prof. Ing. Vlastimil Baruš, DrSc.

Position: research scientist
Research topics: parasitology, ecology and fish taxonomy
Department: Department of Ichthyology
Phone: +420 543 422 545


1953-1958 Mendel university of agriculture and forestry in Brno, graduate thesis: „Parasites of domestic animals bred in the farm of Žabčice, south Moravia“

Professional career:

  • Ph.D. (1961), Institute of Biology CZAS Praha, Ph.D. thesis: „Helminths parasitizing horses Equus caballus in the Czechoslovakia“;
  • 1972 – DrSc. in biology, Institute of parasitology CZAS Praha, thesis: „Theoretical and practical aspects of syngamosis and subulurosis of Gallinaceous in domestic and free-living birds“;
  • 1980 Professor in zoology of Mendel university of agriculture and forestry in Brno. Member of the Department of ichthyology, Institute of vertebrate biology AS CR, v.v.i. in Brno.

    Profession experience:

    parasitology, ichthyology and ecology

    Presently concerned mainly with ecological studies of ichthyofauna in water reservoirs and research on fish parasitofauna.



    J. HAMÁČKOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, P. KOZÁK, M. PEŇÁZ, L. A. STANNY, T. POLICAR, V. BARUŠ: Growth and development of vimba bream (Vimba vimba) larvae in relation to feeding duration with live and/or dry starter feed, Aquaculture 287 (2009) 158-162.


    B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. HODOVÁ, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: Morphometric and molecular characteristics of Labeonema synodontisi n. comb. (Nematoda: Atractidae) from the West African fishes, Parasitology Research 102 (2008) 1013-1020.

    Š. MAŠOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. HODOVÁ, I. MATĚJUSOVÁ, P. KOUBEK, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Morphometric and molecular characterization of Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) from the Senegal gecko ( Tarentola parvicarinata ), Acta Parasitologica 53 (2008) 274-283.


    Z. ADÁMEK, M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ, I. SUKOP: Diet and growth of 1+ Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii in alternative pond culture, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 7 (2007) 153-160.

    V. BARUŠ, J. JARKOVSKÝ, M. PROKEŠ: Philometra ovata (Nematoda: Philometroidea): a potential sentinel species of heavy metal accumulation, Parasitology Research 100 (2007) 929-933.

    J. MÁCHOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, H. KROUPOVÁ, M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ: Toxicita Diazinonu 60 EC pro raná vývojová stadia lína obecného (Tinca tinca), Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 43 (2007) 74-80.

    J. MÁCHOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ, V. ŽLÁBEK, M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ: Toxicity of Diazinon 60 EC for Cyprinus carpio and Poecilia reticulata, Aquaculture International 15 (2007) 267-276.


    B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. MATĚJUSOVÁ, I. HODOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Thelastoma gueyei sp. n. (Nematoda: Thelastomatidae) from the Senegal diplopod Archispirostreptus tumuliporus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae), Nematology 8 (2006) 739-747.

    M. PROKEŠ, P. ŠOVČÍK, M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ, P. SPURNÝ, L. VILIZZI: Growth of barbel, Barbus barbus, in the River Jihlava following major, Folia zoologica 55 (2006) 86-96.


    V. BARUŠ, V. KAJEROVÁ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: A new species of Pterothominx Freitas, 1959 (Nematoda : Capillariidae) parasitising psittacine birds (Psittaciformes), Systematic Parasitology 62 (2005) 59-64.

    M. DÁVIDOVÁ, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, M. REICHARD, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Nematode infections of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Pallas, 1776: Cypriniformes), Helminthologia 42 (2005) 45-48.

    V. KAJEROVÁ, V. BARUŠ: Psittacine birds (Aves : Psittaciformes) as new hosts of Baruscapillaria obsignata (Nematoda : Capillariidae), Acta veterinaria Brno 74 (2005) 571-574.

    V. KAJEROVÁ, V. BARUŠ: Corrections to description of Cardiofilaria dubia (Nematoda) parasitizing Australian parrot, Helminthologia 42 (2005) 167-169.

    M. PEŇÁZ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ, J. DRASTICHOVÁ: Endocrine disruption in a barbel, Barbus barbus population from the River Jihlava, Czech Republic, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (2005) 420-428.

    E. ŘEHULKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, M. GELNAR: Two remarkable nematodes from the African reedfish Erpetoichthys calabaricus (Polypteriformes : Polypteridae), Helminthologia 42 (2005) 149-153.

    A. ŠIMKOVÁ, J. JARKOVSKÝ, B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Associations between fish reproductive cycle and the dynamics of metazoan parasite infection, Parasitology Research 95 (2005) 65-72.


    K. HAUPTMANOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. LITERÁK, V. BENEDIKT: Haemoproteids and microfilariae in hawfinches in the Czech Republic, Helminthologia 41 (2004) 125-133.

    J. JARKOVSKÝ, B. KOUBKOVÁ, T. SCHOLZ, M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ: Seasonal dynamics of Proteocephalus sagittus in the stone loach Barbatula barbatula from the Haná River, Czech Republic, Journal of Helminthology 78 (2004) 225-229.

