ÚRE - Ústav radiotechniky a elektroniky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

039261 - URE-Y 970085 BE eng C
Abdelghani, A. - Chovelon, J. M. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Lacroix, M. - Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Vellias, C. - Gagnaire, H.
Optical fibers coated with porous silica layers for gas and chemical vapour detection.
In: Proceedings EUROSENSORS X. - (Ed. Puers, R.). - [Leuven], [Catholic University ] 1996. - S. 605-608.
[Eurosensors /10./. Leuven (BE), 96.11.08-96.11.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939

035039 - URE-Y 960009 FR eng A
Aubrecht, I. - Miler, M. - Koudela, I.
Holografic surface relief gratings couplers for back-plane photonic interconnects.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. - -, URSI 1996. - S. 188.
[General Assembly of URSI /25./. - (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

035041 - URE-Y 960011 SK eng CX
Berková, D. - Malina, V. - Zelinka, J.
Advanced polyimide materials for photonic.
In: Solid-State Chemistry'96. - Bratislava, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1996. - S. 101.
[Solid-State Chemistry'96. Bratislava (SK), 96.07.06-96.07.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059

035052 - URE-Y 960022 CZ eng C
Bezucha, P.
Mean acquisition time of serial spread spectrum PN acquisition system in the presence of doppler effect.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 188-191.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035067 - URE-Y 960049 SK cze C
Bezucha, P.
Analýza vlivu Doplerova jevu na činnost obvodu sériového vyhledávání počáteční kódové synchronizace systému se spektrem rozprostřeným přímou fázovou modulací pseudonáhodovou kódovou posloupností. (Serial PN acquisition DS SSS in the presence of a Doppler shift).
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, SES pri VA SNP 1996. - S. 45-48.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035042 - URE-Y 960012 CZ eng C
Braun, J. - Berka, Z. - Žilka, Z.
Coherent and noncoherent sampling in DSP testing and diagnosis.
In: EDS'96 Proceedings of the Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1996. - Brno, PC-DIR 1996. - S. 59-62.
[EDS'96. Brno (CZ), 96.06.26]
Grant: KSK1075601
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 1/96/K

035045 - URE-Y 960015 GB eng C
Buzek, O.
Temperature sensitivity of a fibre optic timing link.
In: EFTF'96. - London, IEE 1996. - S. 471-474.
[European Frequency and Time Forum /10./. London (GB), 96.03.05-96.03.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1242

035046 - URE-Y 960016 CZ cze J
Buzek, O.
Stanice OMA kHz již jen ve vzpomínkách. (Reminiscences of OMA 50 kHz station).
Metrologie, 5 [2] 2-5 (1996).

035047 - URE-Y 960017 CZ cze J
Buzek, O.
Základní metody a nejistoty meření frekvence. (Basic methods and uncertainties of frequency measurement).
Metrologie, 5 [2] 17-24 (1996).

035106 - URE-Y 960092 CZ cze V
Buzek, O. - Čemusová, B.
Metrologické navázání sekundárních etalonů frekvence pracoviště KMS Tehov. (Metrological traceability of the secondary frequency standards of the Tehov center). (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). - Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1996. - 11 s.
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakázka č.6138

035043 - URE-Y 960013 GB eng C
Čermák, J.
A GPS parallel common-view experiment.
In: EFTF'96. - London, IEE 1996. - S. 296-301.
[European Frequency and Time Forum /10./. London (GB), 96.03.05-96.03.07]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A2067608/96

039269 - URE-Y 970125 CZ eng V
Čermák, J.
Evaluation of the GPS experiments performed at PTB. (Vyhodnocení experimentů s GPS provedených v PTB). Prague, IREE AS CRR 1996. - 9 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2005/A).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A2067608/96

035048 - URE-Y 960018 CZ eng C
Čížek, V. - Švandová, H.
Recursive computation of discrete Fourier transform of complex-valued signals.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 192-195.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Výzkumný záměr: Ústavní úkol č. 0211

038580 - UJF-V 970138 CZ cze JX
Dittrich, J. - Janta, J. - Jungwirth, T. - Nývlt, M. - Zakouřil, P.
Trendy fyziky:10. mezinárodní konference EPS.
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 46 [4] 265-269 (1996).
Grant: KSK1048601

035062 - URE-Y 960038 CZ eng J
Dohalská, M.
Testing intelligibility at maximum rate.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Philologica. Phonetica Pragensia, [ 9] 53-59 (1996).
Grant: EU COST(XE) 233/92

035061 - URE-Y 960034 FR fre/eng CX
Dohalská, M. - Duběda, T.
Role des changements de la Durée et de l'Intensité dans la synthese du Tcheque. (Role of duration's and intensity's changes for Czech synthesis).
In: JEP'96. - (Ed. Lundin, F. J.). - Avignon, Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Informatique 1996. - S. 375-378.
[Journées d'Étude sur la Parole /21./. - (FR), 96.06.10-96.06.14]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

