RNDr. Věra Lusková, CSc.

Position: research scientist
Research topics: hematology and fish biochemistry
Department: Department of Ichthyology
Phone: +420 543 422 527
E-mail: luskovabrno.cas.cz


Genetic, population and reproductive variability of invazive fish species, Carassius "gibelio" with alternating bisexual/asexual reproduction in central Europe



E. BARTOŇOVÁ, I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. ŠVÁTORA, L. VETEŠNÍK: Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 60-70.

M. FLAJŠHANS, M. RODINA, K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, D. GELA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Charakteristika spermatu polyploidního karase stříbřitého, Carassius gibelio, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 44 (2008) 78-81.

M. FLAJŠHANS, M. RODINA, K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, D. GELA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Characteristics of sperm of polyploid Prussian carp Carassius gibelio, Journal of Fish Biology 73 (2008) 323-328.

J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, L. PEKÁRIK, L. KOŠUTHOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, P. KOŠUTH: The occurrence and status of species of the genera Cobitis, Sabanejewia, and Misgurnus in Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 26-34.

J. MENDEL, S. LUSK, E. D. VASIL'EVA, V. P. VASIL'EV, V. LUSKOVÁ, F. G. EKMEKCI, F. ERK'KAN, A. RUCHIN, J. KOŠČO, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, R. ŠANDA, A. N. PASHKOV, S. I. RESHETNIKOV: Molecular phylogeny of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1816 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and its contribution to taxonomy, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47 (2008) 1061-1075.

I. PAPOUŠEK, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. HUMPL, J. MENDEL: Identification of natural hybrids of gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch) and crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) from lower Dyje River floodplain (Czech Republic), Journal of Fish Biology 72 (2008) 1230-1235.

I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. POVŽ, S. ŠUMER: Genetic diversity of Cobitis spp. (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) from different drainage areas, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 83-89.


L. VETEŠNÍK, I. PAPOUŠEK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. MENDEL: Morphometric and genetic analysis of the Carassius auratus complex from an artificial wetland in Morava River floodplain, Czech Republic, Fisheries Science 73 (2007) 817-822.


J. VELÍŠEK, R. DOBŠÍKOVÁ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ, H. MODRÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ: Effect of deltamethrin on the biochemical profile of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 76 (2006) 992-998.

L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Erythrocyte profile of diploid and triploid silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus), Acta veterinaria Brno 75 (2006) 203-207.


J. DRASTICHOVÁ, E. ŠVESTKOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ: Cytochemical study of carp neutrophil granulocytes after acute exposure to cadmium, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (2005) 215-219.

J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, P. KOŠUTH: Distribution of species of the genus Gobio in the Tisza River drainage area, Slovakia, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 65-72.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, P. DROZD: The impact of the extreme floods in July 1997 on the ichthyocenosis of the Oder Catchment area (Czech Republic), Hydrobiologia 548 (2005) 11-22.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA: Characteristics of the remnant Vimba vimba population in the upper part of the Dyje River, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 389-404.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. HORÁK: Distribution of Gobio species in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 56-64.

J. MENDEL, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, S. LUSK, L. VETEŠNÍK: Genetic diversity of Gobio gobio populations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, based on RAPD markers, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 13-24.

Z. SVOBODOVÁ, J. MÁCHOVÁ, J. DRASTICHOVÁ, L. GROCH, V. LUSKOVÁ, G. POLESZCZUK, J. VELÍŠEK, H. KROUPOVÁ: Haematological and biochemical profiles of carp blood following nitrite exposure at different concentrations of chloride, Aquaculture Research 36 (2005) 1177-1184.

R. ŠANDA, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. VUKIC: Notes on the distribution and taxonomic status of Gobio gobio from the Morača River basin (Montenegro), Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 73-80.

V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA, K. HALAČKA, S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO: Intraspecific allozyme diversity of Gobio gobio in Czech and Slovak rivers, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 25-32.


C. CALLEJAS, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. D. OCHANDO: A contribution to the genetic characterisation of some species of the genus Gobio (Cyprinidae), Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 433-436.

J. DRASTICHOVÁ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, O. ČELECHOVSKÁ, P. KALÁB: Effect of cadmium on blood plasma biochemistry in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72 (2004) 733-740.

