doc. Ing. Stanislav Lusk, CSc.

Position: research scientist
Research topics: ecology, revitalization of aquatic habitats
Department: Department of Ichthyology
Phone: +420 543 422 527


Genetic diversity of endangered fish species-base of effective protection of biodiversity

The biological and ecological requirements of fishes: factors determining the function of fish ladders



E. BARTOŇOVÁ, I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. ŠVÁTORA, L. VETEŠNÍK: Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 60-70.

M. FLAJŠHANS, M. RODINA, K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, D. GELA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Charakteristika spermatu polyploidního karase stříbřitého, Carassius gibelio, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 44 (2008) 78-81.

M. FLAJŠHANS, M. RODINA, K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, D. GELA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Characteristics of sperm of polyploid Prussian carp Carassius gibelio, Journal of Fish Biology 73 (2008) 323-328.

J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, L. PEKÁRIK, L. KOŠUTHOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, P. KOŠUTH: The occurrence and status of species of the genera Cobitis, Sabanejewia, and Misgurnus in Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 26-34.

J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, P. ŠÍMOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, M. ANDĚRA, V. BEJČEK, V. HANÁK, L. HANEL, S. LUSK, B. MIKÁTOVÁ, J. MORAVEC, K. ŠŤASTNÝ, J. ZIMA: Species richness of vertebrates in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 452-464.

J. MENDEL, S. LUSK, E. D. VASIL'EVA, V. P. VASIL'EV, V. LUSKOVÁ, F. G. EKMEKCI, F. ERK'KAN, A. RUCHIN, J. KOŠČO, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, R. ŠANDA, A. N. PASHKOV, S. I. RESHETNIKOV: Molecular phylogeny of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1816 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and its contribution to taxonomy, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47 (2008) 1061-1075.

J. MENDEL, S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK: Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 90-99.

I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. POVŽ, S. ŠUMER: Genetic diversity of Cobitis spp. (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) from different drainage areas, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 83-89.


K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, S. LUSK, J. MENDEL, I. PAPOUŠEK: The X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system in the Zingel zingel (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Morava River (Czech Republic), Caryologia 60 (2007) 222-225.

J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, L. PEKÁRIK, L. KOŠUTHOVÁ: Výskyt chránených a invázných druhov rýb v povodí Ipl’a, Natura Carpatica 48 (2007) 141-152.

J. PIECUCH, B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, T. MAREK: Spawning migration of brown trout, Salmo trutta in the Morávka reservoir, Folia zoologica 56 (2007) 201-212.


M. HUMPL, S. LUSK: Effect of multiple electro-fishing on determining the structure of fish communities in small streams, Folia zoologica 55 (2006) 315-322.

L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Erythrocyte profile of diploid and triploid silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus), Acta veterinaria Brno 75 (2006) 203-207.


J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, P. KOŠUTH: Distribution of species of the genus Gobio in the Tisza River drainage area, Slovakia, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 65-72.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, P. DROZD: The impact of the extreme floods in July 1997 on the ichthyocenosis of the Oder Catchment area (Czech Republic), Hydrobiologia 548 (2005) 11-22.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA: Characteristics of the remnant Vimba vimba population in the upper part of the Dyje River, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 389-404.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. HORÁK: Distribution of Gobio species in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 56-64.

S. LUSK, V. ŠLECHTA: Changes in the taxonomy of gudgeons from European waters, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 2-4.

S. LUSK: Distribution, taxonomy and genetic status of the European species of the genus Gobio, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 1-98.

J. MENDEL, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, S. LUSK, L. VETEŠNÍK: Genetic diversity of Gobio gobio populations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, based on RAPD markers, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 13-24.

V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA, K. HALAČKA, S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO: Intraspecific allozyme diversity of Gobio gobio in Czech and Slovak rivers, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 25-32.


V. HORÁK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Artificial wetlands - yes or no?, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 119-127.

J. KOŠČO, P. KOŠUTH, S. LUSK: Ichtyofauna Idy, Natura Carpatica 45 (2004) 149-162.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK: Ichtiofauna dorzecza górnego biegu Odry na terenie Republiki Czeskiej, Archives of Polish Fisheries 12 (2004) 73-89.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Fish communities in the Poodří Protected Landscape Area (the Odra River basin), Czech Journal of Animal Science 49 (2004) 121-130.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, L. VETEŠNÍK: Re-occurrence of Zingel streber (Teleostei: Pisces) in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 417-422.

