    Active    *    
  279. Cardiovascular Pathology    *    Active    *    
  280. Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine
  281. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine
  282. Cardiovascular Surgery     *    1995-2003
  283. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Journal of Monetary Economics
  284. The Case Manager    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  285. Catalysis Communications    *    Active    *    
  286. Catalysis Today    *    Active    *    
  287. CATENA    *    Active    *    
  288. Cell Biology International    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Cell Biology International Reports
  289. Cell Calcium    *    Active    *    
  290. Cellular Immunology    *    Active    *    
  291. Cellular Signalling    *    Active    *    
  292. Cement and Concrete Composites    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete
  293. Cement and Concrete Research    *    Active    *    Incorporating Advanced Cement Based Materials
  294. Ceramics International    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Ceramurgia International
  295. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals    *    Active    *    
  296. The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as The Chemical Engineering Journal; Continued as Biochemical Engineering Journal and Chemical Engineering Journal
  297. Chemical Engineering Journal    *    Active    *    Formerly part of The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal
  298. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification    *    Active    *    
  299. Chemical Engineering Research and Design    *    Active    *    
  300. Chemical Engineering Science    *    Active    *    
  301. Chemical Geology    *    Active    *    Incorporating Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section
  302. Chemical Health and Safety    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Chemical Health and Safety
  303. Chemical Physics    *    Active    *    
  304. Chemical Physics Letters    *    Active    *    
  305. Chemico-Biological Interactions    *    Active    *    
  306. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry    *    Active    *    
  307. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids    *    Active    *    
  308. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems    *    Active    *    Incorporating Laboratory Automation & Information Management
  309. Chemosphere    *    Active    *    Incorporating Chemosphere - Global Change Science
  310. Chemosphere - Global Change Science    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Chemosphere
  311. Child Abuse & Neglect    *    Active    *    
  312. Children and Youth Services Review    *    Active    *    
  313. China Economic Review    *    Active    *    
  314. China Particuology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Particuology
  315. China Population, Resources and Environment    *    Active    *    
  316. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Chinese Astronomy
  317. Chinese Chemical Letters    *    Active    *    
  318. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics    *    Active    *    
  319. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  320. Chinese Journal of Catalysis    *    Active    *    
  321. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering    *    Active    *    
  322. Chinese Journal of Chromatography    *    Active    *    
  323. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines    *    Forthcoming    *    
  324. Chinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition)    *    Active    *    
  325. Chinese Medical Sciences Journal    *    Forthcoming    *    
  326. Chirurgie    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Annales de Chirurgie
  327. Chirurgie de la Main    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur
  328. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology    *    Active    *    
  329. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology    *    Active    *    
  330. Cities    *    Active    *   
  331. Cladistics  *    1993-2003 
  332. Clinica Chimica Acta    *    Active    *    
  333. Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  334. Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Clinical Immunology Newsletter; Title discontinued as of 2007
  335. Clinical Biochemistry    *    Active    *    
  336. Clinical Biomechanics    *    Active    *    
  337. Clinical Chiropractic    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The British Journal of Chiropractic
  338. Clinical Cornerstone    *    Active    *    
  339. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Clinical Virology
  340. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  341. Clinical Eye and Vision Care    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  342. Clinical Imaging    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Computed Tomography
  343. Clinical Immunology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology
  344. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Clinical Immunology
  345. Clinical Immunology Newsletter    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews
  346. Clinical Materials     *    1993-1994
  347. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter    *    Active    *    
  348. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery    *    Active    *    
  349. Clinical Neurophysiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology; Incorporating Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control and Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section
  350. Clinical Neuroscience Research    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  351. Clinical Nutrition    *    Active    *    
  352. Clinical Nutrition Supplements    *    Active    *    
  353. Clinical Oncology    *    Active    *    
  354. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine    *    Active    *    
  355. Clinical Psychology Review    *    Active    *    
  356. Clinical Radiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists
  357. Clinical Radiology Extra    *    Active    *    
  358. Clinical Simulation in Nursing    *    Active    *    
  359. Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2008
  360. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Topics In Companion Animal Medicine
  361. Clinical Therapeutics    *    Active    *    
  362. Clinical Update    *    Active    *    
  363. Clinics in Dermatology    *    Active    *    
  364. CMIG Extra: Cases    *    Active    *    
  365. Coastal Engineering    *    Active    *    
  366. Cognition    *    Active    *    
  367. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice    *    Active    *    
  368. Cognitive Brain Research    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Brain Research
  369. Cognitive Development    *    Active    *    
  370. Cognitive Psychology    *    Active    *    
  371. Cognitive Systems Research    *    Active    *    
  372. Cold Regions Science and Technology    *    Active    *    
  373. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Colloids and Surfaces
  374. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Colloids and Surfaces
  375. The Columbia Journal of World Business    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of World Business
  376. Combinatorial Chemistry - an Online Journal    *    Active    *    
  377. Combustion and Flame    *    Active    *    
  378. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation    *    Active    *    
  379. Communist and Post-Communist Studies    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Studies in Comparative Communism
  380. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology
  381. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly part of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology; Continued as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
  382. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
  383. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology; Continued as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
  384. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology     *    část 1993
  385. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology
  386. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics    *    Active    *    
  387. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases    *    Active    *    
  388. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery
  389. Complementary Therapies in Medicine    *    Active    *    
  390. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
  391. Composite Structures    *    Active    *    
  392. Composites    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
  393. Composites Business Analyst    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2001
  394. Composites Engineering    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Composites Part B: Engineering
  395. Composites Manufacturing    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
  396. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing    *    Active    *    Incorporating Composites and Composites Manufacturing
  397. Composites Part B: Engineering    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Composites Engineering
  398. Composites Science and Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Fibre Science and Technology
  399. Comprehensive Psychiatry    *    Active    *    
  400. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Comptes Rendus Mathematique
  401. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Comptes Rendus Geoscience and Comptes Rendus Palevol
  402. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy; Continued as Comptes Rendus Mécanique
  403. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy; Continued as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics
  404. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy
  405. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Comptes Rendus Chimie
  406. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Comptes Rendus Biologies
  407. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics-Astrophysics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Comptes Rendus Physique
  408. Comptes Rendus Biologies    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie
  409. Comptes Rendus Chimie    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry
  410. Comptes Rendus Geoscience    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
  411. Comptes Rendus Mathematique    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics
  412. Comptes Rendus Mecanique    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics
  413. Comptes Rendus Palevol    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
  414. Comptes Rendus Physique    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics-Astrophysics
  415. Computational Biology and Chemistry    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computers & Chemistry
  416. Computational Geometry    *    Active    *    
  417. Computational Materials Science    *    Active    *    
  418. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis    *    Active    *    
  419. Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Polymer
  420. Computer-Aided Design    *    Active    *    
  421. Computer Aided Geometric Design    *    Active    *    
  422. Computer Audit Update    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1998
  423. Computer Communications    *    Active    *    
  424. Computer Fraud & Security    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin
  425. Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Computer Fraud & Security
  426. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  427. Computer Languages    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
  428. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computer Languages
  429. Computer Law & Security Report    *    Active    *    
  430. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering    *    Active    *    
  431. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computer Programs in Biomedicine
  432. Computer Networks    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
  433. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Computer Networks (1976); Continued as Computer Networks
  434. Computer Physics Communications    *    Active    *    
  435. Computer Science Review    *    Active    *    
  436. Computer Speech & Language    *    Active    *    
  437. Computer Standards & Interfaces    *    Active    *    Incorporating Computers and Standards and Interfaces in Computing
  438. Computer Vision and Image Understanding    *    Active    *    Formerly known as CVGIP: Image Understanding
  439. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computerized Radiology
  440. Computers in Biology and Medicine    *    Active    *    
  441. Computers and Biomedical Research    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Biomedical Informatics
  442. Computers & Chemical Engineering    *    Active    *    
  443. Computers & Chemistry    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Computational Biology and Chemistry
  444. Computers and Composition    *    Active    *    
  445. Computers & Education    *    Active    *    
  446. Computers & Electrical Engineering    *    Active    *    
  447. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture    *    Active    *    
  448. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Urban Systems
  449. Computers & Fluids    *    Active    *    
  450. Computers & Geosciences    *    Active    *    
  451. Computers and Geotechnics    *    Active    *    
  452. Computers & Graphics    *    Active    *    
  453. Computers in Human Behavior    *    Active    *    
  454. Computers & Industrial Engineering    *    Active    *    
  455. Computers in Industry    *    Active    *    
  456. Computers & Mathematics with Applications    *    Active    *    
  457. Computers & Operations Research    *    Active    *    Incorporating Location Science
  458. Computers & Security    *    Active    *    
  459. Computers & Structures    *    Active    *    
  460. Computing Systems in Engineering    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Advances in Engineering Software
  461. Consciousness and Cognition    *    Active    *    
  462. Construction and Building Materials    *    Active    *    
  463. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of The British Contact Lens Association; Incorporating International Contact Lens Clinic
  464. Contemporary Clinical Trials    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Controlled Clinical Trials
  465. Contemporary Educational Psychology    *    Active    *    
  466. Continental Shelf Research    *    Active    *    
  467. Contraception    *    Active    *    
  468. Control Engineering Practice    *    Active    *    
  469. Controlled Clinical Trials    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Contemporary Clinical Trials
  470. Coordination Chemistry Reviews    *    Active    *    
  471. Coronary Health Care    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2001
  472. Corrosion Science    *    Active    *    
  473. Cortex    *    Active    *    
  474. COSPAR Information Bulletin    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Space Research Today
  475. Cretaceous Research    *    Active    *    
  476. Critical Perspectives on Accounting    *    Active    *    
  477. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology    *    Active    *    
  478. Crop Protection    *    Active    *    
  479. Cryobiology    *    Active    *    
  480. Cryogenics    *    Active    *    
  481. Crystal Engineering    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  482. Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care    *    Active    *    
  483. Current Applied Physics    *    Active    *    
  484. Current Diagnostic Pathology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Diagnostic Histopathology
  485. Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine
  486. Current Opinion in Biotechnology    *    Active    *    
  487. Current Opinion in Cell Biology    *    Active    *    
  488. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology    *    Active    *    
  489. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science    *    Active    *    
  490. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development    *    Active    *    
  491. Current Opinion in Immunology    *    Active    *    
  492. Current Opinion in Microbiology    *    Active    *    
  493. Current Opinion in Neurobiology    *    Active    *    
  494. Current Opinion in Pharmacology    *    Active    *    
  495. Current Opinion in Plant Biology    *    Active    *    
  496. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science    *    Active    *    
  497. Current Opinion in Structural Biology    *    Active    *    
  498. Current Orthopaedics    *    Active    *    
