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Ústavy areálu Krč, AV ČR

Nové knihy ve fondu SVI za posledních 12 měsíců (tištěné)
  • jsou uváděny pouze zcela nové knihy, další exempláře knih zakoupených již dříve uváděny nejsou, počet exemplářů dané knihy naleznete v elektronickém katalogu
  • tituly označené knihy z grantů  jsou kupovány z grantových prostředků, jsou tedy deponovány u řešitele grantuje možné dohodnout krátkodobé vypůjčení
  • tituly se signaturou /ST příruční knihovna nelze půjčit na dlouhodobou výpůjčku, jsou uloženy v prostoru výpůjčního pultu - možno půjčit pouze krátkodobě (na cca 14 dní, je možné po dohodě prodloužit)
  • tituly bez označení jsou 1 měsíc vystaveny u výpůjčního pultu a je možné si je krátkodobě vypůjčit, po uplynutí této doby si knihy můžete vypůjčit na běžnou výpůjčku

nahoru  květen - červenec 2009

A 2990          knihy z grantů                                                             148 772
Comprehensive handbook of iodine : Nutritional, biochemical, pathological and therapeutic aspects / Ed. by Victor R. Preedy, Gerard N. Burrow, Ronald Watson.
- London : Academic Press, 2009. - xxiv, 1311 s. : il.

B 21 652           knihy z grantů                                               148 771
Animal models in cardiovascular research / David R. Gross.
 - 3th ed. - Urbana : Springer, 2009. - xxiii, 431 s.

A 2989                                                                    148 770
Flavonoidy a jejich biologické působení / Karel Volf, František Andrs.
 - [Praha] : K. Wolf, 2008. - 174 s. : il., tab. + 1 CD-ROM

A 2985                                                                   148 765
Electron microscopy of cells and tissues. Vol. 1, Instrumentation and techniques / Fritiof S. Sjöstrand.
 - New York : Academic Press, 1967. - xii, 462 s. : il.

B 21 650                                                           148 748
Plants, Chemicals and Growth / F. C. Steward, A. D. Krikorian.
 - New York : Academic Press, 1971. - xii, 232 s. : il.

A 2984                                                                     148 747
Introductory Biochemistry : Fundamentals of Cellular Metabolism and Molecular Biology / Stuart J. Edelstein.
 - San Francisco : Holden-Day, 1973. - xiv, 353 s. : il.

A 2983                                                                   148 746
Air pollution control technology / Boris Bretschneider, Jiří Kurfürst ; [překlad Madeleine Štulíková].
 - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1987. - 296 s. : tab., obr.

B 21 651                                                                   148 749
Microbiology of extreme environments and its potential for biotechnology / Ed. by M. S. da Costa, J. C. Duarte, R. A. D. Williams.
 - London : Elsevier Applied Science, 1989. - xiv, 429 s.

A 2988               knihy z grantů                                                          148 769
Chirurgie orgánových metastáz / Ivan Čapov et al.
- 1. vyd. Praha : Galén : Karolinum, c2008, xiii, 181 s. : il. (některé barev.), portréty

A 2987                 knihy z grantů                                                         148 768
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 90th Edition/
David R. Lide,
- 90th ed.: ,  CRC Press Taylor & Francis group , 2009- 2804 s.

A 2986          knihy z grantů                                                          148 767

Medical biochemistry / John W. Baynes, Marek H. Dominiczak.
- 3rd ed.[Edinburgh?] : Mosby Elsevier, c2009. xxv, 653 p. : ill. (cheifly col.) ; 28 cm.

B 11 823 f                                                               148 766
Handbook of experimental immunology / edited by D. M. Weir.
 - Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publications (Oxford), 1967. - 1245 s.

A 2982              knihy z grantů                                                      148 745
Introduction to geomicrobiology / Kurt Konhauser.
 - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing, 2007. - x, 425 s. : il. (přev. bar.).

