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Hlavička MÚA

Gallery of photographs

Medal of the Royal Bohemian Learned Society
Initial from Diploma of CASA
The Svatobor Association device (from its record-group)
The title page of the Prague Improvement Association publication (from its record-group)
From the photo collection in the Prague Improvement Association record-group - "How the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals carries out its collection campaigns"
Photo of Zdenek Nejedly, President of the CSAS, just after its establishment by the Presidential table at the start of its activities
Frantisek Sorm
Vojtech Jarník
Jaroslav Safranek's experiments with low-frequency television (from his personal papers)
Frantisek Zaviska
Giant telescope at the Ondrejov Observatory (from the CSAS Astronomical Institute record-group)
Mayan calendar exhibit from Arnost Dittrich´s personal papers
Drawing of Orlík Castle on the Vltava before the valley was flooded by the reservoir dam - CSAS Water Management Commission record-group (Orlík)
Photo of the old chain bridge in Prague linking Mala Strana with Stare Mesto (personal papers of Zdenek Bazant)
Photo of a young Papuan woman taken during Jirí V. Danes's journey around the Pacific (from his personal papers)
Radim Kettner
Prague Ukrainian Liberation Struggle Museum membership pass from the personal papers of Jan (Ivan) Horbaczewski
Drawing from the personal papers of F. K. Studnicka 'Reduction and Regeneration of Cytoplasm'
Vilem Laufberger
CSAS Botanical Institute headquarters at the Průhonice chateau near Prague
Drawing from Emil Utitz´s personal papers
Albina Dratvova
Title page from the Humoristicke listy magazine from Jirí Horak´s personal papers
Illustration table for the summary work on 'Magic in ancient Egypt' by Frantisek Lexa (from his personal papers)
Letter from Rabindranath Thakur addressed to Vincenc Lesny including his reactions to post-Munich developments (from V. Lesny´s personal papers)
Transcription of a prayer to the goddess Ishtar (with transliteration and translation into Czech) from Bedrich Hrozny´s personal papers
Cuneiform inscription (transcript) from Bedrich Hrozny´s personal papers
Knighthood diploma granted by Emperor Charles to Emil Ott (from his personal papers) (1)
Knighthood diploma granted by Emperor Charles to Emil Ott (from his personal papers) (2)
One from the so-called Patenbriefe collection. These sometimes preprinted and coloured, but more frequently hand-written and hand-coloured letters were made by godparents for their godchildren as a keepsake in memory of the day of their baptism. This Patenbrief is signed by Magdalena Demuth, in Liberec, 30th January 1825. (Fond Sudeten German Institute for Provincial and National Research in Liberec).
"Kauf- und verkaufbuch meiner pferdt. Beshellbuch von Anno 1686" in this book the unknown author (probably a wealthy noble) recorded information on the numerous horses in his stables. Each horse has a record on one page detailing its characteristics, where, from whom and for how much it was acquired, its subsequent fate and any other facts. The manuscript contains 771 records from 1686-1721. (Fond Sudeten German Institute for Provincial and National Research in Liberec).
Catalogue from the exhibition by Frantisek Kupka (1924), cover and drawing (from Eugen Dostal´s personal papers)
Coat-of-arms from the knighthood diploma of Hermenegild Jirecek awarded by Emperor Franz Josef (from H. Jirecek´s personal papers)
Kamil Krofta
Engraving by N. Edelinck after I. B. Santerre - Nicolas Malebranche
Coloured woodcut by J. Filipi - Forest in Winter
Trifolium Etching by Richard Teschner - Trefoil
Etching by Fritz Hegenbart - Ennui (1904)
Anonymous - picture of St. Wenzl (pencil, watercolour)
Photo of Slavonic participants at the Botanical Congress in Ithaca (from Bohumil Nemec´s personal papers)
Ceremonial award of an honorary doctorate to Herbert C. Hoover at Charles University in Prague in 1938 (from Josef Kral´s personal papers)
Cover of a catalogue published for the American Construction Exhibition in Prague in 1923 from the Masaryk Academy of Labour record-group
Record from the beginning of observations (total eclipse of Jupiter's moons observed between 30 th and 31 st July 1776) from State Observatory record-group
Jirí V. Danes
Jaroslav Heyrovsky
Photograph of the Nobel prize medal for chemistry awarded to Jaroslav Heyrovsky in 1959 (from his personal papers)
Jaroslav Heyrovsky and his Polarograph
One of first polarographs by Jaroslav Heyrovsky (from 1924, photo from his personal papers)
Bohumil Nemec
Kamil Novotny´s personal papers Cover of the catalogue for the 1935 International Exhibition of Paintings. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg and a page from the list of pictures from Czechoslovakia - Kamil Novotny´s personal papers
Otakar Odlozilík
Jan Opocensky
Stanislav Spacek
Otto Wichterle
CSAS Macromolecular Institute in Prague 6 built at the time that O. Wichterle was its director (photo from the ASCR Office Press Department archives)
Gel contact lens developed by Otto Wichterle

Apparatus devised by Otto Wichterle using a children's building kit on which he poured his first gel contact lenses (photo from the ASCR Office - Press Department archives)

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