  499. Current Paediatrics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Paediatrics and Child Health
  500. Current Problems in Cancer    *    Active    *    
  501. Current Problems in Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  502. Current Problems in Dermatology    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  503. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Current Problems in Pediatrics
  504. Current Problems in Pediatrics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care
  505. Current Problems in Surgery    *    Active    *    
  506. Current Surgery    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Surgical Education
  507. Current Therapeutic Research    *    Active    *    
  508. CVD Prevention and Control    *    Active    *    Formerly known as as Prevention and Control
  509. CVGIP: Image Understanding     *    1993-1994
  510. Cytokine    *    Active    *    
  511. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Progress in Growth Factor Research
  512. Data & Knowledge Engineering    *    Active    *    
  513. Decision Support Systems    *    Active    *    
  514. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers
  515. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers
  516. Dendrochronologia    *    Active    *    
  517. Dental Abstracts    *    Active    *    
  518. Dental Materials    *    Active    *    
  519. Desalination    *    Active    *    
  520. Design Studies    *    Active    *    
  521. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur    *    Active    *    
  522. Developmental Biology    *    Active    *    
  523. Developmental Brain Research    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Brain Research
  524. Developmental & Comparative Immunology    *    Active    *    
  525. Developmental Review    *    Active    *    
  526. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Search and Reviews    *    Active    *    
  527. Diabetes & Metabolism    *    Active    *    
  528. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice    *    Active    *    
  529. Diagnostic Histopathology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Current Diagnostic Pathology
  530. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease    *    Active    *    
  531. Diamond and Related Materials    *    Active    *    
  532. Differential Geometry and its Applications    *    Active    *    
  533. Digestive and Liver Disease    *    Active    *    
  534. Digestive and Liver Disease Supplements    *    Forthcoming    *    
  535. Digital Investigation    *    Active    *    
  536. Digital Signal Processing    *    Active    *    
  537. Disaster Management & Response    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Trauma Nursing; Title discontinued as of 2008
  538. Discrete Applied Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  539. Discrete Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  540. Discrete Optimization    *    Active    *    
  541. Disease-a-Month    *    Active    *    
  542. Displays    *    Active    *    
  543. DNA Repair    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Mutation Research/DNA Repair
  544. Domestic Animal Endocrinology    *    Active    *    
  545. Drug and Alcohol Dependence    *    Active    *    
  546. Drug Discovery Today    *    Active    *    Incorporating Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS, Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICO and Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today
  547. Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICO    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Drug Discovery Today Formerly known as BIOSILICO
  548. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms    *    Active    *    
  549. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models    *    Active    *    
  550. Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Drug Discovery Today Formerly known as TARGETS
  551. Drug Discovery Today: Technologies    *    Active    *    
  552. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies    *    Active    *    
  553. Drug Resistance Updates    *    Active    *    
  554. Dyes and Pigments    *    Active    *    
  555. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans    *    Active    *    
  556. Early Childhood Research Quarterly    *    Active    *    
  557. Early Human Development    *    Active    *    Incorporating Screening
  558. Earth and Planetary Science Letters    *    Active    *    
  559. Earth Science Frontiers    *    Active    *    
  560. Earth-Science Reviews    *    Active    *    
  561. Eating Behaviors    *    Active    *    
  562. EAU-EBU Update Series    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly known as EAU Update Series; Incorporated into European Urology Supplements
  563. EAU Update Series    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as EAU-EBU Update Series
  564. Ecological Complexity    *    Active    *    
  565. Ecological Economics    *    Active    *    
  566. Ecological Engineering    *    Active    *    
  567. Ecological Indicators    *    Active    *    
  568. Ecological Informatics    *    Active    *    
  569. Ecological Modelling    *    Active    *    
  570. Economic Modelling    *    Active    *    
  571. Economic Systems    *    Active    *    
  572. Economics of Education Review    *    Active    *    
  573. Economics & Human Biology    *    Active    *    
  574. Economics Letters    *    Active    *    
  575. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety    *    Active    *    
  576. Education for Chemical Engineers    *    Active    *    
  577. Educational Research Review    *    Active    *    
  578. EJVES Extra    *    Active    *    
  579. Electoral Studies    *    Active    *    
  580. Electric Power Systems Research    *    Active    *    
  581. The Electricity Journal    *    Active    *    
  582. Electrochemistry Communications    *    Active    *    
  583. Electrochimica Acta    *    Active    *    
  584. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Clinical Neurophysiology
  585. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Clinical Neurophysiology
  586. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Clinical Neurophysiology
  587. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications    *    Active    *    
  588. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  589. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science    *    Active    *    
  590. EMC - Anesthésie-Réanimation    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  591. EMC - Cardiologie-Angéiologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  592. EMC - Chirurgie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  593. EMC - Dentisterie    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as EMC - Odontologie and EMC - Stomatologie
  594. EMC - Dermatologie-Cosmétologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  595. EMC - Endocrinologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  596. EMC - Gynécologie-Obstétrique    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  597. EMC - Hématologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  598. EMC - Hépato-Gastroenterologie    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as EMC - Hépatologie; Title discontinued as of 2006
  599. EMC - Hépatologie    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as EMC - Hépato-Gastroenterologie
  600. EMC - Kinésithérapie    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly part of EMC - Podologie-Kinésithérapie; Title discontinued as of 2006
  601. EMC - Maladies Infectieuses    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  602. EMC - Médecine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  603. EMC - Néphrologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  604. EMC - Neurologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  605. EMC - Odontologie    *    Discontinued    *    Continued from EMC - Dentisterie; Title discontinued as of 2006
  606. EMC - Ophtalmologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  607. EMC - Oto-rhino-laryngologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  608. EMC - Pédiatrie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  609. EMC - Pneumologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  610. EMC - Podologie    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly part of EMC - Podologie-Kinésithérapie; Title discontinued as of 2006
  611. EMC - Podologie-Kinésithérapie    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as EMC - Kinésithérapie and EMC - Podologie
  612. EMC - Psychiatrie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  613. EMC - Radiologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  614. EMC - Rhumatologie-Orthopédie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  615. EMC - Stomatologie    *    Discontinued    *    Continued from EMC - Dentisterie; Title discontinued as of 2006
  616. EMC - Toxicologie-Pathologie    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  617. EMC - Vétérinaire    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  618. Emerging Markets Review    *    Active    *    
  619. Emotion, Space and Society    *    Active    *    
  620. Endeavour    *    Active    *    
  621. Energy    *    Active    *    Incorporating Exergy, An International Journal
  622. Energy and Buildings    *    Active    *    
  623. Energy Conversion and Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Energy Conversion
  624. Energy Economics    *    Active    *    Incorporating Journal of Energy Finance & Development
  625. Energy Policy    *    Active    *    
  626. Energy Procedia    *    Forthcoming    *    
  627. Energy for Sustainable Development    *    Active    *    
  628. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Engineering Analysis
  629. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence    *    Active    *    
  630. Engineering Failure Analysis    *    Active    *    
  631. Engineering Fracture Mechanics    *    Active    *    
  632. Engineering Geology    *    Active    *    Incorporating Mining Science and Technology
  633. Engineering Management International     *    1981-1988
  634. Engineering Structures    *    Active    *    
  635. English for Specific Purposes    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The ESP Journal
  636. Entertainment Computing    *    Forthcoming    *    
  637. Environment International    *    Active    *    
  638. Environmental and Experimental Botany    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Radiation Botany
  639. Environmental Forensics (-2002)     *    2000-2002
  640. Environmental Hazards    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards; Title discontinued as of 2008
  641. Environmental Impact Assessment Review    *    Active    *    
  642. Environmental Modelling & Software    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Environmental Software
  643. Environmental Pollution    *    Active    *    Continued from Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological and Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical
  644. Environmental Research    *    Active    *    
  645. Environmental Science & Policy    *    Active    *    
  646. Environmental Software    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Environmental Modelling & Software
  647. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
  648. Enzyme and Microbial Technology    *    Active    *    
  649. Epidemics    *    Active    *    
  650. Epilepsy & Behavior    *    Active    *    
  651. Epilepsy Research    *    Active    *    Incorporating Journal of Epilepsy
  652. e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism    *    Active    *    
  653. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science
  654. Ethology and Sociobiology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Evolution and Human Behavior
  655. European Economic Review    *    Active    *    
  656. European Journal of Agronomy    *    Active    *    
  657. European Journal of Cancer    *    Active    *    Formerly known as European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology; Associated with European Journal of Cancer Supplements
  658. European Journal of Cancer. Part B: Oral Oncology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Oral Oncology
  659. European Journal of Cancer Supplements    *    Active    *    
  660. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery    *    Active    *    
  661. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Supplements    *    Active    *    
  662. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing    *    Active    *    
  663. European Journal of Cell Biology    *    Active    *    
  664. European Journal of Combinatorics    *    Active    *    
  665. European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements     *    2002-2003
  666. European Journal of Integrative Medicine    *    Active    *    
  667. European Journal of Internal Medicine    *    Active    *    
  668. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids    *    Active    *    
  669. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids    *    Active    *    
  670. European Journal of Medical Genetics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annales de Génétique
  671. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  672. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology    *    Active    *    
  673. European Journal of Oncology Nursing    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Cancer Nursing
  674. European Journal of Operational Research    *    Active    *    
  675. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology    *    Active    *    
  676. European Journal of Pain    *    Active    *    
  677. European Journal of Pain Supplements    *    Active    *    
  678. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences    *    Active    *    Incorporating Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
  679. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics    *    Active    *    
  680. European Journal of Pharmacology    *    Active    *    Incorporating European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology
  681. European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
  682. European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into European Journal of Pharmacology
  683. European Journal of Political Economy    *    Active    *    
  684. European Journal of Protistology    *    Active    *    
  685. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
  686. European Journal of Radiography    *    Forthcoming    *    
  687. European Journal of Radiology    *    Active    *    
  688. European Journal of Radiology Extra    *    Active    *    
  689. European Journal of Soil Biology    *    Active    *    
  690. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Solid State Sciences
  691. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)    *    Active    *    
  692. European Journal of Ultrasound    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  693. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery    *    Active    *    Formerly known as European Journal of Vascular Surgery
  694. European Management Journal    *    Active    *    
  695. European Neuropsychopharmacology    *    Active    *    
  696. European Polymer Journal    *    Active    *    
  697. European Psychiatry    *    Active    *    
  698. European Urology    *    Active    *    
  699. European Urology Supplements    *    Active    *    Incorporating EAU-EBU Update Series
  700. Evaluation and Program Planning    *    Active    *    
  701. Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  702. Evidence-based Healthcare    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health
  703. Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Evidence-based Healthcare; Title discontinued as of 2006
  704. Evidence-based Obstetrics & Gynecology    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  705. Evidence-based Oncology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Cancer Treatment Reviews
  706. Evolution and Human Behavior    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Ethology and Sociobiology
  707. L'Évolution Psychiatrique    *    Active    *    
  708. Exergy, An International Journal    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Energy
  709. Experimental Cell Research    *    Active    *    
  710. Experimental Eye Research    *    Active    *    
  711. Experimental Gerontology    *    Active    *    
  712. Experimental Hematology    *    Active    *    
  713. Experimental and Molecular Pathology    *    Active    *    
  714. Experimental Mycology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Fungal Genetics and Biology
  715. Experimental Neurology    *    Active    *    Incorporating Neurodegeneration
  716. Experimental Parasitology    *    Active    *    
  717. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science    *    Active    *    