039266 - URE-Y 970129 GR eng C
Gladkov, P.
Identification of the photoluminescence lines in the spectrum of GaSb:Bi.
In: Proceedings of the 16th Greek-Bulgarian Symposium on Semiconductor Physics. - (Ed. Anagnostopuolos, A.). - Tessaloniki, P.ZITI & ZIA 1996. - S. 209-213.
[Greek-Bulgarian Symposium on Semiconductor Physics /16./. Thessaloniki (GR), 95.10.16-95.10.20]
Grant: IAA167108/93

035083 - URE-Y 960069 US eng J
Gladkov, P. - Žďánský, K.
Evidence for photoluminescence band in p-type Al0.67Ga0.33As related to nonequilibrium DX- centers. (Ed. Pištora, J.). -
Journal of Applied Physics, 80 [5] 3004-3010 (1996).
Grant: IAA167108
[Impact factor:1.731(91) 1.532(92) 1.784(93) 1.658(94) 1.636(95) 1.812(96) 1.630(97) 1.729(98) 2.275(99) 2.180(00) 2.128(01) 2,281(02) 2.171(03) ]

035090 - URE-Y 960076 CZ eng CX
Gladkov, P. - Žďánský, K.
Photoluminescence band in p-type Al0.67Ga0.33As related to nonequilibrium DX- centres.
In: ICL'96 Conference Handbook. - (Ed. Hála, J.). - Praha, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University 1996. - S. 3/19.
[1996 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter -ICL'96. Praha (CZ), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: IAA167108

039267 - URE-Y 970130 GR eng C
Gladkov, P. - Žďánský, K.
Photoluminescence characterisation of p-type Al0.64Ga0.36As doped by residual carbon.
In: Proceedings of the 16th Greek-Bulgarian Symposium on Semiconductor Physics. - (Ed. Anagnostopuolos, A.). - Tessaloniki, P.ZITI & ZIA 1996. - S. 99-112.
[Greek-Bulgarian Symposium on Semiconductor Physics /16./. Thessaloniki (GR), 95.10.16-95.10.20]
Grant: IAA167108

039264 - URE-Y 970119 US eng J
Haes, J. - Baets, R. - Weinert, C. M. - Gravert, M. - Nolting, H. P. - Andrade, M. A. - Leite, A. - Bissessur, H. K. - Davies, J. B. - Ettinger, R. D. - Čtyroký, J. - Ducloux, E. - Ratovelomanana, F. - Vodjdani, N. - Helfert, S. - Pregla, R. - Wijnands, F. H. G. M. - Hoekstra, H. J. W. M. - Krijnen, G. J. M.
A comparison between different propagative schemes for the simulation of tapered step index slab waveguides.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 14 [6] 1557-1569 (1996).
Grant: OC240.10
[Impact factor: 1.225(95) 1.347(96) 1.458(97) 1.498(98) 1.988(99) 1.587(00) 2.014(01) 1,791(02) 1.983(03) ]

054444 - URE-Y 980197 RIV US eng J
Hasan, P.
Limmiter effect on cycle slip performance of synchronization loops.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 44 [5] 562-565 (1996).
[Impact factor: 1.058(99) 1.289(00) 1.466(01) 1,562(02) 1.665(03) ]

054445 - URE-Y 980198 RIV GR eng C
Hasan, P.
Intermodulation distortion of the PLL FM demodulator in the presence of FM interference.
In: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems - ICECS'96. - Athens, P. Voskakis 1996. - S. 635-638.
[ICECS'96 /3./. (GR), 96.10.13-96.10.16]
Grant: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DE) Br617/11

039272 - URE-Y 970139 DE eng C
Helbig, J. - Horák, P.
Deutsch-Tschechische Sprachsynthese in einem Telefon-Auskunftssystem.
In: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung. - (Ed. Mehnert, D.). - Dresden, Technische Universität 1996. - S. 102-107. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. Heft 13).
[Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung /7./. Berlin (DE), 96.11.25-96.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

035118 - URE-Y 960104 DE eng A
Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Surface plasmon resonance sensor.
In: Proceedings of the 7th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Regensburg, University of Regensburg 1996. - S. L12.
[Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop /7./. Regensburg (DE), 96.10.17-96.10.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561

035093 - URE-Y 960079 CH eng A
Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J. - Skalský, M. - Hradilová, J. - Kolářová, P.
A surface plasmon resonance based integrated optical sensor.
In: EUROPT(R)ODE III. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Zürich, - 1996. - S. 156.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors /3./. Zürich (CH), 96.03.31-96.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561

039271 - URE-Y 970128 RU eng A
Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J. - Slavík, R. - Skalský, M.
Surface plasmon resonance sensors using optical waveguides.
In: Fotonnyje sistemy ekologičeskogo monitoringa. Tezisy dokladov. - [Moskva], [Moskovskoje naučno-techničeskoje obščestvo radiotechniki, elektroniki i svjazi imeni A.S.Popova] 1996. - S. 26-27.
[Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring - PhEM'96 /3./. Prague ( CZ), 96.12.08-96.12.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561

039268 - URE-Y 970136 CH eng J
Homola, J. - Sinclair, S.Yee
Surface plasmon resonance sensor based on planar lightpipe: theoretical optimization analysis.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B37 [3] 145-150 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