    V. KAJEROVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. LITERÁK: New records of Ascaridia platyceri (Nematoda) in parrots (Psittaciformes), Veterinární medicína 49 (2004) 237-241.

    V. KAJEROVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. LITERÁK: Nematodes from the genus Ascaridia parasitizing psittaciform birds: a review and determination key, Veterinární medicína 49 (2004) 217-223.

    P. KOUBEK, V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Presence of Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematoda) in central Europe, Parasitology Research 93 (2004) 301-303.

    P. KOUBEK, V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Troglotrema acutum (Digenea) from carnivores in the Czech Republic, Helminthologia 41 (2004) 25-31.

    B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ, I. DYKOVÁ: Raphidascaris acus (Bloch, 1779) larvae infections of the stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (L.), from the River Haná, Czech Republic, Journal of Fish Diseases 27 (2004) 65-71.

    M. LENHARDT, M. PROKEŠ, I. Z. JARIC, V. BARUŠ, J. KOLAREVIC, I. KRUPKA, G. CVIJANOVIC, Z. CAKIC, Z. GACIC: Comparative analysis of morphometric characters of juvenile sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L. from natural population and aquaculture, Journal of Fish Biology 65 (2004) 320.

    S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, J. HALOUZKA, V. BARUŠ: Mermithid nematode parasitizing in Tabanidae (Diptera) in South Moravia, Czech Republic, Helminthologia 41 (2004) 113-114.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Discussion to several tapeworm species from the families Hymenolepididae, Anoplocephalidae and Davaineidae parasitizing rodents and man, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 52 (2004) 23-28.


    V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, R. ŠUMBERA: Relative concentrations of four heavy metals in the parasites Protospirura muricola (Nematoda) and Inermicapsifer arvicanthidis (Cestoda) in their definitive host silvery mole-rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus: Rodentia), Helminthologia 40 (2003) 227-232.

    I. LITERÁK, V. BARUŠ, K. HAUPTMANOVÁ, R. HALOUZKA: The nematode Diplotridena henryi (Nematoda : Diplotriaenoidea) as the possible cause of subcutaneous emphysema and respiratory insufficiency in a great tit (Parus major), Helminthologia 40 (2003) 23-25.

    M. PALÍKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ: Mercury content in Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda) and its host Anguilla anguilla, Acta veterinaria Brno 72 (2003) 289-294.

    M. PEŇÁZ, K. PIVNIČKA, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Temporal changes in the abundance of barbel, Barbus barbus in the Jihlava River, Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 441-448.

    M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ, M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARÁNEK: Růstové vlastnosti a problematika chovu jesetera sibiřského (Acipenser baerii) v podmínkách České republiky, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 39 (2003) 99-103.

    T. SCHOLZ, A. ŠKEŘÍKOVÁ, V. HANZELOVÁ, B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ: Resurrection of Proteocephalus sagittus (Grimm, 1872) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) based on morphological and molecular data, Systematic Parasitology 56 (2003) 173-181.

    R. ŠUMBERA, V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA: Heavy metals in the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Bathyergidae, Rodentia) from Malawi, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 149-153.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ, R. ŠUMBERA, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Helminths parasitizing the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Rodentia : Bathyergidae) from Malawi, Helminthologia 40 (2003) 153-160.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Notes to the species Heligmosomoides polygyrus (Dujardin, 1845) (Nematoda, Heligmosomidae), parasitizing Rodentia, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 51 (2003) 7-18.


    V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: The first species of Thelastoma Leidy, 1849 (Nematoda: Thelastomidae) parasitising the scorpion Euscorpius italicus (Chactidae: Scorpionidea), Systematic Parasitology 53 (2002) 141-146.

    V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Length and weight of Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids (Cestoda) parasitizing adult cyprinid fishes (Cyprinidae): a comparative analysis, Helminthologia 39 (2002) 29-34.

    B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, P. KOUBEK: Stichorchis subtriquetrus (Digenea: Cladorchidae) - back to the fauna of the Czech Republic after 200 years, Helminthologia 39 (2002) 155-158.

    M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ, M. HOMOLKA: Movements of barbel, Barbus barbus (Pisces: Cyprinidae), Folia zoologica 51 (2002) 55-66.

    M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ, M. MACHOLÁN, I. KRUPKA, J. MASÁR: Meristic and mensural morphological characters of juvenile sterlet reared in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, Folia zoologica 51 (2002) 149-164.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, J. HILDEBRAND, M. PROKEŠ: Species of the genus Heligmosomum Railliet et Henry, 1909 (Nematoda, Heligmosominae) parasitizing Rodentia in Europe, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 50 (2002) 7-13.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Next remarks to the knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in gravid tapeworm species parasitizing aquatic birds, Helminthologia 39 (2002) 143-148.


    V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, S. KRÁČMAR, M. PROKEŠ: Accumulation of heavy metals in the Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids (Pseudophyllidea) of different age, Helminthologia 38 (2001) 29-33.

