Ing. Jan Těšitel, CSc.

Tel.: +420 387775670
Fax: +420 385310249
- Kušová, D., Těšitel,J., Matějka, K., Bartoš, M. (2008) Biosphere reserves—An attempt to form sustainable landscapes. In: Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol 84 (1), pp. 38-51.
- Kušová, D., Těšitel, J., Matějka, K., Bartoš, M. (2005) Nature protection and socio-economic development in selected protected areas. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 24 (1), pp. 109-123.
- Těšitel J., Kučera T. (2005) Recent changes in central European landscapes: an integrative ecological approach. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 24 (1), pp. 3-6.
- Těšitel, J., Kušová, D., Bartoš, M. (2005) Temelín power plant as an unusual landscape structure.. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 24 (1), pp. 139-149.
- Těšitel, J., Kušová, D., Bartoš, M. (2001) Biophilia as the invariant in human thinking. A case study – the town of Tábor.. In: Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol 53, pp. 29-36.
- Těšitel, J., Kušová, D., Bartoš, M. (2001) Population size – the indicator of the response of local population to external pressure (a case study of the right shore of the Lipno lake area).. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (1), pp. 29-37.
- Cudlín P., Zemek F., Těšitel J., Lapka M., Hanousková I. (2001) Stress concept: Possible tool to study changes in landscape.. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (1), pp. 3-13.