035094 - URE-Y 960080 GB eng J
Homola, J. - Slavík, R.
A fibre-optic sensor based on surface plasmon resonance. (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). -
Electronics Letters, 32 [5] 480-482 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0640
[Impact factor:1.168(91) 1.059(92) 1.095(93) 1.159(94) 1.146(95) 1.141(96) 1.005(97) 1.152(98) 1.164(99) 0.931(00) 0.970(01) 1,072(02) 1.010(03) ]

035054 - URE-Y 960024 CZ eng C
Horák, P.
Prosody modelling software system.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 317-319.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: OC233.10.95

039258 - URE-Y 970068 DE eng C
Horák, P. - Tučková, J. - Vích, R.
New prosody modelling system for czech text-to-speech.
In: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung. - (Ed. Mehnert, D.). - Dresden, Technische Universität 1996. - S. 181-186. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. Heft 13).
[Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung /7./. Berlin (DE), 96.11.25-96.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

035112 - URE-Y 960098 CZ eng C
Hüttel, I. - Macháč, P. - Chomát, M.
Polymer rib waveguides on silicon.
In: EDS'96 Proceedings of the Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1996. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Brno, PC-DIR 1996. - S. 181-183.
[EDS'96. Brno (CZ), 96.06.26]
Grant: GA102/93/1208

039259 - URE-Y 970057 CH eng J
Jelínek, F. - Šaroch, J. - Trkal, V. - Pokorný, J.
Measurement system for experimental verification of Fröhlich electromagnetic field.
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 41 [1] 35-38 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055
[Impact factor:0.969(91) 1.227(92) 0.878(93) 0.940(94) 1.324(95) 1.069(96) 1.049(97) 1.363(98) 1.085(99) 1.052(00) 1.096(01) ]

039263 - URE-Y 970093 CZ cze V
Ježek, M.
Procesor Z87200 pro rozprostřené spektrum. (Spread spectrum procesor Z87200). Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1996. - 13 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2004/A).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035086 - URE-Y 960072 SG eng C
Jones, B. K. - Santana, J. - Sloan, T. - Žďánský, K.
Relaxation semiconductor devices.
In: Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds. - (Ed. Rupprecht, H.S.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 73-77.
[Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds /3./. - (IT), 95.03.21-95.03.24]
Grant: EU PECO(XE) ERB3561PL933023

035105 - URE-Y 960091 CZ eng CX
Kadlec, Z.
An alternative approach to extracting synthesis segments from labelled speech database.
In: Proceedings of the CSS'96 International Conference on Communications, Signals and Systems. - (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 291-293.
[Communications, Signals and Systems. Brno (CZ), 96.09.10-96.09.12]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035088 - URE-Y 960074 PT eng V
Kaňka, J.
Perfomance characterization of experimental Er/Yb fibres in a fibre ring laser. (Ed. Rupprecht, H.S.). - Porto, EU COST 1996. -
[Management Committee Meeting of COST 241 /9./. Porto (PT), 96.10.08-96.10.10]
Grant: IAA267403; EU COPERNICUS(XE) 7882/94

035089 - URE-Y 960075 PT eng C
Kaňka, J.
Selfstarting and stability of a dual-core fibre subpicosecond soliton laser.
In: Workshop on Fibre Lasers. - (Ed. Rupprecht, H. S.). - Porto, Universidade do Porto 1996. - S. -.
[Workshop on Fibre Lasers. Porto (PT), 96.10.07]
Grant: IAA267403/94; EU COPERNICUS(XE) 7882/94OC241.10

035082 - URE-Y 960068 ES eng CX
Karamazov, S. - Walachová, J. - Zelinka, J. - Vaniš, J. - Cukr, M. - Zich, P.
Influence of impurity concentration on Au-nGaAs barrier height measured by BEEM in air.
In: EPS 10 Trends in Physics. - (Ed. Pištora, J.). - Sevilla, European Physical Society 1996. - S. 37.
[EPS Trends in Physics /10./. Sevilla (ES), 96.09.09-96.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1056

035129 - URE-Y 960115 BG eng CX
Kašík, I.
Rare-earth doped silica glasses prepared by the MCVD method for drawing of optical fibres.
In: Amorphous Insulators & Semiconductors. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1996. - S. 38.
[Summer School on Amorphous Insulators & Semiconductors. Sofia (BG), 96.05.26-96.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871IAA267403

035101 - URE-Y 960087 US eng C
Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Pospíšilová, M. - Kaňka, J. - Hora, J.
Silica optical fibres doped with Yb3+ and Er3+.
In: ALT'95 International Symposium on Advanced Materials for Optics and Optoelectronics. - (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1996. - S. 71-79.
[ALT'95. - (CZ), 95.09.07-95.09.13]
Grant: IAA267403

035103 - URE-Y 960089 PL eng C
Koudela, I. - Miler, M. - Aubrecht, I.
Parameters of the decentered Gaussian beams.
In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. - (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). - Wroclaw, Institute of Physics Technical University 1996. - S. -.
[Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics /10./. Wroclaw (PL), 96.09.17-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

035037 - URE-Y 960001 US eng C
Kroupa, V. F.
Close to the carrier noise in DDS.
In: Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. - Piscataway, IEEE 1996. - S. 934-941.
[IEEE Frequency Control Symposium. (US), 96.06.05-96.06.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

