informací v jiných knihovnách
Užitečné odkazy
Ústavy areálu Krč, AV ČR
knihy ve fondu SVI za posledních 12 měsíců (tištěné)
- jsou
uváděny pouze zcela nové knihy, další exempláře knih zakoupených již
dříve uváděny nejsou, počet exemplářů dané knihy naleznete v
elektronickém katalogu
- tituly označené
jsou kupovány z grantových prostředků, jsou tedy
deponovány u řešitele
grantu, je možné dohodnout
krátkodobé vypůjčení
- tituly se signaturou /ST příruční
knihovna nelze půjčit na dlouhodobou
výpůjčku, jsou uloženy v prostoru výpůjčního pultu
- možno půjčit pouze krátkodobě
cca 14 dní, je možné po dohodě prodloužit)
- tituly bez označení jsou 1
měsíc vystaveny u výpůjčního pultu a je
si je krátkodobě vypůjčit, po uplynutí této doby si knihy
vypůjčit na běžnou výpůjčku
srpen - září 2009
148 781
Redox signaling and regulation in biology and medicine / Edited by Claus Jacob, Paul G. Winyard.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2009. - xxxiii, 481 s. : il.
B 21 655
148 780
Bezkrevní medicína / Josip Slipac ; [z chorvatského originálu ... přeložila Radka Slipac].
- Vyd. 1. - Praha : Triton, 2008. - 231 s. : il. (převážně barev.).
A 2991/2
148 773
The encyclopedia of mass spectrometry. Volume 2, Biological
applications. Part A: Peptides and proteins / Edited by Michael L.
Gross, Richard M. Caprioli ; volume editor Richard M. Caprioli, Michael
L. Gross.
- 1st ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005. - xii, 435 s. : il.
A 2991/4
148 775
The encyclopedia of mass spectrometry. Volume 4, Fundamentals of and
applications to organic (and organometallic) compounds / Edited by
Michael L. Gross, Richard M. Caprioli ; volume editor Nico M.M.
Nibbering. - 1st ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005. - xvii, 989 s. : il.
A 2991/3
148 774
The encyclopedia of mass spectrometry. Volume 3, Biological
applications. Part B: Carbohydrates, nucleic acids and other biological
compounds / Edited by Michael L. Gross, Richard M. Caprioli ; volume
editor Richard M. Caprioli.
- 1st ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006. - xiii, 580 s. : il.
B 21 653
148 778
Lipid rafts / Ed. by Thomas J. McIntosh.
- Totowa : Humana Press, 2007. - xi, 326 s. : il.
B 21 654
Lipid rafts and caveolae : from membrane biophysics to cell biology / Ed. by Christopher J. Fielding.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2006. - xvi, 278 s. : il.
J 1173/1147
148 776
Annals of the New York Academy od Sciences. Vol. 1147, Mitochondria and
oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disorders Ed. by Gary E. Gibson,
Rajiv R. Ratan, M. Flint Beal+.
- Boston : Published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2008. - xii, 414 p. : il.
květen - červenec 2009
A 2990
148 772
Comprehensive handbook of iodine : Nutritional, biochemical,
pathological and therapeutic aspects / Ed. by Victor R. Preedy, Gerard
N. Burrow, Ronald Watson.
- London : Academic Press, 2009. - xxiv, 1311 s. : il.
B 21 652
148 771
Animal models in cardiovascular research / David R. Gross.
- 3th ed. - Urbana : Springer, 2009. - xxiii, 431 s.
A 2989
148 770
Flavonoidy a jejich biologické působení / Karel Volf, František Andrs.
- [Praha] : K. Wolf, 2008. - 174 s. : il., tab. + 1 CD-ROM
A 2985
148 765
Electron microscopy of cells and tissues. Vol. 1, Instrumentation and techniques / Fritiof S. Sjöstrand.
- New York : Academic Press, 1967. - xii, 462 s. : il.
148 748
Plants, Chemicals and Growth / F. C. Steward, A. D. Krikorian.
- New York : Academic Press, 1971. - xii, 232 s. : il.
148 747
Introductory Biochemistry : Fundamentals of Cellular Metabolism and Molecular Biology / Stuart J. Edelstein.
- San Francisco : Holden-Day, 1973. - xiv, 353 s. : il.
148 746
Air pollution control technology / Boris Bretschneider, Jiří Kurfürst ; [překlad Madeleine Štulíková].
- Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1987. - 296 s. : tab., obr.
148 749
Microbiology of extreme environments and its potential for
biotechnology / Ed. by M. S. da Costa, J. C. Duarte, R. A. D. Williams.
