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Latest papers,
expository papers,
lecture notes,
and books
(and corrections therein).
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Abstracts and extended abstracts
- "Some Theorems on the Lattice of Local Interpretability Types" (abstract), Commentationes Mathematicae Universitas Carolinae, 24(2), (1983), p. 387.
- "A Possible Modal Reformulation of Comprehension Scheme" (abstract), Commentationes Mathematicae Universitas Carolinae, 24(2), (1983), pp. 387-388.
- "Measures of Complexity of Proofs" (extended abstract), Abstracts of $8^{\mbox{th}}$ Inter. Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science '87, Moscow, August 1987, Vol. 5, Part 1, pp. 151-154.
- "Three Theorems on Bounded Arithmetic" (abstract), Annual 1989 Meeting of ASL at Los Angeles, J. Symbolic Logic, 55(1), pp.377-378.
- with P. Beame, R. Impagliazzo, T. Pitassi, P.Pudl\'{a}k and A. Woods: "Exponential Lower Bound for the Pigeonhole Principle" (extended abstract), in: Proc. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, ACM Press, (1992), pp.200-220.
- with P. Beame, R. Impagliazzo, T. Pitassi and P.Pudl\'{a}k: "Lower bounds on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and propositional proofs" (extended abstract), in: Proc. IEEE 35$^{\mbox{th}}$ Annual Symp. on Foundation of Computer Science, (1994), pp.794-806.
- "Valuations of Boolean formulae in partial algebras", in: Volume of Abstracts of the Tenth International Congress {\em Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science}, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, Florence (August 19-25, 1995), (1995), pp.6-7.
- "Propositional proofs, proofs of membership in polynomial ideals, and their complexity", in: Abstracts of the annual European meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic, {\em Logic Colloquium 95}, Haifa (August 9-17, 1995), (1995), p.PROOF-22. Also in: {\em Bulletin of the ASL}, {\bf 3(1)}, (1997), pp.77-78.
- ``Bounded arithmetic, propositional logic, and complexity theory'', in: Proc. of the bi-annual meeting of the Japanese Mathematical Society, Tokyo, September 1997.
- "Forcing with random variables and proof complexity", eds. A.Beckmann, U.Berger, B.Löwe, and J.V.Tucker: Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, 2nd Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2006, Swansea, UK, July 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, (2006), pp.277-278. Pdf file.
Expository papers
- "Modal Set Theory", Proc. $2^{\mbox{nd}}$ Easter Conference on Model Theory, Wittenberg 1984, in: Seminarberichte Nr. 60, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, (1984), pp. 87-99.
- "Generalizations of Proofs", Proc. $5^{\mbox{th}}$ Easter Conf. on Model Theory, Wendisch-Rietz 1987, in: Seminarberichte Nr. 93, Humboldt University, Berlin, (1987), pp. 82-99.
- with P. Clote: "Open Problems", in: "Arithmetic, Proof Theory and Computational Complexity", eds. P. Clote and J. Kraj\'{\i}\v{c}ek, Oxford Press, (1993), pp.1-19.
- "A fundamental problem of mathematical logic", Annals of the Kurt G\"{o}del Society, Springer-Verlag, Collegium Logicum, Vol.2, (1996), pp.56-64. ISBN 3-211-82796-X.
- "On methods for proving lower bounds in propositional logic", in: {\em Logic and Scientific Methods} Eds. M. L. Dalla Chiara et al., (Vol. 1 of Proc. of the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence (August 19-25, 1995)), Synthese Library, Vol.259, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, (1997), pp.69-83.
- ``Boolean circuits'', in: {\em Encyclopaedia of Mathematics}, ed.M.~Hazelwinkel, Kluwer Academic Publ., (2000), pp.79-80.
- "Hardness assumptions in the foundations of theoretical computer science", Archive for Mathematical Logic, 44(6)}, (2005), pp.667-675.
Pdf file.
- "Proof complexity, in: Laptev, A. (ed.), European congress of mathematics (ECM), Stockholm, Sweden, June 27--July 2, 2004. Zurich: European Mathematical Society, (2005), pp.221-231. Pdf file.
Research papers
- "Some Theorems on the Lattice of Local Interpretability Types", Zeitschr. f. Mathematikal Logik u. Grundlagen d. Mathematik, Bd. 31, (1985), pp. 449-460.
- "A Possible Modal Formulation of Comprehension Scheme", Zeitchr. f. Mathematikal Logik u. Grundlagen d. Mathematik, Bd. 33(5), (1987), pp. 461-480.
- "Some Results and Problems in the Modal Set Theory MST", Zeitschr. f. Mathematikal Logik u. Grundlagen d. Mathematik, Bd. 34(2), (1988), pp.123-134.
- "A Note of Proofs of Falsehood", Archiv f. Mathematikal Logik u. Grundlagen 26 (3-4), (1987), pp. 169-179.
