
Časopis pro moderní filologii / Journal for Modern Philology

Published by the Czech Language Institute
of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
a public research institution

Published semianually

ISSN 0862-8459


Czech version / Česká verze


Editor-in-Chief: Aleš Klégr

Deputy Editor: Michaela Lašťovičková

Associate/Reviews Editor: Petr Čermák

English-Language Editor: Helen Nathan


Editorial Board: François Esvan (Neapol), Rafal Molencki (Katovice), Marek Nekula (Regensburg), Stefan Michael Newerkla (Vídeň), Milena Srpová (Paříž), Bohumil Zavadil (Praha)

Reviews BoardSvětla Čmejrková (Praha), Kateřina García (Dublin),  Jan Holeš (Olomouc), Jana Chamonikolasová (Brno), Markéta Malá (Praha), Jaroslav Peprník (Olomouc), Claudio Poeta (Praha, Peking), Jaromír Povejšil (Praha), Karel Sekvent (Prešov), Libuše Spáčilová  (Olomouc),  Pavlína Šaldová (Praha), Pavel Štichauer (Praha), Renáta Tomášková (Ostrava), Vladimír Uhlíř (Praha), Ludmila Uhlířová (Praha), Lenka Vaňková (Ostrava), Lenka Vodrážková (Praha), Lenka Zajícová (Olomouc), Jaromír Zeman (Brno)

Address: Časopis pro moderní filologii, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic, tel. (+420) 225 391 441, e-mail

 Journal for Modern Philology is a peer-reviewed non-impacted linguistic journal published in Czech (or Slovak). It was launched in 1911 and from1926 to1935 it was the main publication outlet for the Prague Linguistic Circle. It is concerned with contrastive linguistics, i.e. the study of West-European languages in contrast with Czech (or Slovak). The focus is primarily on major European languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) and to a minor extent on other languages. Contributions include original articles covering all aspects of contrastive linguistic description as well as interdisciplinary approaches. However, in view of the range of other, specialized periodicals, Journal for Modern Philology will not accept items dealing with issues concerning Slavic Studies, Oriental Studies, teaching methodology, Translation Studies and Literary Sciences.

In addition to articles, Journal for Modern Philology publishes critical overviews (with the exception of popular digests), book reviews (with the date of publication not exceeding three years), reports on current issues and relevant linguistic events and the section Chronicle carrying commemorative profiles of important personalities in Czech modern philology. The standard editorial procedure includes anonymous double-blind peer-reviewing: scientific articles, critical overviews and commemorative profiles are reviewed by two reviewers (from an institution other than the author’s). All items have their titles translated into English and are provided with Czech/English key words. Articles and critical overviews are preceded by English abstracts. For details on the style of the journal see Instructions to Authors below.

Journal for Modern Philology is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services: Czech Linguistics Bibliography, MLA International Bibliography, Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography, The Year's Work of Modern Language Studies.

The electronic version of Journal for Modern Philology is available at: http://www.ceeol.com/ (Central and Eastern European Online Library). 



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