Dr. Radek Pokorný
Dr. (2003,
Ing. (1995,
head of the workgroup of biomass allocation and water regime

Poříčí 3b, CZ-61600 Brno
Phone: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543242017
Current projects
phenology, biomass allocation, leaf area index, water regime, global change
Past Projects
1995 – 2003 research assistant
2002 – 2005 teaching on Faculty of the Environment, University of J.E. Purkyně in Ústí n. Labem
2003 – present junior scientist
- Janssens IA; Rey A; de Angelis P; Le Dantec V; Barton CVM; Broadmeadow M; Chigwerewe KS; Crookshanks M; Dufrene E; Jach EM; Kelloäk S; Laitat E; Laureysens I; Liozon E; Marek M; Medlyn B; Pajari B; Pokorny R; Saugier B; Scarascia-Mugnozza G; Temperton VM; (2008) Effects of elevated CO2 on roots, ectomycorrhizae and soil carbon fluxes: a summary of results from the ECOCRAFT network. In: New Phytologist. (in press)
- Malenovský Z., Martin E., Homolová L., Gastellu-Etchegorry J.-P., Zurita-Milla R., Schaepman M.E., Pokorný R., Clevers J.G.P.W., Cudlín, P. (2008) Influence of woody elements of a Norway spruce canopy on nadir reflectance simulated by the DART model at very high spatial resolution. In: Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol 112 (1), pp. 1-18.
- Acosta. M., Pavelka. M, Pokorný. R., Janouš. D., Marek. M.V. (2008) Seasonal Variation in CO2 efflux of stems and branches of Norway Spruce Trees. In: Annals of Botany. Vol 101 (3), pp. 469-477.
- Pokorný, R., Tomášková, I., Havránková, K. (2008) Temporal variation and efficiency of LAI in young mountain Norway spruce stand. In: European Journal of Forest Research. Vol 127 (5), pp. 359-367.
- Kupper, P., Sellin, A., Klimánková, Z., Pokorný, R., Puertolas, J. (2006) Water relations in Norway spruce trees growing at ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations. In: Biol. Plantarum. Vol 50 (4), pp. 603-609.
- Pokorný, R., Urban, O., Marek, M.V. (2004) Effect of Norway spruce planting density on shoot morphological parameters. In: Biologia Plantarum. Vol 48, pp. 137-139.
- Urban, O., Pokorný, R., Kalina, J., Marek, M.V. (2003) Control mechanisms of photosynthetic capacity under elevated CO2 concentration: evidence from three experiments with Norway spruce trees. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 41, pp. 69-75.
- Marek, M.V., Urban,O., Šprtová, M., Pokorný, R., Rosová, Z., Kulhavý J. (2002) Photosynthetic assimilation of sun versus shade needles under long-term impact of elevated CO2. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 40, pp. 259-267.
- O. Urban, D. Janouš, R. Pokorný, I. Marková, M. Pavelka, Z. Fojtík, M. Šprtová, J. Kalina, M.V. Marek (2001) Glass domes with adjustable windows: A novel technique for exposing juvenile forest stands to elevated CO2 concentration. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 395-401.
- Pokorný, R., Šalanská, P., Janouš, D. (2001) Growth and Transpiration of Norway Spruce Trees in Atmosphere with Elevated CO2 Concentration. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (1), pp. 14-28.
- Janouš,D., Pokorný,R., Brossaud,J., Marek, M.V. (2000) Long-term effects of elevated CO2 on woody tissues respiration of Norway spruce studied on open-top chambers. In: Biol. Plantarum. Vol 43 (1), pp. 41-46.
- Pokorný,R. (2000) Sap Flux Simulation and Tree Transpiration Depending on Tree Position within Stand of different Densities. In: Phyton. Vol 40 (4), pp. 157-162.
- Pokorný, R., Marek, M.V. (2000) Test of accuracy of LAI estimation by LAI-2000 under artificially changed leaf to wood area proportions. In: Biologia Plantarum. Vol 43, pp. 517-544.