ÚRE - Ústav radiotechniky a elektroniky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

056661 - URE-Y 980012 RIV CH eng J
Abdelghani, A. - Chovelon, J. M. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Lacroix, M. - Gagnaire, H. - Veillas, C. - Berková, D. - Chomát, M. - Matějec, V.
Optical fibre sensor coated with porous silica layers for gas and chemical vapour detection. (Ed. Kushev, D.B.). -
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B44 [ l/3] 495-498 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0140
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

043930 - URE-Y 970087 GB eng A
Abdelghani, A. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Lacroix, M. - Berková, D. - Sedlář, M. - Matějec, V. - Kašík, I. - Chomát, M.
Fabrications and properties of doped porous polysiloxane sol-gel layers on optical fibres.
In: Abstracts of 9th International Workshop on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels. - [Sheffield], [University of Sheffield] 1997. - S. 50.
[Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels - SOL-GEL'97 /9./. Sheffield (GB), 97.08.31-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939

043900 - URE-Y 970052 CZ cze J
Aubrecht, I.
Konference Evropské optické společnosti o difraktivní optice ve Finsku. (Conference of the European Optical Society on Diffractice Optics in Finland).
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [10] 316 (1997).

043859 - URE-Y 970023 US eng C
Aubrecht, I. - Miler, M. - Koudela, I.
Diffraction efficiency of photopolymers: use Gaussian recording beams and real-time monitoring.
In: International Conference on Optical Storage, Imaging, and Transmission of Information. - (Ed. Petrov, V. V.; Svechnikov, S. V.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1997. - S. 12-15. - (Proceedings SPIE. 3055).
[Optical Storage, Imaging, and Information Transmission'96. Kyjev ( UA), 96.05.14-96.05.16]
Grant: IAA1067601

043880 - URE-Y 970051 FI eng C
Aubrecht, I. - Miler, M. - Koudela, I.
Materials for holographic diffractive optics: phase grating evolution in dry photopolymers.
In: Diffractive Optics. - (Ed. Turunen, J.; Wyrowski, F.). - -, European Optical Society 1997. - S. 66-67. - (European Optical Society Topical Meetings Digest Series. 12).
[EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics. Savonlinna (FI), 97.07.07-97.07.09]
Grant: IAA1067601

043903 - URE-Y 970058 GB eng J
Aubrecht, I. - Miler, M. - Koudela, I.
Tandem of surface relief holographic gratings as a multiple-beam splitter.
Journal of Modern Optics, 44 [1] 191-202 (1997).
Grant: IAA267405
[Impact factor:1.145(91) 0.807(92) 1.023(93) 1.005(94) 1.208(95) 1.393(96) 1.063(97) 1.165(98) 1.475(99) 1.023(00) 1.344(01) 1,717(02) 1.213(03) ]

043862 - URE-Y 970027 NL eng J
Aubrecht, I. - Solymar, L. - Grunnet-Jepsen, A.
Space charge field enhancement in photorefractive materials by applied sinusoidal fields.
Optics Communications, 139 [1/3] 73-76 (1997).
Grant: IAA1067601
[Impact factor:1.178(91) 1.299(92) 1.110(93) 1.205(94) 1.193(95) 1.222(96) 1.258(97) 1.206(98) 1.352(99) 1.185(00) 1.354(01) 1,488(02) 1.482(03) ]

056671 - URE-Y 980185 RIV CZ cze D
Bezucha, P.
Analýza vlivu Dopplerova jevu na proces sériové počáteční kódové synchronizace komunikačního systému s přímým rozprostřením spektra. (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1997. - 136 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

043915 - URE-Y 970078 CZ eng C
Braun, J. - Berka, Z. - Žilka, Z.
Implementation of the topological network analysis methods in windows environment.
In: Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky. - [Brno], [Katedra elektrotechniky a elektroniky VA Brno] 1997. - S. 89-92.
[Teorie obvodů STO-6. Brno (CZ), 97.09.24-97.09.25]
Grant: KSK1075601
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 1/96/K

037138 - UACH-T 960074 NL eng J
Buršík, J. - Nižňanský, D. - Šubrt, J. - Peřina, V. - Matějec, V.
Sol-Gel Thin Films of BaFe12O19 from Chemically Modified Alkoxide Precursors.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 8 [1/3] 941-946 ( 1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/0391
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.526(97) 0.946(99) 1.006(00) 0.765(01) 0,897(02) 1.546(03) ]

056668 - URE-Y 980034 RIV CZ cze J
Buzek, O.
Dlouhodobá stálost časového transferu uvnitř státního skupinového etalonu času a frekvence.
Metrologie, 6 [4] 15-19 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1242

043920 - URE-Y 970091 CZ cze C
Buzek, O. - Čermák, J. - Čemusová, B.
Český státní skupinový etalon frekvence a času a možnosti navázání etalonů nižších tříd. (Czech national time and fraquency group standard and secondary standards traceability).
In: Sborník materiálů ke konferenci "Metrologie v elektrotechnice a elektronice". - Praha, Česká metrologická společnost 1997. - S. 1-12.
[Metrologie v elektrotechnice a elektronice. Praha (CZ), 97.01.09]
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakázka č. 6117

043933 - URE-Y 970096 CZ eng A
Caenegem Van, B. - Parys Van, W. - Kuchar, A. - Demeester, P.
Wavelenght conversion in WDM transport networks.
In: SOA-based components for optical networks: Book of abstracts. - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - S. 21.1-21.5.
[COST 240 Workshop with participation of COST 239 and ACTS. Prague ( CZ), 97.10.27-97.10.28]
Grant: OC239.10

056659 - URE-Y 980002 RIV MX eng J
Čermák, J.
Synchronization of computers.
Computación y Sistemas, 1 [2] 63-69 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2067608

056660 - URE-Y 980035 RIV US eng C
Čermák, J.
Instability of differential time between GPS receivers.
In: Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. - Piscataway, IEEE 1997. - S. 323-328.
[IEEE Frequency Control Symposium. (US), 97.05.28-97.05.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2067608

056669 - URE-Y 980039 RIV US eng V
Čermák, J. - Buzek, O.
Experiment with the GPS PRN15 satellite. Long Beach, Committee for Definition of Second Group on Global Position Systems and Glonass Time Transfer Standards 1997. - 4 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2067608

