hlavní stránka   Scientific Information Centre (Library) of Institute of Physiology AS CR ,v.v.i.
Library Services                                                                    Czech

Services provided by the Library

We provide this services in our opening hours .
  • you visit our circulation desk (our Library is located downstairs left, in building A of the Krč Campus)
  • by phone: 241 062 414
  • by e-mail: knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz

nahoru Users
- Czech citizens older than 15 years of age
- Czech organizations possessing a Company ID
- foreign nationals

Users are devided into two basic categories. Their rights and obligations are subjected by Library rules(only in czech).
Internal users
- staff of the instututes on the Campus Krč - registration, more info

External users - public - registration, more info

 nahoru Circulation services - publications from the Library collections can be ordered personally at the Library circulation desk or online via knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz
  • Loan Periods - for internal users: external lending (outside the Library):
    • books, journals - 4 weeks
    • new journals, books - 1 week
    • reference library - 2 weeks
  • Renewals are possible by phone (ex. 2414), email knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz,  or in person.
  • Loan Periods -  for external usersin-house lending = for use in reading room of the SIC only
    • reservation for 2 weeks or according to contract
  • Documents for use only in reading room of the Library
    • theses, newspapers
       The Library  print collections for loans:
If the publication cannot be found in this the Library print collections (or electronic collections), it can be borrowed using the ILL from other libraries of the Czech Republic.

 nahoru Information services
       Basic  information
    - we provide immediately or by order (depended on amount of questions and reguiriments from another users)
  • you visit our circulation desk in person
  • by phone: 241 062 414
  • by e-mail: knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz
  • we provide a reference services, instruction in use of the Library
  • we answer your questions about catalogues, databases and collection of e-resources in the our Library and other Czech libraries.
      Advanced  informations - Mrs. Jana Hrůzováhruzovazavináčbiomed.cas.cz
  • this services are provided after personal adjustment (by e-mail)
  • services: full range of reference services including mediated database searching, end-user training, assistance in database searching, citation verification, identification of information sources, and instruction in use of SIC e-resources.

nahoru Library Interlibrary Service (or International  Interlibrary Services) -  for internal users lendings of books and copies of article from other libraries of the Czech Republic or foreign libraries
  • The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and The International Interlibrary Loan Service (IILS) service obtains journal articles, books, and other materials that are not owned by any resources -  print collections or electronic collections of our Library !
  • Please send requests for article copies or books (citation) by ILL e-mail mvs-fguzavináčbiomed.cas.cz or visit the circulation desk of the SIC.
  • The payment for the reprographic services of other libraries is requires - if a payment is required, you will be contacted for approval before the material is ordered and the fee is paid by a grant of user
    • ILL - fee 2 Kč per page and postage, the lead time 1 week
    • ILLS  - the copies of articles and loan of publications from the foreign libraries (fee 50 -300 Kč), the lead time 1 month
  • more info about ILL (only in Czech)
  • The Library provides Interlibrary Loan services to other Czech libraries (according to aggregator/vendor and publisher license  terms)- ILL e-mail is mvs-fguzavináčbiomed.cas.cz  - more info (only czech).

 nahoru Services relating to e-resources

 nahoru Copying and printing  services
Copies or print from the Library resources are provided according to:
Range of services:
  • providing black and white copies (A4,A3) from the Library collection, providing copies in order to manage Interlibrary loan or as a support for staff and scientist meeting e.g.
  • circuit bind (only for internal users)
  • printing from SIC public computers
  • these services are provided for internal users free of charge
  • for external users we require fees -  Pricelist
    • external users may take out copies to particular date too
  • personally: by the circulation desk (Mrs. Blanka Liberová or Mrs. Drahoslava Chvojková)
  • by e-mail:  liberovazavináčbiomed.cas.cz or knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz
  • by phone (only for internal users): extention 2444 (basement copy room), 2411(downstairs copy room)
or  self-service:   self-service copy machine in downstairs of SIC - only for internal users

Public copy services - selected premises for public:
  • hardbound Knihařství Zvelebilová, Vršovická 39, 101 00 Prague 10 - Vršovice, phone 271 72 37 87
  • colour copy: e.g. Advertising agency "David Centrum", V Olšinách 49, 100 00 Prague 10 - Strašnice, tel. 274 822 149. Is possible to use online order form on the internet.

update 23.1.2008 | Library home page |Czech|