The main idea of the our group

women from Djerba Island foto Pavel Lisy 2005
    The group Geomorphology-Quaternary associates researchers, students and non-professionals, interested by Quaternary processes which influence landscape around us and its environmental conditons.

    The information of readers and the popularisation of news connected with Quaternary science, together with the organization of "the Quaternary meetings" is one of the main aims of our group. The second aim of the group is to help to the interdisciplinary cooperation, which, hope will be following by an increase of grant information values. The actual news are possible to be found in left part of this page. There are also the informations about the different branches of activities with general informations about them and contacts to the researches who work in that branches and are able to help with advise or cooperate. The news are "the disscusion groups", and everybody is welcomed to start a discussion there and invite for discussion other people. The group Geomorphology-Quaternary is the part of the Czech Geological Society, under the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. You are welcomed to become a member of this group or to help with group activities. In that case, please contact us here.

    We are recently looking for some volunteers, who would like to become guarants for individual branches of activities. Offer us the theme of some "Quaternary meeting" which would be interesting for you to organise or to take a part of it.

Copyright (c)2007 Lenka Lisá contact & Mikuláš Balabán contact