Dr. Jan Květ
1956 - Faculty of biological Science, Charles university, Prague
1964 - PhD. (CSc.) Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
1968 - Doctor of Natural Sciences (RNDr.) - Charles University, Prague
Senior Scientist

Phone: +420 384706182
Fax: +420 384706183
Current projects
Production ecology of wetland plants
- Mašková Z., Zemek F., Květ J. (2008) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the management of mountain meadows. In: Boreal Environment Research. Vol 13, pp. 417-432.
- VOŽENÍLKOVÁ, B., MARKOVÁ, J., KLIMEŠ, J., KVĚT, J., MAŠKOVÁ, Z. (2008) The influence of mountain meadow management on the occurence of Puccinia perplexans Plow. In: Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. Vol 115 (4), pp. 167-171.
- Edwards, K.R., Květ, J., Adams, M.S. (2007) Competitive Abilities of Native European and Non-native North American Populations of Linthrum salicaria L.. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 26 (1), pp. 1-13.
- Bastlová, D., Bastl, M., Čížková, H., Květ, J. (2006) Plasticity of Lythrum salicaria and Phragmites australis growth characteristics across European geographical gradient. In: Hydrobiologia. Vol 570, pp. 237-242.
- Zemek F., Heřman M., Mašková Z., Květ J. (2005) Multifunctional land use – a chance of resettling abandoned landscapes? (A case study of the Zhůří territory, the Czech Republic). In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 24 (1), pp. 96-108.
- Bastlová D., Čížková H., Bastl M., Květ J. (2004) Growth of Lythrum salicaria and Phragmites australis plant originating from a wide geographical area: response to nutrient and water supply.. In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. Vol 13, pp. 259-271.
- SÁGOVÁ-MAREČKOVÁ M., KVĚT J. (2003) Impact of oxygen released by the roots of aquatic macrophytes on composition and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a mesocosm experiment. In: Arch. Hydrobiol.. Vol 155, pp. 567-581.
- BASTLOVÁ D., KVĚT J. (2002) Differences in dry weight partitioning and flowering phenology between native and non-native plants of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.).. In: Flora. Vol 197, pp. 332-340.
- KVĚT J., JENÍK J., SOUKUPOVÁ L. (eds) (2002) Freshwater Wetlands and their Sustainable Future. A Case Study of the Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic. In: UNESCO Paris and Parthenon Publ. Boca Raton., pp. 495-.
- SÁGOVÁ-MAREČKOVÁ M., KVĚT J. (2002) Performance of Sparganium emersum Rehm. shoots in response to sediment quality. In: Hydrobiologia. Vol 479, pp. 131-141.
- Čížková, H., Pechar, L., Husák, Š., Květ, J., Bauer, V., Radová, J., Edwards, K. (2001) Chemical characteristics of soils and pore waters of three wetland sites dominated by Phragmites australis: relation to vegetation composition and reed performance.. In: Aquatic Botany. Vol 69, pp. 235-249.
- Picek,T., Lusby,F., Čížková,H., Šantrůčková,H., Šimek,M., Květ,J. and Pechar,L. (2000) Microbial activities in soils of a healthy and a declining reed stands. In: Hydrobiologia. Vol 418, pp. 45-55.