Volume 31 (1995)

  • Volume 30

  • (1994)

Contents of volume 30, no. 6
V. Kučera The Pole Placement Equation - a Survey
N. Karcanias The Selection of Input and Output Schemes for a System and the Model Projection Problems
A. C. Pugh, G. E. Hayton, N. P. Karampetakis and A. I. G. Vardulakis Structural Properties of Inverse Linear Systems
G. F. Fragulis Minimal Realizations of the Inverse of a Polynomial Matrix using Finite and Infinite Jordan Pairs
G. F. Fragulis and A. I. G. Vardulakis Evaluation of the Reachability Subspace of General Form Polynomial Matrix Descriptions (PMDs)
G. F. Fragulis Evaluation of the Impulsive Solution Space of Linear Multivariable Homogeneous Implicit Systems
M. L. Corradini Self Bounded Controlled Invariants for Singular Systems
J. C. M. García, M. Malabre and R. Rabah The Partial Non Interacting Problem: Structural and Geometric Solutions
A. Dzieliński Optimal Reconstruction of State Vector in 2-D Systems
A. Medvedev and H. Toivonen Continuous-Time Deadbeat Observation Problem with Application to Predictive Control of Systems with Delay
C. A. Barbargires and C. A. Karybakas Dead-Beat Response of Siso Systems to Parabolic Inputs with Optimum Step and Ramp Responses
L. Jetto, S. Longhi and A. M. Perdon Output Tracking for a Family of Linear Plants
D. Aeyels and R. Sepulchre On the Convergence of a Time-Variant Linear Differential Equation Arising in Identification
S. Longhi, A. Tornambé and O. M. Grasselli Robust Continuous-Time Tracking and Regulation for Multirate Sampled-Data Systems
F. Kraffer, S. Pejchová and M. Šebek Polynomial Operations: Numerical Performance in Matrix Diophantine Equation

Volume 29 (1993)