035064 - URE-Y 960046 SK eng C
Kroupa, V. F. - Štursa, J.
Generation of the sine signal in digital frequency synthesizers.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov 3. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, SES pri VA SNP 1996. - S. 202-205.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

035069 - URE-Y 960052 CZ eng C
Kuchar, A.
Convergence of networks - where does it take us?
In: COMINFO'96. - (Ed. Kuchar, A.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1996. - S. 36/1-36/6.
[Communications and Information Technologies v rámci mezinárodního technologického fóra ESSENTIA'96. Prague (CZ), 96.01.09-96.01.11]
Grant: OC239.10

035080 - URE-Y 960063 CZ cze C
Kuchar, A.
Skelnatění sítí - jak pokračuje a co přináší? (Networks getting glassy - how it proceeds and what it brings).
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'96. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, Tech-Market 1996. - S. 21-32.
[Optické komunikace'96. Praha (CZ), 96.04.03-96.04.04]
Grant: OC239.10

035096 - URE-Y 960082 EP eng V
Kuchar, A.
Wavelenght converters - state of the art update. (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Madrid, EU COST 1996. -
[COST 239 Management Committee Meeting & Workshop. Madrid (ES), 96.11.26-96.11.27]
Grant: OC239.10

035097 - URE-Y 960083 SK cze C
Kuchar, A.
Konvergence telekomunikačních sítí a televizních kabelových rozvodů. (Convergence of telecommunication networks and cable television networks).
In: Káblová televízia 1996. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Bratislava, Novinářský študijní ústav 1996. - S. 53-62.
[Káblová televízia 1996. Bratislava (SK), 96.11.06-96.11.07]
Grant: OC239.10

035098 - URE-Y 960084 GB eng C
Kuchar, A.
Convergence of fixed and mobile communications towards universal personal communications.
In: 26th EuMC'96 Conference Proceedings. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Swanley, NEXUS 1996. - S. 1-9.
[European Microwave Conference /26./. - (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: OC239.10

035070 - URE-Y 960053 CZ eng C
Kuchar, A. - Khodl, M. (Eds.)
Communications and Information Technologies v rámci mezinárodního technologického fóra ESSENTIA'96.
In: COMINFO'96. - (Ed. Kuchar, A.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1996. - 164 s.
[Communications and Information Technologies v rámci mezinárodního technologického fóra ESSENTIA'96.]
Grant: OC239.10

039273 - URE-Y 970140 AT eng A
Kuzmiak, V. - Maradudin, A. A.
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in dispersive and absorptive one- and two-dimensional periodic systems. Innsbruck, Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik 1996. - S. 592.
[Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - PIERS'96. Innsbruck (AT), 96.07.08-96.07.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 202/96/1239

035081 - URE-Y 960065 CZ cze C
Lančok, J. - Jelínek, M. - Jastrabík, L. - Oswald, J. - Nikl, M. - Polák, K. - Studnička, V. - Kubelka, J. - Procházka, S. - Šimečková, M. - Trtík, V. - Čtyroký, J. - Skalský, M. - Chvostová, D.
Zkušenosti s vlnovodnými lasery připravenými pulsní laserovou depozicí. (Experience with waveguide lasers fabricated by pulse laser deposition).
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'96. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, Tech-Market 1996. - S. 139-144.
[Optické komunikace'96. Praha (CZ), 96.04.03-96.04.04]
Grant: OC240.10IAA267401

035114 - URE-Y 960100 US eng C
Malina, V. - Moro, L.
The role of Ru in improving Au-Be ohmic contacts to p-type InP.
In: IPRM'96. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1996. - S. 342-345.
[Indium Phosphide and Related Materials /8./. - (DE), 96.04.21-96.04.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059

035109 - URE-Y 960095 GB eng J
Malina, V. - Moro, L. - Micheli, V. - Mojzes, I.
Au-Be/Ru/Au multilayer metallization as a stable ohmic contact scheme to p-type InP. (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). -
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 11 [7] 1121-1126 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059
[Impact factor:1.406(92) 1.525(93) 1.389(94) 1.237(95) 1.318(96) 1.141(97) 1.338(98) 1.223(99) 1.169(00) 1.079(01) 1,241(02) 1.603(03) ]

035115 - URE-Y 960101 CH eng A
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Berková, D. - Hayer, M. - Pospíšilová, M.
Improving sensing ability of the sectorial fiber for evanescent-wave sensing.
In: EUROPT(R)ODE III. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Zürich, - 1996. - S. 169.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors /3./. Zürich (CH), 96.03.31-96.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/1208

039270 - URE-Y 970127 RU eng A
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Hayer, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Berková, D.
Fabrication and properties of silica optical fibers for the development of fiber-optic chemical sensors.
In: Fotonnyje sistemy ekologičeskogo monitoringa. Tezisy dokladov. - [Moskva], [Moskovskoje naučno-techničeskoje obščestvo radiotechniki, elektroniki i svjazi imeni A.S.Popova] 1996. - S. 18-19.
[Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring - PhEM'96 /3./. Prague ( CZ), 96.12.08-96.12.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939