- London : Elsevier Applied Science, 1989. - xiv, 429 s.
A 2988
148 769
Chirurgie orgánových metastáz / Ivan Čapov et al.
- 1. vyd. Praha : Galén : Karolinum, c2008, xiii, 181 s. : il. (některé barev.), portréty
A 2987
148 768
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 90th Edition/
David R. Lide,
- 90th ed.: , CRC Press Taylor & Francis group , 2009- 2804 s.
A 2986
148 767
Medical biochemistry / John W. Baynes, Marek H. Dominiczak.
- 3rd ed.[Edinburgh?] : Mosby Elsevier, c2009. xxv, 653 p. : ill. (cheifly col.) ; 28 cm.
11 823
148 766
Handbook of experimental immunology / edited by D. M. Weir.
- Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publications (Oxford), 1967. - 1245 s.
A 2982
148 745
Introduction to geomicrobiology / Kurt Konhauser.
- Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing, 2007. - x, 425 s. : il. (přev. bar.).
148 743
Prevalence nádorů v České republice = Cancer prevalence in the Czech Republic : 1989-2005-2015 / M. Konečný ... [et al.].
- 1. vyd. - Brno : Přírodovědecká fakulta Masarykovy univerzity :
Občanské sdružení podpory zdraví a onkologické prevence, 2008. - 68 s.
: barev. il., mapy + 1 CD-ROM
B 21 648
148 742
Drug-induced mitochondrial dysfunction / Ed. by James A. Dykens, Yvonne Will.
- Hoboken : Wiley, 2008. - xvii, 616 s. : il.
B 21 647
148 741
Multi-step enzyme catalysis : Biotransformations and chemoenzymatic synthesis / Ed. by Eduardo Garcia-Junceda.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2008. - xv, 241 p. : il.
B 21 646
148 764
HPLC for pharmaceutical scientists / Ed. by Yuri Kazakevich, Rosario LoBrutto.
- Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, 2007. - xxvi, 1104 p. : il.
B 21 645
148 763
Milování v přírodě / Julius Komárek ; Předml.: Josef Mařan ; Il. Eduard Hofman ; Fot.: V.J. Staněk.
- 3. vyd. - Praha : Státní zemědělské nakladatelství, 1969. - 236 s. : il., fot. příl.
duben 2009
B 21 644
148 760
Záhady lidského těla : Člověk - tvor nedokonalý / Milan Klíma.
- Vyd. 1. - Praha : Ikar, 2008. - 159 s., [16] s. barev. obr. příl. : il.
A 2981
148 722
Molecular genetics of bacteria / Larry Snyder and Wendy Champness.
- 3rd ed. - Washington : ASM Press, 2007. - xvii, 735 s. : il.
A 2980
148 756
Modern physical organic chemistry / Eric V. Anslyn , Dennis A. Dougherty.
- Sausalito, California : University Science Books, 2006. - xxviii, 1099 s. : il.
A 2979
148 755
Organic chemistry / Jonathan Clayden ... [et al.].
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 1512 s. : il.
B 21 643
Signal processing for neuroscientists : An introduction to the analysis of physiological signals / Wim van Drongelen.
- Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2007. - viii, 308 s. : il. + 1 CD-ROM
B 21 642
148 753
EEG signal processing / Saeid Sanei, J.A. Chambers.
- London : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - xxii, 289 s. : il.
A 2980
148 756
Modern physical organic chemistry / Eric V. Anslyn , Dennis A. Dougherty.
- Sausalito, California : University Science Books, 2006. - xxviii, 1099 s. : il.
148 755
Organic chemistry / Jonathan Clayden ... [et al.].
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 1512 s. : il.
B 21 643
Signal processing for neuroscientists : An introduction to the analysis of physiological signals / Wim van Drongelen.
- Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2007. - viii, 308 s. : il. + 1 CD-ROM
B 21 642
148 753
EEG signal processing / Saeid Sanei, J.A. Chambers.
- London : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - xxii, 289 s. : il.
148 759
Advances in Immunology. Vol. 101. /ed. by F.W.Alt
- Elsevier 2009. 250s.
148 758
Annual Review of Physiology. Vol.71/ ed. David Julius
A 2978
148 752
Medical physiology : A cellular and molecular approach / Walter F. Boron, Emile L. Boulpaep.
- 2nd ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders, 2009. - xii, 1337 s. : il.
B 21 641
148 751
Mitochondria and cancer / Edit. by Keshav K. Singh, Leslie Costello.
- New York : Springer, 2009. - xii, 289 s. : il.
B 21 640
148 750
Lectins / by Nathan Sharon and Halina Lis.
- 2nd ed. - Dodrecht : Springer, c2007. - xiii, 454 s. : il.
A 2977
148 739
Vnitřní lékařství / Pavel Klener et al.
- 3., přeprac. a dopl. vyd. - Praha : Karolinum : Galén, 2006. - xliv, viii, 1158 s. : il. (některé barev.).
únor + březen 2009
148 719
Programming in Python 3 : A complete introduction to the Python language / Mark Summerfield.
- Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2009. - xiv, 525 s.
147 203
Open GL shading language / Randi J. Rost ; with contributions by John M. Kessenich and Barthold Lichtenbelt.
- Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2006. - xlv, 740 s. : il.
148 738
Lesnická entomologie / Jaroslav Křístek, Jaroslav Urban. - Vyd. 1. - Praha : Academia, 2004. - 445 s. : il.
A 2976
148 737
Neuropsychologická baterie Psychiatrického centra Praha : klinické
vyšetření základních kognitivních funkcí / Marek Preiss ... [et al.].
- 2., přeprac. vyd. - Praha : Psychiatrické centrum, 2007. - 84 s. : il.
148 732
Kniha zahraničních dobrých praxí při realizaci politik výzkumu, vývoje
a inovací / Karel Klusáček (vedoucí projektu), Zdeněk Kučera, Michal
Pazour a kol.
- Vyd. 1. - Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství, 2008. - 138 s.
148 733
Bílá kniha výzkumu, vývoje a inovací v ČR / Karel Klusáček (vedoucí projektu), Zdeněk Kučera, Michal Pazour.
- Vyd. 1. - Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství, 2008. - 96 s. + 1 CD-ROM
B 21 632
148 703
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : With applications to physics, biology, chemistry and engineering / Steven H. Strogatz.
- Cambridge : Westview Press, 1994. - xi, 498 s. : il.
B 21 631
148 717
The interface between convex geometry and harmonic analysis / Alexander Koldobsky ; Vladyslav Yaskin.
- Providence : American Mathematical Society, 2008. - x, 105 s.
B 21 635
148 718
Stochastic and integral geometry / Rolf Schneider, Wolfgang Weil.
- Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2008. - xi, 693 s.
B 21 633
148 707
Methods of information geometry / Shun-ichi Amari ; Hiroshi Nagaoka ; translated by Daishi Harada.
- Providence : American Mathematical Society, 2000. - v-x, 206 s. + bibliografie, rejstřík
B 21 634
148 716
Tame geometry with application in smooth analysis / Yosef Yomdin, Georges Comte.
- Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - viii, 186 s.
148 728
Encyklopedie hub a lišejníků / Vladimír Antonín.
- 1. vyd. - Praha : Libri : Academia, 2006. - 471 s., 8 s. barev. obr. příl. : il.
148 700
Nonlinear oscillations, dynamical systems, and bifurcations of vector fields / John Guckenheimer, Philip Holmes.
- New York : Springer, 2002. - xvi, 459 s.
148 691
Primate cognition / Michael Tomasello, Josep Call.
- New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. - ix, 517 s. : il.
leden 2009
148 726
Annual review of genetics. Vol.42/
- Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2008. - xii, 772 s.
B 21 624
148 696
Free radicals in biology and medicine / Barry Halliwell, John M.C. Gutteridge.
- 4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - xxxvi, 851 s. : il., tab.
A 2974
148 684
Therapeutic microbiology : Probiotics and related strategies / Ed. by James Versalovic, Michael Wilson.
- Washington, D.C. : ASM Press, 2008. - xvi, 403 s. : il.
B 21 625
148 693
Event-related potentials : A methods handbook / Ed. by Todd C. Handy.
- Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2005. - xi, 404 s. : il.
B 21 627
148 692
Decisions, uncertainty, and the brain : The science of neuroeconomics / Paul W. Glimcher.
- Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2003. - xx, 375 s. : il.
B 21 626
148 695
Image & environment : Cognitive mapping and spatial behavior / Ed. by Roger M. Downs, David Stea.
- New Brunswick, N.J. : AldineTransaction, 2006. - xxii, 439 s. : il.
B 21 628
148 694
Human spatial memory : Remembering where / Ed. by Gary L. Allen.
- Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. - xx, 346 s. : il.
148 666
Physiology and biochemistry of extremophiles / Ed. by Charles Gerday, Charles Gerday.