B 21 649                                                             148 743
Prevalence nádorů v České republice = Cancer prevalence in the Czech Republic : 1989-2005-2015 / M. Konečný ... [et al.].
- 1. vyd. - Brno : Přírodovědecká fakulta Masarykovy univerzity : Občanské sdružení podpory zdraví a onkologické prevence, 2008. - 68 s. : barev. il., mapy + 1 CD-ROM

B 21 648               knihy z grantů                                             148 742
Drug-induced mitochondrial dysfunction / Ed. by James A. Dykens, Yvonne Will.
 - Hoboken : Wiley, 2008. - xvii, 616 s. : il.

B 21 647           knihy z grantů                                                     148 741
Multi-step enzyme catalysis : Biotransformations and chemoenzymatic synthesis / Ed. by Eduardo Garcia-Junceda.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2008. - xv, 241 p. : il.

B 21 646             knihy z grantů                                                     148 764
HPLC for pharmaceutical scientists / Ed. by Yuri Kazakevich, Rosario LoBrutto.
- Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, 2007. - xxvi, 1104 p. : il.

B 21 645                  knihy z grantů                                               148 763
Milování v přírodě / Julius Komárek ; Předml.: Josef Mařan ; Il. Eduard Hofman ; Fot.: V.J. Staněk.
-    3. vyd. - Praha : Státní zemědělské nakladatelství, 1969. - 236 s. : il., fot. příl.

nahoru  duben 2009

B 21 644              knihy z grantů                                                    148 760
Záhady lidského těla : Člověk - tvor nedokonalý / Milan Klíma.
- Vyd. 1. - Praha : Ikar, 2008. - 159 s., [16] s. barev. obr. příl. : il.

A  2981                 knihy z grantů                                                      148 722
Molecular genetics of bacteria / Larry Snyder and Wendy Champness.
 - 3rd ed. - Washington : ASM Press, 2007. - xvii, 735 s. : il.

A 2980                 knihy z grantů                                                       148 756
Modern physical organic chemistry / Eric V. Anslyn , Dennis A. Dougherty.
- Sausalito, California : University Science Books, 2006. - xxviii, 1099 s. : il.

A 2979               knihy z grantů                                                         148 755
Organic chemistry / Jonathan Clayden ... [et al.].
 - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 1512 s. : il.

B 21 643               knihy z grantů                                                       148754
Signal processing for neuroscientists : An introduction to the analysis of physiological signals / Wim van Drongelen.
- Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2007. - viii, 308 s. : il. + 1 CD-ROM

B 21 642                  knihy z grantů                                                 148 753
EEG signal processing / Saeid Sanei, J.A. Chambers.
- London : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - xxii, 289 s. : il.

A 2980                 knihy z grantů                                                       148 756
Modern physical organic chemistry / Eric V. Anslyn , Dennis A. Dougherty.
- Sausalito, California : University Science Books, 2006. - xxviii, 1099 s. : il.

A 2979                        knihy z grantů                                                148 755
Organic chemistry / Jonathan Clayden ... [et al.].
 - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 1512 s. : il.

B 21 643            knihy z grantů                                                          148754
Signal processing for neuroscientists : An introduction to the analysis of physiological signals / Wim van Drongelen.
- Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2007. - viii, 308 s. : il. + 1 CD-ROM

B 21 642             knihy z grantů                                                      148 753
EEG signal processing / Saeid Sanei, J.A. Chambers.
- London : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - xxii, 289 s. : il.

J 1412/101                                                                      148 759
Advances in Immunology. Vol. 101. /ed. by F.W.Alt
-    Elsevier 2009. 250s.

J 187/71                                                               148 758
Annual Review of Physiology. Vol.71/ ed. David Julius

A  2978            knihy z grantů                                                               148 752
Medical physiology : A cellular and molecular approach / Walter F. Boron, Emile L. Boulpaep.
- 2nd ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders, 2009. - xii, 1337 s. : il.

B 21 641                 knihy z grantů                                                      148 751
Mitochondria and cancer / Edit. by Keshav K. Singh, Leslie Costello.
 - New York : Springer, 2009. - xii, 289 s. : il.

B 21 640            knihy z grantů                                                        148 750
Lectins / by Nathan Sharon and Halina Lis.
- 2nd ed. - Dodrecht : Springer, c2007. - xiii, 454 s. : il.