035117 - URE-Y 960103 DE eng A
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Pospíšilová, M.
Using silica optical fibers for the development of fiber-optic chemical sensors.
In: Proceedings of the 7th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Kunz, R.E.). - Regensburg, University of Regensburg 1996. - S. L9.
[Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop /7./. Regensburg (DE), 96.10.17-96.10.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871

039265 - URE-Y 970118 IT eng A
Miler, M.
Holographic diffraction components for beam coupling.
In: Diffractive Optics and Optical Microsystems. Abstracts. - Erice, Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture 1996. - S. 32-35.
[Course of the International School of Quantum Electronics: Diffractive Optics and Optical Microsystems /20./. Erice (IT), 96.11.11-96.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

035040 - URE-Y 960010 KP eng C
Miler, M. - Aubrecht, I. - Koudela, I.
Efficiency of transmission inclined surface-relief holographic gratings for backplane interconnects.
In: Optics for Science and New Technology. - Bellingham, SPIE 1996. - S. 217-218.
[Congress of ICO /17./. Bellingham (KP), 96.08.19-96.08.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

035102 - URE-Y 960088 PL eng C
Miler, M. - Koudela, I. - Aubrecht, I.
Zone areas of diffractive phase elements producing focal annuli.
In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. - (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). - Wroclaw, Institute of Physics Technical University 1996. - S. -.
[Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics /10./. Wroclaw (PL), 96.09.17-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

035113 - URE-Y 960099 CZ eng A
Nohavica, D.
LPE growth method possibilities in A3B5 semiconductors preparation.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Prague, Czechoslovak Associaton for Crystal Growth 1996. - S. 1.
[Rozvoj materiálových věd ve výzkumu a výuce. Praha (CZ), 96.09.17-96.09.19]

035121 - URE-Y 960107 US eng C
Nohavica, D. - Gladkov, P. - Lourenco, M. A. - Yang, Z. - Homewood, K. P. - Ehrentraut, D.
Meander type LPE - new approach to growth InP and GaInAsP layers.
In: IPRM'96. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1996. - S. 560-563.
[Indium Phosphide and Related Materials /8./. - (DE), 96.04.21-96.04.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/94/1058

035120 - URE-Y 960106 NL eng C
Nohavica, D. - Homewood, K. P. - Gillin, W. P. - Lourenco, M. A - Yang, Z. - Oswald, J. - Ehrentraut, D.
Meander type LPE and high temperature stability of elastically strained GaInAsP/InP layers.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - S. 61-64.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD '95 /2./. - (SK), 95.10.15-95.10.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/94/1058

035127 - URE-Y 960113 DE eng J
Nohavica, D. - Homewood, K. P. - Gillin, W. P. - Lourenco, M. A. - Yang, Z. - Oswald, J.
LPE growth and high temperature stability of elastically strained GaInAsP/InP layers. (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). -
Crystal Research and Technology, 31 [ Spec. Issue 1] 305-308 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/94/1058
[Impact factor:0.265(91) 0.342(92) 0.333(93) 0.308(94) 0.321(95) 0.404(96) 0.469(97) 0.797(98) 0.576(99) 0.522(00) 0.536(01) 0,505(02) 0.652(03) ]

035055 - URE-Y 960025 CZ eng C
Novosad, T.
Frequency hopping patterns based on finite geometry.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 407-410.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035065 - URE-Y 960047 SK eng C
Novosad, T.
Optimal sequences for code division multiple acces.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov 3. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, SES pri VA SNP 1996. - S. 7-10.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035060 - URE-Y 960031 CZ cze/eng J
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O.
Výzkum reálné struktury tenkých vrstev InGaAsP/InP metodami RTG difrakce a SEM. (XRD and SEM study of real structure of InGaAsP/InP thin films). (Ed. Rodová, M.). -
Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, 3 [2] 118-122 (1996).
[Metody studia struktury látek. - (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

035059 - URE-Y 960030 CZ eng A
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O. - Šrobár, F.
InGaAsP/InP multiheterostructure doped by cobalt.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Prague, Czechoslovak Associaton for Crystal Growth 1996. - S. 4.
[Rozvoj materiálových věd ve výzkumu a výuce. - (CZ), 96.09.17-96.09.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

039260 - URE-Y 970060 CZ cze J
Pokorný, J. - Fiala, J. - Skála, L. - Jelínek, F. - Šrobár, F. - Trkal, V.
Biofyzikální aspekty koherence a Fröhlichovy teorie. (Biohysical aspects of coherence and of the Fröhlich theory).
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 46 [3] 139-156 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

035108 - URE-Y 960094 IT eng J
Pokorný, J. - Jandová, A. - Šorfová, J. - Kobilková, J. - Trojan, S. - Costato, M. - Milani, M.
Leukocytes of cancer patients give evidence of fundamental physical forces: a pathway for a new view. (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). -
Laser and Technology, 6 [1/2] 15-23 ( 1996).
Grant: OC244.50; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055

035078 - URE-Y 960061 FR eng A
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V.
Coherence in biological systems and cancer.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. - (Ed. Matthews, K.). - -, URSI 1996. - S. 556.
[General Assembly of URSI /25./. - (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055