  718. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology    *    Active    *    
  719. Expert Systems with Applications    *    Active    *    
  720. Explorations in Economic History    *    Active    *    
  721. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing    *    Active    *    
  722. Expositiones Mathematicae    *    Active    *    
  723. Il Farmaco    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  724. FEBS Letters    *    Active    *    
  725. FEMS Microbiology Ecology     *    1993-2005   dále Wiley
  726. FEMS Microbiology Letters    *    1993-2005 dále Wiley
  727. FEMS Microbiology Reviews   *    1993-2005 dále Wiley
  728. Fertility and Sterility  * není ve Freedom Collection, ale funguje 1997 - 2009
  729. Fibrinolysis    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis
  730. Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Fibrinolysis; Title discontinued as of 2001
  731. Field Crops Research    *    Active    *    
  732. Filtration Industry Analyst    *    Active    *    
  733. Filtration & Separation    *    Active    *    
  734. Finance Research Letters    *    Active    *  
  735. Financial Services Review    *    1991-1994  
  736. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design    *    Active    *    
  737. Finite Fields and Their Applications    *    Active    *    
  738. Fire Safety Journal    *    Active    *    
  739. Fish & Shellfish Immunology    *    Active    *    
  740. Fisheries Research    *    Active    *    
  741. Fitoterapia    *    Active    *    
  742. Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants    *    Active    *    
  743. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation    *    Active    *    
  744. Fluid Dynamics Research * 1995 -2008
  745. Fluid Phase Equilibria    *    Active    *    
  746. Focus on Catalysts    *    Active    *    
  747. Focus on Pigments    *    Active    *    
  748. Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  749. Focus on Powder Coatings    *    Active    *    
  750. Focus on Surfactants    *    Active    *    
  751. Food and Bioproducts Processing    *    Active    *    
  752. Food and Chemical Toxicology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Food and Cosmetics Toxicology
  753. Food Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  754. Food Control    *    Active    *    
  755. Food Hydrocolloids    *    Active    *    
  756. Food Microbiology    *    Active    *    
  757. Food Policy    *    Active    *    
  758. Food Quality and Preference    *    Active    *    
  759. Food Research International    *    Active    *    
  760. The Foot    *    Active    *    
  761. Foot and Ankle Surgery    *    Active    *    
  762. Forensic Science International    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Forensic Science
  763. Forensic Science International: Genetics    *    Active    *    
  764. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series    *    Active    *    
  765. Forensic Science International Supplement Series    *    Forthcoming    *    
  766. Forest Ecology and Management    *    Active    *    
  767. Forest Policy and Economics    *    Active    *    
  768. Free Radical Biology and Medicine    *    Active    *    Incorporating Advances in Free Radical Biology & Medicine and Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine
  769. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology    *    Active    *    
  770. Fuel    *    Active    *    
  771. Fuel Cells Bulletin    *    Active    *    
  772. Fuel and Energy Abstracts    *    Active    *    
  773. Fuel Processing Technology    *    Active    *   
  774. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology     *    1993-1997 
  775. Fungal Biology Reviews    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Mycologist
  776. Fungal Ecology    *    Active    *    
  777. Fungal Genetics and Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Experimental Mycology
  778. Fusion Engineering and Design    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion
  779. Fuss & Sprunggelenk    *    Active    *    
  780. Future Generation Computer Systems    *    Active    *    
  781. Futures    *    Active    *    
  782. Fuzzy Sets and Systems    *    Active    *    
  783. Gait & Posture    *    Active    *    
  784. Games and Economic Behavior    *    Active    *    
  785. Gas Separation & Purification    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Separation and Purification Technology
  786. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy    *    Active    *    
  787. Gender Medicine    *    Active    *    
  788. Gene    *    Active    *    
  789. Gene Expression Patterns    *    Active    *    
  790. General and Comparative Endocrinology    *    Active    *    
  791. General Pharmacology: The Vascular System     *    1995-2001
  792. General Hospital Psychiatry    *    Active    *    
  793. General Pharmacology: The Vascular System    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Comparative and General Pharmacology; Continued as Vascular Pharmacology
  794. Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Gene Analysis Techniques; Continued as Biomolecular Engineering
  795. Genomics    *    Active    *    
  796. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics    *    Active    *    
  797. Geobios    *    Active    *    
  798. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta    *    Active    *    
  799. Geoderma    *    Active    *    
  800. Geoforum    *    Active    *    
  801. Geography and Natural Resources    *    Active    *    
  802. Geomorphology    *    Active    *    
  803. Geotextiles and Geomembranes    *    Active    *    
  804. Geothermics    *    Active    *    
  805. Geriatric Nursing    *    Active    *    
  806. Global Environmental Change    *    Active    *    
  807. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Environmental Hazards
  808. Global Finance Journal    *    Active    *    
  809. Global and Planetary Change    *    Active    *    
  810. Gondwana Research    *    Active    *    
  811. Government Information Quarterly    *    Active    *    Incorporating Journal of Government Information
  812. Graphical Models    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Graphical Models and Image Processing
  813. Graphical Models and Image Processing    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing; Continued as Graphical Models
  814. Growth Hormone & IGF Research    *    Active    *    
  815. Gynecologic Oncology    *    Active    *    
  816. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité    *    Active    *    
  817. Habitat International    *    Active    *    
  818. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science    *    Active    *    This Handbook Series will be continued as journal Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science
  819. Harmful Algae    *    Active    *    
  820. Health & Place    *    Active    *    
  821. Health Policy    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Health Policy and Education
  822. Hearing Research    *    Active    *    
  823. Heart, Lung and Circulation    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The Asia Pacific Heart Journal
  824. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care    *    Active    *    
  825. Heat Recovery Systems and CHP    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Journal of Heat Recovery Systems; Continued as Applied Thermal Engineering
  826. High Energy Density Physics    *    Active    *    
  827. Historia Mathematica    *    Active    *    
  828. History of European Ideas    *    Active    *    
  829. The History of the Family    *    Active    *    
  830. Home Care Provider    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  831. Homeopathy    *    Active    *    Formerly known as British Homoeopathic Journal
  832. HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology    *    Active    *    
  833. Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology    *    Active    *    
  834. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy    *    Active    *    
  835. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal    *    Active    *    
  836. Hormones and Behavior    *    Active    *    
  837. Human Immunology    *    Active    *    
  838. Human Movement Science    *    Active    *    
  839. Human Pathology    *    Active    *    
  840. Human Resource Management Review    *    Active    *    
  841. Hydrometallurgy    *    Active    *    
  842. Icarus    *    Active    *    
  843. III-Vs Review    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Euro III-Vs Review; Title discontinued as of 2007
  844. Image and Vision Computing    *    Active    *    
  845. Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Trait - d'Union
  846. Immunobiology    *    Active    *    
  847. Immunology Letters    *    Active    *    
  848. Immunology Today    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Trends in Immunology
  849. ImmunoMethods     *    1993-1994
  850. Immunopharmacology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into International Immunopharmacology
  851. Immunotechnology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Journal of Immunological Methods
  852. IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering     *    1993
  853. Indagationes Mathematicae    *    Active    *    Incorporating Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings)
  854. Industrial Crops and Products    *    Active    *    
  855. Industrial Marketing Management    *    Active    *    
  856. Infant Behavior and Development    *    Active    *    
  857. Infection, Genetics and Evolution    *    Active    *    
  858. Information and Computation    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Information and Control
  859. Information Economics and Policy    *    Active    *    
  860. Information Fusion    *    Active    *    
  861. Information & Management    *    Active    *    
  862. Information and Organization    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Accounting, Management and Information Technologies
  863. Information Processing Letters    *    Active    *    
  864. Information Processing & Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Information Storage and Retrieval
  865. Information Sciences    *    Active    *    Incorporating Information Sciences - Applications
  866. Information Sciences - Applications    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Information Sciences
  867. Information Security Technical Report    *    Active    *    
  868. Information and Software Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Data Processing
  869. Information Systems    *    Active    *    
  870. Infosecurity    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Infosecurity Today
  871. Infosecurity Today    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Infosecurity
  872. Infrared Physics     *    část 1993
  873. Infrared Physics & Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Infrared Physics
  874. Injury    *    Active    *    
  875. Injury Extra    *    Active    *    
  876. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies    *    Active    *    
  877. Inorganic Chemistry Communications    *    Active    *    
  878. Inorganica Chimica Acta    *    Active    *    Incorporating Inorganica Chimica Acta Reviews
  879. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Insect Biochemistry
  880. Insulin    *    Active    *    
  881. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics    *    Active    *    
  882. Integration, the VLSI Journal    *    Active    *    
  883. Integrative Medicine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2000
  884. Intelligence    *    Active    *    
  885. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Intensive Care Nursing
  886. Interacting with Computers    *    Active    *    
  887. Intermetallics    *    Active    *    
  888. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Biodeterioration
  889. International Business Review    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Scandinavian International Business Review
  890. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer
  891. International Congress Series    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2008
  892. International Contact Lens Clinic    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
  893. International Dairy Journal    *    Active    *    
  894. International Emergency Nursing    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Accident & Emergency Nursing
  895. International Hepatology Communications     *    1995-1997
  896. International Immunopharmacology    *    Active    *    Incorporating Immunopharmacology and International Journal of Immunopharmacology
  897. The International Information & Library Review    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Library Review
  898. The International Journal of Accounting    *    Active    *    
  899. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems    *    Active    *    
  900. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives    *    Active    *    
  901. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents    *    Active    *    
  902. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation    *    Active    *    
  903. International Journal of Applied Quality Management    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2000
  904. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning    *    Active    *    
  905. International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Journal of Medical Informatics
  906. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Biochemistry
  907. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules    *    Active    *    
  908. International Journal of Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  909. International Journal of Coal Geology    *    Active    *    
  910. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection    *    Active    *    
  911. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience    *    Active    *    
  912. International Journal of Drug Policy    *    Active    *    
  913. International Journal of Educational Development    *    Active    *    
  914. International Journal of Educational Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Evaluation in Education
  915. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems    *    Active    *    
  916. International Journal of Engineering Science    *    Active    *    
  917. International Journal of Fatigue    *    Active    *    
  918. International Journal of Food Microbiology    *    Active    *    
  919. International Journal of Forecasting    *    Active    *    
  920. International Journal of Gerontology    *    Active    *    
  921. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control    *    Active    *    
  922. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics    *    Active    *    
  923. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow    *    Active    *    
  924. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer    *    Active    *    
  925. International Journal of Hospitality Management    *    Active    *    
  926. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Man-Machine Studies; Incorporating Knowledge Acquisition
  927. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy    *    Active    *    
  928. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health    *    Active    *    
  929. International Journal of Immunopharmacology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into International Immunopharmacology
  930. International Journal of Impact Engineering    *    Active    *    
  931. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics    *    Active    *    
  932. International Journal of Industrial Organization    *    Active    *    
  933. International Journal of Infectious Diseases    *    Active    *    
  934. International Journal of Information Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Social Science Information Studies
  935. International Journal of Inorganic Materials    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Solid State Sciences
  936. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Arthropod Structure & Development
  937. International Journal of Intercultural Relations    *    Active    *    
  938. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of the Sociology of Law
  939. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry    *    Active    *    
  940. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research
  941. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies     *    1993
  942. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes
  943. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics; Continued as International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
  944. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences    *    Active    *    
  945. International Journal of Medical Informatics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing
  946. International Journal of Medical Microbiology    *    Active    *    Incorporating International Journal of Medical Microbiology Supplements
  947. International Journal of Medical Microbiology Supplements    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into International Journal of Medical Microbiology
  948. International Journal of Mineral Processing    *    Active    *    
  949. International Journal of Multiphase Flow    *    Active    *    
  950. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics    *    Active    *    
  951. International Journal of Nursing Studies    *    Active    *    
  952. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia    *    Active    *    
  953. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Oral Surgery
  954. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
  955. International Journal for Parasitology    *    Active    *    
  956. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology    *    Active    *    
  957. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra    *    Active    *    
  958. International Journal of Pharmaceutics    *    Active    *    
  959. International Journal of Plasticity    *    Active    *    
  960. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping    *    Active    *    
  961. International Journal of Production Economics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Engineering Costs and Production Economics
  962. International Journal of Project Management    *    Active    *    
  963. International Journal of Psychophysiology    *    Active    *  
  964. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements     *    1993  
  965. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics     *    1993-2003
  966. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials    *    Active    *    
  967. International Journal of Refrigeration    *    Active    *    
  968. International Journal of Research in Marketing    *    Active    *    
  969. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
  970. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
  971. International Journal of Sediment Research    *    Active    *    
  972. International Journal of the Sociology of Law    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Journal of Law Crime and Justice
  973. International Journal of Solids and Structures    *    Active    *    
  974. International Journal of Surgery    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as The Journal of Surgery; Title discontinued as of 2009
  975. International Journal of Thermal Sciences    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Revue Générale de Thermique
  976. International Journal of Transport Management    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2005
  977. International Journal of Trauma Nursing    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Disaster Management & Response
  978. International Review of Economics & Finance    *    Active    *    
  979. International Review of Financial Analysis    *    Active    *    
  980. International Review of Law and Economics    *    Active    *    
  981. The Internet and Higher Education    *    Active    *    
  982. Interventional Cardiology Newsletter    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1998
  983. IRBM    *    Active    *    Formerly known as ITBM-RBM
  984. IRBM News    *    Active    *    Formerly known as ITBM-RBM News
  985. ISA Transactions    *    Active    *    
  986. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Photogrammetria
  987. ITBM-RBM    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as IRBM
  988. ITBM-RBM News    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as RBM-News; Continued as IRBM News
  989. Japan and the World Economy    *    Active    *    
  990. Japanese Dental Science Review    *    Active    *    
  991. Joint Bone Spine    *    Active    *    
  992. The Journal of Academic Librarianship    *    Active    *    
  993. Journal of Accounting and Economics    *    Active    *    
  994. Journal of Accounting Education    *    Active    *    
  995. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy    *    Active    *    
  996. Journal of Adolescence    *    Active    *    
  997. Journal of Adolescent Health    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Adolescent Health Care
  998. Journal of Aerosol Science    *    Active    *    
  999. Journal of Affective Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1000. Journal of African Earth Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1001. Journal of Aging Studies    *    Active    *    
  1002. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Biosystems Engineering
  1003. Journal of Air Transport Management    *    Active    *    
  1004. Journal of Algebra    *    Active    *    
  1005. Journal of Algorithms    *    Active    *    
  1006. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Allergy
  1007. Journal of Alloys and Compounds    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of the Less Common Metals
  1008. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology    *    Active    *    
  1009. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus    *    Active    *    
  1010. Journal of the American College of Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  1011. Journal of the American College of Surgeons    *    Active    *    
  1012. Journal of the American Dietetic Association    *    Active    *    
  1013. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry    *    Active    *    
  1014. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis    *    Active    *    
  1015. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology    *    Active    *    
  1016. Journal of Anxiety Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1017. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1018. Journal of Applied Geophysics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Geoexploration
  1019. Journal of Applied Logic    *    Active    *    
  1020. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics    *    Active    *    
  1021. Journal of Approximation Theory    *    Active    *    
  1022. Journal of Archaeological Science    *    Active    *    
  1023. Journal of Arid Environments    *    Active    *    
  1024. The Journal of Arthroplasty    *    Active    *    
  1025. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology    *    Active    *    
  1026. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences
  1027. Journal of Asian Economics    *    Active    *    
  1028. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation    *    Active    *    
  1029. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care    *    Active    *    
  1030. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
  1031. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  1032. Journal of Autoimmunity    *    Active    *    
  1033. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Autonomic Neuroscience
  1034. Journal of Banking & Finance    *    Active    *    
  1035. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry    *    Active    * 
  1036. Journal of Behavioral Economics     *    1972-1990   
  1037. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Proteomics
  1038. Journal of Biomechanics    *    Active    *    
  1039. Journal of Biomedical Informatics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Computers and Biomedical Research
  1040. Journal of Bionic Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1041. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering
  1042. Journal of Biotechnology    *    Active    *    
  1043. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies    *    Active    *    
  1044. Journal of The British Contact Lens Association    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
  1045. Journal of Business Research    *    Active    *    
  1046. Journal of Business Venturing    *    Active    *    
  1047. Journal of Cancer Nursing    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as European Journal of Oncology Nursing
  1048. Journal of Cardiac Failure    *    Active    *    
  1049. Journal of Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  1050. Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal Research    *    Active    *    
  1051. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
  1052. Journal of Catalysis    *    Active    *    
  1053. Journal of Cereal Science    *    Active    *    
  1054. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Chemical Health and Safety
  1055. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy    *    Active    *    
  1056. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics    *    Active    *    
  1057. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications    *    Active    *    
  1058. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology    *    Active    *    
  1059. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  1060. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association    *    Active    *    
  1061. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1062. Journal of Chromatography A    *    Active    *    
  1063. Journal of Chromatography B    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
  1064. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Chromatography B
  1065. Journal of Cleaner Production    *    Active    *    
  1066. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia    *    Active    *    
  1067. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Chronic Diseases
  1068. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
  1069. Journal of Clinical Lipidology    *    Active    *    
  1070. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience    *    Active    *    
  1071. Journal of Clinical Virology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
  1072. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Colloid Science
  1073. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Journal of Combinatorial Theory
  1074. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Journal of Combinatorial Theory
  1075. Journal of Communication Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1076. Journal of Comparative Economics    *    Active    *    
  1077. Journal of Comparative Pathology    *    Active    *    
  1078. Journal of Complexity    *    Active    *    
  1079. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics    *    Active    *    
  1080. Journal of Computational Physics    *    Active    *    
  1081. Journal of Computer and System Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1082. Journal of Constructional Steel Research    *    Active    *    
  1083. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology    *    Active    *    
  1084. Journal of Controlled Release    *    Active    *    
  1085. Journal of Corporate Finance    *    Active    *    
  1086. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery
  1087. Journal of Criminal Justice    *    Active    *    
  1088. Journal of Critical Care    *    Active    *    Incorporating Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain
  1089. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis    *    Active    *    
  1090. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis Supplements    *    Active    *    
  1091. Journal of Crystal Growth    *    Active    *    
  1092. Journal of Cultural Heritage    *    Active    *    
  1093. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis    *    Active    *    
  1094. Journal of Dentistry    *    Active    *    
  1095. Journal of Dermatological Science    *    Active    *    
  1096. Journal of Dermatological Science Supplement    *    Active    *    
  1097. Journal of Development Economics    *    Active    *    
  1098. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Diabetic Complications
  1099. Journal of Differential Equations    *    Active    *    
  1100. Journal of Discrete Algorithms    *    Active    *    
  1101. Journal of Econometrics    *    Active    *    
  1102. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization    *    Active    *    
  1103. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control    *    Active    *    
  1104. Journal of Economic Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1105. Journal of Economic Theory    *    Active    *    
  1106. Journal of Economics and Business    *    Active    *    
  1107. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1108. Journal of Electrocardiology    *    Active    *    
  1109. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology    *    Active    *    
  1110. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena    *    Active    *    
  1111. Journal of Electrostatics    *    Active    *    
  1112. Journal of Emergency Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1113. Journal of Emergency Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1114. Journal of Empirical Finance    *    Active    *    
  1115. Journal of Energy Finance & Development    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Energy Economics
  1116. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Engineering Management International
  1117. Journal of English for Academic Purposes    *    Active    *    
  1118. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management    *    Active    *    
  1119. Journal of Environmental Management    *    Active    *    Incorporating Advances in Environmental Research
  1120. Journal of Environmental Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1121. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity    *    Active    *    
  1122. Journal of Environmental Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1123. Journal of Epilepsy    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Epilepsy Research
  1124. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science    *    Active    *    
  1125. Journal of Ethnopharmacology    *    Active    *    
  1126. Journal of the European Ceramic Society    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of High Technology Ceramics
  1127. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice    *    Active    *    
  1128. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine
  1129. Journal of Experimental Animal Science    *    Discontinued    *    Discontinued as of 2007
  1130. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1131. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology    *    Active    *    
  1132. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1133. Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1134. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Journal of Fermentation Technology; Continued as Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
  1135. Journal of Financial Economics    *    Active    *    
  1136. Journal of Financial Intermediation    *    Active    *    
  1137. Journal of Financial Markets    *    Active    *    
  1138. Journal of Financial Stability    *    Active    *    
  1139. Journal of Fluency Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1140. Journal of Fluids and Structures    *    Active    *    
  1141. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1142. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis    *    Active    *    
  1143. Journal of Food Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1144. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1145. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine
  1146. Journal of Forest Economics    *    Active    *    
  1147. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association    *    Active    *    
  1148. Journal of the Franklin Institute    *    Active    *    
  1149. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology    *    Active    *    
  1150. Journal of Functional Analysis    *    Active    *    
  1151. Journal of Functional Foods    *    Active    *    
  1152. Journal of Genetics and Genomics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Acta Genetica Sinica
  1153. Journal of Geochemical Exploration    *    Active    *    
  1154. Journal of Geodynamics    *    Active    *    
  1155. Journal of Geometry and Physics    *    Active    *    
  1156. Journal of Government Information    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly known as Government Publications Review; Incorporated into Government Information Quarterly
  1157. Journal of Hand Therapy    *    Active    *    
  1158. Journal of Hazardous Materials    *    Active    *    
  1159. Journal of Health Economics    *    Active    *    
  1160. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, The     *    1999-2003
  1161. Journal of Hepatology    *    Active    *    
  1162. The Journal of High Technology Management Research    *    Active    *    
  1163. Journal of Historical Geography    *    Active    *    
  1164. Journal of Hospital Infection    *    Active    *    
  1165. Journal of Housing Economics    *    Active    *    
  1166. Journal of Human Evolution    *    Active    *    
  1167. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B    *    Active    *    
