Mgr. Michal Kutý, PhD.
Vědecký pracovník

Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Tel.: +420 386361297
Fax: +420 386361279
- Vacha F, Psencik J, Kuty M, et al. (2005) Evidence for localisation of accumulated chlorophyll cation on the D1-accessory chlorophyll in the reaction centre of Photosystem II. In: PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH. Vol 84 (1-3), pp. 297-302.
- Palencar P, Vacha F, Kuty M. (2005) Force field development on pigments of photosystem 2 reaction centre. In: PHOTOSYNTHETICA. Vol 43 (3), pp. 417-420.
- Kutý M., Pšenčík J. Vácha F. (2004) Charge separation on pigments of photosystem II reaction centers. In: Acta Cryst.. Vol 60, pp. 178-178.
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- Popkov A., Kutý M. (2000) Studium chirálních synthonů aminokyselin. In: Chem. Listy. Vol 94, pp. 844-855.