    V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, S. KRÁČMAR, M. PROKEŠ: Cadmium and lead concentrations in Contracaecum rudolphii (Nematoda) and its host, the cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Aves), Folia Parasitologica 48 (2001) 77-78.

    F. TENORA, S. KRÁČMAR, M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ, J. SITKO: Heavy metal concentrations in tapeworms Diploposthe laevis and Microsomacanthus compressa parasitizing aquatic birds, Helminthologia 38 (2001) 63-66.


    M. ASAKAWA, V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, K. MURATA: A scanning electron microscope study of Thelazia (Thelaziella) aquillina (Nematoda: Spirurida) obtained from a captive Ciconia boyciana (Aves), Journal of Yamashina Institute of Ornithology 32 (2000) 24-30.

    V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, S. KRÁČMAR: Heavy metal (Pb, Cd) concentrations in adult tapeworms (Cestoda) parasitizing birds (Aves), Helminthologia 37 (2000) 131-136.

    V. BARUŠ, K. NAGASAWA, F. TENORA, M. PROKEŠ: The head end morphology of Contracaecum rudolphii with remarks on C. himeu and C. umiu (Nematoda, Anisakidae), Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 48 (2000) 69-76.

    B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ: Metazoan parasites of the recently established tubenose goby (Proterorhinus marmoratus: Gobiidae) population from the South Moravian reservoir, Czech Republic, Helminthologia 37 (2000) 89-95.

    B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ: The tubenose goby (Proterorhinus marmoratus: Perciformes) as paratenic host of the nematode Anguillicola crassus (Dracunculoidea), Helminthologia 37 (2000) 43-45.

    S. KRÁČMAR, V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA: Amino acid contents in Contracaceum himeu and C. rudolphii (Nematoda: Anisakidae), parasites of cormorants, Helminthologia 37 (2000) 237-239.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, S. KRÁČMAR, J. DVOŘÁČEK: Concentrations of some heavy metals in Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids (Cestoda) and Philometra ovata (Nematoda) compared to some their hosts (Osteichthyes), Helminthologia 37 (2000) 15-18.


    V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, S. KRÁČMAR, M. PROKEŠ, J. DVOŘÁČEK: Microelement contents in males and females of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea), Helminthologia 36 (1999) 283-285.

    V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, S. KRÁČMAR, J. DVOŘÁČEK: Contents of several inorganic substances in European eel infected and uninfected by Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda), Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 37 (1999) 135-137.

    V. BARUŠ, F. MORAVEC, M. PROKEŠ: Anguillicolosis of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Czech Republic, Czech Journal of Animal Science 44 (1999) 423-431.

    V. BARUŠ, F. MORAVEC, M. PROKEŠ: Přehled o anguilikolóze úhoře říčního v České republice, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 35 (1999) 34-47.

    V. BARUŠ, S. KRÁČMAR, F. TENORA, M. PROKEŠ, J. SITKO: Content of amino acids in adult tapeworm Ligula intestinalis (Pseudophyllidea), Helminthologia 36 (1999) 9-12.

    S. KRÁČMAR, V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, J. SITKO: Content of several amino acids in the tapeworms Hymenolepis diminuta, Rodentolepis fraterna (Hymenolepididae) and Cladotaenia globifera (Paruterinidae) (Cestoda), Transactions of the Zoological Society of Eastern India 3 (1999) 1-4.

    K. NAGASAWA, V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, M. PROKEŠ, N. OKA: Validity and redescription of Contracaceum himeu (Nematoda, Anisakidae), a parasite of cormorants in Japan, Bulletin of the National Science Museum - Ser. A Zoology 25 (1999) 149-161.

    K. NAGASAWA, V. BARUŠ, F. TENORA, N. OKA: Contracaecum variegatum (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from the Pacific Diver (Gavia pacifica) in Japan, Biogeography 1 (1999) 107-110.

    M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ, M. PROKEŠ: Changes in the structure of fish assemblages in a river used for energy production, Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 15 (1999) 169-180.

    M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ: Morphometrical analysis of the cichlid fish Oreochromis niloticus (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae) imported to the Czech republic, Folia zoologica 48 (1999) 301-311.

    M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ, M. PEŇÁZ: Ichtyologické charakteristiky a rybářské využití nádrží VD Dalešice, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 35 (1999) 91-102.

    M. PROKEŠ, V. BARUŠ, M. PEŇÁZ, J. HAMÁČKOVÁ, J. KOUŘIL: Larval development and growth of the European Wels (Silurus glanis) under experimental conditions fed natural and pelleted diets, Czech Journal of Animal Science 44 (1999) 29-37.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Remarks on tapeworms of the family Hymenolepididae (Cyclophyllidea) parasitizing dormice (Gliridae: Rodentia) in Europe, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 47 (1999) 13-23.

    F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, S. KRÁČMAR, J. DVOŘÁČEK, J. SRNKOVÁ: Parallel analysis of some heavy metals concentrations in the Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda) and the European eel Anguilla anguilla (Osteichthyes), Helminthologia 36 (1999) 79-81.