043941 - URE-Y 970107 CZ cze C
Čížek, V. V.
Komplexní representace reálných signálů. (Representation of real signals using complex values).
In: Mezinárodní konference "Aplikovaná elektronika'97". - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita 1997. - S. 20-24.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.05.16-97.05.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043943 - URE-Y 970117 CZ cze C
Čížek, V. V.
Okamžitá frekvence - realita nebo fikce. (Instantenous frequency - reality of fiction).
In: Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky. - [Brno], [Katedra elektrotechniky a elektroniky VA Brno] 1997. - S. 1-9.
[Teorie obvodů STO-6. Brno (CZ), 97.09.24-97.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043937 - URE-Y 970106 SK eng C
Čížek, V. V. - Švandová, H.
Some properties of the spectrum and instantaneous frequency characterizing finite segment of harmonic signal.
In: Radioelektronika'97. Conference Proceedings. - Bratislava, STU 1997. - S. 164-167.
[Rádiolektronika'97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.04.23-97.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043952 - URE-Y 970121 CZ cze C
Čtyroký, J.
Analýza spektrálních vlastností hluboké braggovské mřížky na planárním vlnovodu metodou rozkladu ve vlastní vidy. (The analysis of spectral properties of a deep Bragg grating on a planar waveguide by the eigenmode expansion method).
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'97. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1997. - S. 157-160.
[Optické komunikace'97. Praha (CZ), 97.10.01-97.10.02]
Grant: OC240.10

043874 - URE-Y 970037 GB eng J
Čtyroký, J. - Homola, J. - Skalský, M.
Modelling of surface plasmon resonance waveguide sensor by complex mode expansion and propagation method.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 29 [2] 301-311 (1997).
Grant: OC240.10; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561
[Impact factor:0.864(91) 1.267(92) 1.010(93) 1.303(94) 0.921(95) 0.472(96) 0.552(97) 0.886(98) 0.876(99) 0.602(00) 0.706(01) 0,732(02) 0.879(03) ]

043886 - URE-Y 970039 GB eng J
Čtyroký, J. - Homola, J. - Skalský, M.
Tuning of spectral operation range of a waveguide surface plasmon resonance sensor.
Electronics Letters, 33 [14] 1246-1248 (1997).
Grant: OC240.10; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561
[Impact factor:1.168(91) 1.059(92) 1.095(93) 1.159(94) 1.146(95) 1.141(96) 1.005(97) 1.152(98) 1.164(99) 0.931(00) 0.970(01) 1,072(02) 1.010(03) ]

043954 - URE-Y 970123 SE eng C
Čtyroký, J. - Homola, J. - Skalský, M.
Spectral properties of a surface plasmon resonance waveguide sensor structure.
In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition - ECIO'97. - [Stockholm], [Royal Institute of Technology] 1997. - S. 452-455.
[ECIO'97 /8./. Stockholm (SE), 97.04.02-97.04.04]
Grant: OC240.10; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561

043951 - URE-Y 970120 CZ eng A
Čtyroký, J. - Janta, J. (Eds.)
SOA-based components for optical networks: Book of abstracts. Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - 106 s.
[COST 240 Workshop with participation of COST 239 and ACTS. Prague ( CZ), 97.10.27-97.10.28]
Grant: OC240.10

043851 - URE-Y 970010 CZ eng A
Dohalská, M. - Duděda, T.
Experiments with duration and intensity variation in Czech TTS prosody.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - S. 35-36.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /6./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043866 - URE-Y 970025 DE eng BX
Dohalská, M. - Hedánek, J.
Comparing some parameters of continuously accelerated natural speech signal.
In: Speech processing. - (Ed. Wodarz, H. W.). - Frankfurt am Main, HECTOR 1997. - S. 13-22. - (Forum Phoneticum. 63).
Grant: OC233.10.95

056667 - URE-Y 980148 RIV CZ cze J
Ďurovič, S.
Úvod do problematiky digitální televize.
Televize'97, [3/4] 78-87 (1997).
[Seminář ČT Digitální televize. (CZ), 97.12.11]

055775 - UFCH-W 980004 NL eng J
Fine, J. - Lörinčík, J. - Andreadis, T. D. - Franzreb, K. - Šroubek, Z.
High-Energy Electron Emission from Ion-Bombarded Surfaces of Ga, Ge, In, and Sn.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 122 [2] 199-214 (1997).
Grant: IAA1067501; Czech Science and Technology(US-CZ) 92001
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

043958 - URE-Y 970134 GB eng J
Gladkov, P. - Monova, E. - Weber, J.
Photoluminescence characterization of Te-doped GaSb layers grown by liquid-phase epitaxy from Bi-melts.
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 12 [11] 1409-1415 (1997).
Grant: IAA167108; Deutsche Forschungs Geminschaft(DE) 436TSE 113/22/0
[Impact factor:1.406(92) 1.525(93) 1.389(94) 1.237(95) 1.318(96) 1.141(97) 1.338(98) 1.223(99) 1.169(00) 1.079(01) 1,241(02) 1.603(03) ]

043847 - URE-Y 970006 NL eng J
Gladkov, P. - Žďánský, K.
Evidence for photoluminescence band in p-type Al0.67Ga0.33As related to nonequilibrium DX- centres.
In: Proceedings of the ICL'96 Prague. - (Ed. Hála, J.; Reineker, P.; Meltzer, R. S.). - AmsterdamNorth-HollandElsevier 1997
Journal of Luminescence, 72-74, [-] 333-335 (1997).
[1996 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter -ICL'96. Prague (CZ), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: IAA167108
[Impact factor:1.260(91) 1.197(92) 1.027(93) 1.173(94) 1.172(95) 0.793(96) 0.942(97) 0.986(98) 0.764(99) 1.101(00) 1.279(01) 1,260(02) 1.314(03) ]

043953 - URE-Y 970122 CZ cze C
Gurovič, J. - Hüttel, I. - Skalský, M. - Čtyroký, J.
Uhlíkové optické planární vlnovody. (Silicon-nitride-carbide optical planar waveguides).
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'97. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1997. - S. 148-151.
[Optické komunikace'97. Praha (CZ), 97.10.01-97.10.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1610; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1703

056666 - URE-Y 980199 RIV TR eng C
Hasan, P.
Monte Carlo simulation of the PLL FM demodulator.
In: European Simulation Multiconference 1997. - (Ed. Lehmann, Axel). - Istanbul, Society for Computer Simulation International SCS 1997. - S. 62-66.
[ESM'97. (TR), 97.06.01-97.06.04]
Grant: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DE) Br617/11

067263 - URE-Y 990002 EG eng C
Hasan, P.
Cycle slips in the PLL synchronizer with limiter phase detector in the presence of noise and cochannel interference.
In: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems - ICECS'97. - Cairo, Electronics Research Institute 1997. - S. 682-685.
[ICECS'97 /4./. (EG), 97.12.15-97.12.18]

