Dr. Pavel Cudlín

Na Sádkách 7, CZ-37005 České Budějovice
Phone: +420 385310069
Fax: +420 385310249
Current projects
landscape and forest ecology, ecology of mycorrhiza symbiosis
- Peter M., Ayer F., Cudlín P., Egli S. (2008) Belowground ectomycorrhizal communities in three Norway spruce stands with different degrese of decline in the Czech Republic. In: Mykorrhiza. Vol 18, pp. 157-169.
- Bonifacio E., Santoni S., Cudlin P., Zanini E. (2008) Effect of dominant ground vegetation on soil organic matter quality in a declining mountain forest of central Europe. In: Bor. Env. Res.. Vol 13, pp. 113-120.
- Frouz J, Rybníček M., P. Cudlín P., Chmelíková E. (2008) Influence of the wood ant, Formica polyctena, on soil nutrient and the spruce tree growth. In: J. Appl. Entomol.. Vol 132, pp. 281-284.
- Malenovský Z., Martin E., Homolová L., Gastellu-Etchegorry J.-P., Zurita-Milla R., Schaepman M.E., Pokorný R., Clevers J.G.P.W., Cudlín, P. (2008) Influence of woody elements of a Norway spruce canopy on nadir reflectance simulated by the DART model at very high spatial resolution. In: Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol 112 (1), pp. 1-18.
- Šerá B., Cudlín P., Dušek L., Hofman J. (2008) Vegetation and soil at the terraces of Dřevnice and the Moravia Rivers after flood. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 27, pp. 430-445.
- Lhotáková Z. , Albrechtová J., Malenovský Z., Rock B.N. Polák T., Cudlín P. (2007) Does the orientation of Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ Karst.) branches within sunlit crown part influence the heterogeneity of biochemical, structural and spectral characteristics of needles?. In: Environmental and Experimental Botany. Vol 59, pp. 283-292.
- Cudlin P., Kieliszewska-Rokicka B., Rudawska M., Grebenc T., Alberton O., Lehto T., Akker M. R., Børja I., Konopka B., Leski T., Kraigher H., Kuyper T. W. (2007) Fine roots and ectomycorrhizas as indicators of environmental Change. In: Plant. Biosystems. Vol 141 (3), pp. 406-424.
- Polák T., Cudlín P., Moravec I. (2007) Macroscopic indicators for the retrospective assessment of Norway spruce crown response to stress in the Krkonoše Mountains. In: Trees. Vol 21, pp. 23-35.
- Tolpeshta I.I., Bonifacio E., Cudlín P., Kiryushin A.V. (2007) Water-Soluble and Exchangeable aluminium in some forest soils of the Czech Republic affected by acid precipitation. In: Com. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.. Vol 38, pp. 159-169.
- Malenovský Z., Albrechtová J., Lhotáková Z., Zurita-Milla R., Clevers J.G.P.W., Schaepman M.E., Cudlín P. (2006) Applicability of the PROSPECT model for Norway spruce needles. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol 27, pp. 5315-5340.
- Aitkinhead-Peterson, J. A., Alexander, J. E., Albrechtová, J., Krám, P., Rock, B., Cudlín, P., Hruška, J., Lhotáková, Z., Huntley, R., Oulehle, F., Polák, T., McDowell, W.H. (2006) Linking foliar chemistry to forest solid and solution phase organic C and N in Picea abies /L./ Karst. stands in northern Bohemia. In: Plant Soil. Vol 238, pp. 187-201.
- Oulehle F., Hofmeister J., Cudlín P., Hruška J. (2006) The effect of reduced atmospheric deposition on soil and soil solution chemistry at a site subjected to long-term scidification, Načetín, Czech Republic. In: Sci. Total Env.. Vol 370, pp. 532-544.
- Frouz J., Kalčík J., Cudlin P. (2005) Accumulation of phosphorus in nests of red wood ants Formica s.str. In: Ann. Zool. Fennici. Vol 42, pp. 269-275.
- Cudlín P., Prokopová M., Francírková T., Burešová R., Smrž T., Boucníková E. (2005) System Natura 2000 utilization for purposes of biotope valuation. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 24 (1), pp. 52-68.
- Polák T., Albrechtová J, Cudlín P., Moravec I. (2004) Proportion of bud development types - new indicator of current tree health status?. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 23 (2), pp. 113-123.
- Kovář P., Cudlín P., Šafář J. (2004) Simulation of hydrological balance on experimental catchments Všeminka and Dřevnice in the extreme period 1992 a 1997. In: Plant Soil Environ. Vol 50, pp. 478-483.
- Jankovský L., Cudlín P., Čermák P., Moravec I. (2004) The prediction of development of secondary Norway Spruce stands under the impact of climatic change in the Drahany highlands (The Czech Republic). In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 23 (2), pp. 101-112.
- Cudlin P., Godbold D. L., Bonifacio E., Egli S., Fritz H. W., Gonthier P., Chmelíková E., Kowalik P., Martinotti M. G., Moravec I., Nicolotti G., Zanini E. (2003) Conditions of natural regeneration of Norway spruce ecosystems in the Krkonose Mountains.. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 22 (1), pp. 66-79.
- Moravec I., Cudlin P., Polak T. (2003) Norway spruce crown structure changes under long-term multiple stress impact in Central Europe mountains. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 22 (1), pp. 252-255.
- Kovář P., Cudlín P., Korytář M., Zemek F., Heřman M. (2001) Comparative study of water balance on the experimental catchment Všeminka and Dřevnice. In: Rostlinná výroba. Vol 47, pp. 260-266.
- Šerá B., Cudlín P. (2001) Flood impact on vegetation communities. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20, pp. 38-46.
- Heřman M., Zemek F., Cudlín P., Kovář P. (2001) Landscape fragmentation for flood prevention: GIS and hydrological modelling approach assessing forested landscape. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (3), pp. 149-157.
- Hruška J., Cudlín P., Krám P. (2001) Relationship between Norway spruce status and soil water base cations/aluminium ratios in the Czech Republic. In: Water, Air Soil Pol.. Vol 130, pp. 989-994.
- Cudlín P., Novotný R., Moravec I., Chmelíková E. (2001) Retrospective evaluation of the response of montane forest ecosystems to multiple stress.. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20, pp. 108-124.
- Cudlín P., Zemek F., Těšitel J., Lapka M., Hanousková I. (2001) Stress concept: Possible tool to study changes in landscape.. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (1), pp. 3-13.
- Šerá B., Falta V., Cudlín P., Chmelíková E. (2000) Contribution to knowledge of natural growth and development of mountain Norway spruce seedlings. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 4, pp. 420-434.
- Holoubek I., Jones K. C., Kořínek P., Šeda Z., Schneiderová E., Holoubková I., Pacl A., Tříska J., Cudlín P. (2000) The use of mosses and pine needles to detect atmospheric persistent organic pollutants at the local and regional scale. In: Environ. Pollut.. Vol 109, pp. 283-283.