A 2977               knihy z grantů                                                          148 739
Vnitřní lékařství / Pavel Klener et al.
- 3., přeprac. a dopl. vyd. - Praha : Karolinum : Galén, 2006. - xliv, viii, 1158 s. : il. (některé barev.).

nahoru  únor + březen 2009

B 21 638                         knihy z grantů                                            148 719
Programming in Python 3 : A complete introduction to the Python language / Mark Summerfield.
 - Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2009. - xiv, 525 s.

B 21 639                        knihy z grantů                                               147 203
Open GL shading language / Randi J. Rost ; with contributions by John M. Kessenich and Barthold Lichtenbelt.
 - Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2006. - xlv, 740 s. : il.

B 21 637                     knihy z grantů                                              148 738
Lesnická entomologie / Jaroslav Křístek, Jaroslav Urban. - Vyd. 1. - Praha : Academia, 2004. - 445 s. : il.

A 2976                    knihy z grantů                                                     148 737
Neuropsychologická baterie Psychiatrického centra Praha : klinické vyšetření základních kognitivních funkcí / Marek Preiss ... [et al.].
 - 2., přeprac. vyd. - Praha : Psychiatrické centrum, 2007. - 84 s. : il.

E 10 916                                                         148 732
Kniha zahraničních dobrých praxí při realizaci politik výzkumu, vývoje a inovací / Karel Klusáček (vedoucí projektu), Zdeněk Kučera, Michal Pazour a kol.
 - Vyd. 1. - Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství, 2008. - 138 s.

E 10 917                                                                 148 733
Bílá kniha výzkumu, vývoje a inovací v ČR / Karel Klusáček (vedoucí projektu), Zdeněk Kučera, Michal Pazour.
 - Vyd. 1. - Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství, 2008. - 96 s. + 1 CD-ROM

B 21 632               knihy z grantů                                                     148 703
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : With applications to physics, biology, chemistry and engineering / Steven H. Strogatz.
- Cambridge : Westview Press, 1994. - xi, 498 s. : il.

B 21 631                 knihy z grantů                                                    148 717
The interface between convex geometry and harmonic analysis / Alexander Koldobsky ; Vladyslav Yaskin.
 - Providence : American Mathematical Society, 2008. - x, 105 s.

B  21 635                knihy z grantů                                                   148 718
Stochastic and integral geometry / Rolf Schneider, Wolfgang Weil.
- Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2008. - xi, 693 s.

B 21 633                 knihy z grantů                                                       148 707
Methods of information geometry / Shun-ichi Amari ; Hiroshi Nagaoka ; translated by Daishi Harada.
 - Providence : American Mathematical Society, 2000. - v-x, 206 s. + bibliografie, rejstřík

B 21 634               knihy z grantů                                                    148 716
Tame geometry with application in smooth analysis / Yosef Yomdin, Georges Comte.
- Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - viii, 186 s.

A 2975                                knihy z grantů                                   148 728
Encyklopedie hub a lišejníků / Vladimír Antonín.
- 1. vyd. - Praha : Libri : Academia, 2006. - 471 s., 8 s. barev. obr. příl. : il.

B 21 629                           knihy z grantů                                        148 700
Nonlinear oscillations, dynamical systems, and bifurcations of vector fields / John Guckenheimer, Philip Holmes.
- New York : Springer, 2002. - xvi, 459 s.

B 21 630                       knihy z grantů                                           148 691
Primate cognition / Michael Tomasello, Josep Call.
- New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. - ix, 517 s. : il.

nahoru   leden 2009

J 1817 /42                                                                  148 726
Annual review of genetics. Vol.42/
-    Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2008. - xii, 772 s.

B 21 624           knihy z grantů                                                        148 696
Free radicals in biology and medicine / Barry Halliwell, John M.C. Gutteridge.
- 4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - xxxvi, 851 s. : il., tab.

A  2974               knihy z grantů                                                   148 684
Therapeutic microbiology : Probiotics and related strategies / Ed. by James Versalovic, Michael Wilson.
- Washington, D.C. : ASM Press, 2008. - xvi, 403 s. : il.

B 21 625           knihy z grantů                                                            148 693
Event-related potentials : A methods handbook / Ed. by Todd C. Handy.
 - Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2005. - xi, 404 s. : il.

B 21 627              knihy z grantů                                                      148 692
Decisions, uncertainty, and the brain : The science of neuroeconomics / Paul W. Glimcher.
- Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2003. - xx, 375 s. : il.

B 21 626          knihy z grantů                                                          148 695
Image & environment : Cognitive mapping and spatial behavior / Ed. by Roger M. Downs, David Stea.
 - New Brunswick, N.J. : AldineTransaction, 2006. - xxii, 439 s. : il.

B 21 628           knihy z grantů                                                        148 694
Human spatial memory : Remembering where / Ed. by Gary L. Allen.
- Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. - xx, 346 s. : il.

A 2973                     knihy z grantů                                       148 666
Physiology and biochemistry of extremophiles / Ed. by Charles Gerday, Charles Gerday.
 - Washington, D.C. : ASM Press, 2007. - xvi, 429 s. : il.

B 21 623      knihy z grantů                                                    148 708
Methods in insect sensory neuroscience / Ed. by Thomas A. Christensen.
 - Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, 2005. - 435 s. : il.

B 21 622                 knihy z grantů                                        148 706
Nature's flyers : Birds, insects, and the biomechanics of flight / David E. Alexander ; foreword by Steven Vogel.
- Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 2002. - xix, 358 s. : il.

B 21 621          knihy z grantů                                                           148 698
A wavelet tour of signal processing / Stéphane Mallat.
 - 2nd ed. - San Diego : Academic Press, 1999. - xxiv, 637 s. : il.

B 21 620         knihy z grantů                                                               148 699
Nonlinear oscillations / Ali Hasan Nayfeh, Dean T. Mook.
 - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2004. - xiv, 704 s. : il.

B 21 619                knihy z grantů                                                       148 697
Physiological systems in insects / Marc J. Klowden.
 - 2nd ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier Academic Press, 2007. - x, 688 s. : il.

A 2972                      knihy z grantů                                                  148 724
Basic histology : text & atlas / Luíz Carlos Junqueira, José Carneiro.
- 11th ed. - New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2005. - viii, 502 s. + 1 CD-ROM

E 10 914            knihy z grantů                                                       148690
Statin drugs : Side effects and the misguided war on cholesterol / Duane Graveline.
 - 4th ed. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2008. - 193 s.

B 21 616                     knihy z grantů                                            148 701
The insects : Structure and function / R.F. Chapman. - 4th ed.
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xvii, 770 s. : il.

B 21 617                knihy z grantů                                                 148 702
Wavelet methods for time series analysis / Donald B. Percival, Andrew T. Walden.
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - xxv, 594 s. : il.

B 21 614                  knihy z grantů                                                  148 720
Handbook of cryo-preparation methods for electron microscopy / Ed. by Annie Cavalier, Daniele Spehner, Bruno M. Humbel.
- Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2008. - xix, 682 s.

B 21 615                knihy z grantů                                                    148 721
History of pain / Roselyne Rey ; translated by Louise Elliott Wallace, and by J.A. & S.W. Cadden.
- Paris : Éditions la Découverte, 1993. - 409 s.

B 21 613               knihy z grantů                                                    148 149
Biology of the NMDA receptor / Ed. by Antonius M. VanDongen.
 - Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, 2009. - 342 s. : il.

nahoru    prosinec 2008

B 1153/62                                                                148 682
Annual review of microbiology. Vol.62/ Ed. by Susan Gottesman, Caroline S. Harwood.
- Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2008. - ix, 491 s. : il.

A 2971                                                                     148 714
Academic encounters : reading, study skills, and writing : content focus Human behavior / Bernard Seal.
 - [S.l.] : Cambridge University Press, [asi 1997]. - xx, 212 s. : il.

B 21 612                                                                148 713
Academic listening encounters : Life in society : listening, note taking, discussion / Kim Sanabria.
 - 1. vyd. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xxiii, 160 s. + 1 Audio CD

A 2970                                                                   148 015
Inside out : Student's book : [advanced] / Ceri Jones, Tania Bastow, Jon Hird.
 - 1. vyd. - Oxford : Macmillan, 2005. - 159 s. : barev. il.