043944 - URE-Y 970113 CH eng J
Homola, J.
On the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance sensors with spectral interrogation.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, 41 [1/3] 207-211 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

043955 - URE-Y 970124 CH eng J
Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J. - Skalský, M. - Hradilová, J. - Kolářová, P.
A surface plasmon resonance based integrated optical sensor.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Optical Chenmical Sensors and Biosensors - EUROPT(R)ODE III. - 2 Poster Sessions. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Lausanne, Elsevier 1997. -
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B39 [1/3] 286-290 (1997).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors /3./. Zürich (CH), 96.03.31-96.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0640; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

043904 - URE-Y 970066 US eng C
Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J. - Slavík, R. - Skalský, M.
Surface plasmon resonance sensors using optical waveguides.
In: 3rd Conference on Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring. - Bellingham, SPIE 1997. - S. 100-106. - (Proceedings SPIE. 3200).
[Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring - PhEM'96 /3./. Prague ( CZ), 96.12.08-96.12.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561

043940 - URE-Y 970116 US eng C
Homola, J. - Pfeifer, P. - Brynda, E. - Škvor, J. - Houska, M. - Schwotzer, G. - Latka, I. - Willsch, R.
Optical biosensing using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy.
In: Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors 9. - (Ed. Lieberman, R. A.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1997. - S. 318-324. - ( Proceedings SPIE; EUROPTO Series 3105).
[Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors /9./. Munich (DE), 97.06.16-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

043888 - URE-Y 970040 US eng J
Homola, J. - Slavík, R. - Čtyroký, J.
Interaction between fiber modes and surface plasmon waves: spectral properties.
Optics Letters, 22 [18] 1403-1405 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561
[Impact factor:2.520(92) 2.449(93) 2.525(94) 2.627(95) 2.246(96) 2.487(97) 2.951(98) 3.537(99) 2.989(00) 3.195(01) 3,511(02) 3.395(03) ]

056672 - URE-Y 980186 RIV GB eng J
Honzátko, P.
Homodyne detection of Kerr states.
Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. Journal of the European Optical Society. Part B, 9 [6] 975-985 (1997).
[Impact factor: 1.353(99) 1.047(00) ]

043865 - URE-Y 970032 SK eng C
Horák, P.
Pitch frequency contour smoothing.
In: Radioelektronika'97. Conference Proceedings. - Bratislava, STU 1997. - S. 176-179.
[Rádiolektronika'97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.04.23-97.04.24]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043959 - URE-Y 970133 FR fre A
Horák, P.
L'etat actuel de la synthése tchéque á partir du texte écrit. (The present state of the Czech text-to-speech synthesis from written text).
In: Deuxiémes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole. Résumés des Communications. - (Ed. Besacier, L.). - [La Rochelle], [FLASH] 1997. - S. 27.
[Deuxiémes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole. La Rochelle (FR), 97.11.14-97.11.15]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043852 - URE-Y 970011 CZ eng A
Horák, P. - Mejvaldová, J.
Design and application of new prosody modelling system for Czech.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - S. 42-44.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /6./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043897 - URE-Y 970064 US eng A
Jandová, A. - Pokorný, J. - Costato, M.
Leukocytes of cancer patients give evidence of fundamental physical forces: a pathway for a new view.
In: Abstract book of Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. - Frederick (USA), W/L Associates 1997. - S. 163.
[Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine /2./. Bologna ( IT), 97.06.08-97.06.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

043846 - URE-Y 970005 CZ eng C
Jelínek, F. - Pokorný, J. - Šaroch, J. - Trkal, V. - Hašek, J.
Measurement of electromagnetic field generated by living cells.
In: Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. - Praha, Katedra elektromagnetického pole FEL ČVUT 1997. - S. 11-13.
[Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. Praha (CZ), 97.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

043892 - URE-Y 970059 SK eng C
Jelínek, F. - Pokorný, J. - Šaroch, J. - Hašek, J.
Measurement of electromagnetic field generated by living cells.
In: Radioelektronika'97. Conference Proceedings. - Bratislava, STU 1997. - S. 337-340.
[Rádiolektronika'97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.04.23-97.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

043883 - URE-Y 970042 DE eng C
Jirásková, M. - Vosmík, F. - Lapeš, M. - Jirsa, M. - Stádník, B.
Experiences with local photodynamic therapy with TPPS4 and non-coherent light.
In: Vorträge der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik. - (Ed. Wolf, W.; Dochterman, J.). - Berlin, Fachverlag Schiele&Schön 1997. -
Biomedizinische Technik. Ergänzungsband, 42 [2] 447-448 (1997).
[Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik e. V. /31./. München (DE), 97.10.22-97.10.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0292
[Impact factor:0.266(91) 0.415(92) 0.333(93) 0.429(94) 0.478(95) 0.319(96) 0.480(97) 0.441(98) 0.757(99) ]

043873 - URE-Y 970034 GB eng V
Kaňka, J.
Testing an experimental Er/Yb fibre in a power mode-locked fibre ring laser. Teddington, EU COST 1997. - S. -.
[Management Committee & Working Groups Meeting of COST 241. Teddington (GB), 97.10.01-97.10.03]
Grant: OC241.10

043884 - URE-Y 970035 US eng A
Kaňka, J.
Self starting dynamics of an active nonlinear coupler laser.
In: Conference Program - OSA Annual meeting/ILS: Focus on the Life Sciences. - Washington, Optical Society of America 1997. - S. 129.
Optics & Photonics News. Supplement, 8 [8] (1997).
[Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference ILS'97 /13./. Long Beach (US), 97.10.12-97.10.17]
Grant: EU COPERNICUS(XE) 7882/94

043885 - URE-Y 970036 ES eng V
Kaňka, J.
Introduction into Er/Yb fibre round robin measurements. Madrid, EU COST 1997. -
[Management Committee & Working Groups Meeting of COST 241. Madrid ( ES), 97.04.01-97.04.06]
Grant: OC241.10

043858 - URE-Y 970017 US eng J
Karásek, M.
Optimum design of Er3+-Yb3+ codoped fibers for large-signal high-pump-power applications.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 33 [10] 1669-1675 (1997).
Grant: EU COPERNICUS(XE) 7882/94OC241.10
[Impact factor:2.285(91) 2.442(92) 2.993(93) 2.595(94) 2.306(95) 1.707(96) 1.606(97) 1.854(98) 2.281(99) 2.000(00) 2.086(01) 2,097(02) 2.716(03) ]

043868 - URE-Y 970029 GB eng V
Karásek, M.
Dynamic cross - saturation of gain in cascades of overpumped EDFAs. Teddington, EU COST 1997. - S. -.
[Management Committee & Working Groups Meeting of COST 241. Teddington (GB), 97.10.01-97.10.03]
Grant: OC241.10

