
Doc. PaedDr. et M.A. Miroslav Vaněk, Ph.D.

Date and place of birth: March 11, 1961, Teplice

1985 Faculty of Education, Plzeň – M.A. in Elementary School Education
1989 Faculty of Education Západočeská univerzita, Plzeň – PaedDr. in Education and Psychology
1992 Faculty of Education Západočeská univerzita, Plzeň – M.A. in history and Czech Language
2000 History department of Faculty of Arts Palacky University, Olomouc – Ph.D. in Czech History

2006 habilitation at Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague – Docent in Political Science

Employment history:
1986–1990 elementary school teacher, Prague
1990–1992 grammar school teacher, Prague
1992–1995 assistant at the Institute of Contemporary History at the Academy of Sciences CR, Prague
1995- up to present – reseacher at the Institute of Contemporary History at the Academy of Sciences CR, Prague
2000–up to present – director of the Oral History Center at the Institute of Contemporary History AV CR, Prague
2007 - up to present - president of the Czech Oral History Association
2008 - up to present - board member of International Oral History Association
2008 - up to present - director of the Department of Oral History and Contemporary History, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague
2008 - up to present - chairman of Czech National Committee of Oral History

Contemporary history, oral history, young generation activities in the 60s-80s of 20th century, student movement, ecology of the second half of 20th century, Czechoslovac communistic elites and dissent in the period of normalization.

Selected Publications and Articles:
Public Opinion on socialism prior to 17 Nov.1989. (Veřejné mínění o socialismu před 17. listopadem 1989: Analýza výsledků výzkumu veřejného mínění prováděných ÚVVM od roku 1972 do roku 1989.) Praha, Maxdorf, 1994.
Troubled breathing. Ecological conditions in Czechoslovakia in 1968-1989 (Nedalo se tady dýchat: Ekologie v českých zemích v letech 1968 až 1989. Praha, Maxdorf, 1996.
A hundred students´revolutions: Students in the period of the fall of communism - life stories. (Sto studentských revolucí: Studenti v období pádu komunismu životopisná vyprávění). With M.Otahal. Praha, Nakladatelstvi Lidove noviny, 1999.

Islands of Freedom. Young Czechoslovac Generation in the years 1969-1989. (Ostrůvky svobody: Kulturní a občanské aktivity mladé generace v 80. letech v Československu). Praha, Votobia – Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2002. (editor a co-author)

The method of oral history in contemporary history research. (Orální historie ve výzkumu soudobých dějin.) Praha, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2004.

Winners? Vaquished? Political elites and dissent during the period of the so-called Normalization - Historical Interviews. (Vítězové? Poražení? Politické elity a disent v období tzv. normalizace. Životopisná interview.) 2. volumes. Praha, Prostor 2005. (editor and co-author)

The Helplessness of the Powerful Ones and the Power of the Helpless Ones: Political elites and dissent during the period of the so-called Normalization – Interpretation essays of biographical interviews. (Mocní bezmocní a Bezmocní mocní. Politické elity a disent v období tzv. normalizace. Interpretační studie životopisných interview.) Praha, Prostor 2007. (editor and co-author).

Listening to the Voices of Memory: Theorethical and Practical Aspects of Oral History. (Naslouchat hlasům paměti: Teoretické a praktické aspekty orální historie.) Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií UK – ÚSD AV ČR v.v.i. 2007. (co-author with Pavel Mücke and Hana Pelikánová)

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Centrum Orální Historie, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AVČR
Oral History Center Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic