Last modification: June 19, 2009       © 2008 - 2009   Jiri Stary

Programme of the conference

Scientific programme will be in form of plenary sessions and several parallel sessions. Till the end of December 2008, it is also possible to suggest minisymposia within the conference scope. The suggestions should be emailed to the conference address.

A framework schedule of the conference is below. The final scientific programme (PDF) is available.

June 22 (Mon) Registration in the morning, Conference Opening
and honorary lecture of Prof. Owe Axelsson from 14:00.
June 23 (Tue) Conference day.
June 24 (Wed) Lectures in the morning, excursion afternoon.
June 25 (Thu) Conference day.
June 26 (Fri) Lectures in the morning, Conference Closure
at about noon.


Finite difference methods for partial differential models (organized by L. Jodar). The aims of the minisymposium are the study of computationally efficient finite difference methods for partial differential models as well as those preserving properties of the exact solution.

Homogenization and multiscale computing (organized by E. Rohan). The minisymposium will be the basis for presentation and discussion of various approaches in homogenization, comprising the asymptotic analysis of PDEs with oscillating coefficients and notions of special types of convergence as well as averaging methods based on the representative volume element computational analysis. In any case the computational aspects of these methods and approaches, numerical implementation and various applications involving inverse problems and optimization are particularly welcome.

Official language

The official conference language is English.