035079 - URE-Y 960062 FR eng A
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V.
Information transfer in biological systems with endogeneous electromagnetic field.
In: EBEA Nancy'96. - (Ed. Matthews, K.). - Nancy, L.I.E.N., Université Henri Poincaré 1996. - S. -.
[EBEA'96 /3./. Nancy (FR), 96.02.29-96.03.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055

035119 - URE-Y 960105 NL eng C
Procházková, O. - Šrobár, F. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J.
Growth of InP and GaInAsP layers by liquid-phase epitaxy using holmium gettering and doping.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - S. 57-60.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD '95 /2./. - (SK), 95.10.15-95.10.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0642

035111 - URE-Y 960097 CZ eng A
Procházková, O. - Zavadil, J. - Novotný, J. - Žďánský, K. - Šrobár, F.
Optoelectronic properties of InP and GaInAsP layers: effect of holmium addition during liquid phase epitaxial process.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Prague, Czechoslovak Associaton for Crystal Growth 1996. - S. 2.
[Rozvoj materiálových věd ve výzkumu a výuce. Praha (CZ), 96.09.17-96.09.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

035104 - URE-Y 960090 DE eng A
Procházková, O. - Zavadil, J. - Šrobár, F. - Novotný, J.
Characterisation of InP and GaInAsP layers prepared by liquid phase epitaxy using holmium doping and gettering.
In: EXMATEC'96. - (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). - Freiburg, - 1996. - S. P75.
[Expert Evaluation and control of compound semiconductor materials and technologies /3./. Freiburg (DE), 96.05.12-96.05.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

035050 - URE-Y 960020 CZ eng C
Přibil, J.
Structure simplification of the speech cepstral synthesis filter.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 152-155.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035063 - URE-Y 960045 SK cze C
Přibil, J.
Optimalizace kepstrálního vážení při syntéze řeči pomocí kepstrálního modelu. (Cepstral windowing optimalization fortte cepstral speech synthesis).
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, SES pri VA SNP 1996. - S. 206-209.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3/.. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035100 - URE-Y 960086 BE eng C
Rebolledo, M. A. - Jarabo, S. - Karásek, M. - Hotoleanu, M. - Grolmus, E. - Jaunart, E.
Study of a technique for absolute measurement of stimuled emission cross section in erbium-doped silica-fibres: analysis of errors.
In: OFMC'95. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Liége, Université de Liége 1996. - S. 2/7.1-2/7.4.
[Optical Fibre Measurement Conference'95 /3./. Liége (BE), 95.09.25-95.09.27]
Grant: OC241.10

035099 - URE-Y 960085 GB eng J
Rebolledo, M. A. - Martin, J. C. - Hotoleanu, M. - Karásek, M. - Jaunart, E.
Study of the accuracy in gain and fluorescence spectrum measurement by signal modulation and lock-in detection: application to erbium-doped fibre amplifiers. (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). -
Pure and Applied Optics. Journal of the European Optical Society Part A, 5 [1] 111-117 (1996).
Grant: OC241.10
[Impact factor: 0.813(99) 1.048(00) ]

035116 - URE-Y 960102 CH eng A
Rose, K. - Matějec, V. - Hayer, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Chomát, M.
Development of sol-gel derived materials for coating optical fibers and their sensitivity to solvents.
In: EUROPT(R)ODE III. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Zürich, - 1996. - S. 229.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors /3./. (CH), 96.03.31-96.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0140

035085 - URE-Y 960071 SG eng C
Santana, J. - Jones, B. K. - Sloan, T. - Žďánský, K.
GaAs radiation detectors in the relaxation regime.
In: Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds. - (Ed. Rupprecht, H. S.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 61-66.
[Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds /3./. - (IT), 95.03.21-95.03.24]
Grant: EU PECO(XE) ERB3561PL933023

035107 - URE-Y 960093 NL eng J
Sataric, M. V. - Žakula, R. B. - Zekovic, S. - Pokorný, J. - Fiala, J.
The change of microtubule lenght caused by endogebous AC fields in cell. (Ed. Pustovoj, V. I.). -
BioSystems, 39 [2] 127-133 (1996).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC244.50; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055
[Impact factor:0.645(91) 0.581(92) 0.773(93) 1.374(94) 0.943(95) 0.648(96) 0.591(97) 0.759(98) 0.714(99) 0.699(00) 0.736(01) 0,846(02) 0.971(03) ]

035095 - URE-Y 960081 CZ eng J
Stádník, B. - Jirásková, M.
Experimental study of remittance spectra of various anomalies of a healthy human skin. (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). -
Optica Applicata, 26 [2] 135-142 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0292
[Impact factor:0.132(91) 0.145(92) 0.150(93) 0.053(94) 0.136(95) 0.275(96) 0.141(97) 0.203(98) 0.125(99) 0.231(00) 0.298(01) 0,291(02) 0.221(03) ]