A 2969                                                                  148 029
Northstar. Building skills for the TOEFL iBT : high intermediate / Helen S. Solórzano ; Series editors Frances Boyd, Carol Numrich. - White Plains, NY : Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. - xv , 236 s. : il.

A 2968                                                                 148 028
Northstar. Building skills for the TOEFL iBT : advanced / Linda Robinson Fellag ; Series editors Frances Boyd, Carol Numrich.
- White Plains, NY : Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. - xv , 272 s. : il.

nahoru    listopad 2008

A 2967                      knihy z grantů                                                  148 667
Archaea : Molecular and cellular biology / Ed. by Ricardo Cavicchioli.
 - Washington, DC : ASM Press, 2007. - xii, 523 s. : ill.

B 21 611                      knihy z grantů                                                148 676
Pathophysiology of heart disease : A collaborative project of medical students and faculty / Ed. by Leonard S. Lilly. - 4th ed.
 - Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. - xiii, 473 s.

A 2962                     knihy z grantů                                                    148 662
Germ stories / Arthur Kornberg; ilustrace Adam Alaniz; fotografie Roberto Kolter.
- Sausalito : University Science Books, 2007. - 70 s. : il.

A 2964                       knihy z grantů                                                148 672
Cardiac development / Margaret Loewy Kirby ; with illustrations by Karen Waldo.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - xiii, 273 s. : il.

A 2965                      knihy z grantů                                                   148 678
Cardiology : An illustrated colour text / David E. Newby, Neil R. Grubb.
- Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 2005. - vii, 169 s. : il.

A 2961                     knihy z grantů                                                  148 671
Essential atlas of heart diseases / Editor-in-chief, Eugene Braunwald.
 - 3rd ed. - Philadelphia : Developed by Current Medicine, 2005. - viii, 407 s. : il.

A 2963                    knihy z grantů                                                  148 677
Molecular basis of cardiovascular disease : A companion to Braunwald's Heart disease / Ed. by Kenneth R. Chien.
 - 2nd ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders, 2004. - xvi, 713 s. : il.

A 2959                       knihy z grantů                                               148 673
Braunwald's heart disease : A textbook of cardiovascular medicine / Ed. by Peter Libby ... [et al.].
- 8th ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders/Elsevier, 2008. - 1 sv. (různé stránkování) : il. + 1 CD-ROM

A 2960                   knihy z grantů                                                 148 670
Brock biology of microorganisms / Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Paul V. Dunlap, David P. Clark.
- 12th ed. - San Francisco : Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2008. - xxviii, 1061 s. : il.

A 2957                        knihy z grantů                                          148 664
The quest for consciousness : A neurobiological approach / Christof Koch.
- Englewood : Roberts and Company Publishers, 2004. - xviii, 429 s. : il.

B 21 609                      knihy z grantů                                       148 663
Biophysics of computation : Information processing in single neurons / Christof Koch.
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xxiii, 562 s. : il.

A 2958                       knihy z grantů                                         148 669
Accessing uncultivated microorganisms : from the environment to organisms and genomes and back / Ed. by Karsten Zengler.
- Washington, D.C. ; : ASM Press, 2008. - xii, 308 p. : il.

A 2966                         knihy z grantů                                                148 689
Principles of biochemistry / Donald Voet; Judith G. Voet; Charlotte W. Pratt.
 - 3rd ed. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008. - 1 sv. (různé stránkování) : il.

B 21 610                     knihy z grantů                                                    148 688
Biochemistry of signal transduction and regulation / Gerhard Krauss. - 4th enl. and improved ed.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2008. - xx, 626 s. : il.

J 1412/98                                                        148 157
Advances in Immunology. Vol. 98. /ed. by Frederick W.Alt
-    Elsevier 2008. 230 s.

B 21 608                     knihy z grantů                                              148 654
Immunoassays : A practical approach / Ed. by James P. Gosling.
 - 1st ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xix, 304 s. : il.

B 21 606                        knihy z grantů                                           148 679
Microscope image processing / Ed. by Qiang Wu, Fatima A. Merchant, Kenneth R. Castleman.
- London : Academic, 2008. - xxviii, 548 p. : il.