  1168. Journal of Hydro-environment Research    *    Active    *    
  1169. Journal of Hydrology    *    Active    *    
  1170. Journal of Immunological Methods    *    Active    *    Incorporating Immunotechnology
  1171. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1172. Journal of Infection    *    Active    *    
  1173. Journal of Infection and Public Health    *    Active    *    
  1174. Journal of Informetrics    *    Active    *    
  1175. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Bioinorganic Chemistry
  1176. Journal of Insect Physiology    *    Active    *    
  1177. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation    *    Active    *    
  1178. Journal of International Economics    *    Active    *    
  1179. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money    *    Active    *    
  1180. Journal of International Management    *    Active    *    
  1181. Journal of International Money and Finance    *    Active    *    
  1182. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology    *    Active    *    
  1183. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International    *    Active    *    
  1184. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies    *    Active    *    
  1185. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society    *    Active    *    
  1186. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Translational Research
  1187. Journal of Light Metals    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  1188. Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
  1189. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The Journal of Logic Programming
  1190. The Journal of Logic Programming    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
  1191. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries    *    Active    *    
  1192. Journal of Luminescence    *    Active    *    
  1193. Journal of Macroeconomics    *    Active    *    
  1194. Journal of Magnetic Resonance    *    Active    *    Incorporating Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A and Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B
  1195. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly part of Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969); Incorporated into Journal of Magnetic Resonance
  1196. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly part of Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969); Incorporated into Journal of Magnetic Resonance
  1197. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials    *    Active    *    
  1198. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics    *    Active    *    
  1199. Journal of Manufacturing Processes    *    Active    *    
  1200. Journal of Manufacturing Systems    *    Active    *    
  1201. Journal of Marine Systems    *    Active    *    
  1202. Journal of Materials Processing Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Mechanical Working Technology
  1203. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications    *    Active    *    
  1204. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior    *    Active    *    
  1205. Journal of Mathematical Economics    *    Active    *    
  1206. Journal of Mathematical Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1207. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées    *    Active    *    
  1208. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials    *    Active    *    
  1209. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids    *    Active    *    
  1210. Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA    *    Active    *    
  1211. Journal of Medical Ultrasound    *    Active    *    
  1212. Journal of Medieval History    *    Active    *    
  1213. Journal of Membrane Science    *    Active    *    
  1214. Journal of Memory and Language    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior
  1215. Journal of Men’s Health    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The Journal of Men's Health & Gender
  1216. The Journal of Men's Health & Gender    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Men’s Health
  1217. Journal of Microbiological Methods    *    Active    *    
  1218. Journal of Microcomputer Applications    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Network and Computer Applications
  1219. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
  1220. Journal of Molecular Biology    *    Active    *    
  1221. Journal of Molecular Catalysis    *    1993-1994
  1222. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Journal of Molecular Catalysis
  1223. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Journal of Molecular Catalysis
  1224. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  1225. Journal of Molecular Graphics    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
  1226. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Molecular Graphics
  1227. Journal of Molecular Liquids    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes
  1228. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy    *    Active    *    
  1229. Journal of Molecular Structure    *    Active    *    
  1230. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM    *    Active    *    
  1231. Journal of Monetary Economics    *    Active    *    Incorporating Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy
  1232. Journal of Multinational Financial Management    *    Active    *    
  1233. Journal of Multivariate Analysis    *    Active    *    
  1234. Journal de Mycologie Médicale / Journal of Medical Mycology    *    Active    *    
  1235. Journal of Nanjing Medical University    *    Active    *    
  1236. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1237. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1238. Journal for Nature Conservation    *    Active    *    
  1239. Journal of Neonatal Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1240. Journal of Network and Computer Applications    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Microcomputer Applications
  1241. Journal of Neuroimmunology    *    Active    *    Incorporating Advances in Neuroimmunology
  1242. Journal of Neurolinguistics    *    Active    *    
  1243. Journal of the Neurological Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1244. Journal of Neuroscience Methods    *    Active    *    
  1245. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids    *    Active    *    
  1246. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics    *    Active    *    
  1247. Journal of Nuclear Materials    *    Active    *    
  1248. Journal of Number Theory    *    Active    *    
  1249. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health
  1250. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners    *    Active    *    
  1251. Journal of Nutrition Education    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
  1252. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Nutrition Behavior
  1253. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1254. Journal of Operations Management    *    Active    *    
  1255. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1256. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1257. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
  1258. The Journal of Pain    *    Active    *    Has predecessor called APS Journal
  1259. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management    *    Active    *    
  1260. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing    *    Active    *    
  1261. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology    *    Active    *    
  1262. Journal of Pediatric Health Care    *    Active    *    
  1263. Journal of Pediatric Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1264. Journal of Pediatric Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1265. Journal of Pediatric Urology    *    Active    *    
  1266. Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture    *    Active    *    
  1267. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1268. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1269. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis    *    Active    *    
  1270. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Pharmacological Methods
  1271. Journal of Phonetics    *    Active    *    
  1272. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Journal of Photochemistry
  1273. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Journal of Photochemistry
  1274. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1275. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids    *    Active    *    
  1276. Journal of Physiology-Paris    *    Active    *    
  1277. Journal of Plant Physiology    *    Active    *    
  1278. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery    *    Active    *    Formerly known as British Journal of Plastic Surgery
  1279. Journal of Policy Modeling    *    Active    *    
  1280. Journal of Power Sources    *    Active    *    
  1281. Journal of Pragmatics    *    Active    *    
  1282. Journal of Process Control    *    Active    *  
  1283. Journal of Product Innovation Management    *    1993-2002  
  1284. Journal of Professional Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1285. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry    *    Active    *    
  1286. Journal of Prosthodontic Research    *    Active    *    
  1287. Journal of Proteomics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods
  1288. Journal of Psychiatric Research    *    Active    *    
  1289. Journal of Psychosomatic Research    *    Active    *    
  1290. Journal of Public Economics    *    Active    *    
  1291. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management
  1292. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra    *    Active    *    
  1293. Journal of Quality Management    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  1294. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer    *    Active    *    
  1295. Journal of Radiology Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1296. Journal of Rare Earths    *    Active    *    
  1297. Journal of Reproduction and Contraception    *    Active    *    
  1298. Journal of Reproductive Immunology    *    Active    *    
  1299. Journal of Research in Personality    *    Active    *    
  1300. Journal of Retailing    *    Active    *    
  1301. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services    *    Active    *    
  1302. Journal of Rural Studies    *    Active    *    
  1303. Journal of Safety Research    *    Active    *    
  1304. Journal of School Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1305. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport    *    Active    *    
  1306. Journal of Sea Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Netherlands Journal of Sea Research
  1307. Journal of Second Language Writing    *    Active    *    
  1308. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1309. Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Journal of Social and Biological Structures; Title discontinued as of 1999
  1310. The Journal of Socio-Economics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Behavioral Economics
  1311. Journal of Solid State Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1312. Journal of Sound and Vibration    *    Active    *    
  1313. Journal of South American Earth Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1314. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
  1315. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference    *    Active    *    
  1316. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Steroid Biochemistry
  1317. Journal of Stored Products Research    *    Active    *    
  1318. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems    *    Active    *    
  1319. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases    *    Active    *    
  1320. Journal of Structural Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research
  1321. Journal of Structural Geology    *    Active    *    
  1322. Journal of Substance Abuse    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  1323. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment    *    Active    *    
  1324. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids    *    Active    *    
  1325. Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  1326. The Journal of Surgery    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Journal of Surgery
  1327. Journal of Surgical Education    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Current Surgery
  1328. Journal of Surgical Research    *    Active    *    
  1329. Journal of Symbolic Computation    *    Active    *    
  1330. Journal of Systems Architecture    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Microprocessing and Microprogramming
  1331. Journal of Systems and Software    *    Active    *    
  1332. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers
  1333. Journal of Terramechanics    *    Active    *    
  1334. Journal of Theoretical Biology    *    Active    *    
  1335. Journal of Thermal Biology    *    Active    *    
  1336. Journal of Tissue Viability    *    Active    *    
  1337. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology    *    Active    *    
  1338. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1339. Journal of Transport Geography    *    Active    *    
  1340. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology    *    Active    *    
  1341. Journal of Ultrasound    *    Active    *    
  1342. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Mineral, Metallurgy, Material    *    Active    *    
  1343. Journal of Urban Economics    *    Active    *    
  1344. Journal of Vascular Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1345. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research    *    Active    *    
  1346. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  1347. Journal of Virological Methods    *    Active    *    
  1348. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation    *    Active    *    
  1349. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing    *    Active    *    
  1350. Journal of Vocational Behavior    *    Active    *    
  1351. Journal of Voice    *    Active    *    
  1352. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research    *    Active    *    
  1353. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics    *    Active    *    
  1354. Journal of World Business    *    Active    *    Formerly known as The Columbia Journal of World Business
  1355. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology (-1997)     *    1993-1997
  1356. JSAE Review     *    1994-2003
  1357. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1358. Kinésithérapie, la Revue    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1359. The Knee    *    Active    *   
  1360. Knowledge Acquisition     *    1993-1994 
  1361. Knowledge-Based Systems    *    Active    *    
  1362. Komplementäre und Integrative Medizin    *    Active    *    
  1363. Krankenhaus-Hygiene + Infektionsverhütung    *    Active    *    
  1364. Laboratory Automation & Information Management    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
  1365. Labour Economics    *    Active    *    
  1366. The Lancet    *    Active    *    
  1367. The Lancet Infectious Diseases    *    Active    *    
  1368. The Lancet Neurology    *    Active    *    
  1369. The Lancet Oncology    *    Active    *    
  1370. Land Use Policy    *    Active    *    
  1371. Landscape and Urban Planning    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Landscape Planning; Incorporating Urban Ecology
  1372. Language & Communication    *    Active    *    
  1373. Language Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1374. The Leadership Quarterly    *    Active    *    
  1375. Learning and Individual Differences    *    Active    *    
  1376. Learning and Instruction    *    Active    *    
  1377. Learning and Motivation    *    Active    *    
  1378. Legal Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1379. Leukemia Research    *    Active    *    
  1380. Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services
  1381. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory
  1382. Library & Information Science Research    *    Active    *    
  1383. Life Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1384. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters    *    Active    *    
  1385. Linear Algebra and its Applications    *    Active    *    
  1386. Lingua    *    Active    *    
  1387. Linguistics and Education    *    Active    *    
  1388. Lithos    *    Active    *    
  1389. Livestock Production Science    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Livestock Science
  1390. Livestock Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Livestock Production Science
  1391. Location Science    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Computers & Operations Research