- "On the Number of Steps in Proofs", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 41(2), (1989), pp. 153-178.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k: "The Number of Proof Lines and the Size of Proofs in First Order Logic", Archive for Mathematical Logic 27, (1988), pp. 69-84.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k: "Propositional Proof Systems, the Consistency of First Order Theories and the Complexity of Computations", J. Symbolic Logic, 54(3), (1989), pp. 1063-1079.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k: "Quantified Propositional Calculi and Fragments of Bounded Arithmetic", Zeitschr. f. Mathematikal Logik u. Grundlagen d. Mathematik, Bd. 36(1), (1990), pp. 29-46.
- "A Theorem on Uniform Provability of Schemes", Proc. $6^{\mbox{th}}$ Easter Conf. on Model Theory, Wendisch-Rietz 1988, in: Seminarberichte Nr. 98, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, (1988), pp. 85-92.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k: "On the Structure of Initial Segments of Models of Arithmetic", Archive for Mathematical Logic, 28(2), (1989), pp, 91-98.
- "$\Pi_1$-Conservativeness in Systems of Bounded Arithmetic", unpublished typescript.
- "Speed-up for Propositional Frege Systems via Generalizations of Proofs", Commentationes Mathematicae Universitas Carolinae, 30(1), (1989), pp.137-140.
- "Exponentiation and Second Order Bounded Arithmetic", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 48(3), (1990), pp. 261-276.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k and G. Takeuti: "Bounded Arithmetic and the Polynomial Hierarchy", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 52, (1991), pp. 143-153.
- with G. Takeuti: "On Bounded $\sum^1_1$-Polynomial Induction", in: Feasible Mathematics, eds. S.R. Buss and P.J. Scott, (1990), Birkhauser, pp. 259-280.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k: "Propositional Provability and Models of Weak Arithmetic", in: Computer Science Logic (Kaiserlautern, Oct. '89), E. Borger, H. Kleine Buning, M.M. Richter (eds.), LNCS 440, (1990), Springer-Verlag, pp. 193-210.
- with G. Takeuti: "On Induction-Free Provability", Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 6, (1992), pp.107-126.
- "No Counter-Example Interpretation and Interactive Computation", in: "Logic from Computer Science", ed. Y.N. Moschovakis, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publ. 21, Berkeley, Springer-Verlag, (1992), pp. 287-293.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k and J. Sgall: "Interactive Computations of Optimal Solutions", in: B. Rovan (ed.): Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (B. Bystrica, August '90), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 452, Springer-Verlag, (1990), pp. 48-60.
- "Fragments of Bounded Arithmetic and Bounded Query Classes", Transactions of the AMS, 338(2), (1993), pp.587-598.
- with S. Buss: "An Application of Boolean Complexity to Separation Problems in Bounded Arithmetic", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 69(3), (1994), pp.1-21.
- with S. Buss and G. Takeuti: "Provably Total Functions in Bounded Arithmetic Theories $R^i_3, U^i_2$ and $V^i_2$", in: "Arithmetic, Proof Theory and Computational Complexity", eds. P. Clote and J. Kraj\'{\i}\v{c}ek, Oxford Press, (1993), pp.116-161. Pdf.
- "Lower Bounds to the Size of Constant-Depth Propositional Proofs", J. of Symbolic Logic, 59(1), (1994), pp.73-86.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k and A. Woods: "An Exponential Lower Bound to the Size of Bounded Depth Frege Proofs of the Pigeonhole principle", Random Structures and Algorithms, 7(1), (1995), pp.15-39.
Appeared also in the Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report nr.: TR94-018.
- "On Frege and Extended Frege Proof Systems", in: "Feasible Mathematics II", eds. P. Clote and J. Remmel, Birkhauser, (1995), pp. 284-319.
- with P. Beame, R. Impagliazzo, T. Pitassi and P.Pudl\'{a}k: "Lower bounds on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and propositional proofs", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, {\bf (3) 73}, (1996), pp.1-26.
- with M. Chiari : "Witnessing functions in bounded arithmetic and search problems", J. of Symbolic Logic, {\bf 63(3)}, (1998), pp. 1095-1115.
- "Interpolation theorems, lower bounds for proof systems, and independence results for bounded arithmetic", J. of Symbolic Logic, {\bf 62(2)}, (1997), pp.457-486.
- with P. Pudl\'{a}k: "Some consequences of cryptographical conjectures for $S^1_2$ and $EF$", in: {\em Logic and Computational Complexity} (Proc. of the meeting held in Indianapolis, October 1994), Ed. D. Leivant, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. {\bf 960}, (1995), pp.210-220.
Revised version in: {\em Information and Computation}, Vol. {\bf 140 (1)}, (January 10, 1998), pp.82-94.
- with S. Buss, R. Impagliazzo, P. Pudl\'{a}k, A. A. Razborov and J. Sgall: "Proof complexity in algebraic systems and bounded depth Frege systems with modular counting", {\em Computational Complexity}, {\bf 6(3)}, 1996/1997, pp.256-298.
- "Extensions of models of $PV$", in: Logic Colloquium'95, Eds. J.A.Makowsky and E.V.Ravve, ASL/Springer Series {\em Lecture Notes in Logic}, Vol. {\bf 11}, (1998), pp.104-114.