S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, P. KOŠUTH: Alien fish species in the floodplains of the Dyje and the Bodrog rivers, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 199-205.

S. LUSK, P. HARTVICH, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. HOLUB: Impact of extreme floods on fishes in rivers and their floodplains, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 173-181.

S. LUSK, L. HANEL, V. LUSKOVÁ: Red list of the ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic: development and present status, Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 215-226.

V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, K. HALAČKA, I. STRÁŇAI, S. LUSK, M. FLAJŠHANS: Status of populations of the genus Cobitis in Slovakia, Biologia 59 (2004) 621-626.

V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, S. LUSK: Changes of ploidy and sexuality status of "Carassius auratus" populations in the drainage area of the River Dyje (Czech Republic), Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 165-171.

L. VETEŠNÍK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, P. SPURNÝ: Morphometric characteristics and growth of Carassius auratus in the lower part of the River Dyje (Czech Republic), Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 215-221.


L. BREJŠKOVÁ, M. ANDĚRA, V. BEJČEK, J. ČERVENÝ, L. HANEL, S. LUSK, J. MORAVEC, K. ŠŤASTNÝ, V. ZAVADIL: Červený seznam obratlovců České republiky - souhrnný přehled, Příroda 22 (2003) 131-171.

K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Carassius "gibelio" in the fish communities of the Czech Republic, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 3 (2003) 133-138.

L. HANEL, S. LUSK: Červený seznam mihulí a ryb České republiky, Příroda 22 (2003) 73-82.

J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: The expansion and occurrence of the Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) in eastern Slovakia, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 329-336.

S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. FLAJŠHANS: Identification of Cobitis from the Slovakian part of the Tisza basin, Folia Biologica-Krakow 51 (2003) 61-65.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Rehabilitating the floodplain of the lower River Dyje for fish, River Research and Applications 19 (2003) 281-288.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, M. SMUTNÝ: Anglers' catches as an indicator of fish population status, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 3 (2003) 113-119.

V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA, S. LUSK, H. PIVOŇKOVÁ: Potential species identification by allozyme/protein markers in European spined loaches, Folia Biologica-Krakow 51 (2003) 43-47.


S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, V. HORÁK: Osteichthyes, Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis 106 (2002) 29-49.


B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, B. MATÝSKOVÁ: Rybí společenstvo, migrační prostupnost a čistota vody řeky Ostravice, Časopis Slezského zemského muzea. - Série A: Vědy přírodní 50 (2001) 51-65.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ: Proměny ichtyofauny řeky Dyje na území Národního parku Podyjí, Thayensia 4 (2001) 91-96.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. HORÁK: Annual dynamics of the fish stock in a backwater of the River Dyje, Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17 (2001) 571-581.


K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Contribution to the occurrence of parasites in Cobitis elonatoides and Cobitis elongatoides x C. sp, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 215-218.

K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Fecundity of Cobitis elongatoides in the Nová Říše Reservoir, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 141-150.

Z. HUBÁLEK, H. M. SAVAGE, J. HALOUZKA, Z. JUŘICOVÁ, Y. SANOGO, S. LUSK: West Nile Virus Investigations in South Moravia, Czechland, Viral Immunology 13 (2000) 427-433.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Fish communities in the drainage area of the Osoblaha river and effect of the 1997 flood, Czech Journal of Animal Science 45 (2000) 229-236.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA: On the occurrence of populations of the genera Cobitis and Sabanejewia (Pisces, Cobitidae) in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 97-106.

P. RÁB, M. RÁBOVÁ, J. BOHLEN, S. LUSK: Genetic differentiation of the two hybrid diploid-polyploid complexes of loaches, genus Cobitis (Cobitidae) involving C. taenia, C. elongatoides and C. spp. in the Czech Republic: Karyotypes and cytogenetic diversity, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 55-66.

V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, J. BOHLEN: Genetic differentiation of two diploid-polyploid complexes of spined loach, genus Cobitis (Cobitidae), in the Czech Republic, involving C. taenia, C. elongatoides and C. spp.: allozyme interpopulation and interspecific differences, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 67-78.


S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA: Development and status of the ichthyofauna in the waters of the Podyjí National Park, Thayensia 2 (1999) 108-119.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA: Vývoj a stav ichtyofauny ve vodách Národního parku Podyjí, Thayensia 2 (1999) 96-107.

S. LUSK: Vliv přehrad a údolních nádrží na diverzitu ichtyofauny České republiky, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 35 (1999) 13-22.