
PhD. Ondřej Komárek


PhD, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), yr 1997
MSc, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), yr 1992
RNDr, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic, yr 1999


Associated Scientist
Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Phone: +420 386361231
Fax: +420 386361231

Current projects

System biology of photosynthetic system and stress responses of algae and cyanopbacteria using methodology of fluorescence imaging under modulated and harmonically modulated light in vitro and in situ.

Past Projects

Ecophysiology and taxonomy of aerophytic algae.
Ecology of phytobenthos of running waters.
Antarctic ecology and stress adaptations of cyanobacteria and algae in plar conditions.
Ecology and physiology of cyanobacteria in extreme conditions of hypersalinity and drought.


  • Nedbal L., Trtílek M., Červený J., Komárek O., Pakrasi H. (2008) A photobioreactor system for precision cultivation of photoautotrophic microorganisms and for high-content analysis of suspension dynamics. In: Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol 100 (5), pp. 902-910.
  • Komarek J, Elster J, Komarek O (2008) Diversity of the cyanobacterial microflora of the northern part of James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica. In: POLAR BIOLOGY. Vol 31 (7), pp. 853-865.
  • Kucera P, Uher B, Komarek O (2006) Epiphytic cyanophytes Xenococcus kerneri and Chamaesiphon minutus on the freshwater red alga Paralemanea catenata (Rhodophyta). In: BIOLOGIA. Vol 61 (1), pp. 11-13.
  • Elster J, Komarek O (2003) Ecology of periphyton in a meltwater stream ecosystem in the maritime Antarctic. In: ANTARCTIC SCIENCE. Vol 15 (2), pp. 189-201.
  • Komarkova J, Komarek O, Hejzlar J (2003) Evaluation of the long term monitoring of phytoplankton assemblages in a canyon-shape reservoir using multivariate statistical methods. In: HYDROBIOLOGIA. Vol 504 (1-3), pp. 143-157.
  • Komarek O (2003) Spatial autocorrelation and Fractal dimension of alga species assemblage in a gravel stream of central Europe. In: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY. Vol 88 (3-4), pp. 385-396.
  • Schenkova J, Komarek O, Zahradkova S (2001) Oligochaeta of the Morava and Odra River basins (Czech Republic): species distribution and community composition. In: HYDROBIOLOGIA. Vol 463, pp. 235-240.