- Washington, D.C. : ASM Press, 2007. - xvi, 429 s. : il.
B 21 623
148 708
Methods in insect sensory neuroscience / Ed. by Thomas A. Christensen.
- Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, 2005. - 435 s. : il.
B 21 622
148 706
Nature's flyers : Birds, insects, and the biomechanics of flight / David E. Alexander ; foreword by Steven Vogel.
- Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 2002. - xix, 358 s. : il.
B 21 621
148 698
A wavelet tour of signal processing / Stéphane Mallat.
- 2nd ed. - San Diego : Academic Press, 1999. - xxiv, 637 s. : il.
B 21 620
148 699
Nonlinear oscillations / Ali Hasan Nayfeh, Dean T. Mook.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2004. - xiv, 704 s. : il.
B 21 619
148 697
Physiological systems in insects / Marc J. Klowden.
- 2nd ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier Academic Press, 2007. - x, 688 s. : il.
148 724
Basic histology : text & atlas / Luíz Carlos Junqueira, José Carneiro.
- 11th ed. - New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2005. - viii, 502 s. + 1 CD-ROM
E 10 914
Statin drugs : Side effects and the misguided war on cholesterol / Duane Graveline.
- 4th ed. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2008. - 193 s.
148 701
The insects : Structure and function / R.F. Chapman. - 4th ed.
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xvii, 770 s. : il.
B 21 617
148 702
Wavelet methods for time series analysis / Donald B. Percival, Andrew T. Walden.
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - xxv, 594 s. : il.
B 21 614
148 720
Handbook of cryo-preparation methods for electron microscopy / Ed. by Annie Cavalier, Daniele Spehner, Bruno M. Humbel.
- Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2008. - xix, 682 s.
B 21 615
148 721
History of pain / Roselyne Rey ; translated by Louise Elliott Wallace, and by J.A. & S.W. Cadden.
- Paris : Éditions la Découverte, 1993. - 409 s.
B 21 613
148 149
Biology of the NMDA receptor / Ed. by Antonius M. VanDongen.
- Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, 2009. - 342 s. : il.
prosinec 2008
148 682
Annual review of microbiology. Vol.62/ Ed. by Susan Gottesman, Caroline S. Harwood.
- Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2008. - ix, 491 s. : il.
148 714
Academic encounters : reading, study skills, and writing : content focus Human behavior / Bernard Seal.
- [S.l.] : Cambridge University Press, [asi 1997]. - xx, 212 s. : il.
148 713
Academic listening encounters : Life in society : listening, note taking, discussion / Kim Sanabria.
- 1. vyd. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xxiii, 160 s. + 1 Audio CD
148 015
Inside out : Student's book : [advanced] / Ceri Jones, Tania Bastow, Jon Hird.
- 1. vyd. - Oxford : Macmillan, 2005. - 159 s. : barev. il.
148 029
Northstar. Building skills for the TOEFL iBT : high intermediate /
Helen S. Solórzano ; Series editors Frances Boyd, Carol Numrich. -
White Plains, NY : Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. - xv , 236 s. : il.
148 028
Northstar. Building skills for the TOEFL iBT : advanced / Linda Robinson Fellag ; Series editors Frances Boyd, Carol Numrich.
- White Plains, NY : Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. - xv , 272 s. : il.
listopad 2008
148 667
Archaea : Molecular and cellular biology / Ed. by Ricardo Cavicchioli.
- Washington, DC : ASM Press, 2007. - xii, 523 s. : ill.
148 676
Pathophysiology of heart disease : A collaborative project of medical students and faculty / Ed. by Leonard S. Lilly. - 4th ed.
- Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. - xiii, 473 s.
148 662
Germ stories / Arthur Kornberg; ilustrace Adam Alaniz; fotografie Roberto Kolter.
- Sausalito : University Science Books, 2007. - 70 s. : il.
148 672
Cardiac development / Margaret Loewy Kirby ; with illustrations by Karen Waldo.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - xiii, 273 s. : il.
148 678
Cardiology : An illustrated colour text / David E. Newby, Neil R. Grubb.
- Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 2005. - vii, 169 s. : il.
148 671
Essential atlas of heart diseases / Editor-in-chief, Eugene Braunwald.
- 3rd ed. - Philadelphia : Developed by Current Medicine, 2005. - viii, 407 s. : il.
A 2963
148 677
Molecular basis of cardiovascular disease : A companion to Braunwald's Heart disease / Ed. by Kenneth R. Chien.
- 2nd ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders, 2004. - xvi, 713 s. : il.
