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Publikace v rámci Centra REMOROST


Krinke O, Novotná Z, Valentová O and Martinec J: Inositol trisphosphate receptor in higher plants—is it real? – J. Exp. Bot. 58(3): 361–376, 2007 (IF 3,3)

Spíchal L, Kryštof V, Paprskářová M, Lenobel R, Stýskala J, Binarová P, Cenklová V, De Veylder L., Inzé D., Kontopidis G, Fischer PM, Schmulling T, Strnad M: Classical Anticytokinins Do Not Interact with Cytokinin Receptors but Inhibit Cyclin-dependent Kinases – J BIOL CHEM 282(19): 14356–14363, 2007 (IF 5,9)

Swaczynová J, Novák O, Hauserová E, Fuksová K, Šíša M, Kohout L, Strnad M: New techniques for the estimation of naturally occurring brassinosteroids. – J. Plant Growth Regul. (2007) 26:1–14 (IF 2,7)

Zažímalová E, Křeček P, Skůpa P, Hoyerová K, Petrášek J: Polar transport of plant hormone auxin – the role of PIN-FORMED (PIN) proteins. – Cell. Mol. Life Sci., Online first, DOI 10.1007/s00018–007–6566–4, (IF 4,8)


Články v impaktovaných časopisech:

Abas L, Benjamins R, Malenica N, Paciorek T, Wisniewska J, Moulinier-Anzola JC, Sieberer T, Friml J, Luschnig C (2006) Intracellular trafficking and proteolysis of the auxin efflux facilitator PIN2 in Arabidopsis is proteasomedependent and involved in root gravitropism. – Nature Cell Biology 8: 249–256 (IF 19,7)

Friml J, Benfey P, Benková E, Benett M, Berleth T, Geldner N, Grebe M, Heisler M, Hejátko J, Jurgens G, Laux T, Lindsey K, Lukowitz W, Luschnig C, Offringa R, Scheres B, Swarup R, Torres-Ruiz R, Weijers D, Zazimalova E (2006) Aplical-basal polarity: why plant cells don't stand on their heads. – Trends in Plant Science 11: 12–14 (IF 9,7)

Hradecká V, Novák O, Havlíček L, Strnad M: Immunoaffinity chromatography of abscisic acid combined with electrospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. – J. Chromatogr. (v tisku) (IF 3,1)

Kiran NS, Polanska L, Fohlerová R, Mazura P, Válková M, Šmeral M, Zouhar J, Malbeck J, Dobrev P, Macháčková I, Brzobohatý B (2006) Ectopic over-expression of the maize beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 interfers with cytokinin homeostasis in transgenic tabacco. – J. Exp. Bot. 57: 985–996 (IF 3,3)

Mazura P, Fohlerová R, Brzobohatý B, Kiran NS, Janda L (2006) A new sensitive method for enzyme kinetic studies of scare glucosides. – J. Biochem. Bioph. Meth. 68: 55–63 (IF 1,2)

Petrášek J, Mravec J, Bouchard R, Blakeslee JJ, Abas M, Seifertová D, Wisniewska J, Tadele Z, Kubeš M, Čovanová M, Dhonukshe P, Skůpa P, Benková E, Perry L, Křeček P, Lee OR, Fink GR, Geisler M, Murphy AS, Luschnig C, Zažímalová E, Friml J: PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux. – Science 312: 914–918, 2006 (IF 30,9)

Sauer M, Balla J, Luschnig C, Wiśniewska J, Reinöhl V, Friml J, Benková E (2006) Canalization of auxin flow by Aux/IAA-ARF-dependent feed-back regulation of PIN polarity. – Genes & Development 20: 2902–2911 (IF 15,6)

Šebela M, Štosová T, Havliš J, Wielsch N, Thomas H, Zdráhal Z, Shevchenko A (2006) Thermostable trypsin conjugates for high-throughput proteomics: synthesis and performance evaluation. – Proteomics 6: 2959–2963 (IF 6,1)

Tvrzová L, Schumann P, Spröer C, Sedláček I, Páčová Z, Šedo O, Zdráhal Z, Steffen M, Lang Elke (2006) Pseudomonas moraviensis sp. nov. and Pseudomonas vranovensis sp. nov., soil bacteria isolated on nitroaromatic compounds, and emended description of Pseudomonas asplenii. – International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56: 2657–2663 (IF 2,7)

Dizertační práce:

T. Martan: Generation of supercontinuum in nonlinear microstructure optical fibre, disertační práce ČVUT-FEL, 2006, anglicky

Další články:

Brewer P, Heisler M, Hejátko J, Friml J, Benková E (2006) In situ hybridization for mRNA detection in Arabidopsis tissue sections. – Nature Protocols 1: 1462–1467

Hejátko, J., Blilou, I., Brewer, P.B., Friml, J., Scheres, B. and Benková, E. : In situ hybridisation technique for mRNA detection in whole mount Arabidopsis samples. – Nature Protocols 1: 1939–1946, 2006

Kamínek M, Sýkorová B, Hoyerová K, Motyka V: Mechanisms controlling cytokinin homeostasis in plant cells. – In: Essays on Phytohormones and Signalling in Plants. K. Laukens, L. Roef, E. Witters, eds., University of Antwerp, ISBN 90–5728–067–1, pp. 149–165, 2006



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