067104 - URE-Y 990003 CZ cze K
Starý, V. - Olšovec, P. - Jurek, K. - Peřina, V. - Kohout, J.
O možnosti současného měření složení a tloušťky tenkých polovodičových vrstev GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y na podložce InP.
In: 12. Konference českých a slovenských fyziků. Sborník příspěvků. - (Ed. Lesňák, M.; Luňáček, J.; Pištora, J.). - Ostrava, VŠB Technická univerzita 1996. - S. 515-517.
[Konference českých a slovenských fyziků /12./. (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.06]

035051 - URE-Y 960021 CZ eng C
Šimša, J.
Serial search code acquisition of spread spectrum receiver in fading channel.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 184-187.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035066 - URE-Y 960048 SK eng C
Šimša, J.
Serial-search code acguisition time evaluation of DS spread spectrum receiver at random signal amplitude.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, SES pri VA SNP 1996. - S. 223-226.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035124 - URE-Y 960110 DE eng C
Šimša, J.
DS-SS serial-search code acquisition in time-variant channel.
In: Proceedings IEEE ISSSTA'96. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1996. - S. 771-775.
[Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - ISSSTA'96 /4./. - ( DE), 96.09.22-96.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035125 - URE-Y 960111 FR eng V
Šimša, J.
PDF of code acquisition time: serial search in time-variant channel. (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Belfort, EU COST 1996. -
[Management Committee Meeting COST 231. Belfort (FR), 96.01.24-96.01.26]
Grant: OCE231.10

035126 - URE-Y 960112 TR eng J
Šimša, J. - Tříska, I.
Direct-sequence spread-spectrum receiver-code acquisition by envelope correlator. (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). -
Türkish Journal of Physics, 20 [4] 413-419 (1996).
Grant: OCE231.10; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

035057 - URE-Y 960028 FR eng A
Šrobár, F.
Factors determining optical bistability in laser-diode amplifiers.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. - -, URSI 1996. - S. 193.
[General Assembly of URSI /25./. - (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

035122 - URE-Y 960108 NL eng C
Šrobár, F.
Nature of internal feedback in the self-electro-optic effect devices.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - S. 309-312.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD '95 /2./. - (SK), 95.10.15-95.10.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0642

035058 - URE-Y 960029 FR eng A
Šrobár, F. - Pokorný, J.
Role of feedback mechanism in the Fröhlich model of cellular electromagnetic fields.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. - -, URSI 1996. - S. 557.
[General Assembly of URSI /25./. - (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055

039256 - URE-Y 970021 CH eng J
Šrobár, F. - Pokorný, J.
Topology of mutual relationships implicit in the Fröhlich model.
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 41 [1] 31-33 (1996).
[Biophysics aspects of coherence. Prague (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1055
[Impact factor:0.969(91) 1.227(92) 0.878(93) 0.940(94) 1.324(95) 1.069(96) 1.049(97) 1.363(98) 1.085(99) 1.052(00) 1.096(01) ]

035128 - URE-Y 960114 FR eng A
Šroubek, Z.
Production of energetic electrons in low-energy collision cascades in solids.
In: E-MRS 1996 Spring Meeting. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Strasbourg, E-MRS 1996. - S. K-6.
[E-MRS 1996 Spring Meeting Nanometric Phenomena Induced by Lasers, Ion and Cluster Beam. Strasbourg (FR), 96.06.04-96.06.07]
Grant: IAA1067501/95; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0139

035038 - URE-Y 960002 NL eng J
Šroubek, Z. - Oechsner, H.
Experimental studies of ionization processes sputtering of GaAs.
Surface Science, 348 [1-2] 100-104 (1996).
Grant: IAA1067501
[Impact factor:2.514(91) 2.668(92) 2.639(93) 2.745(94) 2.851(95) 2.783(96) 2.180(97) 2.241(98) 2.385(99) 2.198(00) 2.189(01) 2,140(02) 2.063(03) ]

035053 - URE-Y 960023 CZ eng C
Štursa, J.
Spectral purity of sine signal generated using lookup tables.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 196-199.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

035056 - URE-Y 960027 CZ cze V
Štursa, J.
Spektrální čistota tabelovaného sinu 2. (Spectral purity of the lookup table sine signal 2.). Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1996. - 24 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

039257 - URE-Y 970019 CZ eng C
Štursa, J. - Kroupa, V. F.
Direct digital frequency synthesis.
In: PDS' 96 Conference Proceedings. - Ostrava, MARQ 1996. - S. 161-167.
[Programmable Devices and Systems. Ostrava (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

035077 - URE-Y 960060 FR eng A
Tučková, J. - Vích, R.
Fundamental frequency control in Czech text-to-speech synthesis by a multilayer neural network.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. - (Ed. Matthews, K.). - -, URSI 1996. - S. 135.
[General Assembly of URSI /25./. - (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.05]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

035049 - URE-Y 960019 CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Horák, P.
Text-to-speech conversion history and present state.
In: Radioelektronika'96. - Brno, VUT 1996. - S. 1-7.
[Radioelektronika'96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035071 - URE-Y 960054 CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Horák, P.
Text-to-speech conversion history and present state.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. - (Ed. Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 323-327.
[BIOSIGNAL'96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.25-96.06.27]
Grant: EU COST(XE) 233/92

