Jan Krajíček - a brief professional cv
Research interests: Mathematical logic and computational complexity theory, and proof complexity in particular.
Degrees and titles:
Prof.RNDr.J.K.,DrSc. (professor of mathematical logic)Long-term positions (at least a semester):
Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Prague (1985 - present),
University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana (1988/89 and 90/91),
University of Toronto (1993, 6 months),
University of Oxford (1997/98 and 1998/99),
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science at the Charles University (2002 - 2004),
Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (member, Spring term 2004),
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague (Fall 2005 - present),
Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge (January - July 2006).Longer visits of academic institutions (at least 2 weeks at a time):
University of California at San Diego (1990),
DIMACS Center at the Rutgers University (1996),
University of Oxford (March'00, June'00, November'00, June'01, November'01, November'02, February'03, June'03, December'03, May'04, November'04, September'05, November'05, September'06, April'07),
Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (October'00, February'01, October'02, February'05).Awards, honors:
Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for Young Researchers (1994).
Prize of the Education Ministry of the Czech Republic for Research (two prizes awarded in the whole of science per year), 1998.
Elected fellow of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic, 2004.Invited lectures:
Over 100 invited talks and (series of) tutorials at international conferences including:
ASL Invited Plenary Address at an annual joint ASL/AMS meeting at San Antonio (1993),
a plenary lecture at the annual European meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic at Haifa (LC'1995),
a plenary lecture in the Logic section at the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at Florence (1995),
a plenary lecture at the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science at Bratislava (1997),
a plenary lecture at the Fall 1997 meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan at Tokyo University (1997),
a plenary tutorial at the annual European meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic at Prague (1998),
invited lecture at the 4th European Congress of Mathematics at Stockholm (2004),
plenary lecture at the Computability in Europe conference in Swansea (2006),
invited lecture at the British Logic Colloquium in Oxford (September'06),
invited lecture in the Logic and Computation section at the Thirteenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Peking (August 2007),
invited plenary lecture at the Annual ASL meeting, U. of Notre Dame (planned for May 2009),
and at academic institutions including:
London University, Manchester University, Oxford University, Humboldt University (Berlin), University of Colorado at Boulder, University of California at San Diego, University of California at Berkeley, Penn State University at University park, Carnegie-Mellon University at Pittsburgh, Smith College at Northampton, Baruch College at New York, University of Illinois at Chicago, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at Berkeley, University of Technology at Vienna, University of Toronto, Utrecht University, C.N.R.S. and Universite Paris VII, Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Warsaw, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Cornell University at Ithaca, University of Crete at Iraklion Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Indiana University at Indianapolis, DIMACS Center of the Rutgers University at New Brunswick, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Universidade de Lisboa, Ludwig-Maxmillians Universitat at Munchen, University of Birmingham, Tokyo University, Tohoku University at Sendai (Japan), Leeds University, CWI and Dutch Graduate School in Logic (Amsterdam), Czech Technical University at Prague, University of East Anglia at Norwich, IUT Departement Informatique at Universite d'Avergne at Clermont-Ferrand, Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, International centre for Mathematical Sciences at Edinburgh, University of Athens, Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Logic Workshop at the CUNY, Wesleyan University, Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, University of Warwick, University of Wales at Swansea, University of Durham, University of Sevilla, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon.Bibliography:
Around 70 papers, a book (and one in prep.), and an editor of three refereed volumes.
Over a thousand citations as of Jan.'08 ( stopped counting then).Auxiliary:
- Program and organizing committee service: over 25 conferences including program chair of Logic Colloquium in Vienna'01 and Int.Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Math.Logic section)'03.
- Editorial work: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Archive for Mathematical Logic and various proceedings.
- University teaching: seminars, Falls schools, courses, and students.