B 21 607                         knihy z grantů                                            148 680
Ten lectures on wavelets / Ingrid Daubechies.
 - Philadelphia : SIAM, 1992. - xix, 357 s. : il.

B 21 605                   knihy z grantů                                                148 656
An introduction to systems biology : Design principles of biological circuits / Uri Alon.
- Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007. - xvi, 301 s. : il.

B 21 604                      knihy z grantů                             148 657
Lab ref : A handbook of recipes, reagents, and other reference tools for use at the bench / Ed. by Jane Roskams, Linda Rodgers.
 - Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002. - x, 272 s.

A 2956           knihy z grantů                                                        148 662
Atlas of the developing rat nervous system / Ken W.S. Ashwell, George Paxinos.
- 3rd ed. - London : AcademicPress, 2008. - 1 v. (various pagings) : il.

A 2955               knihy z grantů                                                     148 661
The Dentate Gyrus : comprehensive guide to structure function and clinical implications / Ed. by Helen E. Scharfman.
- Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007. - xviii, 787 p. : il.

E  10 913              knihy z grantů                                                     148 660
Barevný atlas farmakologie / Heinz Lüllmann, Klaus Mohr, Lutz Hein ; 175 barevných tabulí od Jürgena Wirtha.
- Vyd. 3., české - Praha : Grada, 2007. - 372 s. : il. (převážně barev.), portréty.

nahoru    říjen  2008

A  2594                                  knihy z grantů                                    148 171
Molecular cell biology / Harvey Lodish ... [et al.].
 - 6th ed. - New York : W. H. Freeman and Company, 2008. - xxxvii, 1150 s. : il., tab.

A 2950                              knihy z grantů                                        148  174
Environmental Microbiology : From genomes to biogeochemistry / Eugene L. Madsen.
 - Malden : Blackwell, 2008. - ix, 479 s. : il.

B 21 603                     knihy z grantů                                               148 173
Fungal biology / J. Deacon.
- 4th ed. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2006. - 371 s.

A 2953                          knihy z grantů                                             148 659
New English file : Intermediate Workbook / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig with Tracy Byrne.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. - 79 s.

A 2952                        knihy z grantů                                                148 658
New English file : Intermediate Student's Book / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 176 s. : il.

A 2951                        knihy z grantů                                              148 175
Studies in natural products chemistry . Vol. 35, Bioactive natural products ( part O) / Ed. by Atta-ur-Rahman.
- 1. ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. - xii, 954 s.

B 21 602                          knihy z grantů                                          148 172
Principles of chemical kinetics / James E. House.
 - 2. ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier/AP, 2007. - x, 326 s.

A 2949                                 knihy z grantů                                       148 167
Molecular Biology : Genes to Proteins / Burton E. Tropp.
 - 3rd ed. - Sudbury : Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 2008. - xxiv, 1000 s. : ill.

B 21 601                   knihy z grantů                                                   148 169
Structure and Function in Cell Signalling / John D. Nelson. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2008. - xv, 389 s.

E 10 912                            knihy z grantů                                          148 168
Color atlas of biochemistry / Jan Koolman, Klaus-Heinrich Roehm ; ... color plates by Juergen Wirth.
- 2nd ed., rev. and enl. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2005. - x, 467 s. : il., tab.

A 2948           /ST příruční knihovna
A 2948 a       knihy z grantů
A 2948 b       knihy z grantů                                                            
Lehninger principles of biochemistry / David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox.
- 5th ed. - New York : W.H. Freeman, 2008. - 1 v. (various pagings).

  září 2008

E  10 911          knihy z grantů                                                          148 164
Před úsvitem, po ránu : Eseje o dětech a rodičích / František Koukolík.
- 1. vyd. - Praha : Karolinum, 2008. - 225 s. : il. (převážně barev.).

B 21 600              /ST příruční knihovna                                                      148 162
Jazykozpyt medicíny : knížka o medicínské terminologii nejen pro zdravotníky / Vladimír Pacovský, Petr Sucharda.
 - 1. vyd. - Praha : Galén, 2008. - 131 s. : il., portréty.

E 10 910          knihy z grantů                                                          147 217
The Perinatal Cardiology Handbook / Rima S. Bader, Lisa K. Hornberger, James C. Huhta.
- 1st ed - Philadelphia : Mosby/Elsevier, 2008. - xiii, 526 s.