035068 - URE-Y 960051 CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Přibil, J.
Real time Czech and Slovak text-to-speech system.
In: COMINFO'96. - (Ed. Kuchar, A.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1996. - S. 32/1-32/5.
[Communications and Information Technologies v rámci mezinárodního technologického fóra ESSENTIA'96. Prague (CZ), 96.01.09-96.01.11]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035073 - URE-Y 960056 DE ger C
Vích, R. - Přibil, J.
Gemischte Anregung im cepstralen Sprachsynthesessystem.
In: Sprachkommunikation. - (Ed. Lacroix, A.). - Berlin, VDE 1996. - S. 105-107.
[ITG-Fachtagung. Berlin (DE), 96.09.17-96.09.18]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

035072 - URE-Y 960055 CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Logarithmic frequency response synthesis by cosine and continued fraction expansions.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. - (Ed. Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 333-335.
[BIOSIGNAL'96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.25-96.06.27]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035074 - URE-Y 960057 CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Modelling of nonlinear functions by IIR and FIR continued fraction structures.
In: Proceedings of the CSS'96 International Conference on Communications, Signals and Systems. - (Ed. Lacroix, A.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 161-165.
[Communications, Signals and Systems. Brno (CZ), 96.09.10-96.09.12]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035075 - URE-Y 960058 US eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
The Continued fraction IIR digital filter on the DSP56K family.
In: Signal and Image Processing and Applications - SIPA'96. - (Ed. Matthews, K.). - Anaheim, IASTED-Acta 1996. - S. 97-100.
[IASTED. Anaheim (FR), 96.06.12-96.06.14]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035076 - URE-Y 960059 US eng C
Vích, R. - Tučková, J.
Neural network application in Czech text-to-speech synthesis.
In: Signal and Image Processing and Applications - SIPA'96. - (Ed. Matthews, K.). - Anaheim, IASTED-Acta 1996. - S. 242-244.
[IASTED. Anaheim (FR), 96.06.12-96.06.14]
Grant: OC233.10.95

035110 - URE-Y 960096 NL eng C
Vogel, K. - Malina, V. - Ressel, P.
Ti/Pt/Au Ohmic Contacts to P-Type InGaP.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - S. 221-224.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD '95 /2./. - (SK), 95.10.15-95.10.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059

035123 - URE-Y 960109 DE ger B
Vogel, K. - Ressel, P. - Malina, V. - Würfl, J.
Metallkontakte auf InGaP. (Metal contacts to InGaP).
In: Jahresbericht 1995 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik im Forschungsverbund Berlin. - (Ed. Schlachetzki, A.). - Berlin, Forschungs Verbund 1996. - S. 50-51.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059

039262 - URE-Y 970102 NL eng J
Weare, C. B. - Yarmoff, I. A. - Šroubek, Z.
The effects of charge premotion on the measured charge state of low-energy Li+ scattered from alkali/Al(lOO).
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 119 [3] 352-358 (1996).
Grant: IAA1067501
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

035092 - URE-Y 960078 CZ eng A
Zavadil, J. - Starosta, K.
Guided modes in spontaneous edge electroluminescence from GaInAsP/InP heterostructure diodes.
In: ICL'96 Conference Handbook. - (Ed. Hála, J.). - Praha, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University 1996. - S. 15/206.
[1996 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter -ICL'96. Praha (CZ), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059

035084 - URE-Y 960070 US eng J
Žďánský, K. - Jones, B. K. - Santana, J. - Sloan, T.
Numerical analysis of charge transport in semi-insulating GaAs with two contacts. (Ed. Pištora, J.). -
Journal of Applied Physics, 79 [7] 3611-3618 (1996).
Grant: IAA167108; EU PECO(XE) ERB3561PL933023
[Impact factor:1.731(91) 1.532(92) 1.784(93) 1.658(94) 1.636(95) 1.812(96) 1.630(97) 1.729(98) 2.275(99) 2.180(00) 2.128(01) 2,281(02) 2.171(03) ]

035087 - URE-Y 960073 SG eng C
Žďánský, K. - Santana, J. - Jones, B. K. - Sloan, T.
Modelling of particle detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs.
In: Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds. - (Ed. Rupprecht, H.S.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 78-83.
[Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds /3./. - (IT), 95.03.21-95.03.24]
Grant: EU PECO(XE) ERB3561PL933023

035091 - URE-Y 960077 CZ eng A
Žďánský, K. - Zavadil, J. - Nohavica, D. - Heidborn, P.
Electroluminescence and deep level transient spectroscopies of hole traps in GaP:N structures with p+ -n junctions.
In: ICL'96 Conference Handbook. - (Ed. Hála, J.). - Praha, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University 1996. - S. 15/207.
[1996 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter -ICL'96. Praha (CZ), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: KSK1010601
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 7/96/K

035044 - URE-Y 960014 CZ eng C
Žilka, Z. - Braun, J. - Berka, Z.
Boolean models for fault detection in analog systems.
In: EDS'96 Proceedings of the Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1996. - Brno, PC-DIR 1996. - S. 76-79.
[EDS'96. Brno (CZ), 96.06.26]
Grant: KSK1075601
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 1/96/K

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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