Volume 34 (1998)

  • Volume 33

  • (1997)

Contents of volume 33, no. 2
M. Janžura Asymptotic Results in Parameter Estimation for Gibbs Random Fields.
J. Anděl On Residual Analysis for Time Series Models.
N. M. van Dijk Error Bounds for Arbitrary Approximation of Nearly Reversible Markov Chains and a Communications Example.
A. C. Pugh, G. E. Hayton and N. P. Karampetakis Notes on Hierarchical Theory of Systems and Applications.
K. G. Arvanitis and G. Kalogeropoulos A New Periodic Multirate Model Reference Adaptive Controller for Possibly Non Stably Invertible Plants.
V. Veselý Robust Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems.
V. Soukup Alternative Polynomial Equation Approach to LQ Discrete-Time Open-Loop Control.

Reviews in volume 33, no. 2
T. J. Ross: Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications.   Reviewed by: M. Mareš
B. Goertzel: Chaotic Logic, Language, Thought, and Reality from the Perspective of Complex System Science.   Reviewed by: M. Mareš
D. Stoyan, W. S. Kendall and J. Mecke: Stochastic Geometry and its Applications.   Reviewed by: V. Beneš
D. G. Saari: Basic Geometry of Voting.   Reviewed by: M. Mareš

Volume 32 (1996)