B 21 599        knihy z grantů                                                            148 161
Translational Control in Biology and Medicine / Ed. by Michael B. Mathews, Nahum Sonenberg, John W. Hershey.
- 3rd ed. - New York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007. - x, 934 s. : il.

A 2947                 knihy z grantů                                                 148 160
Current protocols essential laboratory techniques / Ed. by Sean R. Gallagher, Emily A. Wiley.
- Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. - 1 v. (various pagings).

B 21 598       knihy z grantů                                                       148 148
Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology : Development and Aging Changes in the Nervous System / Ed. by Abel Lajtha, J. Regino Perez-Polo, Steffen Rossner. - 3rd edition - New York : Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2008. - 324 s.

B 21 597       knihy z grantů                                                               148 147
Handbook of neurochemistry and molecular neurobiology : Neurotransmitter systems / Ed. by Abel Lajtha, E. Sylvester Vizi. - 3rd edition - New York : Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2008. - 465 s.

B 21 595                knihy z grantů                                                    148 158
Apoptosis in Neurobiology / Yusuf A. Hannun, Rose-Mary Boustany.
- Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1999. - 278 s.

B 21 596            knihy z grantů                                                                 148 159
Cytokines and the CNS / Ed. by Richard M. Ransohoff, Etty N. Benveniste.
 - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton : Taylor&Francis, 2006. - 361 s.

nahoru  srpen 2008

J 1412/97                                                        148 157
Advances in Immunology. Vol. 97. /ed. by Frederick W.Alt
-    Elsevier 2008. 295 s.

B 2228/77                                                                 148 155
Annual Review of Biochemistry. Vol.77/ Ed. by Roger D. Kornberg.
 - Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2008. - ix, 815 s.

B 21 592           knihy z grantů                                                        148 152
Glial Neurobiology : A Textbook / Alexei Verkhratsky, Arthur Butt.
- Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007. - 215 s.

B 21 591/1       knihy z grantů                                                148 150
Blood-Brain Barriers : From Ontogeny to Artificial Interfaces. Vol. 1 / Ed. by Rolf Dermietzel, David C. Spray, Maiken Nedergaard.
- Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006. - xxxii, 428 s.

B 21 591/2     knihy z grantů                                                 148 151
Blood-Brain Barriers : From Ontogeny to Artificial Interfaces. Vol. 2 / Ed. by Rolf Dermietzel, David C. Spray, Maiken Nedergaard.
 - Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006. - xxxii, 431-741 s.

B 21 593      knihy z grantů                                                          148 153
Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators : Handbook of Receptors and Biological Effects / Oliver von Bohlen und Halbach, Rolf Dermietzel.
- 2nd completely revised and enlarget edition - Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006. - xv, 386 s.

B 21 594          knihy z grantů                                                          148 154
Lysozymes : Model Enzymes in Biochemistry and Biology / Ed. by P. Jollés.
 - Basel : Birkhäuser Verlag, 1996. - 449 s.

B 21 590        knihy z grantů                                                              148 146
Purinergic Signalling in Neuron-Glia Interactions / Ed. by Derek J. Chadwick, Jamie Goode.
 - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. - 291 s.

A 2945               knihy z grantů                                                          148 142
Circadian physiology / Roberto Refinetti.
 - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2006. - 667 s. + 1 CD

A 2946               knihy z grantů                                                         148 141
Hands-on Morphological Image Processing / Edward R. Dougherty, Roberto A. Lotufo.
 - Bellingham : SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003. - 272 s.

A 2939                                                                    148 121
Katalogizace ve formátu MARC 21: Stručná instrukce a příklady pro knihy a některé typy pokračujících zdrojů / Marie Balíková, Hana Kubalová, Jaroslava Svobodová.
- 2., aktualiz. vyd. - Praha : Národní knihovna ČR, 2008. - 163 s.

A 2943            knihy z grantů                                                     148 128
A Future With Immense Opportunity : The Molecular Revolution / Gilbert Mertens.
 - 1st edition - New York : Raider Publishing International, 2008. - 458 s.


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