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Prague Europe union

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Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR


Center for innovations in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies

Nanomaterials and the nanotechnologies based on them have a continuously growing application in chemical catalysis, photocatalysis and electrochemistry, and also as adorbents, membranes, sensors, optical, self-cleaning and protective materials, and others. Research on synthesis, structure and functional properties of nanomaterials and on their their technological use, and an effective development of these materials necessitate to join the research potential and capacity of a number of institutions, in particular of the relevant institutes of the Academy of Sciences of CR and universities. For a purposeful transfer of the research results into the technological praxis it is necessary to establish a direct link between the fundamental research and industry.

    Realization of these goals is the purpose of the newly founded Center for innovation of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The Center is located in the building of the J. Heyrovský Imstitute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of CR, v.v.i, in Prague 8. This Institute has directed for years a great deal of its working capacity to the investigation of nanometarials within the framework of numerous research projects of both EU and domestic grant agencies. The Center will be equipped with a progressive insttrumentation and computational technique for high-tech synthesis, structural characterization and clarification of functioning of  nanomaterials, as well as for their development and judging their technological applicability. The Center will also serve for training and information of Ph.D. students, employees from industry and the general public.

    Partners of the Heyrovský Institute in building up and the future operation of the Center are the Faculty of Science of Charles University, Prague, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Research Institute of Inorganic Chemistry in Ústí nad Labem, and the companies Eurosupport Manufacturing Czechia, Ltd., and ELMARCO, Ltd. In the transfer of the research results into praxis will also participate the firms Aqua – Building Reconstruction, Ltd., Ingeroll-Rand Equipment Manufacturing CR, Rodenstock CR and TECERAM.

    The build-up of the Center was commenced on 1 October 2008 and the start of its operation is planned for November 2010.


14.5.2009 - Tisková konference Centra pro inovace...

Ve čtvrtek 14.5.2009  se v budově ústavu uskutečnila tisková konference Centra pro i

Rozhodnutí zadavatele o výběru nejvhodnější nabídky..(24.4.)

VŘ/1/2009- Předmět veřejné zakázky: DODÁVK

26.3.2009 VŘ/1/2009 - Otevírání obálek...

VŘ/1/2009-Předmět veřejné zakázky: DODÁVKA LABORATORNÍHO NÁBYTKU VČ. IN

2.2.2009 - Oznámení o zahájení zadávacího řízení - výzva k podání nabídek


6. 11. 2008 - Informace o výběrových řízení na rekonstrukční práce v prostorách budovaného Centra

Zakázky na veškeré stavební práce v prostorách budovaného Centra mají již své dodavatele.

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