Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry

Senior Scientist
Assoc. Prof. Jan Tříska
Dr. Naděžda Vrchotová
Rudolf Jílek, MSc.
Pavlína Zíková
Petr Kotas, MSc.
Albína Feslová
Assoc. Prof. Jan Tříska
Phone: +420 387775619
Fax: +420 385310249
Branišovská 31, CZ-37005 České Budějovice
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry (LACH) is focused on the development of new analytical methods for the sampling and determination of the selected environmental contaminants, mainly persistent organic pollutants, their fate in the environment and further on the investigation of biologically active compounds of the plants. The research is concentrated on the following topics:
• investigation of the selected persistent compounds (PCBs, PAHs) and natural phenolic compounds in the spruce mountain ecosystems
• biodegradation of PCBs by the bacteria and plants • impact of PAHs and nitroPAHs to the environment as a consequence of a traffic
• study of the new concentration techniques based on SPE and LLE and their use in water tratment and wood and paper industry
• investigation of biologically active compounds of the plants (Vitis vinifera, Echinacea, Reynoutria,Brassicaceae and others)