  1392. Long Range Planning    *    Active    *    
  1393. Lung Cancer    *    Active    *    
  1394. LWT - Food Science and Technology    *    Active    *    
  1395. Magnetic Resonance Imaging    *    Active    *   
  1396. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA)   *    1998-2002 
  1397. Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde    *    Active    *    
  1398. Management Accounting Research    *    Active    *    
  1399. Manual Therapy    *    Active    *    
  1400. Marine Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1401. Marine Environmental Research    *    Active    *    
  1402. Marine Genomics    *    Active    *    
  1403. Marine Geology    *    Active    *    
  1404. Marine Micropaleontology    *    Active    *    
  1405. Marine Models    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  1406. Marine and Petroleum Geology    *    Active    *    
  1407. Marine Policy    *    Active    *    
  1408. Marine Pollution Bulletin    *    Active    *    
  1409. Marine Structures    *    Active    *    
  1410. Materials Characterization    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Metallography
  1411. Materials Chemistry and Physics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Materials Chemistry
  1412. Materials & Design    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications
  1413. Materials Letters    *    Active    *    
  1414. Materials Research Bulletin    *    Active    *    
  1415. Materials Science and Engineering: A    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Materials Science and Engineering
  1416. Materials Science and Engineering: B    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Materials Science and Engineering
  1417. Materials Science and Engineering: C    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Materials Science Reports; Incorporating Supramolecular Science
  1418. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Materials Science Reports
  1419. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing    *    Active    *    
  1420. Materials Science Reports     *    1993
  1421. Materials Today    *    Active    *    
  1422. Mathematical Biosciences    *    Active    *    
  1423. Mathematical and Computer Modelling    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Mathematical Modelling
  1424. Mathematical Social Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1425. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation    *    Active    *    
  1426. Matrix Biology    *    Active    *    
  1427. Maturitas    *    Active    *    
  1428. Measurement    *    Active    *    Incorporating Industrial Metrology
  1429. Meat Science    *    Active    *    
  1430. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing    *    Active    *    
  1431. Mechanics of Materials    *    Active    *    
  1432. Mechanics Research Communications    *    Active    *    
  1433. Mechanism and Machine Theory    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Mechanisms
  1434. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development    *    Active    *    
  1435. Mechanisms of Development    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Cell Differentiation and Development
  1436. Mechatronics    *    Active    *    
  1437. Médecine de Catastrophe - urgences collectives    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Urgences Médicales; Title discontinued as of 2000
  1438. Médecine & Droit    *    Active    *    
  1439. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses    *    Active    *    
  1440. Médecine Nucléaire    *    Active    *    
  1441. Medical Engineering & Physics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Biomedical Engineering
  1442. Medical Hypotheses    *    Active    *    
  1443. Medical Image Analysis    *    Active    *    
  1444. Medical Laser Application    *    Active    *    
  1445. Medical Update for Psychiatrists    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1999
  1446. Membrane Technology    *    Active    *    
  1447. Mendeleev Communications    *    Active    *    
  1448. Mental Health and Physical Activity    *    Active    *    
  1449. Metabolic Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1450. Metabolism    *    Active    *    
  1451. Metal Finishing    *    Active    *    
  1452. Metal Powder Report    *    Active    *    
  1453. Metamaterials    *    Active    *    
  1454. Methods    *    Active    *    Incorporating Neuroprotocols; Incorporating ImmunoMethods
  1455. Microbes and Infection    *    Active    *    Incorporating Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Immunologie, Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virologie, Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur, Research in Immunology and Research in Virology
  1456. Microbial Pathogenesis    *    Active    *    
  1457. Microbiological Research    *    Active    *    
  1458. Microchemical Journal    *    Active    *    
  1459. Microelectronic Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1460. Microelectronics Journal    *    Active    *    
  1461. Microelectronics Reliability    *    Active    *    
  1462. Micron    *    Active    *    Incorporating Electron Microscopy Reviews and Micron and Microscopica Acta
  1463. Microporous Materials    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
  1464. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials    *    Active    *    Incorporating Microporous Materials and Zeolites
  1465. Microprocessing and Microprogramming    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Euromicro Newsletter; Continued as Journal of Systems Architecture
  1466. Microprocessors and Microsystems    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Microprocessors
  1467. Microvascular Research    *    Active    *    
  1468. Midwifery    *    Active    *    
  1469. Minerals Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1470. Mitochondrion    *    Active    *    
  1471. Molecular Aspects of Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1472. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology    *    Active    *    
  1473. Molecular Brain Research    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Brain Research
  1474. Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  1475. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology    *    Active    *    
  1476. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience    *    Active    *    
  1477. Molecular and Cellular Probes    *    Active    *    
  1478. Molecular Diagnosis    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  1479. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biochemical and Molecular Medicine
  1480. Molecular Immunology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Immunochemistry
  1481. Molecular Medicine Today    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Trends in Molecular Medicine
  1482. Molecular Oncology    *    Active    *    
  1483. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution    *    Active    *    
  1484. Mutation Research/DNA Repair    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Mutation Research/DNA Repair Reports; Continued as DNA Repair
  1485. Mutation Research/DNAging    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1996
  1486. Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1997
  1487. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis    *    Active    *    
  1488. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
  1489. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology
  1490. Mutation Research Letters    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1996
  1491. Mutation Research/Mutation Research Genomics    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  1492. Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research
  1493. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology
  1494. Mycological Research    *    Active    *    
  1495. Mycologist    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Fungal Biology Reviews
  1496. Nano Today    *    Active    *    
  1497. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1498. Nanostructured Materials    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia
  1499. NDT & E International    *    Active    *    Formerly known as NDT International
  1500. Néphrologie & Thérapeutique    *    Active    *    
  1501. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Sea Research
  1502. Network Security    *    Active    *    
  1503. Neural Networks    *    Active    *    
  1504. Neurobiology of Aging    *    Active    *    
  1505. Neurobiology of Disease    *    Active    *    
  1506. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Behavioral and Neural Biology
  1507. Neurochemistry International    *    Active    *    
  1508. Neurocomputing    *    Active    *    
  1509. Neurodegeneration    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Experimental Neurology
  1510. NeuroImage    *    Active    *    
  1511. Neuromuscular Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1512. Neuropeptides    *    Active    *    
  1513. Neuropharmacology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Neuropharmacology
  1514. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Revue d'Electroencéphalographie et de Neurophysiologie Clinique
  1515. Das Neurophysiologie-Labor    *    Active    *    
  1516. Neuroprotocols     *    1993-1994
  1517. Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence    *    Active    *    
  1518. Neuropsychologia    *    Active    *    
  1519. NeuroRX    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Neurotherapeutics
  1520. Neuroscience    *    Active    *    
  1521. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biobehavioral Reviews
  1522. Neuroscience Letters    *    Active    *    
  1523. Neuroscience Research    *    Active    *    Incorporating Neuroscience Research Supplements
  1524. Neuroscience Research Supplements     *    1993-1994
  1525. Neurotherapeutics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as NeuroRX
  1526. NeuroToxicology    *    Active    *    
  1527. Neurotoxicology and Teratology    *    Active    *    
  1528. New Astronomy    *    Active    *    
  1529. New Astronomy Reviews    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Vistas in Astronomy
  1530. New Biotechnology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Biomolecular Engineering
  1531. New Carbon Materials    *    Active    *    
  1532. New Ideas in Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1533. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1534. Nitric Oxide    *    Active    *    
  1535. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1536. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems    *    Active    *    
  1537. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications    *    Active    *    
  1538. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications    *    Active    *    
  1539. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance    *    Active    *    Formerly known as North American Review of Economics and Finance
  1540. North American Review of Economics and Finance     *    1990-1991
  1541. Nuclear Data Sheets    *    Active    *    Incorporating Nuclear Data Sheets. Section A and Nuclear Data Sheets. Section B
  1542. Nuclear Engineering and Design    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Nuclear Structural Engineering
  1543. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
  1544. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
  1545. Nuclear Medicine and Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
  1546. Nuclear Physics A    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Nuclear Physics
  1547. Nuclear Physics B    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Nuclear Physics
  1548. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements    *    Active    *  
  1549. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements   *    1993  
  1550. Nurse Education in Practice    *    Active    *    
  1551. Nurse Education Today    *    Active    *    
  1552. Nurse Leader    *    Active    *    
  1553. Nursing Outlook    *    Active    *    
  1554. Nutrition    *    Active    *    
  1555. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme    *    Active    *    
  1556. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases    *    Active    *    
  1557. Nutrition Research    *    Active    *    
  1558. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice    *    Active    *    
  1559. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  1560. Ocean & Coastal Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Ocean and Shoreline Management
  1561. Ocean Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1562. Ocean Modelling    *    Active    *    
  1563. Oceanologica Acta    *    Discontinued    *    Discontinued as of 2004
  1564. Omega    *    Active    *    
  1565. Operations Research Letters    *    Active    *    
  1566. Operative Techniques in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  1567. Operative Techniques in General Surgery    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2009
  1568. Operative Techniques in Neurosurgery    *    Discontinued    *    Discontinued as of 2006
  1569. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics    *    Active    *    
  1570. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1571. Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  1572. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1573. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Operative Techniques in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
  1574. Opportunistic Pathogens    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease; Title discontinued as of 1998
  1575. Ophthalmology     *    1998-2003
  1576. Optical Fiber Technology    *    Active    *    
  1577. Optical Materials    *    Active    *    
  1578. Optical Switching and Networking    *    Active    *    
  1579. Optics Communications    *    Active    *    
  1580. Optics & Laser Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Optics Technology
  1581. Optics and Lasers in Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1582. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics    *    Active    *    
  1583. Option/Bio    *    Discontinued    *    Title no longer available in electronic format as of 1998
  1584. Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association    *    Active    *    
  1585. Oral Oncology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as European Journal of Cancer Part B: Oral Oncology; Associated with Oral Oncology Supplement
  1586. Oral Oncology Extra    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  1587. Oral Oncology Supplement    *    Active    *    
  1588. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology
  1589. Orbis    *    Active    *    
  1590. Ore Geology Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1591. Organic Electronics    *    Active    *    
  1592. Organic Geochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1593. Organisms Diversity & Evolution    *    Active    *    
  1594. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Organizational Behavior and Human Performance
  1595. Organizational Dynamics    *    Active    *    
  1596. Orthodontic Waves    *    Active    *    
  1597. Orthopaedics and Trauma    *    Forthcoming    *    Will be successor of Current Orthopaedics
  1598. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1599. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage    *    Active    *    
  1600. Osteopathische Medizin, Zeitschrift für ganzheitliche Heilverfahren    *    Active    *    
  1601. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1602. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal    *    Active    *    
  1603. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1604. Paediatrics and Child Health    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Current Paediatrics
  1605. Pain    *    Active    *    
  1606. Pain Management Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1607. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology    *    Active    *    
  1608. Palaeoworld    *    Active    *    
  1609. Parallel Computing    *    Active    *    
  1610. Parasitology International    *    Active    *    
  1611. Parasitology Today    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Trends in Parasitology
  1612. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1613. Particuology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as China Particuology
  1614. Pathologie Biologie    *    Active    *    
  1615. Pathology and Oncology Research    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1999
  1616. Pathology - Research and Practice    *    Active    *    
  1617. Pathophysiology    *    Active    *    
  1618. Patient Education and Counseling    *    Active    *    
  1619. Pattern Recognition    *    Active    *    
  1620. Pattern Recognition Letters    *    Active    *    
