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19 Mar 09 - 1 May 10
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The visitor to Nové Hrady will find many historical monuments. One of the main attractions is the castle that was built in the 13th century. It was enclosed with a deep moat. On the town square stands the Renessaince townhall with the Buquoy coat of arms. Close to the Buquoys residence, was built St. Peter's and Paul's church found in 1284. Right next to it was estabilished Servite monastery with a Garden of paradise. The Buquoy's vault is worth seeing as well. It's located on the other side of the town on the local cemetery.
Not far from Nové Hrady is placed nature park named Teresa´s Valley. It was estabilished in the second half of 18th century. This beautiful piece of country spreads its meadows and woods accros the valley and neighbouring slopes. One can find many interesting objects here such as Vencesla's spa, pension Hamr (iron-mill) and last, but not at least, wrecks of the Blue House. The most prominent building however, is a fortress Cukenštejn built at the end of 15th century and has kept its original look for ages. Unfortunately it is not open for public for now. Nobody should miss the artifical waterfall that is fed by water out of Stropnice river with the aid of a race with sluicegates. This unique construction is 17 meters high and the air around it is said to be very healthy for people with breathing problems. The whole trail was completed with 14 information boards describing nature, plants and historical events relating to the park.
Close to the nature park in a small village Stropnice one can admire one of the oldest churches in the South Bohemia. It was built in Romanic style, but after it was destroyed by fire, the church had to be rebuilt to the Gothic style. If one follows the way from this point he can reach up a small hamlet Dobrá Voda( Good Water). The “gate“ opening Novohradské Hory (Novohradské Mountains) is famous for the spring of drinkable water. The spring was believed to be healing therefore local denizens built the beautiful Baroque church above the place where the water sprung from. The challenge for more courageous visitors would be a hike up the top of the Kraví Hora( Cow Mountin) where there is a recently reconstructed view- tower.
If we set up the opposite direction we can make a stop in a Jiříkovo Údolí (The George´s Valley) and look round the nature reservate Červené Blato ( The Red Moorland).
It is a vast area of peat-pog from where people mined peat for the near glass house purposes. We can find here many rare and endangered plants such as special kind of pine-trees, drosera atc. The foothpath accross the park is 3 km long and it is passable just by a wooden foothbridge.
Approximately after 20 kilometrers one arrives to the gates of an antique town with old spa named Třeboň that was estabilished on the pond Svět side (The World). Thanks to the position in an important fishpond area, the town is often called The Lake Town. The most interesting historical monument that one can see here is a castle with a castle park from the 14th century, Augustin's monastery, The Church of St.George and last but not at least the Schwanszenber's vault with own chapel. The townsquare is surrounded by Renaissance houses and Baroque gables. The dominant point of the square is the townhall with a 31 meters high tower.