043869 - URE-Y 970030 GB eng V
Karásek, M.
Design of Er3+-Yb3+ codoped fibers. Teddington, EU COST 1997. - S. -.
[Management Committee & Working Groups Meeting of COST 241. Teddington (GB), 97.10.01-97.10.03]
Grant: OC241.10

043870 - URE-Y 970031 ES eng V
Karásek, M.
Yb3+ sensitized Er3+ doped fibres. Madrid, EU COST 1997. -
[Management Committee & Working Groups Meeting of COST 241. Madrid ( ES), 97.04.01-97.04.06]
Grant: OC241.10

043928 - URE-Y 970086 IT eng A
Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Kaňka, J. - Berková, D.
Fabrication and properties of materials for Er3+ doped Yb3+ sensitized high power lasers.
In: Materials for Nonlinear Optics. - [Roma], European Optical Society 1997. - S. 154-155. - (European Optical Society Topical Meetings Digest Series. 11).
[EOS Topical Meeting /11./. Capri (IT), 97.07.08-97.07.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871

043939 - URE-Y 970111 CZ cze C
Kostka, F. - Krechler, J. - Šroubek, Z. - Pinker, J. - Georgiev, V. - Janda, P.
Řízení hmotového spektrometru sekundárních iontů. (Computer controlled of SIMS).
In: Mezinárodní konference "Aplikovaná elektronika'97". - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita 1997. - S. 90-94.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.05.16-97.05.17]
Grant: IAA1067501

056656 - URE-Y 980036 RIV US eng C
Kroupa, V. F.
Phase and amplitude disturbances in direct digital frequency synthesizers.
In: Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. - (Ed. Fan, C.M.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1997. - S. 975-979.
[IEEE Frequency Control Symposium. (US), 97.05.28-97.05.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043843 - URE-Y 970002 SK eng C
Kroupa, V. F. - Štursa, J.
Some problems of spectrum components determination by the help of FFT computation.
In: DSP'97. - Košice, Technical University 1997. - S. 210-213.
[Digital Signal Processing /3./. Herl'any (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043845 - URE-Y 970004 SK eng C
Kroupa, V. F. - Štursa, J.
Quantization-effect reduction in direct digital frequency synthesizers.
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference with International Participation "Informatics and mathematics". - (Ed. Hrubina, K.). - Košice, INFORMATECH 1997. - S. 248-253.
[Informatics and Mathematics. Prešov (SK), 97.09.04-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043938 - URE-Y 970108 SK eng C
Kroupa, V. F. - Štursa, J.
Spectral improvement of direct digital frequency synthesizers by a feedback.
In: Radioelektronika'97. Conference Proceedings. - Bratislava, STU 1997. - S. 192-195.
[Rádiolektronika'97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.04.23-97.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043942 - URE-Y 970109 CZ eng C
Kroupa, V. F. - Štursa, J.
Direct digital frequency synthesis - its applications in mechanical and electronic engineering.
In: Mezinárodní konference "Aplikovaná elektronika'97". - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita 1997. - S. 108-112.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.05.16-97.05.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

043908 - URE-Y 970074 CZ cze C
Kuchar, A.
Optická síťová vrstva - ryze optické směrování signálů. (Optical network layer - purely optical routing of signals).
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'97. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1997. - S. 108-112.
[Optické komunikace'97. Praha (CZ), 97.10.01-97.10.02]
Grant: OC239.10

043956 - URE-Y 970135 CZ cze C
Kuchar, A.
Kudy do světa informací? (Which way to the world of information?).
In: Proceedings of International Congress CTT Prague'97. - Prague, Association of Cable Television and Telecommunication Operators 1997. - S. 36-42.
[CTT Prague 97. Prague (CZ), 97.11.19-97.11.21]
Grant: OC239.10

056663 - URE-Y 980209 JP jap A
Kuzmiak, V.
Distribution of EM field and group velocities associated with PBS in systems with metallic components.
In: [Proceedings of 52. Conferencer of the Japanese Physical Society]. - (Ed. Kushev, D.B.). - [Nagoya], [Meijo University] 1997. - S. -.
[Conference of Japanese Physical Society /52./. (JP), 97.03.28-97.03.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1239

043918 - URE-Y 970079 US eng J
Kuzmiak, V. - Maradudin, A. A.
Photonic band structures of one- and two-dimensional periodic systems with metallic components in the presence of dissipation.
Physical Review. B, 55 [12] 7427-7444 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1239
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

043919 - URE-Y 970080 US eng J
Kuzmiak, V. - Maradudin, A. A. - McGurn, A. R.
Photonic band structures of two-dimensional systems fabricated from rods of a cubic polar crystal.
Physical Review. B, 55 [7] 4298-4311 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 202/96/1239
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

043872 - URE-Y 970028 SK eng A
Malina, V.
Ti/Pt/Au and WSiN/Ti/Pt/Au Schottky contacts to n-type InGaP epitaxial layers.
In: HEAD'97. - [Bratislava], [Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences] 1997. - S. -.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. Smolenice (SK), 971012-971016]

043887 - URE-Y 970038 GB eng J
Malina, V. - Vogel, K. - Ressel, P. - Barnard, W. O. - Knauer, A.
Comparison of Ti/Pt/Au and Ti/Ru/Au contact systems to p-type InGaP.
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 12 [10] 1298-1303 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059
[Impact factor:1.406(92) 1.525(93) 1.389(94) 1.237(95) 1.318(96) 1.141(97) 1.338(98) 1.223(99) 1.169(00) 1.079(01) 1,241(02) 1.603(03) ]

043890 - URE-Y 970049 CZ cze JX
Malíšek, V. - Miler, M. - Šrobár, F.
RNDr Ing Antonín Vaško, DrSc.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [10] 291 (1997).

