Dr. Babak Minofar
PhD. in physical chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, 2007
Doctor of natural sciences (RNDr.) in physical chemistry, Charles University, Prague, 2007
Master of sciences (MSc.) in applied chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Charles Azad University, Tehran, 1997
Bachelor of sciences (BSc.) in applied chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, K.N Toosi University of Technology , Tehran, 1994
Doctor of natural sciences (RNDr.) in physical chemistry, Charles University, Prague, 2007
Master of sciences (MSc.) in applied chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Charles Azad University, Tehran, 1997
Bachelor of sciences (BSc.) in applied chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, K.N Toosi University of Technology , Tehran, 1994
Postdoctoral Fellow

Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Phone: +420 732748306
Fax: +420 386361279
Current projects
The interactions of proteins with lipid bilayers.
Past Projects
Solvation, dynamics and structure of inorganic and organic ions at the air /water interface.
Solvation of inorganic and organic acids at the air /water interface.
Solvation of ionic and zwitterionic soluble surfactants at air/water interface.
Solvation, dynamics and structure of organic molecules at the air /water interface.
Solvation of ionic liquids at air/water interface.
Removal of heavy metal ions from laboratory sample solutions and industrial waste waters by adsorption on surface of rice byproducts.
Removal of Zn2+, Cr3+, Cd2+, Co2+ , Ni2+ and Pb2+ form laboratory prepared sample solution by adsorption on rice bran and rice hulls surface.