2nd International Conference2nd International Conference
Grammar and Corpora: 2nd International Conference 25 - 27 September 2007, Liblice near Prague, Czech Republic The Czech Language Institute will be holding an international conference  titled GRAMMAR AND CORPORA on 25-27 September 2007. The conference will take place at the newly restored palace in Liblice near Prague. Corpus linguists from the Czech Republic and abroad are cordially invited, espeically those engaged in research on grammar using corpus data and results analysis. At the same time, we welcome participation from those involved in the creation of corpora that can be used for exploring the grammar of natural languages. The conference will be divided into three thematic sections: 1. Corpus-based grammar research on natural languages The general aim of this section is to inform each other as to: - who is working in this field; - which grammatical phenomena they are exploring; - which languages they are working on; - which corpora are their data drawn from; and - where this research is being conducted.
Corpus studies on a grammar phenomenon of an individual languages as well as contrastive studies (e.g. German and French; English and Norwegian) are welcomed.
2. Corpus creation and grammatical research
The general aim of this section is to inform each other as to: - which linguistic corpora are being created where, with what aims and goals, in what manner and with what means; - what the short-term (1-3 year) goals and long-term goals are, especially as regards their extent, genre composition and tagging; - how the needs of those who study grammar are reflected in the creation of corpora; - how other electronic media can be used to study a grammar of a natural language
3. Czech grammar and corpora of Czech
The aim of this section is to inform each other about which grammatical features of contemporary Czech can be better studied through the medium of large-scale unified textual infrastructures of the sort represented by computer corpora, and which grammatical features can we only now contemplate studying and understanding in such detail using these methods.