043906 - URE-Y 970081 CH eng J
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Hayer, M. - Berková, D. - Pospíšilová, M. - Kašík, I.
Improvement of the sectorial fiber for evanescent-wave sensing.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensor - EUROPT(R)ODE III. - II Poster Sessions. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Lausanne, Elsevier 1997. -
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B39 [1/3] 334-338 (1997).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors /3./. Zürich (CH), 96.03.31-96.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

043905 - URE-Y 970084 NL eng J
Matějec, V. - Hayer, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Kašík, I.
Preparation of optical cores of silica optical fibres by the sol-gel method.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 8 [1/3] 889-893 ( 1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.526(97) 0.946(99) 1.006(00) 0.765(01) 0,897(02) 1.546(03) ]

043931 - URE-Y 970088 GB eng A
Matějec, V. - Kašík, I. - Berková, D. - Hayer, M. - Kaňka, J.
Sol-Gel fabrication and properties of silica cores of optical fibres doped with Yb3+,Er3+,Al2O3 or TiO2.
In: Abstracts of 9th International Workshop on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels. - [Sheffield], [University of Sheffield] 1997. - S. 183.
[Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels - SOL-GEL'97 /9./. Sheffield (GB), 97.08.31-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871

043929 - URE-Y 970090 US eng C
Matějec, V. - Pospíšilová, M. - Berková, D. - Chomát, M. - Hayer, M.
Silica optical fibers for the development of evanescent-wave chemical sensos.
In: 3rd Conference on Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring. - Bellingham, SPIE 1997. - S. 61-69. - (Proceedings SPIE. 3200).
[Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring - PhEM'96 /3./. Prague ( CZ), 96.12.08-96.12.12]
Grant: GA102/95/0871GA102/96/0939

043907 - URE-Y 970082 CH eng J
Matějec, V. - Rose, K. - Hayer, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Chomát, M.
Development of organically modified polysiloxanes for coating optical fibres and their sensitivity to gases and solvents.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Optical Chenmical Sensors and Biosensors - EUROPT(R)ODE III. - 2 Poster Sessions. - (Ed. Kunz, R. E.). - Lausanne, Elsevier 1997. -
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B39 [1/3] 438-442 (1997).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors /3./. Zürich (CH), 96.03.31-96.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0140
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

043871 - URE-Y 970026 CZ cze J
Miler, M.
Holografické difrakční vazební elementy. (Holographic diffractive coupling elements).
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 47 [1] 33-42 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876

043899 - URE-Y 970053 CZ cze J
Miler, M.
Mimoosové holografické difrakční prvky pro červenou a blízkou infračervenou oblast spektra. (Extra-axial holographic diffracting elements for red and near infrared spectral range).
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [10] 299-304 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876

056658 - URE-Y 980001 RIV GB eng C
Miler, M.
Holographic diffractive components for beam coupling.
In: Diffractive Optics and Optical Microsystems. Proceedings of the 20th Course of International School of Quantum Electronics on Diffractive Optics and Optical Microsystems. - (Ed. Martellucci, S.; Chester, A.N.). - London, Plenum 1997. - S. 239-250.
[Course of the International School of Quantum Electronics: Diffractive Optics and Optical Microsystems /20./. (IT), 96.11.11-96.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

056665 - URE-Y 980019 CZ eng B
Miler, M.
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. Review of activities 1995-1996: electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, signal processing, time & frequency. (Ed. Rechenberg, I.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - 76 s.

043879 - URE-Y 970050 FI eng C
Miler, M. - Koudela, I. - Aubrecht, I.
A holographic collimating element for diode lasers.
In: Diffractive Optics. - (Ed. Turunen, J.; Wyrowski, F.). - -, European Optical Society 1997. - S. Paper G26.1/G26.2. - (European Optical Society Topical Meetings Digest Series. 12).
[EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics. Savonlinna (FI), 97.07.07-97.07.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876

043914 - URE-Y 970077 SK eng A
Nohavica, D.
Surface reconstruction processes in the scope of the BCF theory of crystal growth.
In: HEAD'97. - [Bratislava], [Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences] 1997. - S. -.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. Smolenice (SK), 971012-971016]

043916 - URE-Y 970075 CZ eng J
Nohavica, D.
LPE Growth method possibilities in A3B5 semiconductors preparation.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 47 [7] 699-705 (1997).
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. Karlštejn (CZ), 96.09.17-96.09.19.]
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

043917 - URE-Y 970076 DE eng C
Nohavica, D.
Influence of the surface migration processes on morphological peculiarities during growth from the vapour phase.
In: Workshop Booklet EW MOVPE VII - 7th European Workshop on Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy and Related Growth Techniques. - Berlin, [Heinrich-Hertz-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik] 1997. - S. A8/1-A8/4.
[Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy and Related Growth Techniques - EW MOVPE /7./. Berlin (DE), 97.06.08-97.06.11]

043950 - URE-Y 970132 CZ cze C
Novotný, J.
Technologie přípravy superluminiscenční diody pro pásmo 1,3 mm. (Preparation of 1,3mm superluminescent diode).
In: Mezinárodní konference "Aplikovaná elektronika'97". - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita 1997. - S. 134-140.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.05.16-97.05.17]
Grant: KSK1010601
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 7/96/K

043910 - URE-Y 970069 SK eng A
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O.
Employment of BCF model at the analysis of the growth of thin epitaxial layers.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Barančok, D.; Vajda, J.). - Bratislava, [STU] 1997. - S. 34.
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education - DMS-RE'97 /7./. Kočovce (SK), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043913 - URE-Y 970072 DE eng A
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O. - Pekárek, L.
Preparation of InGaAsP/InP heterostructures with defects reduction in the active region.
In: DRIP VII. - [Berlin], [Institute of Crystal Growth] 1997. - S. 7.6.
[Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors - DRIP /7./. Templin (DE), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043894 - URE-Y 970061 CZ cze J
Pokorný, J. - Fiala, J. - Jelínek, F. - Šrobár, F. - Trkal, V.
K některým fyzikálním přístupům v biologických systémech. (On some physical attitudes to biological systems).
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 47 [3] 172-174 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

043895 - URE-Y 970062 CZ eng C
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V. - Šrobár, F.
Vibrations in Microtubules.
In: Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. - Praha, Katedra elektromagnetického pole FEL ČVUT 1997. - S. 38-41.
[Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. Praha (CZ), 97.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

043896 - URE-Y 970063 US eng A
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V. - Šrobár, F.
Vibration in microtubules.
In: Abstarct book of Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. - Frederick (USA), W/L Associates 1997. - S. 81-82.
[Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine /2./. Bologna ( IT), 97.06.08-97.06.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

056653 - URE-Y 980062 RIV NL eng J
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V. - Lamprecht, I. - Hölzel, R.
Vibrations in microtubules.
Journal of Biological Physics, 23 [3] 171-179 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867
[Impact factor: 0.708(99) 0.512(00) 0.542(01) 0,512(02) 0.893(03) ]