  1621. Pediatric Neurology    *    Active    *    
  1622. Pediatrics & Neonatology    *    Active    *    
  1623. Pedobiologia    *    Active    *    
  1624. Pedosphere    *    Active    *    
  1625. Peptides    *    Active    *    
  1626. Performance Evaluation    *    Active    *    
  1627. Perioperative Medizin    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1628. Personality and Individual Differences    *    Active    *    
  1629. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics    *    Active    *    
  1630. Pervasive and Mobile Computing    *    Active    *    
  1631. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology    *    Active    *    
  1632. Petroleum Exploration and Development    *    Active    *    
  1633. Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1634. Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Drug Discovery Today
  1635. Pharmacological Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Pharmacological Research Communications
  1636. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior    *    Active    *    
  1637. Pharmacology & Therapeutics    *    Active    *    Incorporating Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors and Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General and Systematic Pharmacology
  1638. Philips Journal of Research    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1999
  1639. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy    *    Active    *    
  1640. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications    *    Active    *    
  1641. Photovoltaics Bulletin    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  1642. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Physica
  1643. Physica B: Condensed Matter    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Physica B+C
  1644. Physica C: Superconductivity    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Physica B+C
  1645. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena    *    Active    *    
  1646. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures    *    Active    *    
  1647. Physica Medica    *    Active    *    
  1648. Physical Communication    *    Active    *    
  1649. Physical Mesomechanics    *    Active    *    
  1650. Physical Therapy in Sport    *    Active    *    
  1651. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere and Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science
  1652. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly part of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth; Incorporated into Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
  1653. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly part of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth; Incorporated into Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
  1654. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science    *    Incorporated    *    Formerly part of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth; Incorporated into Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
  1655. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C    *    Active    *    Incorporating Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere and Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science
  1656. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors    *    Active    *    
  1657. Physics Letters A    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Physics Letters
  1658. Physics Letters B    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Physics Letters
  1659. Physics of Life Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1660. Physics Procedia    *    Active    *    
  1661. Physics Reports    *    Active    *    Incorporating Computer Physics Reports
  1662. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Physiological Plant Pathology
  1663. Physiology & Behavior    *    Active    *    
  1664. Physiotherapy    *    Active    *    
  1665. Phytochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1666. Phytochemistry Letters    *    Active    *    
  1667. Phytomedicine    *    Active    *    
  1668. Placenta    *    Active    *    
  1669. Planetary and Space Science    *    Active    *    
  1670. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1671. Plant Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Plant Science Letters
  1672. Plasmas & Ions    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2001
  1673. Plasmid    *    Active    *    
  1674. Plastics, Additives and Compounding    *    Active    *    
  1675. Poetics    *    Active    *    
  1676. Polar Science    *    Active    *    
  1677. Policy and Society    *    Active    *    
  1678. Political Geography    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Political Geography Quarterly
  1679. Polyhedron    *    Active    *    Incorporating Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters and Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
  1680. Polymer    *    Active    *    Incorporating Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science
  1681. Polymer Contents    *    Active    *    
  1682. Polymer Degradation and Stability    *    Active    *    Incorporating Polymer Photochemistry
  1683. Polymer Gels and Networks    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1999
  1684. Polymer Testing    *    Active    *    
  1685. Postharvest Biology and Technology    *    Active    *    
  1686. Powder Technology    *    Active    *    
  1687. Pratique Médicale et Chirurgicale de l'Animal de Compagnie    *    Active    *    
  1688. Pratiques Psychologiques    *    Active    *    
  1689. Precambrian Research    *    Active    *    
  1690. Precision Engineering    *    Active    *    
  1691. Prevention and Control    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as CVD Prevention and Control
  1692. Preventive Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1693. Preventive Veterinary Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1694. Primary Care Diabetes    *    Active    *    
  1695. Primary Care Update for OB/GYNS    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  1696. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics    *    Active    *    
  1697. Procedia Chemistry    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1698. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1699. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Symposium (International) on Combustion
  1700. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1701. Process Biochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1702. Process Safety and Environmental Protection    *    Active    *    
  1703. Progrès en Urologie - FMC    *    Active    *    
  1704. Progress in Aerospace Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1705. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology    *    Active    *    
  1706. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases    *    Active    *    
  1707. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization
  1708. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science    *    Active    *    
  1709. Progress in Growth Factor Research    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
  1710. Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1711. Progress in Lipid Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids
  1712. Progress in Materials Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Progress in Metal Physics
  1713. Progress in Natural Science    *    Active    *    
  1714. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
  1715. Progress in Neurobiology    *    Active    *    
  1716. Progress in Nuclear Energy    *    Active    *    
  1717. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy    *    Active    *    
  1718. Progress in Oceanography    *    Active    *    
  1719. Progress in Organic Coatings    *    Active    *    
  1720. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics    *    Active    *    
  1721. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology    *    Active    *    
  1722. Progress in Planning    *    Active    *    
  1723. Progress in Polymer Science    *    Active    *    
  1724. Progress in Quantum Electronics    *    Active    *    
  1725. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Progress in Retinal Research
  1726. Progress in Solid State Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1727. Progress in Surface Science    *    Active    *    
  1728. Prostaglandins    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
  1729. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (PLEFA)    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine
  1730. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Prostaglandins; Incorporating Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling
  1731. Protein Expression and Purification    *    Active    *    
  1732. Protist    *    Active    *    
  1733. Psychiatry Research    *    Active    *    
  1734. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging    *    Active    *    
  1735. Psychologie Française    *    Active    *    
  1736. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  1737. Psychology of Sport and Exercise    *    Active    *    
  1738. Psychoneuroendocrinology    *    Active    *    
  1739. Public Health    *    Active    *    
  1740. Public Health Forum    *    Active    *    
  1741. Public Relations Review    *    Active    *    
  1742. Pulmonary Pharmacology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  1743. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Pulmonary Pharmacology
  1744. Pump Industry Analyst    *    Active    *    
  1745. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance    *    Active    *    
  1746. Quaternary Geochronology    *    Active    *    
  1747. Quaternary International    *    Active    *    
  1748. Quaternary Research    *    Active    *    
  1749. Quaternary Science Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1750. Race and Society    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  1751. Radiation Measurements    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
  1752. Radiation Physics and Chemistry    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C. Radiation Physics and Chemistry
  1753. Radiography    *    Active    *    
  1754. Radiotherapy and Oncology    *    Active    *    
  1755. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1756. RBM-News    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as ITBM-RBM News
  1757. Reactive and Functional Polymers    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Reactive Polymers
  1758. Reactive Polymers    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbents; Continued as Reactive and Functional Polymers
  1759. Real-Time Imaging    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  1760. Réanimation    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Réanimation Urgences
  1761. Réanimation Urgences    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Réanimation
  1762. Recherche - Transports - Sécurité    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  1763. Refocus    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Renewable Energy Focus
  1764. Regional and Urban Economics     *    1971-1974
  1765. Regional Science and Urban Economics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Regional and Urban Economics
  1766. Regulatory Peptides    *    Active    *    
  1767. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology    *    Active    *    
  1768. Reinforced Plastics    *    Active    *    
  1769. Reliability Engineering & System Safety    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Reliability Engineering
  1770. Religion    *    Active    *    
  1771. Remote Sensing of Environment    *    Active    *    
  1772. Renewable Energy    *    Active    *    
  1773. Renewable Energy Focus    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Refocus
  1774. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1775. Reports on Mathematical Physics    *    Active    *    
  1776. Reproductive Health Matters    *    Active    *    
  1777. Reproductive Toxicology    *    Active    *    
  1778. Research in Accounting Regulation    *    Forthcoming    *    
  1779. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders    *    Active    *    
  1780. Research in Developmental Disabilities    *    Active    *    Incorporating Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities and Applied Research in Mental Retardation
  1781. Research in Economics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Ricerche Economiche
  1782. Research in Immunology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Microbes and Infection
  1783. Research in International Business and Finance    *    Active    *    
  1784. Research in Microbiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie
  1785. Research in Organizational Behavior    *    Active    *    
  1786. Research Policy    *    Active    *    
  1787. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy    *    Active    *    
  1788. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility    *    Active    *    This title changed from Book Series to Journal in 2006
  1789. Research Strategies    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  1790. Research in Transportation Economics    *    Active    *    
  1791. Research in Veterinary Science    *    Active    *    
  1792. Research in Virology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Microbes and Infection
  1793. Resource and Energy Economics    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Resources and Energy
  1794. Resources and Energy     *    1978-1992
  1795. Resources, Conservation and Recycling    *    Active    *    Continued from Conservation & Recycling and Resources and Conservation
  1796. Resources Policy    *    Active    *    
  1797. Respiration Physiology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
  1798. Respiratory Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as British Journal of Diseases of the Chest
  1799. Respiratory Medicine CME    *    Active    *    
  1800. Respiratory Medicine: COPD Update    *    Active    *    
  1801. Respiratory Medicine Extra    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2008
  1802. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Respiration Physiology
  1803. Resuscitation    *    Active    *    
  1804. Review of Economic Dynamics    *    Active    *    
  1805. Review of Financial Economics    *    Active    *    
  1806. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology    *    Active    *    
  1807. Reviews in Gynaecological and Perinatal Practice    *    Discontinued    *    Formerly known as Reviews in Gynaecological Practice; Title discontinued as of 2007
  1808. Reviews in Gynaecological Practice    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Reviews in Gynaecological and Perinatal Practice
  1809. Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2002
  1810. Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition)    *    Active    *    
  1811. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology    *    Active    *    
  1812. Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Revue Française d'Allergologie
  1813. Revue Française des Laboratoires    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Revue Francophone des Laboratoires
  1814. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Revue Française des Laboratoires
  1815. Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2000
  1816. Revue Générale de Thermique    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as International Journal of Thermal Sciences
  1817. La Revue de Médecine Interne    *    Active    *    
  1818. Revue de Micropaléontologie    *    Active    *    
  1819. Revue du Rhumatisme    *    Active    *    
  1820. Rice Science    *    Active    *    
  1821. Ricerche Economiche    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Research in Economics
  1822. Robotics and Autonomous Systems    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Robotics
  1823. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing    *    Active    *    Incorporating Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
  1824. Röntgenpraxis    *    Active    *    
  1825. Russian Geology and Geophysics    *    Active    *    
  1826. Russian Literature    *    Active    *    
  1827. Safety Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Occupational Accidents
  1828. Sauvegarde de l'Enfance    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  1829. Scandinavian Journal of Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies
  1830. Schizophrenia Research    *    Active    *    
  1831. Science of Computer Programming    *    Active    *    
  1832. Science & Justice    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal Forensic Science Society
  1833. Science & Sports    *    Active    *    
  1834. Science of The Total Environment    *    Active    *    
  1835. Scientia Horticulturae    *    Active    *    