- "Discretely ordered modules as a first-order extension of the cutting planes proof system", {\em J. Symbolic Logic}, {\bf 63(4)}, (1998), pp.1582-1596.
- "Interpolation by a game", {\em Mathematical Logic Quarterly}, {\bf 44(4}, (1998), pp.450-458.
A preliminary version appeared in the Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report nr.: TR97-015.
- with M.~Baaz, P.~H\'{a}jek, and D.~\v{S}vejda: "Embedding logics into product logic", {\em Studia Logica}, {\bf 61}, (1998), pp.35-47.
- with M.~Chiari: "Lifting independence results in bounded arithmetic", {\em Archive for Mathematical Logic}, {\bf 38(2)}, (1999), pp.123-138.
- ``Lower bounds for a proof system with an exponential speed-up over constant-depth Frege systems and over polynomial calculus'', in: Eds. I.Pr\'{\i}vara, P. R\accent23{u}\v{z}i\v{c}ka, 22nd Inter. Symp. {\em Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science} (Bratislava, August '97), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1295, Springer-Verlag, (1997), pp.85-90.
- ``On the degree of ideal membership proofs from uniform families of polynomials over a finite field'', Illinois J. of Mathematics, {\bf 45(1)}, (2001), pp.41-73.
- "Uniform families of polynomial equations over a finite field and structures admitting an Euler characteristic of definable sets", Proc. London Mathematical Society, {\bf 3 (81)}, (2000), pp.257-284.
- "On the weak pigeonhole principle", Fundamenta Mathematicae, Vol.170(1-3), (2001), pp.123-140.
- with T. Scanlon: "Combinatorics with definable sets: Euler characteristics and Grothendieck rings", {\em Bulletin of Symbolic Logic}, {\bf 3(3)}, (2000), pp.311-330.
- "Tautologies from pseudo-random generators", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 7(2), (2001), pp.197-212.
A (shorter) preliminary version appeared in the Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report nr.: TR00-033.
- with R. Impagliazzo: ``A note on conservativity relations among bounded arithmetic theories'', Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 48(3), (2002), pp.375-7.
- Combinatorics of first order structures and propositional proof systems, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 43(4), (2004), pp.427-441.
- Interpolation and approximate semantic derivations , Mathematical Logic Quaterly, Vol.48(4), (2002), pp.602-606.
- Approximate Euler characteristic, dimension, and weak pigeonhole principles, J. of Symbolic Logic, 69(1), (2004), pp.201-214.
- Dehn function and length of proofs , International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 13(5), (October 2003), pp.527-542.
- Dual weak pigeonhole principle, pseudo-surjective functions, and provability of circuit lower bounds , J. of Symbolic Logic, 69(1), (2004), pp.265-286.
- Implicit proofs, J. of Symbolic Logic, 69(2), (2004), pp.387-397.
- Diagonalization in proof complexity, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 182, (2004), pp.181-192. (preprint: ECCC report number TR04-018, 2004).
- Structured pigeonhole principle, search problems and hard tautologies, J. of Symbolic Logic, 70(2), (2005), pp.619-630.
- Substitutions into propositional tautologies, Information Processing Letters, 101, (2007), pp.163-167. Pdf file.
- with A.Skelley and N.Thapen: NP search problems in low fragments of bounded arithmetic, J. of Symbolic Logic, 72(2), (2007), pp. 649-672. Pdf file.
- with S.Cook, Consequences of the Provability of NP \subseteq P/poly, J. of Symbolic Logic, 72(4), (2007), pp. 1353-1371. Pdf file.
- An exponential lower bound for a constraint propagation proof system based on ordered binary decision diagrams, J. of Symbolic Logic, 73(1), (2008), pp. 227-237. Pdf file.
A preliminary version appeared in the Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report nr.: TR07-007, (2007).
- A proof complexity generator, in: Proc. from the 13th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Beijing, August 2007), King's College Publications, London, ser. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics. Eds. C.Glymour, W.Wang, and D.Westerstahl. To appear (preprint Dec.'07). Pdf file.
- A form of feasible interpolation for constant depth Frege systems , J. of Symbolic Logic, to appear (preprint March'09). Pdf file.
- A note on propositional proof complexity of some Ramsey-type statements, submitted (preprint April'09). Pdf file.
Lecture notes
- "Bounded arithmetic, propositional logic, and complexity theory", Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol.60, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge - New York - Melbourne, (1995), 343 p. ISBN 0-521-45205-8.
Preface and contents, and corrections.
- "Forcing with random variables in bounded arithmetic, and proof complexity", in preparation.
- with P. Clote, "Arithmetic, Proof Theory and Computational Complexity", Oxford University Press, (1993).
- "Complexity of computations and proofs", Quaderni di Matematica, Vol.13, ser. published by Seconda Universita di Napoli, Caserta. 424 pp., (2004).
- with M. Baaz and S. Friedman, "Logic Colloquium'01", Proceedings of the European ASL meeting in Vienna 2001, Lecture Notes in Logic, Vol.20, Assoc. for Symb. Logic, A K Peters, Ltd., and Wellesley (Mass.US), 486 pp., (2005).