043922 - URE-Y 970098 SK eng A
Procházková, O. - Jelínek, F. - Šaroch, J. - Novotný, J. - Šrobár, F.
High frequency properties of InP and InGaAsP LPE layers prepared from melts containing rare earth elements.
In: HEAD'97. - [Bratislava], [Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences] 1997. - S. P6.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. Smolenice (SK), 971012-971016]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043911 - URE-Y 970070 SK eng A
Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Kohout, J. - Žďánský, K.
InP and GaInAsP layers with low density of defects: effect of holmium and erbium admixture.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Barančok, D.; Vajda, J.). - Bratislava, [STU] 1997. - S. 34.
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education - DMS-RE'97 /7./. Kočovce (SK), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043912 - URE-Y 970071 DE eng A
Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K. - Kohout, J.
Preparation of InP and GaInAsP layers with very low density of defects: effect of holmium and erbium gettering.
In: DRIP VII. - [Berlin], [Institute of Crystal Growth] 1997. - S. 7.8.
[Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors - DRIP /7./. Templin (DE), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

056657 - URE-Y 980042 RIV SK eng J
Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Kohout, J. - Žďánský, K.
InP layers with low density of defects: effect of holmium and erbium admixture.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [9 Special Issue] 66-69 ( 1997).
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. (SK), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043864 - URE-Y 970020 CH eng J
Procházková, O. - Zavadil, J. - Šrobár, F. - Novotný, J. - Oswald, J.
Characterisation of InP and GaInAsP layers prepared by liquid phase epitaxy using holmium doping and gettering.
Materials Science and Engineering. B, B44 [1/3] 160-163 (1997).
[Expert Evaluation and control of compound semiconductor materials and technologies /3./. Freiburg (DE), 960512-960515]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238
[Impact factor:0.828(91) 0.620(92) 0.665(93) 0.986(94) 0.708(95) 0.549(96) 0.514(97) 0.360(98) 0.690(99) 0.592(00) 1.022(01) 1,085(02) 1.070(03) ]

043863 - URE-Y 970018 CZ eng J
Procházková, O. - Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K. - Novotný, J.
Effect of holmium addition during LPE growth on properties of InP and GaInAsP layers.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 47 [7] 685-691 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

043842 - URE-Y 970001 SK eng C
Přibil, J.
Czech and Slovak TTS system based on the cepstral speech model.
In: DSP'97. - Košice, Technical University 1997. - S. 23-26.
[Digital Signal Processing /3./. Herl'any (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043853 - URE-Y 970012 CZ eng A
Přibil, J.
Applications of the cepstral model for speech synthesis.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - S. 40-41.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /6./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043860 - URE-Y 970022 DE eng B
Přibil, J.
Text-to-speech systems for Czech and Slovak.
In: Speech processing. - (Ed. Wodarz, H. W.). - Frankfurt am Main, HECTOR 1997. - S. 79-91. - (Forum Phoneticum. 63).
Grant: OC233.10.95

043877 - URE-Y 970044 SK eng C
Přibil, J.
Analysis of the speech cepstral synthesis filter.
In: Radioelektronika'97. Conference Proceedings. - Bratislava, STU 1997. - S. 180-183.
[Rádiolektronika'97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.04.23-97.04.24]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

056674 - URE-Y 980184 RIV CZ cze D
Přibil, J.
Použití kepstrálního modelu pro syntézu řeči. Praha, FEL ČVUT 1997. - 83 s.

043857 - URE-Y 970016 GB eng J
Rebolledo, M. A. - Jarabo, S. - Hotoleanu, M. - Karásek, M. - Grolmus, E. - Jaunart, E.
Analysis of a technique to determine absolute values of the stimulated emission in erbium-doped silica fibres from gain measurements.
Pure and Applied Optics. Journal of the European Optical Society. Part A, 6 [3] 425-433 (1997).
Grant: IAA267403
[Impact factor: 0.813(99) 1.048(00) ]

043932 - URE-Y 970089 GB eng A
Rose, K. - Matějec, V. - Pospíšilová, M. - Hayer, M.
Organopolysiloxanes as protective and chemically sensitive coatings for optical fibres.
In: Abstracts of 9th International Workshop on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels. - [Sheffield], [University of Sheffield] 1997. - S. 202.
[Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels - SOL-GEL'97 /9./. Sheffield (GB), 97.08.31-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; EU COPERNICUS(CZ) CIPA-CT94-0140

043947 - URE-Y 970115 US eng C
Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Novel surface plasmon resonance sensor based on single-mode optical fiber.
In: Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors 9. - (Ed. Lieberman, R. A.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1997. - S. 325-331. - ( Proceedings SPIE; EUROPTO Series 3105).
[Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors /9./. Munich (DE), 97.06.16-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

043948 - URE-Y 970114 US eng C
Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Optical fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor for an acqueous environment.
In: 12th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Technical Digest. - Washington, Optical Society of America 1997. - S. 436-439. - (OSA Technical Digest 16).
[Optical Fiber Sensors /12./. Williamsburg (US), 97.10.28-97.10.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

043921 - URE-Y 970097 SK eng A
Somogyi, K. - Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J.
Characterisation of InP layers prepared by LPE using ytterbium gettering.
In: HEAD'97. - [Bratislava], [Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences] 1997. - S. P12.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. Smolenice (SK), 971012-971016]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043876 - URE-Y 970041 PL eng J
Stádník, B. - Javorský, S. - Šašek, L. - Jirsa Jr., M. - Jirsa, M.
High-sensitive synchronous detection technique for early fluorescence diagnosis of carcinoma tissue.
Optica Applicata, 27 [2] 143-149 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0292
[Impact factor:0.132(91) 0.145(92) 0.150(93) 0.053(94) 0.136(95) 0.275(96) 0.141(97) 0.203(98) 0.125(99) 0.231(00) 0.298(01) 0,291(02) 0.221(03) ]

043882 - URE-Y 970043 DE eng J
Stádník, B. - Šašek, L. - Javorský, S. - Jirsa Jr., M. - Jirsa, M.
Synchronous-detection reflection fluoremeter for measurement of porphyrin concentration in biological tissues.
In: Vorträge der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik. - (Ed. Wolf, W.; Dochterman, J.). - Berlin, Fachverlag Schiele&Schön 1997. -
Biomedizinische Technik. Ergänzungsband, 42 [2] 323-324 (1997).
[BMT'97 /31./. München (DE), 97.10.22-97.10.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0292
[Impact factor:0.266(91) 0.415(92) 0.333(93) 0.429(94) 0.478(95) 0.319(96) 0.480(97) 0.441(98) 0.757(99) ]

043893 - URE-Y 970065 SK eng C
Šimša, J.
DS-SS systems in fading channel.
In: Radioelektronika'97. Conference Proceedings. - Bratislava, STU 1997. - S. 196-199.
[Rádiolektronika'97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.04.23-97.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

043923 - URE-Y 970094 CZ eng C
Šimša, J.
Spread spectrum systems.
In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Microwave Techniques - COMITE 1997. - [Prague], Czechoslovakia Section IEEE/AP Chapter 1997. - S. 9-18.
[COMITE '97 /9./. Pardubice (CZ), 97.10.16-97.10.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

043945 - URE-Y 970112 US eng C
Šimša, J.
Direct sequence spread spectrum code acquisition in fading channel: mean acquisition time of serial search multiple-dwell detector.
In: MILCOM'97 Proceedings. - 3 - Piscataway, IEEE 1997. - S. 1356-1360.
[MILCOM'97. Monterey (US), 97.11.02-97.11.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

043960 - URE-Y 970138 CZ cze JX
Šimša, J.
Ústav radiotechniky a elektroniky se představuje.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [10] 290-291 (1997).

