Mgr. Marian Pavelka

Poříčí 3b, 603 00 Brno
Tel.: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543211560
Současné zaměření
Tok CO2 z půdy
Toky uhlíku v ekosystémech
Vývoj měřících systémů
- Rejsek, K., Formanek, P., Pavelka, M. (2008) Estimation of protease activity in soils at low temperatures by casein amendment and with substitution of buffer by demineralised water. In: Amino Acids. Vol 35, pp. 411-417.
- Acosta. M., Pavelka. M, Pokorný. R., Janouš. D., Marek. M.V. (2008) Seasonal Variation in CO2 efflux of stems and branches of Norway Spruce Trees. In: Annals of Botany. Vol 101 (3), pp. 469-477.
- Pavelka, M., Acosta, M., Marek, M.V., Kutsch, W., Janous, D. (2007) Dependency of the Q10 values on the depth of soil temperature measuring point. In: Plant and Soil. Vol 292 (1-2), pp. 171-179.
- Urban O., Janouš D., Acosta M., Czerný R., Marková I., Navrátil M., Pavelka M., Pokorný R., Šprtová M., Zhang R., Špunda V., Grace J., Marek M.V. (2007) Ecophysiological controls over the net ecosystem exchange of mountain spruce stand. Comparison of the response in direct vs. diffuse solar radiation. In: Global Change Biology. Vol 13 (1), pp. 157-168.
- O. Urban, D. Janouš, R. Pokorný, I. Marková, M. Pavelka, Z. Fojtík, M. Šprtová, J. Kalina, M.V. Marek (2001) Glass domes with adjustable windows: A novel technique for exposing juvenile forest stands to elevated CO2 concentration. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 39, pp. 395-401.