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Department of Electrochemical Materials

 Department of Theoretical Chemistry    Department of Photochemistry, Spectroscopy and Ion Chemistry    Department of Biophysical Chemistry     Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis     Department of Synthesis and Catalysis     Department of Electrochemical Materials    Department of Electrocatalysis     Department of Molecular Electrochemistry  

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Awards of the AS CR Awards of the AS CR   Fellowship J. E. Purkyně Fellowship J. E. Purkyně   Otto Wichterle Award Otto Wichterle Award   Czech Intellect Czech Intellect   Awards of MEYS  Awards of MEYS    The Josef Hlávka Award The Josef Hlávka Award   Other National Awards Other National Awards   International Awards International Awards   

Otto Wichterle Award

The Otto Wichterle Award is an honour given by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic to stimulate and encourage selected, exceptionally outstanding, promising young scientists at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for their remarkable contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge in a given area of science. Nominees with scientific degrees (CSc., Dr., Ph.D., DrSc.) are eligible provided that they are not older than 35 in the calendar year when the nominations are submitted.
2009 Mgr. PINKAS Jiří, Ph. D., Ing. POTERYA Viktoriya, Ph. D.

2007 RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D.

2006 Mgr. HORÁČEK Michal, Ph. D.

2005 Mgr. ČURÍK Roman, Ph. D.

2003 Mgr. PITTNER Jiří, Dr. rer. nat.

2002 RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

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