043927 - URE-Y 970092 CZ cze V
Šojdr, L. - Čermák, J. - Buzek, O.
Předběžné experimentální vyhodnocení fázových časů digitálního TV signálu PRIMA. (Experiments with standard frequency transfer via satellite digital TV network). Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1997. - 8 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2008/A).
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakázka č. 6134

043957 - URE-Y 970126 CZ cze V
Šojdr, L. - Čermák, J. - Buzek, O.
K problémům distribuce etalonové frekvence televizní digitální sítí. (Problems in stanadrd frequency dissemination via TV digital network). Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1997. - 7 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2007/A).
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakázka č. 6134

043881 - URE-Y 970047 SK eng A
Šrobár, F.
Analysis of heterostructure laser-diode amplifier.
In: HEAD'97. - [Bratislava], [Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences] 1997. - S. -.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. Smolenice (SK), 971012-971016]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043889 - URE-Y 970048 CZ cze J
Šrobár, F.
Použití modifikované metody grafů signálových toků v optice a optoelektronice. (Using the modified method of diagrams of signal flows in optics and optoelectronics).
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [10] 294-298 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

043878 - URE-Y 970046 US eng A
Šrobár, F. - Pokorný, J.
Quest for bistable behaviour in the Fröhlich systems.
In: Abstract book of Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. - Frederick (USA), W/L Associates 1997. - S. 153-154.
[Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine /2./. Bologna ( IT), 97.06.08-97.06.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

043934 - URE-Y 970103 NL eng J
Šroubek, Z.
Production of energetic electrons in low-energy collision cascades in solids.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 122 [3] 442-444 (1997).
[E-MRS 1996 Spring Meeting Nanometric Phenomena Induced by Lasers, Ion and Cluster Beam. Strasbourg (FR), 96.06.04-96.06.07]
Grant: IAA1067501; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0139
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

043946 - URE-Y 970105 US eng J
Šroubek, Z.
Electron emission from solids bombarded by slow neutrals.
Physical Review Letters, 78 [16] 3209-3219 (1997).
Grant: IAA1067501; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0139
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

043949 - URE-Y 970131 CZ eng C
Štursa, J.
Simulation - a useful help in digital frequency synthesizers investigation.
In: MOSIS'97. Proceedings. - 3 - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, MARQ 1997. - S. 277-282. - (Acta MOSIS 66).
[Modelling and Simulation of Systems /31./. Hradec nad Moravicí (CZ) , 97.04.28-97.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1240

056664 - URE-Y 980049 RIV CZ cze J
Trkal, V.
Úloha atomu dusíku v živé hmotě.
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 47 [4/5] 313-314 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

043926 - URE-Y 970095 CZ cze V
Trkal, V. - Vendl, J. - Stádník, B.
Chladicí systém ke spektrálnímu analyzátoru pro fotodynamickou diagnostiku a terapii maligních nádorů. (Spectral analyser cooling system for photodynamic diagnosis and therapy of malignant tumors). Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1997. - 18 s. s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2006/B).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0292

043854 - URE-Y 970013 CZ eng A
Tučková, J.
Comparison two approaches in the fundamental frequency control by neural nets.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - S. 37.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /6./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043861 - URE-Y 970024 DE eng BX
Tučková, J. - Boreš, P.
The neural network approach in fundamental frequency control.
In: Speech processing. - (Ed. Wodarz, H. W.). - Frankfurt am Main, HECTOR 1997. - S. 143-154. - (Forum Phoneticum. 63).
Grant: OC233.10.95

056673 - URE-Y 980205 RIV FR eng C
Tučková, J. - Horák, P.
Fundamental frequency control in Czech text-to-speech synthesis.
In: Third Workshop on Electronic Control and Measuremnt Systems. - [Toulouse], [Université Paul Sabatier] 1997. - S. 80-83.
[Workshop on ECMS /3./. (FR), 97.06.02-97.06.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

056654 - URE-Y 980099 RIV US eng C
Tučková, J. - Vích, R.
Fundamental frequency modelling by neural nets in Czech text-to-speech synthesis.
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Signal and Image Processing - SIP'97. - (Ed. Namazi, N.M.; Fan, C.M.). - Anaheim, IASTED/Acta Press 1997. - S. 85-87.
[International Conference on Signal and Image Processing. (US), 97.12.04-97.12.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

043925 - URE-Y 970100 UA eng A
Vacková, S. - Žďánský, K. - Shcherbak, L. - Fiechouk, P. - Ilaschouk, M.
The phonon drag effect minimum in Cd1-XZnXTe for x=0,04.
In: Physical Problems in Material Science of Semiconductors - PPMSS'97. - [Chernivtsi], Prut 1997. - S. 250.
[PPMSS'97 /2./. Chernivtsi (UA), 97.09.08-97.09.12]
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 7/96/K

056670 - URE-Y 980085 RIV US eng C
Vacková, S. - Žďánský, K. - Shcherbak, L. - Fiechouk, P. - Ilaschouk, M.
Dependence of the phonon drag on Zn concentration in Cd1-XZnXTe in the range 0x0.1.
In: Proceedings ICT'97. - Piscataway, IEEE 1997. - S. 244-246.
[ICT'97 /16./. (DE), 97.08.26-97.08.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

043924 - URE-Y 970099 CZ cze A
Vaniš, J.
Některé aplikace balistické elektronové mikroskopie a spektroskopie. (Some applications of BEEM/BEES).
In: Seminář o rastrovací tunelovací mikroskopii, spektroskopii a příbuzných technikách. - [Praha], [Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marca Marci] 1997. - S. -.
[Rastrovací tunelovací mikroskopie, spektroskopie a příbuzné techniky. Chlum u Třeboně (CZ), 97.09.24-97.09.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0427

