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Proceedings Papers - Instructions

Proceedings Papers - Instructions

Information for publishing contributions in the conference proceedings.

Deadline for submission: September 30, 2007
Form of submission:
            Please submit an electronic copy to gramkorp2007@ujc.cas.cz
            and send a hard copy to the following address:
                                                           O. Richterová (Ferjenčíková)
                                                           Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR
                                                           Letenská 4
                                                           118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Maximum length:        15 pages for plenary talks
                                   7 pages for regular talks
                                   6 pages for a poster
The editor reserves the right to reject a contribution if it does not conform to this requirement.

The main text will be set in WORD, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
Footnotes must be attached at the end of the contribution, as a list of endnotes. The text in footnotes will be in 10 pt Times New Roman, also 1.5 spacing.
Simple examples (i.e., one sentence or a short list of words) that are used inside the main text just to illustrate a particular point must be in italics.
Corpus/internet examples must be listed as a separate paragraph, with one blank line above and below; these examples will be in 9 pt Verdana, single spacing.
Tables and extensive lists will be in 10 pt Times New Roman.
Structure and headings: Sections are numbered by using the decimal system, up to 4 levels of depth (e.g.; the last digit is followed by a period. Each numbered section must also have a title (e.g., 1.2. Anaphoric relations and coreference). If additional depth is needed, those sections are to be marked as follows and in the order given here: Roman numerals, Arabic numerals, and lower-case letters, always followed by a period; e.g.   Heading
                                    I. Heading
                                    1. Heading
                                    a. Heading
Additional possibilities include upper-case letters and other methods, if needed.
Important and/or newly introduced concepts may be set in boldface for emphasis, but no more than three such occurrences are permitted on the same page. If a boldface expression is enclosed in quotes, the quotes must also be in boldface. However, if a boldface expression is followed by a comma, the comma is in the regular font style. Do not use underline or any other ways of marking emphasis.
Tabs:  The first line after any section heading is not indented.
Hyphenation: The typesetting will distinguish between a dash (longer) and a hyphen (shorter); in marking prefixes (za-) and suffixes (-tel), use a hyphen.

Single quotes follow the Czech punctuation practice: the opening quote is a comma, the closing quote is an inverted comma, or Alt 0145 (e.g. ,subjekt‘).

In the references section, follow the formatting style of the sample shown below.
FAIRCLOUGH, N. (1989): Language and Power. London: Longman
HAJIČOVÁ, E. – SGALL, P. (2004): Degrees of contrast and the topic-focus articulation. In: Steube, A. (ed.), Information structure - Theoretical and empirical aspects. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1-13.
UHLÍŘOVÁ, L. (1972): On the non-projective constructions in Czech. Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 3, 171-181.