148 673
Braunwald's heart disease : A textbook of cardiovascular medicine / Ed. by Peter Libby ... [et al.].
- 8th ed. - Philadelphia : Saunders/Elsevier, 2008. - 1 sv. (různé stránkování) : il. + 1 CD-ROM
A 2960
148 670
Brock biology of microorganisms / Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Paul V. Dunlap, David P. Clark.
- 12th ed. - San Francisco : Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2008. - xxviii, 1061 s. : il.
148 664
The quest for consciousness : A neurobiological approach / Christof Koch.
- Englewood : Roberts and Company Publishers, 2004. - xviii, 429 s. : il.
148 663
Biophysics of computation : Information processing in single neurons / Christof Koch.
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xxiii, 562 s. : il.
148 669
Accessing uncultivated microorganisms : from the environment to organisms and genomes and back / Ed. by Karsten Zengler.
- Washington, D.C. ; : ASM Press, 2008. - xii, 308 p. : il.
148 689
Principles of biochemistry / Donald Voet; Judith G. Voet; Charlotte W. Pratt.
- 3rd ed. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008. - 1 sv. (různé stránkování) : il.
148 688
Biochemistry of signal transduction and regulation / Gerhard Krauss. - 4th enl. and improved ed.
- Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2008. - xx, 626 s. : il.
148 157
Advances in Immunology. Vol. 98. /ed. by Frederick W.Alt
- Elsevier 2008. 230 s.
148 654
Immunoassays : A practical approach / Ed. by James P. Gosling.
- 1st ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xix, 304 s. : il.
148 679
Microscope image processing / Ed. by Qiang Wu, Fatima A. Merchant, Kenneth R. Castleman.
- London : Academic, 2008. - xxviii, 548 p. : il.
148 680
Ten lectures on wavelets / Ingrid Daubechies.
- Philadelphia : SIAM, 1992. - xix, 357 s. : il.
B 21 605
148 656
An introduction to systems biology : Design principles of biological circuits / Uri Alon.
- Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007. - xvi, 301 s. : il.
148 657
Lab ref : A handbook of recipes, reagents, and other reference tools for use at the bench / Ed. by Jane Roskams, Linda Rodgers.
- Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002. - x, 272 s.
A 2956
148 662
Atlas of the developing rat nervous system / Ken W.S. Ashwell, George Paxinos.
- 3rd ed. - London : AcademicPress, 2008. - 1 v. (various pagings) : il.
A 2955
148 661
The Dentate Gyrus : comprehensive guide to structure function and clinical implications / Ed. by Helen E. Scharfman.
- Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007. - xviii, 787 p. : il.
E 10 913
148 660
Barevný atlas farmakologie / Heinz Lüllmann, Klaus Mohr, Lutz Hein ; 175 barevných tabulí od Jürgena Wirtha.
- Vyd. 3., české - Praha : Grada, 2007. - 372 s. : il. (převážně barev.), portréty.
říjen 2008
148 171
Molecular cell biology / Harvey Lodish ... [et al.].
- 6th ed. - New York : W. H. Freeman and Company, 2008. - xxxvii, 1150 s. : il., tab.
148 174
Environmental Microbiology : From genomes to biogeochemistry / Eugene L. Madsen.
- Malden : Blackwell, 2008. - ix, 479 s. : il.
148 173
Fungal biology / J. Deacon.
- 4th ed. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2006. - 371 s.
148 659
New English file : Intermediate Workbook / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig with Tracy Byrne.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. - 79 s.
148 658
New English file : Intermediate Student's Book / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 176 s. : il.
148 175
Studies in natural products chemistry . Vol. 35, Bioactive natural products ( part O) / Ed. by Atta-ur-Rahman.
- 1. ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. - xii, 954 s.
148 172
Principles of chemical kinetics / James E. House.
- 2. ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier/AP, 2007. - x, 326 s.
148 167
Molecular Biology : Genes to Proteins / Burton E. Tropp.
- 3rd ed. - Sudbury : Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 2008. - xxiv, 1000 s. : ill.
B 21 601
148 169
Structure and Function in Cell Signalling / John D. Nelson. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2008. - xv, 389 s.
148 168
Color atlas of biochemistry / Jan Koolman, Klaus-Heinrich Roehm ; ... color plates by Juergen Wirth.
- 2nd ed., rev. and enl. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2005. - x, 467 s. : il., tab.
A 2948 /ST příruční
A 2948 a 
A 2948 b
Lehninger principles of biochemistry / David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox.
- 5th ed. - New York : W.H. Freeman, 2008. - 1 v. (various pagings).