J. DRASTICHOVÁ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. MÁCHOVÁ: Effect of cadmium on hematological indices of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72 (2004) 725-732.

V. HORÁK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Artificial wetlands - yes or no?, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 119-127.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Fish communities in the Poodří Protected Landscape Area (the Odra River basin), Czech Journal of Animal Science 49 (2004) 121-130.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, L. VETEŠNÍK: Re-occurrence of Zingel streber (Teleostei: Pisces) in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 417-422.

S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, P. KOŠUTH: Alien fish species in the floodplains of the Dyje and the Bodrog rivers, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 199-205.

S. LUSK, P. HARTVICH, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. HOLUB: Impact of extreme floods on fishes in rivers and their floodplains, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 173-181.

S. LUSK, L. HANEL, V. LUSKOVÁ: Red list of the ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic: development and present status, Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 215-226.

V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, K. HALAČKA, I. STRÁŇAI, S. LUSK, M. FLAJŠHANS: Status of populations of the genus Cobitis in Slovakia, Biologia 59 (2004) 621-626.

V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, S. LUSK: Changes of ploidy and sexuality status of "Carassius auratus" populations in the drainage area of the River Dyje (Czech Republic), Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 4 (2004) 165-171.


K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Carassius "gibelio" in the fish communities of the Czech Republic, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 3 (2003) 133-138.

J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: The expansion and occurrence of the Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) in eastern Slovakia, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 329-336.

S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. FLAJŠHANS: Identification of Cobitis from the Slovakian part of the Tisza basin, Folia Biologica-Krakow 51 (2003) 61-65.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Rehabilitating the floodplain of the lower River Dyje for fish, River Research and Applications 19 (2003) 281-288.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, M. SMUTNÝ: Anglers' catches as an indicator of fish population status, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 3 (2003) 113-119.

Z. SVOBODOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. DRASTICHOVÁ, M. SVOBODA, V. ŽLÁBEK: Effect of deltamethrin on haematological indices of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Acta veterinaria Brno 72 (2003) 79-85.

V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA, S. LUSK, H. PIVOŇKOVÁ: Potential species identification by allozyme/protein markers in European spined loaches, Folia Biologica-Krakow 51 (2003) 43-47.


S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA, V. HORÁK: Osteichthyes, Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis 106 (2002) 29-49.

V. LUSKOVÁ, M. SVOBODA, J. KOLÁŘOVÁ: The effect of diazinon on blood plasma biochemistry in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Acta veterinaria Brno 71 (2002) 117-123.


S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ: Proměny ichtyofauny řeky Dyje na území Národního parku Podyjí, Thayensia 4 (2001) 91-96.

S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. HORÁK: Annual dynamics of the fish stock in a backwater of the River Dyje, Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 17 (2001) 571-581.

M. SVOBODA, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. DRASTICHOVÁ, V. ŽLÁBEK: The effect of diazinon on haematological indices of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Acta veterinaria Brno 70 (2001) 457-465.


K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Contribution to the occurrence of parasites in Cobitis elonatoides and Cobitis elongatoides x C. sp, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 215-218.

K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, S. LUSK: Fecundity of Cobitis elongatoides in the Nová Říše Reservoir, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 141-150.

B. LOJKÁSEK, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ: Fish communities in the drainage area of the Osoblaha river and effect of the 1997 flood, Czech Journal of Animal Science 45 (2000) 229-236.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA: On the occurrence of populations of the genera Cobitis and Sabanejewia (Pisces, Cobitidae) in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 97-106.

V. ŠLECHTOVÁ, V. LUSKOVÁ, V. ŠLECHTA, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, J. BOHLEN: Genetic differentiation of two diploid-polyploid complexes of spined loach, genus Cobitis (Cobitidae), in the Czech Republic, involving C. taenia, C. elongatoides and C. spp.: allozyme interpopulation and interspecific differences, Folia zoologica 49 (2000) 67-78.


S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA: Development and status of the ichthyofauna in the waters of the Podyjí National Park, Thayensia 2 (1999) 108-119.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, K. HALAČKA: Vývoj a stav ichtyofauny ve vodách Národního parku Podyjí, Thayensia 2 (1999) 96-107.