  1836. Screening    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Early Human Development
  1837. Scripta Materialia    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia; Incorporating Nanostructured Materials
  1838. Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Scripta Metallurgica; Continued as Scripta Materialia
  1839. Sealing Technology    *    Active    *    
  1840. Sedimentary Geology    *    Active    *    
  1841. Seizure    *    Active    *    
  1842. Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Journal of Critical Care
  1843. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism    *    Active    *    
  1844. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
  1845. Seminars in Cancer Biology    *    Active    *    
  1846. Seminars in Cell Biology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
  1847. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Seminars in Cell Biology Incorporating Seminars in Developmental Biology
  1848. Seminars in Cerebrovascular Diseases and Stroke    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  1849. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1850. Seminars in Developmental Biology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
  1851. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Seminars in Neonatology
  1852. Seminars in Immunology    *    Active    *    
  1853. Seminars in Integrative Medicine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  1854. Seminars in Neonatology    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
  1855. Seminars in Neuroscience    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1998
  1856. Seminars in Oncology Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1857. Seminars in Orthodontics    *    Active    *    
  1858. Seminars in Pain Medicine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2006
  1859. Seminars in Pediatric Infectious Diseases    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  1860. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology    *    Active    *    
  1861. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1862. Seminars in Perinatology    *    Active    *    
  1863. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1864. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual    *    Active    *    
  1865. Seminars in Vascular Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1866. Seminars in Virology    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 1998
  1867. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators
  1868. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators
  1869. Separation and Purification Technology    *    Active    *    Incorporating Gas Separation & Purification and Separations Technology
  1870. Separations Technology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Separation and Purification Technology
  1871. Serials Review    *    Active    *    
  1872. Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Opportunistic Pathogens
  1873. Sexologies    *    Active    *    
  1874. Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  1875. Signal Processing    *    Active    *    
  1876. Signal Processing: Image Communication    *    Active    *    
  1877. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Simulation Practice and Theory
  1878. Simulation Practice and Theory    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
  1879. Sleep Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1880. Sleep Medicine Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1881. Small Ruminant Research    *    Active    *    
  1882. Smart Materials Bulletin    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  1883. Social Networks    *    Active    *    
  1884. The Social Science Journal    *    Active    *    
  1885. Social Science & Medicine    *    Active    *    Incorporating Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical Anthropology, Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical Economics, Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography, Social Science & Medicine. Part E: Medical Psychology and Social Science & Medicine. Part F: Medical and Social Ethics
  1886. Social Science Research    *    Active    *    
  1887. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1888. Sociologie du Travail    *    Active    *    
  1889. Soil Biology and Biochemistry    *    Active    *    
  1890. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  1891. Soil Technology    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Soil and Tillage Research
  1892. Soil and Tillage Research    *    Active    *    Incorporating Soil Technology
  1893. Solar Energy    *    Active    *    
  1894. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells    *    Active    *    Incorporating Solar Cells and Solar Energy Materials
  1895. Solid State Communications    *    Active    *    
  1896. Solid-State Electronics    *    Active    *    
  1897. Solid State Ionics    *    Active    *    
  1898. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance    *    Active    *    
  1899. Solid State Sciences    *    Active    *    Formerly known as European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry; Incorporating International Journal of Inorganic Materials
  1900. South African Journal of Botany    *    Active    *    
  1901. Space Policy    *    Active    *    
  1902. Space Research Today    *    Active    *    Formerly known as COSPAR Information Bulletin
  1903. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy
  1904. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy     *    1993-1994
  1905. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Spectrochimica Acta
  1906. Speech Communication    *    Active    *    
  1907. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2004
  1908. The Spine Journal    *    Active    *    
  1909. Sport Management Review    *    Active    *    
  1910. Sport-Orthopädie – Sport-Traumatologie – Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology    *    Active    *    
  1911. Statistical Methodology    *    Active    *    
  1912. Statistics & Probability Letters    *    Active    *    
  1913. Stem Cell Research    *    Active    *    
  1914. Steroids    *    Active    *    
  1915. Stochastic Processes and their Applications    *    Active    *    
  1916. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics    *    Active    *    
  1917. Structural Safety    *    Active    *    
  1918. Studies in Educational Evaluation    *    Active    *    
  1919. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A    *    Active    *    
  1920. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics    *    Active    *    
  1921. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1922. Superlattices and Microstructures    *    Active    *    
  1923. Supramolecular Science    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Materials Science and Engineering: C
  1924. Surface and Coatings Technology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Surface Technology
  1925. Surface Science    *    Active    *    Incorporating Surface Science Letters
  1926. Surface Science Letters     *    1993
  1927. Surface Science Reports    *    Active    *    
  1928. Surgery    *    Active    *    
  1929. Surgical Neurology    *    Active    *    
  1930. Surgical Oncology    *    Active    *    
  1931. Survey of Ophthalmology    *    Active    *    
  1932. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science    *    Forthcoming    *    This journal will be the successor of Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science
  1933. Symposium (International) on Combustion    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
  1934. Synthetic Metals    *    Active    *    
  1935. System    *    Active    *    
  1936. Systematic and Applied Microbiology    *    Active    *    
  1937. Systems & Control Letters    *    Active    *    
  1938. Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice    *    Active    *    
  1939. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology    *    Active    *    
  1940. Talanta    *    Active    *    
  1941. TARGETS    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS
  1942. Teaching and Learning in Nursing    *    Active    *    
  1943. Teaching and Teacher Education    *    Active    *    
  1944. Technical Tips Online    *    Active    *    
  1945. Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy    *    Active    *    
  1946. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management    *    Active    *    
  1947. Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology    *    Active    *    
  1948. Technological Forecasting and Social Change    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Technological Forecasting
  1949. Technology in Society    *    Active    *    
  1950. Technovation    *    Active    *    
  1951. Tectonophysics    *    Active    *    
  1952. Telecommunications Policy    *    Active    *    
  1953. Telematics and Informatics    *    Active    *    
  1954. Tetrahedron    *    Active    *    
  1955. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry    *    Active    *    
  1956. Tetrahedron Letters    *    Active    *    
  1957. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics    *    Active    *    
  1958. Theoretical Computer Science    *    Active    *    
  1959. Theoretical Population Biology    *    Active    *    
  1960. Theriogenology    *    Active    *    
  1961. Thermochimica Acta    *    Active    *    
  1962. Thin Solid Films    *    Active    *    
  1963. Thin-Walled Structures    *    Active    *    
  1964. Thinking Skills and Creativity    *    Active    *    
  1965. Thrombosis Research    *    Active    *    
  1966. Tissue and Cell    *    Active    *    
  1967. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice
  1968. Topology    *    Active    *    
  1969. Topology and its Applications    *    Active    *    Formerly known as General Topology and its Applications
  1970. Tourism Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as International Journal of Tourism Management
  1971. Toxicological Sciences     *    1998
  1972. Toxicology    *    Active    *    
  1973. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology    *    Active    *    
  1974. Toxicology Letters    *    Active    *    
  1975. Toxicology in Vitro    *    Active    *    
  1976. Toxicon    *    Active    *    
  1977. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry    *    Active    *    
  1978. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China    *    Active    *    
  1979. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene    *    Active    *    
  1980. Transfusion and Apheresis Science    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Transfusion Science
  1981. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Revue Française de Transfusion et d'Hémobiologie
  1982. Transfusion Medicine Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1983. Transfusion Science    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology; Continued as Transfusion and Apheresis Science
  1984. Translational Research    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
  1985. Transplant Immunology    *    Active    *    
  1986. Transplantation Proceedings    *    Active    *    
  1987. Transplantation Reviews    *    Active    *    
  1988. Transport Policy    *    Active    *    
  1989. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Transportation Research Part A: General
  1990. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological    *    Active    *    Formerly part of Transportation Research
  1991. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies    *    Active    *    
  1992. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment    *    Active    *    
  1993. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review    *    Active    *    
  1994. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour    *    Active    *    
  1995. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease    *    Active    *    
  1996. Trends in Biochemical Sciences    *    Active    *    
  1997. Trends in Biotechnology    *    Active    *    
  1998. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine    *    Active    *    
  1999. Trends in Cell Biology    *    Active    *    
  2000. Trends in Cognitive Sciences    *    Active    *    
  2001. Trends in Ecology & Evolution    *    Active    *    
  2002. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism    *    Active    *    
  2003. Trends in Food Science & Technology    *    Active    *    
  2004. Trends in Genetics    *    Active    *    
  2005. Trends in Immunology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Immunology Today
  2006. Trends in Microbiology    *    Active    *    
  2007. Trends in Molecular Medicine    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Molecular Medicine Today
  2008. Trends in Neurosciences    *    Active    *    
  2009. Trends in Parasitology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Parasitology Today
  2010. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences    *    Active    *    
  2011. Trends in Plant Science    *    Active    *    
  2012. Tribology International    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Tribology
  2013. Tsinghua Science & Technology    *    Active    *    
  2014. Tubercle and Lung Disease    *    Changed Name    *    Formerly known as Tubercle Continued as Tuberculosis
  2015. Tuberculosis    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Tubercle and Lung Disease
  2016. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology    *    Active    *    
  2017. Tzu Chi Medical Journal    *    Active    *    
  2018. Ultramicroscopy    *    Active    *    
  2019. Ultrasonics    *    Active    *    
  2020. Ultrasonic Imaging     *    1993-1996
  2021. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry    *    Active    *    
  2022. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology     *    1993-2003
  2023. Update on Cancer Therapeutics    *    Active    *    
  2024. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening    *    Active    *    
  2025. Urban Water    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2003
  2026. Urgences Médicales    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Médecine de Catastrophe - urgences collectives
  2027. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations    *    Active    *    
  2028. Urology    *    Active    *    
  2029. Utilities Policy    *    Active    *    
  2030. Vaccine    *    Active    *    
  2031. Vacuum    *    Active    *    
  2032. Vascular Pharmacology    *    Active    *    Formerly known as General Pharmacology: The Vascular System
  2033. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology    *    Active    *    
  2034. The Veterinary Journal    *    Active    *    Formerly known as British Veterinary Journal
  2035. Veterinary Microbiology    *    Active    *    
  2036. Veterinary Parasitology    *    Active    *    
  2037. Vibrational Spectroscopy    *    Active    *    
  2038. Virology    *    Active    *    
  2039. Virus Research    *    Active    *    
  2040. Vision Research    *    Active    *    
  2041. Vistas in Astronomy    *    Changed Name    *    Incorporating Astronomy Quarterly Continued as New Astronomy Reviews
  2042. Waste Management    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management
  2043. Water Research    *    Active    *    
  2044. Wave Motion    *    Active    *    
  2045. Wear    *    Active    *    
  2046. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web    *    Active    *    
  2047. Women and Birth    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Australian Midwifery
  2048. Women's Health Issues    *    Active    *    
  2049. Women's Health Medicine    *    Discontinued    *    Title discontinued as of 2007
  2050. Women's Studies International Forum    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Women's Studies International Quarterly
  2051. World Development    *    Active    *    
  2052. World Patent Information    *    Active    *    
  2053. World Pumps    *    Active    *    
  2054. World Science and Technology – Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica    *    Forthcoming    *    
  2055. Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen – German Journal for Quality in Health Care    *    Changed Name    *    Continued as Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen
  2056. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen    *    Active    *    Formerly known as Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen
  2057. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik    *    Active    *    
  2058. Zeolites    *    Incorporated    *    Incorporated into Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
  2059. Der Zoologische Garten    *    Active    *    
  2060. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology    *    Active    *    
  2061. Zoology    *    Active    *


Aktualizováno 19.1. 2009 | SVI FgÚ AV ČR |