043855 - URE-Y 970014 CZ eng A
Vích, R. (Ed.)
Speech Processing: Abstracts of 6th Czech-German Workshop. Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - 52 s.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /6./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.02-97.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043856 - URE-Y 970015 CZ cze J
Vích, R.
Převod psaného textu na mluvenou řeč. (Conversion of written text into speech).
Computerworld, 8 [20] 26 (1997).
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043935 - URE-Y 970110 FR eng J
Vích, R.
Real time Czech and Slovak text-to-speech system.
ERCIM News (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), - [28] 16-17 (1997).
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043909 - URE-Y 970073 DE ger C
Vích, R. - Přibil, J. - Ptáček, M.
Cepstrales Sprachsynthesesystem für die tschechische Sprache.
In: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung. - (Ed. Fellbaum, K.). - Dresden, GeSiM 1997. - S. 218-225. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. Heft 14).
[Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung Konferenz /8./. Cottbus (DE) , 97.08.25-97.08.27]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043844 - URE-Y 970003 SK eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Speech synthesis by lattice and continued fraction expansion models.
In: DSP'97. - Košice, Technical University 1997. - S. 12-15.
[Digital Signal Processing /3./. Herl'any (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043850 - URE-Y 970009 CZ eng A
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Continued fraction digital filter structures in cepstral speech modelling.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1997. - S. 45-46.
[Czech - German Workshop on Speech Processing /6./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.04]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043867 - URE-Y 970033 CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Digital filter realization of nonrational transfer functions.
In: Proceedings of ECSAP-97. - (Ed. Procházka, A.; Uhlíř, J.; Sovka, P.). - Prague, ICT Press 1997. - S. 179-182.
[Signal Analysis and Prediction ECSAP-97 /1./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.24-97.06.27]
Grant: GV102/96/K087

043898 - URE-Y 970067 US eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Approximation of nonlinear functions on DSP56K family.
In: Proceedings of the IASTED/ISMM International Conference "Modelling and Simulation". - Anaheim, IASTED/Acta Press 1997. - S. 531-534.
[Modelling and Simulation. Pittsburgh (US), 97.05.15-97.05.17]
Grant: GV102/96/K087; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

056655 - URE-Y 980100 RIV US eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Adaptive continued fraction speech synthesis on digital signal processor.
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Signal and Image Processing - SIP'97. - (Ed. Namazi, N.M.; Fan, C.M.). - Anaheim, IASTED/Acta Press 1997. - S. 163-168.
[International Conference on Signal and Image Processing. (US), 97.12.04-97.12.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; EU COST(XE) OC258.10; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0035

043901 - URE-Y 970056 HU eng B
Walachová, J.
The State of the Art of the Nanotechnology in Czech Republic.
In: Nanotechnology: A dedicated tool for the future. - (Ed. Mojzes, I.; Kovács, B.). - Budapest, MIL-ORG 1997. - S. 45-66.
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt PHARE TDQM Sub-projekt 4.02. Proposal No.:1665

043902 - URE-Y 970054 PL eng A
Walachová, J.
Some applications of ballistic electron emission microscopy spectroscopy.
In: Programme and Abstracts of the First International Symposium on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods. - Poznan, University of Technology 1997. - S. I-14.
[Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods - SPS'97 /1./. Poznan (PL), 97.07.15-97.07.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0427

043875 - URE-Y 970045 US eng J
Walachová, J. - Zelinka, J. - Vaniš, J. - Chow, D. H. - Schulman, J. N. - Karamazov, S. - Cukr, M. - Zich, P. - Král, J. - McGill, T. C. M.
Probing of InAs/AlSb double barrier heterostructures by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy.
Applied Physics Letters, 70 [26] 3588-3590 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1056
[Impact factor:3.816(91) 3.537(92) 3.503(93) 3.072(94) 3.029(95) 3.092(96) 3.033(97) 3.349(98) 4.184(99) 3.906(00) 3.849(01) 4,207(02) 4.049(03) ]

043891 - URE-Y 970055 CZ cze C
Walachová, J. - Zelinka, J. - Vaniš, J. - Hulicius, E. - Šimeček, T.
Měření profilu koncentrace/složení na polovodičových nanovrstvách kontaktní metodou. (Measurement of concentration/composition profiles on semiconductor nanostructures with contract mothod).
In: Dvanáctá konference Českých a slovenských fyziků. Sborník příspěvků. - 2 Sekce 7 až 15. - (Ed. Lesňák, M.; Luňáček, J.; Pištora, J.). - Ostrava, Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita 1997. - S. 479-481.
[Konference českých a slovenských fyziků /12./. Ostrava (CZ), 96.09.26-96.09.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1056

043936 - URE-Y 970104 US eng J
Wucher, A. - Šroubek, Z.
Formation of metastable excited states during sputtering of transition metals.
Physical Review. B, 55 [2] 780-786 (1997).
Grant: IAA1067501; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0139
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

043849 - URE-Y 970008 NL eng J
Zavadil, J. - Starosta, K.
Guided modes in spontaneous edge electroluminescence from GaInAsP/InP heterostructure diodes.
In: Proceedings of the ICL'96 Prague. - (Ed. Hála, J.; Reineker, P.; Meltzer, R. S.). - Amsterdam, North-Holland 1997. -
Journal of Luminescence, 72-74, [-] 1007-1009 (1997).
[1996 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter -ICL'96. Prague (CZ), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059
[Impact factor:1.260(91) 1.197(92) 1.027(93) 1.173(94) 1.172(95) 0.793(96) 0.942(97) 0.986(98) 0.764(99) 1.101(00) 1.279(01) 1,260(02) 1.314(03) ]

056662 - URE-Y 980138 RIV GB eng C
Zhu, Y. - Hauderek, V. A. - Rogers, A. J. - Kaňka, J.
Numerical simulation of a passive twin-core fibre coupler ring laser based on nonlinear optical switching.
In: Colloquium on Optoelectronic Integration and Switching. - London, Institute of Electrical Engineers 1997. - S. 5/1-5/7.
[IEE Coloquium on Optoelectronic Integration and Switching. (GB), 97.11.13]

043848 - URE-Y 970007 NL eng J
Žďánský, K. - Zavadil, J. - Nohavica, D. - Heidborn, P.
Electroluminescence and deep-level transient spectroscopies of minority carrier traps in GaP:N structures with p-n junctions.
In: Proceedings of the ICL'96 Prague. - (Ed. Hála, J.; Reineker, P.; Meltzer, R. S.). - AmsterdamNorth-HollandElsevier 1997
Journal of Luminescence, 72-74, [-] 1010-1012 (1997).
[1996 International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter -ICL'96. Prague (CZ), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: KSK1010601
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 7/96/K
[Impact factor:1.260(91) 1.197(92) 1.027(93) 1.173(94) 1.172(95) 0.793(96) 0.942(97) 0.986(98) 0.764(99) 1.101(00) 1.279(01) 1,260(02) 1.314(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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